Wow, yeah. I was wondering when the Tales of Boss Wall would happen and damn, that occurred early on. I lucked out and dropped a Chain of Artes with Jude and Milla that almost KO'd it in one flurry thank heavens, because it's constant life drain and bullshit grab attacks were starting to piss me off.
That being said, it seems like it's pointless to link with anyone else if you want to chain arte because Milla/Jude have like 30 and everyone else has 2 or 3 at most. Hell, my Elise still has 1 with Jude somehow...I only really link with Alvin to break guard, then right back to Milla. Sorta waste of a decent system (even though I constantly forget which direction I put all my artes because I apparently am a senile old man).
Still enjoying it, and if Jude gets annoying later, he certainly isn't showing it now. I actually quite like him, especially how he's the one who keeps formulating these plans and shit in bad situations and he doesn't really hem and haw all that much. I don't see much to dislike about him thus far.
But you know who needs to die in a ditch and be wiped out of existence? Fucking Teepo. I have never been more irritated at a voice in an RPG since like...Star Ocean 4. He has the worst voice that has ever existed and the stuff he says is absolutely useless and mind-bogglingly retarded or repetitive. I love his design and was wondering if he'd be sarcastic, or a cool older type to Elize's innocence, or anything but the most irritating part of this game.
That being said, liking the big maps full of random stuff to look for. Miss that in a lot of RPGs.