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Team Fortress 2 Official PC Thread. SO. WORTH. IT.

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Helmholtz said:
Why? Just play the superior PC version. Nice name btw.

well I do, but there's something about the 360 that just feels comfortable to me. Also most of my friends play the 360 version.

Also the community for the 360 Version is 80X better than the PC version


Jarate said:
well I do, but there's something about the 360 that just feels comfortable to me. Also most of my friends play the 360 version.

Also the community for the 360 Version is 80X better than the PC version

No it's not. It's just PC communities are build around servers. Sure some people surf from server to server, but most people find one that has the settings/maps they like and they make it home.

If it's a quality server, there's going to be a steady group of regulars. It only seems impersonal until you've been around a while.


Jarate said:
well I do, but there's something about the 360 that just feels comfortable to me. Also most of my friends play the 360 version.

Also the community for the 360 Version is 80X better than the PC version


1-D_FTW said:
No it's not. It's just PC communities are build around servers. Sure some people surf from server to server, but most people find one that has the settings/maps they like and they make it home.

If it's a quality server, there's going to be a steady group of regulars. It only seems impersonal until you've been around a while.

This is very true. I also find the players in my favorite servers are very helpful to new players, which is always good.


GAF parliamentarian
For East-coasters, the TF2 Newbies only servers run by HK are calm, friendly and fun. And if you're going for something a little more wild, there's a few good ones, FuG gets crazy at times, Headset Radio is also cool.

Like other have said, it's all server based, but you'll definitely find a group of people that fit your tastes on the PC.


Of course i'll find a server eventually, and I like it how you think i'm a noob because I play 360. I have over 350 hours logged into TF2... apparently i'm awful though because i like 360 tf2.

Also had a 17 to 3 K/D ratio using my controller on the PC. it was jawesome
Jarate said:
Also the community for the 360 Version is 80X better than the PC version

That's... no. :lol I know I should be saying "maybe in your experience," but I can't do it. That's so not true it's ridiculous.

There used to be voice chat at least, but now that the Party system is so heavily used, there's no useful team chatter, it's either silence or spammy noise, maybe some moron trying to play music through that crappy XBL vocal bitrate. It's impossible to organize if you jump into a random game, everyone's soloing to lemming-like deaths. And that's counting on you not hitting a hacked server, or someone using any one of a number of basic skywalking cheats that have stayed unpatched since the game's 360 release.


Kulock said:
That's... no. :lol I know I should be saying "maybe in your experience," but I can't do it. That's so not true it's ridiculous.

There used to be voice chat at least, but now that the Party system is so heavily used, there's no useful team chatter, it's either silence or spammy noise, maybe some moron trying to play music through that crappy XBL vocal bitrate. It's impossible to organize if you jump into a random game, everyone's soloing to lemming-like deaths. And that's counting on you not hitting a hacked server, or someone using any one of a number of basic skywalking cheats that have stayed unpatched since the game's 360 release.

Also a total lack of the new weapons and maps.


Hacking is fixed now, glitches still exist, but really, most glitches can be easily gotten past, and the if you actually talked on it then you'd probably get a response.

You're probably a just a bad player or aren't joining the right servers. there's a lot of good ones out there, you just gotta find the right one.


while it sucks not having them, that doesn't correspond to a good community. Most of you people in this thread have probably never played or gotten into it. It's a very close knit community and as long as you're not creepy or otherwise an asshole it will accept you in. Trust me, there wouldn't be people who have over 1000 hours ion the 360 if their weren't.
Javaman said:
Also a total lack of the new weapons and maps.

I'm pretty sure Valve hasn't abandoned the 360 (Left 4 Dead sales, TF2 activity still there), but they can't realistically patch everything into the disc version at this point. They're probably going to fix a few small things, maybe throw OB owners a bone or two (Pyro will get Compressed Air at least) but leave most of the new content for a stand-alone TF2 Arcade release, akin to Portal: Still Alive. That way they can start with a fresh back-end framework to handle the weapon equips, hats, new modes, and so forth.

Jarate said:
Hacking is fixed now, glitches still exist, but really, most glitches can be easily gotten past, and the if you actually talked on it then you'd probably get a response.

You're probably a just a bad player or aren't joining the right servers. there's a lot of good ones out there, you just gotta find the right one.

Hacking probably isn't fixed, you're over-simplifying how "easy" it is to get past things like sky box campers when they're not stupid enough to leave the points completely unattended, and oh look, my skill just got called into question or I'm not joining the "right" servers. Which is a funny argument given your statement about the PC's community, since servers on the 360 side are peer-hosted ("I'm not winning, RAGE-QUIT" = everyone disconnected and stats lost), thus non-static, and the 360 server browser is a mess. It can tell you repeatedly there's no games there, then suddenly bring up 20, and they didn't all spontaneously free up at once.

Bottom line is that you're playing with your friends, or the same group of players, but you're saying that it somehow raises the quality of 360 TF2 community as a whole above the PC side. That may be a truth for you, but it's not universal. It's fun with your friends on both the PC and 360 side, or even the PS3. The point is once you step out of your comfort zone of the "right" servers, can you at least rely on basic teamwork being there? Will your team mates even talk to you about what's going on? Are you having to constantly switch to support classes like Engineer because no one else on the team will cover the basics, like guarding the intel?


Jarate said:
Of course i'll find a server eventually, and I like it how you think i'm a noob because I play 360. I have over 350 hours logged into TF2... apparently i'm awful though because i like 360 tf2.

Also had a 17 to 3 K/D ratio using my controller on the PC. it was jawesome



Yes, all of you guys going at him like this is really going to help his preconceived notions towards PC gamers and the PC gaming community.


Proven said:
Yes, all of you guys going at him like this is really going to help his preconceived notions towards PC gamers and the PC gaming community.

Really? People were explaining how communities are server based. And he pulls out the attitude and starts talking all kinds of shit to people in this thread. About what a God he is. I've just put him on my ignore list. Won't be making that mistake of giving him advice again.


Jarate said:
while it sucks not having them, that doesn't correspond to a good community. Most of you people in this thread have probably never played or gotten into it. It's a very close knit community and as long as you're not creepy or otherwise an asshole it will accept you in. Trust me, there wouldn't be people who have over 1000 hours ion the 360 if their weren't.
It has no choice but to be close-knit...there's like 40 people that play it.


Proven said:
Yes, all of you guys going at him like this is really going to help his preconceived notions towards PC gamers and the PC gaming community.
aww damn his posse be rollin up this joint now SCATTER FOOLS 'FORE SHIT GOES DOWN

I'm sorry but when someone brags about K/D ratios how the fuck do you expect me to respond?


K/D doesn't mean a goddamn thing in a teambased game where the center of the objectives consist of capturing control points and teamwork.


His responses were stupid, but he lashed out with them because he felt attacked and ganged up on. I find both sides in the wrong here, but there are more of you guys and I figured at least one would try to cut through the stupid arguments.


wow, ive never seen such babies before

first you start talking about how I'm wrong about the community, yet you've never even played the 360 version, I've played both, and yes while there are good servers I can probably find, it still doesn't compare to the 360's community. I didn't want to say this because I thought you know I'd be nice to you, but you have this preconceived notion that you, a PC elitist, has the superior version in every way. Maybe you can figure out that maybe, just maybe, that the 360 version has a very good community, and in my experience has a better community than the PC. I guess it was my fault saying it aloud like that, but jeez, I thought you guys would be able to handle something like that, not scoff at it and then try to bully it until he reforms into what you want.

Also, about the post with my K/D ratio, I wasn't exclaiming my skill, I was just happy I got it. I'd like to quote my original post about my K/d ratio...

Also had a 17 to 3 K/D ratio using my controller on the PC. it was jawesome

did you see anywhere where it said i was better than ya'll, I just thought it was awesome, or jawesome to pull out a shitty pop culture reference. Now, I guess i could see that as gloating, but really, that's a weak point for two posters to get upset upon.

And also, thankyou for defending me I guess, but seriously ya'll, don't get so upset about shit that doesn't matter, when it all comes down to it, it's a video game. This one was meant to be played by people you like, and do you know what, I have a lot of friends who play 360, and I guess that's what matters at the end of the day.

tl;dr: quit being babies, and it's just a video game


You're not helping your case Jarate.

To the others, think about all the shit that happens with the fighting game community, especially when they call other people scrubs.


Proven said:
You're not helping your case Jarate.

To the others, think about all the shit that happens with the fighting game community, especially when they call other people scrubs.
I really don't care if it's helping my cause...


most people suspect that the next update will be the soldier, and that a king of the hill system will be put into place as a new gametype. Also there was an interview where valve said they were introducing a dustbowl esque stage, that won't take that long to finish, how they'll do this, I don't know. A new trading system has also been rumored, and with the introduction of the new beta servers, expect to see a lot of newgameplay fixes to some of the OP weapons and the UP weapons.

A hunch of mine says we won't see a duel update until we get to the demoman/engineer, but maybe a tri update would happen though :D


Jarate said:
tl;dr: quit being babies, and it's just a video game
It's more fun to be babies. Or have you not been on the internet long enough to realize that?

I would think that being part of an Xbox Live community would have proven this to anyone many times over!


Has problems recognising girls
The only thing I'm not looking forward to in a Soldier update is the inevitable mass Soldier in the first week due to people wanting to test out the weapons or achievement playing it up. I suppose it hits me harder because Soldier is one of my first-choice classes.

Last thing I need is a bunch of scrub Soldiers running around.
I thought the character animations and such were already available. Are they just now officially available, or is this something more detailed we're able to mess with now?

And I'll drop the Jarate thing, except...

Jarate said:
first you start talking about how I'm wrong about the community, yet you've never even played the 360 version,


...What? :lol I'm not bragging about my stats, I was never much of an FPS person before TF2 came along, but I've "never even played" the 360 version? I can't count the number of times I've posted, bitching about the lack of 360 upgrades and patches before I gave up waiting. I played the game like I said I did, end of story.


Has problems recognising girls
I think a lot of it has to do with breaking down the walls of what 6v6 competitive play is.

Usually it's:

2 Scouts
2 Soldiers
1 Medic
1 Demoman

You'd be hard pressed to find any other "serious" competition around that doesn't revolve around that setup. That's why Medic Kritz & Soldier combo is so deadly in the right hands. I see this beta test as nothing more than trying to escape away from the norm of what TF2 comps are.. bit similar to the way Arenas are handled in WoW I suppose.
Correction, it's a limit of 1 medic, 1 demoman, and then a limit of 2 of any other class. Mostly you want 2 soldiers as they are the most versatile and 2 scouts because they excellent at cleanup.

But I've seen certain tactics on gravelpit that involve having 2 heavies, a soldier and a scout, for example. Snipers are used frequently, then Heavies, then Spies, then Pyros, then Engineers.

A common strategy for Badlands is to have a pyro at mid for example, though it's fairly rare it's successful.

Though any of these alternate strategies are usually reverted back to 2 soldiers 2 scouts when the utility of that class is no longer useful of course.


Jarate said:
I doubt they'll remove crits as most people who run servers can turn off crits if they want.
This. Also, crits are part of the game. After hundreds of ours playing tf2, I still don't know 100% how crits work. However, when I pull off crits I feel awesome; opposite can be said for when I die from one though :lol


relies on auto-aim
Helmholtz said:
This. Also, crits are part of the game. After hundreds of ours playing tf2, I still don't know 100% how crits work. However, when I pull off crits I feel awesome; opposite can be said for when I die from one though :lol
More damage within a 20 or 30 second period iirc equates to a better chance of getting criticals.

They posted a graph of it.

Weapons start at 2%, melee at 10%. Weps can go to ?? and melee to ??



I believe that both guns and melee weapons go up to 10% above their starting base, making it a max of 12% for guns and 20% for melee.
Won said:
I hope they don't ruin the game in the process. :/
The real reason they are using really good players to test this (and all test matches have been 12vs12), is because unlocks can become really overpowered in the hands of a really good player. See: full-crit ambassador etc.

EDIT: Xizk who usually plays sniper, on that day played as undisguising spyper. Topping the scores with just headshots from ambassador.


relies on auto-aim
Giganticus said:
The real reason they are using really good players to test this (and all test matches have been 12vs12), is because unlocks can become really overpowered in the hands of a really good player. See: full-crit ambassador etc.

EDIT: Xizk who usually plays sniper, on that day played as undisguising spyper. Topping the scores with just headshots from ambassador.
Well what can you do?

I still think it's ridiculous that it does full crit, a spy should not be able to kill a medic, soldier, and scout facing him in a vent (But it was AWESOME) :lol

On the other hand instead of actually playing spy correctly I'll mess around trying to headshot people from across the map and outsnipe snipers too.


Hazaro said:
Played a bit these past 2 or 3 days.

Had a rush on E on Steel work

Scout Rush on Badwater got us past the 2nd point

I hate it when this happens...

This too, round was going to end so I couldn't go on :[
Got a new point record for Soldier though

And of course bastard snipers ruining everything

None of them are loading for me.


Has problems recognising girls
Since we're lavishing with screenies, here are a few capped over the past weeks or so. Outside of the numerous "killed by such-and-such" caps with a Spy standing right behind them, I tend to just grab the ridiculous ones like a pedo grin.






relies on auto-aim
Take 2!

Had a rush on E on Steel work

Scout Rush on Badwater got us past the 2nd point

I hate it when this happens...

This too, round was going to end so I couldn't go on :[
Got a new point record for Soldier though (37)

And of course bastard snipers ruining everything. Don't play medic much, was healing a buddy because he was healing me as soldier :D
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