It's been 1 year of the Tea |OT| and it's time to celebrate a little!
This last week we ran a contest to award one of the regulars of the tea thread a prize of $25 to one of three online tea retailers. I'm happy to announce that the winner of that contest is...
Oomikami! Congrats. I'll be in touch shortly to award you your prize.
So it's finally the thread's aniversitea (god I am so clever) and what good would it be if we didn't try to get a few more people into the fold. So, without much fanfare:
The Public Anniversary Tea Giveaway!
The prizes:
2nd Place: $25.00 to
1st. Place: $50.00 dollars to Upton Tea.
How to enter: This contest is open to everyone on GAF. To enter, simply post in this thread with this image:, the name of your favorite tea, and why you like it so much.
Example entry:
morningbus said:
Yerba Mate: shit is like crack cocaine, bro.
This contest will run for 1 week (from 4/12 to 4/19). You may only enter once. If you win, your only obligation will be to post what you've ordered and give a quick little review of one of the teas you get. I can't enforce this, but be cool man.
While the contest is geared towards Americans, appropriate accommodations will be made for people in other parts of the world. However, if the effort to award the prize proves too great, I do reserve the right to select someone in an easier-to-service area.
Good luck!