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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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For some reason, every time I want to start up TF2, I get an error saying that the Steam servers are currently busy. I haven't had this issue before, so I'm not really sure what is causing the problem. Any suggestions?


I fixed the problem by deleting ClientRegistry.blob. Once I had done that, Steam created a new version of the file and my issue was resolved.


Just got a new comp w/ a bunch of games, and honestly, I've been playing TF2 nonstop, so amazing!!!

Sidenote: Steam is also amazing/addicting, i'm always looking for sales lol


speedpop said:
Rocket jump is absolute poo now. Seriously making me not want to bother with Soldier until they fix it.
I'm awful with rocket jumping, but I noticed yesterday that sometimes I'd get a REALLY short one even if I was crouching in the air. Good to know I'm not the only one. It seems silly to nerf that when the demo got a massive increase to their sticky jump.

I did think I noticed that rocketjumps seem to do less damage (like only 15 or so?) to you now, but I may have been mistaken.

I was just realizing a day or two ago that I should be turning all the way around while crouching midair to do an optimal rocket jump forwards. I need to test whether letting go of W, then hitting W again and doublejumping with a scout actually increases your forward jump distance over just doing a normal doublejump.


hay guyz

I have owned the game for like two years and played at my friends' sometimes but I finally started playing on my own machine and Steam account. What are some important information and interweb articles I should read?


Yeah, it looks like rocket jumping has really taken a dive; it feels really sluggish now. I wonder if it has something to do with the damage reduction they did. Hopefully it'll get fixed up soon.


relies on auto-aim
Gully State said:
Anyone else getting performance issues? I just fire it up today and the game is choppy as heck.
Some have mentioned that performance has gone down. Although someone here says it's faster on their low end system...

Also might be servers / lots of stuff happening on the control point. That happened to me on KotH Viaduct when the middle was crowded (The server was crapping, everyone got the lag).


Gully State said:
Anyone else getting performance issues? I just fire it up today and the game is choppy as heck.
I thought I had that on one server running the snow map, was getting 30fps sometimes in the open areas. Most of my settings are turned up though.


Still Tagged Accordingly
I saw this pic of homer and immediately thought of that picture of the Spy.

Decided to photoshop it and I simply had to share. :)


for comparison...



Gully State said:
Anyone else getting performance issues? I just fire it up today and the game is choppy as heck.
Yeah I'm having problems as well. KOTH maps are kind of a slideshow.

I swear it's not just KOTH though, I'm pretty sure cp_yukon was a bit sluggish when I played it as well. Time to turn down the settings I guess.


relies on auto-aim
Gully State said:
Anyone else getting performance issues? I just fire it up today and the game is choppy as heck.
I had this happen to me today again, the game is stuttering every so often pretty badly for around 1-2 seconds.
I only played on 1 sever, but this happened yesterday too. (But only on 1 server, other I think was ok)
Scrow said:
I saw this pic of homer and immediately thought of that picture of the Spy.

Decided to photoshop it and I simply had to share. :)


for comparison...

It wouldn't surprise me if that actually was the inspiration for the "Gentlemen." picture.


Melhisedek said:
How many unlockable weapons are there right now?

have only 2 so far :)
3 for the 6 classes updated, so 18.

edit: just spent a couple hours on a KOTH server and dear god, the only good map for this mode is sawmill. viaduct/nucleus both need a redesign. nucleus needs a shit ton more sniper cover and no safe place for them to stand, and viaduct needs a way to cap the point without running into 5 sentries set up all around any visible area you can stand on to cap it.

I think I am done with this game until the engineer update anyway though. Spy is pretty fun but I hate every other class besides combat engineer, and if they don't make the engineer update about playing a viable combat engineer then I guess I got my year's worth of gameplay out of the game.


relies on auto-aim
firex said:
3 for the 6 classes updated, so 18.

edit: just spent a couple hours on a KOTH server and dear god, the only good map for this mode is sawmill. viaduct/nucleus both need a redesign. nucleus needs a shit ton more sniper cover and no safe place for them to stand, and viaduct needs a way to cap the point without running into 5 sentries set up all around any visible area you can stand on to cap it.

I think I am done with this game until the engineer update anyway though. Spy is pretty fun but I hate every other class besides combat engineer, and if they don't make the engineer update about playing a viable combat engineer then I guess I got my year's worth of gameplay out of the game.
Will the supposed wrench that upgrades level 1 faster, but nothing beyond that help?


Can anyone recommend me some good rotation servers? I usually play on ControlPoint's main server, but as of late I've been having difficulty connecting to it.


Hazaro said:
Will the supposed wrench that upgrades level 1 faster, but nothing beyond that help?
I'm thinking more like they need to add in a better assault sentry so the wrench is worth it for that.


Small update out.
Team Fortress 2/Day of Defeat: Source Update Released
August 17, 2009, 3:56 pm - Valve - Product Update
Updates to Team Fortress 2 and Day of Defeat: Source have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Day of Defeat: Source

Fixed an engine crash

Team Fortress 2

Updated PL_Hoodoo. Changes from community mapmaker Tim Johnson:

"Added a balcony at 2-1 that I've rotated and cleaned up so it's a much better point, it attracts less sentry spam but is still holdable. 2-2 has a bit more breathing room and the one way route between BLU/RED spawn in stage 3 has gone and in its place some stairs up to the second level accessible from BLU's side."

Added "tf_ctf_bonus_time" ConVar to set the CritBoost bonus time for capturing the intelligence (0 to disable it)

Added "tf_arena_first_blood" ConVar to toggle the first blood feature in Arena mode (0 to disable it)

Added missing snowpuff particles for DX8 players

Fixed rocket jumping

Fixed sticky bomb attachment to props. They will now only ignore the saws in sawmill

Fixed Scouts going into reference pose in double jumps

Fixed the Ubersaw not displaying team colors

Fixed Spies disguised as RED Scouts not cloaking properly

Removed two more text messages for TF_FLAGTYPE_ATTACK_DEFEND CTF game mode


Haha, I SAID there was something wrong with rocket jumping, but some F7 guy kept claiming I was just doing it wrong. >_>

(Well, I am bad at it, but it was messed up, so nyah!)


Has problems recognising girls
Nah it was borked, no matter who was saying otherwise. The crouch>shoot>jump RJs were especially screwed and wouldn't take you as high as usual. It felt as if the Soldier weighed like a Heavy.

Glad they fixed it though.
They put out another tiny update in the last hour or so. I can't join any servers until they restart.

What am I supposed to do? Go to sleep at a reasonable time?


PotatoeMasher said:
They put out another tiny update in the last hour or so. I can't join any servers until they restart.

What am I supposed to do? Go to sleep at a reasonable time?

No, just be an insomniac.
PotatoeMasher said:
They put out another tiny update in the last hour or so. I can't join any servers until they restart.

What am I supposed to do? Go to sleep at a reasonable time?

Play a different game until they update.


For once, I got the cloak and dagger to work today. I don't know if it really helped my team (we won on defense on the final point of cashworks maybe after a short overtime, but that's no big accomplishment), but I managed to get back up to the other team's spawn point, and just camped there while invisible. I harassed the engineer or two who built entrances, and though they repaired it a few times before I could destroy it, it was pretty entertaining. One sniper (Volcynika?) kept running out and just standing still looking around...it was very scary how close they came to getting me. :lol

I did the sap+shoot three times thing to kill it once, also. I guess it works pretty well if you have time to do it.


Blizzard said:
For once, I got the cloak and dagger to work today. I don't know if it really helped my team (we won on defense on the final point of cashworks maybe after a short overtime, but that's no big accomplishment), but I managed to get back up to the other team's spawn point, and just camped there while invisible. I harassed the engineer or two who built entrances, and though they repaired it a few times before I could destroy it, it was pretty entertaining. One sniper (Volcynika?) kept running out and just standing still looking around...it was very scary how close they came to getting me. :lol

I did the sap+shoot three times thing to kill it once, also. I guess it works pretty well if you have time to do it.

I killed you enough to make it a good night at least!


I cant use the cloak and dagger, I always just end up camping and not killing anything. I found the dead ringer to be a lot of fun though. You'd be amazed about how many people pay no attention to you if you just run backwards toward the enemy spawn.


So is there source available for the idler program that lots of people are using to get hats? I haven't had the urge to even play an idle map since I got all the weapons, but I'm curious how the thing works. People are basically trusting it not to have a sinister backdoor, I assume, and I'm curious how it works since I seem to recall it being a command-line program. :p



August 21, 2009 - Team Fortress 2/Day of Defeat: Source Update Released

Updates to Team Fortress 2 and Day of Defeat: Source have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Orange Box Engine

Fixed an exploit that allowed files to be uploaded to the server at arbitrary locations in the file system

Fixed a server crash caused by a client packet claiming to be an HLTV client when HLTV is disabled on the server

Fixed a server crash caused by spoofing a client disconnect message

Fixed a server crash caused by sending malformed reliable subchannel data

Fixed a server crash related to unbounded settings on some convars

Team Fortress 2

Bullet spread algorithm changed to fire a bullet right down the crosshair under these circumstances:

The first bullet of a spread weapon (except for rapid fire spread weapons like the minigun)

The first bullet of a non-spread weapon if it's been >1.25 seconds since firing

Added a "Disable HTML MOTDs" option to the multiplayer->advanced dialog

Added "motdfile_text" convar to servers, which allows them to specify a text file that’s shown instead of the HTML MOTD to clients who've turned on this option

Fixed radius damage not tracing out of enemies when the explosion occurs within them

Fixes rockets & grenades doing no splash damage when fired point blank into enemies

Added missing snowpuff particles for DX8 players (honest)

Restored LOD for the Demoman player model

Fixed being able to alt-fire with the fists while stunned as a Heavy

Fixed CTF_Sawmill not ending the map when mp_timelimit hits during the middle of a round

Fixed the "The Big Hurt" achievement not being awarded for players who already have the required count

Fixed sv_pure not reloading the map's custom particle file

Custom particle effects contained within maps must now be placed in the \particles directory

Fixed another case where items weren't being validated properly in class loadout slots

Community requests

Removed centerprint texts for TF_FLAGTYPE_INVADE CTF game mode

Changed TF_FLAGTYPE_INVADE CTF game mode capture reward from 10 kills to 1 capture

Added OnCapTeam1 and OnCapTeam2 outputs to the item_teamflag and func_capturezone entities

Fixed HUD "carried" image for the TF_FLAGTYPE_ATTACK_DEFEND and TF_FLAGTYPE_INVADE CTF game modes using the wrong team color

Fixed dropped flag for the TF_FLAGTYPE_INVADE CTF game mode using the wrong skin


"Bullet spread algorithm changed to fire a bullet right down the crosshair under these circumstances"

I wonder if that means the first bullet of those weapons is hitscan, or if it just insures that at least one bullet is always fired straight. (maybe the weapons it affects were already hitscan anyway)

*edit* It's a sad and lonely feeling when you see like six friends playing TF2 and it turns out only one of them seems to not be on an idle server of some sort. :p
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