graces f killed all hype i have for this series forever.
won't lie, only reason i preordered this was because someone on gaf had an avatar of milla pouting and i thought it was adorable.
but this is the last time!
well maybe i want that symphonia collection... (for some reason i feel like that's gonna be a busted hd collection somehow).
The bottom one for Milla right? (I wish I could find my collection for Xillia 1 skit images and the battle skit images)
I'm... strangely not asENTHUSIASTIChyped for this as I was for Graces. Most of the impressions I've read/seen of the JP version dampens my expectations a bit, especially in regards to the battle system. Still going to pick it up, but it feels weird not being excited for a localized Tales game.
I know the plot's supposedly better than the usual Tales fare, but I don't really play Tales games for the plot, so ehhhh
Battle system is TONS of fun, especially with link artes, and it's incredibly fast paced. It's just not as...balanced as Graces is, and the boss battles are still crap.