a few hours or so in (met some loli with a puppet thing that clearly looks like she will be in your party someday. There really does seem to be a lot of lolis with puppets in tales games.). Digging the combat somewhat. Cast seems likeable so far. Love that Jude is the 'smart guy' in the part for once, that's usually left to the protag's best friend role. Don't know about how i feel about alvin just yet. seems a bit too... standard. Seems like there is one of his type in every tales game.
I'm a bit iffy with the world though. framerate shouldn't be ~30 fps for a game that looks not that much better than graces f which is a wii port. And this game not having an overall world is kinda not true because the way you move makes you feel like you are only on a world map lol. You just move like 30% slower than you'd like.
And is it just me or is the enemy encounter rate a bit higher than your average modern tales game? They just dump a shit load of them on each map so far, and there doesn't seem to be any clear 'path' to take if you want to avoid many baddies.
and on that note, not really digging the maps either. Just feel kinda plain and everything is scaled too big and you walk too slow... its that feeling you get when you play mmos lol.
Question: How do you use Jude's teleport behind baddies move well? I had no problem at the beginning where it was like 1v1 against stationary swinging soldiers, but now there are many enemies around and they all seem to have fairly long distance attack reach either from a big swing, or a charge/thrust move, i seem to get hit anyways if I back hop.