What does the # of stars next to an Arte mean? It seems like you get 1 star for every 100 uses. Does it make the Arte more powerful?
Dug this up from the thread:
Additionally, I should post this too!
With respect to arte usage:
100 uses - Silver star - +3% crit chance
200 uses - 2 Silver stars - +5% power for it
400 uses - 4 Silver stars - +20% link gauge increase
1000 uses - Gold star - 2/3 TP consumption
2000 uses - 2 Gold Stars - +20% power increase
4000 uses - 3 Gold stars - May not use AC (25% chance) when linked with someone
9999 uses - Mastered - 50% chance that the arte won't consume AC when linked.
There's also additional hits, more healing, an additional move, ability to use in mid-air or knockdown or something that gets added to each arte after 200 or 400 uses that's special to each one.
If you really want to know the gritty details, Aselia Wiki has it all up.