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Team Bondi's L.A. NOIRE |OT| Watchin' Faces, Solvin' Cases

This game seems an awful lot like the type of game where you don't want to replay it any time soon but will be a great replay after a few years. Can anyone confirm this? So far there is only one case I plan on replaying when I finish because I got 1 star in it.


MrDanger88 said:
This game seems an awful lot like the type of game where you don't want to replay it any time soon but will be a great replay after a few years. Can anyone confirm this? So far there is only one case I plan on replaying when I finish because I got 1 star in it.
Guess it depends on the person.
I did each case twice, to get 5-stars on each and I'm currently replaying a few to get missing cars. Then fully jumping on free-roam to look for badges and film-reels.

Plus with the newly released pass I can finally play A Slip in the Tongue..and get said achievements! XD

I'm playing slower after finishing though. Finished at around 24 hours, currently at around 26 doing those misc. things. while alternating between Final Fantasy XIII and Black Ops.


MrDanger88 said:
This game seems an awful lot like the type of game where you don't want to replay it any time soon but will be a great replay after a few years. Can anyone confirm this? So far there is only one case I plan on replaying when I finish because I got 1 star in it.

totally true in my experience, i've completed it and replayed 1 whole case because i got 1 star but thats about it. towards the end i got another 1 star but just couldnt bring myself to repeat the whole damn thing.

its a good game and i had fun with it but i dont think i'll be replaying it again, not even pumped for the DLC. initial excitement has died down because of the PSN outage, will probably sell it

it was more of an experience which wont be as fun if repeated


An blind dancing ho
MrDanger88 said:
This game seems an awful lot like the type of game where you don't want to replay it any time soon but will be a great replay after a few years. Can anyone confirm this?.

I can't use the Delorean to confirm anything, but, I don't see any replay value in it right now and I don't see is a some sort of retro gem in the future, the game is not good.
Yeah I just downloaded the R* Pass off of XBLM (great deal btw) so there some more cases when I've finished the main game, but the game reminds me of the Phoenix Wright series. I played the first game like 3 years ago and replayed it recently and it was great. A great deal of time (and probably a lot of games in between) needs to pass with these types of games before they feel fresh again. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying the hell out of this game. I'm still awful at reading faces, and I've booked the wrong guy, but damn it the overall presentation of this game is incredible.


Just started this game. Entertaining so far, just not as shockingly good as some podcasts have been suggesting. The facial stuff is nice, but I don't see it becoming a standard anytime soon, simply because there no need for so much detail. I also kind of wish the game would've taken the Heavy Rain route and not have me tell me if I've done something wrong or missed something entirely. All it makes me do, is restart the mission.
It's weird... around the middle of the game, starting a new case sometimes felt like getting up to go to work, it was kind of hard to make myself want to do it. Now that I've beaten it, I miss it. This game has intangibles. It wasn't great but it didn't feel like anything else I've ever played. It had a groove all its own.

The Lamp

Totobeni said:
You better just stop right now because the ending is even worse, I still trying to forgot how bad it was.

Seriously, the wrap-up of the game had my jaw on the floor...by how bad it was.

Now that I'm done with the game, I still don't regret buying it and I think it was fun. I might play it again some other...year...

But the plot exposition....wow....
Weird game. As others have said, I see the flaws, but I can't help but have fun.

Question: I'm only rank 14 right now after finishing the main story, doing 2 street crimes, collecting ~20 cars, finding ~10 landmarks, and not discovering any of the gold film reels. Will I have enough collectibles/street crimes left to reach rank 20?


AvidNobody said:
Weird game. As others have said, I see the flaws, but I can't help but have fun.

Question: I'm only rank 14 right now after finishing the main story, doing 2 street crimes, collecting ~20 cars, finding ~10 landmarks, and not discovering any of the gold film reels. Will I have enough collectibles/street crimes left to reach rank 20?
Collecting every film reel will take you from level 17 to 20 so yes, you will have enough
AvidNobody said:
Weird game. As others have said, I see the flaws, but I can't help but have fun.

Question: I'm only rank 14 right now after finishing the main story, doing 2 street crimes, collecting ~20 cars, finding ~10 landmarks, and not discovering any of the gold film reels. Will I have enough collectibles/street crimes left to reach rank 20?

I got to rank 20 after finishing the story and about 35 street crimes. No reels, about 15 landmarks. Just finish up those street crimes, it's super-quick in free roam.

BTW, does anybody actually collect these reels themselves, or does everybody use a guide? I can't fathom the effort required for scouring this huge city for these things. I didn't even see one.
Finished Homicide last night. It was an interesting ending that I really wasn't expecting, but it brought my interest back up just as some of the cases were getting annoying. And I used the skip action sequence on the stupid chandelier part. Directions for that were vague.

Still enjoying it, although some things are kind of popping out at me that aren't too great. Definitely still an enjoyable game overall.

And something weird that happened last night: I was just about to pull out into the street, when a little bit in the distance, I see these five dudes or so walking in a group. I stop to watch them, and then they all trip at the exact same time. Weirdest thing ever. Might've been a glitch, but at least it was a funny one.


Can anyone explain to me why, in the end of the game,
Roy is giving your eulogy? He's literally the only partner you have in the game that's a genuine bad guy. Is it just meant to show the effects of the deal between the DA and the police chief, that none of the crooked cops got what was coming to them?

Even if that's the case, it's a pretty absurd ending.


Amory Blaine said:
Can anyone explain to me why, in the end of the game,
Roy is giving your eulogy? He's literally the only partner you have in the game that's a genuine bad guy. Is it just meant to show the effects of the deal between the DA and the police chief, that none of the crooked cops got what was coming to them?

Even if that's the case, it's a pretty absurd ending.
It's all for the message, obviously. It's supposed to hit home that nothing changed, corruption is still rampant. Wouldn't have had the same impact if it was, say, the Polish guy from Traffic.

The Lamp

tiff said:
It's all for the message, obviously. It's supposed to hit home that nothing changed, corruption is still rampant. Wouldn't have had the same impact if it was, say, the Polish guy from Traffic.

Yeah, and I was also wondering about
lol at the end the assistant DA was asked to sell out for his information by that cop outside the sewer tunnel in the last level. I guess that...didn't happen?


I hope that they have some serious plans for DLC in the future. The Rockstar pass seems like it's just comprised of cases that didn't make the final version of the game - the deleted scenes. I hope they come up with something like The Lost and Damned or The Ballad of Gay Tony for GTA4. Those were done really well and felt like playing a whole new game.


So I'm finally getting to this after finishing Portal 2 first. I have on PS3. Do I need to get the patch before starting? I didn't keep up with the whole overheating issue.

Thanks for any help.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I had a ton of fun with the game, but I think the thing that bugged me was that for the most part,
on everything from homicide out, anything you do felt pointless after the fact because you were always accusing the wrong guy in the end.

I was really surprised at what a badass Jack Kelso was too; you spent the game kinda thinking he was just some tool, but he wasn't really stopping to take names. I wonder if they were going for a Kelso, P.I. sequel/expansion


MrDanger88 said:
This game seems an awful lot like the type of game where you don't want to replay it any time soon but will be a great replay after a few years. Can anyone confirm this? So far there is only one case I plan on replaying when I finish because I got 1 star in it.
I think it's fun replayihng cases to try different dialogue options. The only annoying thing is that re-collecting clues becomes super repetitive, and there's some cutscenes you can't skip.


Nork unification denier
revolverjgw said:
BTW, does anybody actually collect these reels themselves, or does everybody use a guide? I can't fathom the effort required for scouring this huge city for these things. I didn't even see one.

Can you actually find a reel in the course of a case or are they only available in free roam? I'm almost done with the game and I've yet to find a single one. If the answer is yes, then I really have the wrong idea as to what these reels look like.


Doing some "street crimes" since I ignored that through the regular playthrough, and some of those situations are really nice. Could've have passed as regular missions through the cases..some even feature characters from the story; so it serves to know the outcome of some.

Just reached Rank 20..still need to do over 20 more crimes, cars, badges, locations and film-reels.....and the "new" DLC. XD !!

I think this is my favorite/most played game this year..well, so far. Assassin's Creed has been taking that "crown" over the last 2 years.
MrDanger88 said:
This game seems an awful lot like the type of game where you don't want to replay it any time soon but will be a great replay after a few years. Can anyone confirm this? .

Let me get in my time machine and I'll tell you


erotic butter maelstrom
MrDanger88 said:
I didn't really mean it that way...more like a "wouldn't you agree?" statement >_<

I kinda want to play it again when I'm done just to see what will happen (if anything) if I purposefully get everything wrong.


luxarific said:
Can you actually find a reel in the course of a case or are they only available in free roam? I'm almost done with the game and I've yet to find a single one. If the answer is yes, then I really have the wrong idea as to what these reels look like.

For the most part they are all in locations you'd never think to look.
And they're not located near any of the story locations.

You definitely need a guide.
MrDanger88 said:
I didn't really mean it that way...more like a "wouldn't you agree?" statement >_<

I'm just messing with you

Anyway, I dunno. Already knowing the outcomes of the cases would hurt it even years down the line, plus the pacing is often glacial. I honestly don't see myself ever summoning up the enthusiasm to play through it again. I liked it though, and there's a lot of content. Well worth it even with no replay value.


luxarific said:
Can you actually find a reel in the course of a case or are they only available in free roam? I'm almost done with the game and I've yet to find a single one. If the answer is yes, then I really have the wrong idea as to what these reels look like.

From the dozen reels I've gotten none of them have been in an area that you would normally go during a case. They're completely the opposite of the newspapers in that aspect (I found all 13 newspapers while searching for clues without needing to go out of my way for them). That said, I got those dozen during a case replay (while repeatedly crashing into cars for the Public Menace achievement) so there isn't anything stopping you from going out of your way during a case to track some/all of them down.


Having lots of fun with this game so far and I think I'm doing fairy well. I've done 11 case and 7 street crimes and I'm at rank 12. I very rarely get questions wrong and use intuition to find clues at the bigger crime scenes. The story seems like its taking a turn for the worse as there is concrete evidence against everyone I charge yet the exact same the of crime keeps happening which leads me to believe the wrong Guy was hooked. But whatever. Where do I find this free roam people keep talking about and can I do the street crimes after I beat the main story?

On a side note, I have no interest in film reels or cars. I have 0 films and like 5 cars.
MrDanger88 said:
This game seems an awful lot like the type of game where you don't want to replay it any time soon but will be a great replay after a few years. Can anyone confirm this?...

seriously: if you find yourself tempted somewhere down the line to replay l.a. noire, do yourself a big favor, & instead read some raymond chandler instead. i'm toward the end of my third trip through his stuff, & guarantee you'll have a much better time experiencing the underside of '40's l.a., as seen through the eyes of the most dryly-sarcastic private eye ever invented, than you would by replaying this game...
I apologize if this has been brought up before, but how is this game selling?

I haven't seen a single friend on LIVE playing it. When RDR came out, it dominated my friends list.
A problem that seems to have been often vocalized is the issue that you have to pick the option the developer wants you to pick, without any variation at all.

I thought about it, upon reading this complaint after I'd beaten the game and thought of a sort of fix for this as I also occasionally had the same problem. Untested, but it should work well.

Spoilers just in case you don't want tips to solve cases, no actual story spoilers though. Sorry if this has been mentioned already.

The biggest problem was the difference between Doubt and Lie, and as far as I can remember you can accuse someone of lying without locking in your answer. In doing so, Cole sometimes goes on a surprisingly nudging-you-towards-the-answer rant (if you have the right clues) and the subsequent response from the victim makes it very clear if it's a lie or not. So because on your first playthrough you can't anticipate what Cole is going to say, this little gaming of the system should help

Nelo Ice

Mister Wilhelm said:
I apologize if this has been brought up before, but how is this game selling?

I haven't seen a single friend on LIVE playing it. When RDR came out, it dominated my friends list.

id say its doing just fine

LIVE Activity for week of May 16

Xbox 360 Top LIVE Titles (based on UU’s)
1. Call of Duty: Black Ops
2. Modern Warfare 2
3. Halo: Reach
4. FIFA Soccer 11
5. NBA 2K11
6. L.A. Noire
8. Call of Duty 4
9. Battlefield: Bad Co. 2
10. Gears of War 2
11. Red Dead Redemption
12. Call of Duty: WaW
13. Mortal Kombat
14. Halo 3
15. Fallout: New Vegas
16. Brink
17. NHL 11
18. Forza Motorsport 3
19. Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood
20. Madden NFL 11
Mister Wilhelm said:
I apologize if this has been brought up before, but how is this game selling?

I haven't seen a single friend on LIVE playing it. When RDR came out, it dominated my friends list.

Not too many sales figures out just yet, I do know its the fastest selling new IP in the UK now.
There is no way a person would find the film reels in this game without using a guide. Unless they dedicated their life to searching every inch of this map. Not only are they hard to spot even with a guide but there is no indicator or sound when you get close. I thought it was going to be somewhat reasonable with them being at the theaters around the city since the signs are quite visible but no.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
Am I correct in assuming that "street crimes" that occur in, say, the traffic division, will not come up on my map once I advance to homicide? I can only clear them by going into traffic free-roam?

Do I still get XP for them for my main game?


FlyinJ said:
Am I correct in assuming that "street crimes" that occur in, say, the traffic division, will not come up on my map once I advance to homicide? I can only clear them by going into traffic free-roam?

Do I still get XP for them for my main game?
Yeah, you get XP for them in free roam, as well as any XP you get from finding film reels.
SuperSonic1305 said:
There is no way a person would find the film reels in this game without using a guide. Unless they dedicated their life to searching every inch of this map. Not only are they hard to spot even with a guide but there is no indicator or sound when you get close. I thought it was going to be somewhat reasonable with them being at the theaters around the city since the signs are quite visible but no.

Like seriously... can anybody out there claim to have found all of these with no help whatsoever? I want to hear from you. I want to study your mind.

I also always wanted to meet someone that could beat Simon's Quest without help.




Douchebag. Yes, me.
Ridley327 said:
Yeah, you get XP for them in free roam, as well as any XP you get from finding film reels.

There are specific film reels that are only in certain chapters?

How about mystery vehicles? Are they chapter-agnostic?

Also, what is the point of mystery vehicles? How do you use them?

EDIT: Ok, I leveled up twice by doing street crimes under traffic. There was no notification of getting more intuition points, or any other unlockables. What's up with that.
FlyinJ said:
There are specific film reels that are only in certain chapters?

How about mystery vehicles? Are they chapter-agnostic?

Also, what is the point of mystery vehicles? How do you use them?

EDIT: Ok, I leveled up twice by doing street crimes under traffic. There was no notification of getting more intuition points, or any other unlockables. What's up with that.

Film reels are available in any chapter at any time.

Same for mystery vehicles.

The mystery vehicles are just cooler cars. Some are really fast and fun to drive. That's it.

If you have 5 intuition points already, you're not going to get any more. You max out at 5.


erotic butter maelstrom
You know what I wish this game had? A way to have an NPC repeat what they've said or at least a text write up. Sometimes I totally zone out while they're talking and I have no idea what I'm supposed to respond to.


Snuggler said:
You know what I wish this game had? A way to have an NPC repeat what they've said or at least a text write up. Sometimes I totally zone out while they're talking and I have no idea what I'm supposed to respond to.

Oh dude, you didn't make use of the log?

One of the game's best features. Just hit pause during an interrogation.

You can also access it through the menu normally at any point. It records all meaningful conversation you have.
Snuggler said:
You know what I wish this game had? A way to have an NPC repeat what they've said or at least a text write up. Sometimes I totally zone out while they're talking and I have no idea what I'm supposed to respond to.
there is a text log in the menu
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