Why? Just play the superior PC version. Nice name btw.Jarate said:The 360 version needs the Jarate...
Helmholtz said:Why? Just play the superior PC version. Nice name btw.
Jarate said:well I do, but there's something about the 360 that just feels comfortable to me. Also most of my friends play the 360 version.
Also the community for the 360 Version is 80X better than the PC version
Watsamatteryou??Jarate said:well I do, but there's something about the 360 that just feels comfortable to me. Also most of my friends play the 360 version.
Also the community for the 360 Version is 80X better than the PC version
1-D_FTW said:No it's not. It's just PC communities are build around servers. Sure some people surf from server to server, but most people find one that has the settings/maps they like and they make it home.
If it's a quality server, there's going to be a steady group of regulars. It only seems impersonal until you've been around a while.
Jarate said:Also the community for the 360 Version is 80X better than the PC version
Kulock said:That's... no. :lol I know I should be saying "maybe in your experience," but I can't do it. That's so not true it's ridiculous.
There used to be voice chat at least, but now that the Party system is so heavily used, there's no useful team chatter, it's either silence or spammy noise, maybe some moron trying to play music through that crappy XBL vocal bitrate. It's impossible to organize if you jump into a random game, everyone's soloing to lemming-like deaths. And that's counting on you not hitting a hacked server, or someone using any one of a number of basic skywalking cheats that have stayed unpatched since the game's 360 release.
speedpop said:Who gives a shit
Javaman said:Also a total lack of the new weapons and maps.
Jarate said:Hacking is fixed now, glitches still exist, but really, most glitches can be easily gotten past, and the if you actually talked on it then you'd probably get a response.
You're probably a just a bad player or aren't joining the right servers. there's a lot of good ones out there, you just gotta find the right one.
OH SHITJarate said:Of course i'll find a server eventually, and I like it how you think i'm a noob because I play 360. I have over 350 hours logged into TF2... apparently i'm awful though because i like 360 tf2.
Also had a 17 to 3 K/D ratio using my controller on the PC. it was jawesome
Proven said:Yes, all of you guys going at him like this is really going to help his preconceived notions towards PC gamers and the PC gaming community.
It has no choice but to be close-knit...there's like 40 people that play it.Jarate said:while it sucks not having them, that doesn't correspond to a good community. Most of you people in this thread have probably never played or gotten into it. It's a very close knit community and as long as you're not creepy or otherwise an asshole it will accept you in. Trust me, there wouldn't be people who have over 1000 hours ion the 360 if their weren't.
aww damn his posse be rollin up this joint now SCATTER FOOLS 'FORE SHIT GOES DOWNProven said:Yes, all of you guys going at him like this is really going to help his preconceived notions towards PC gamers and the PC gaming community.
Also had a 17 to 3 K/D ratio using my controller on the PC. it was jawesome
I really don't care if it's helping my cause...Proven said:You're not helping your case Jarate.
To the others, think about all the shit that happens with the fighting game community, especially when they call other people scrubs.
It's more fun to be babies. Or have you not been on the internet long enough to realize that?Jarate said:tl;dr: quit being babies, and it's just a video game
benjipwns said:Little blog update just went up: http://www.teamfortress.com/post.php?id=2711
Not much news. More SDK stuff.
As a result, we've decided to go ahead and release the source behind all the player character models, as well as associated animations.
Jarate said:first you start talking about how I'm wrong about the community, yet you've never even played the 360 version,
Its an update... Of course it'll ruin the game!Won said:I hope they don't ruin the game in the process. :/
This. Also, crits are part of the game. After hundreds of ours playing tf2, I still don't know 100% how crits work. However, when I pull off crits I feel awesome; opposite can be said for when I die from one though :lolJarate said:I doubt they'll remove crits as most people who run servers can turn off crits if they want.
More damage within a 20 or 30 second period iirc equates to a better chance of getting criticals.Helmholtz said:This. Also, crits are part of the game. After hundreds of ours playing tf2, I still don't know 100% how crits work. However, when I pull off crits I feel awesome; opposite can be said for when I die from one though :lol
The real reason they are using really good players to test this (and all test matches have been 12vs12), is because unlocks can become really overpowered in the hands of a really good player. See: full-crit ambassador etc.Won said:I hope they don't ruin the game in the process. :/
Well what can you do?Giganticus said:The real reason they are using really good players to test this (and all test matches have been 12vs12), is because unlocks can become really overpowered in the hands of a really good player. See: full-crit ambassador etc.
EDIT: Xizk who usually plays sniper, on that day played as undisguising spyper. Topping the scores with just headshots from ambassador.
Hazaro said:Played a bit these past 2 or 3 days.
Had a rush on E on Steel work
Scout Rush on Badwater got us past the 2nd point
I hate it when this happens...
This too, round was going to end so I couldn't go on :[
Got a new point record for Soldier though
And of course bastard snipers ruining everything