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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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MBA in pussy licensing and rights management
Forkball said:
Anyone wanna play Freight?


No trains please.

Clydefrog said:
I’m being anecdotatious but I think the most played maps are dustbowl, goldrush, and the map with the crates.

Oh shit I forgot about D-bowl. Maybe I'm just missing the Goldrush times, though anecdotefully, I played it last night.


Corporate Apologist
Borgnine said:
Just anecdotally, I think the most played maps are Steel, Thunder Mountain, and Upward. I don't believe that Gold Rush is the second most played map, no way. Also "anecdodally" is not a word.
Thundermountin most likely just feels like it is played more, due to the map often taking up the full 45 minutes.


So if you just tap the cart on Frontier, it will roll back into itself and stay that way until you push it off at the end (where it quickly slides off). Excuse the terribad graphics, I've been playing with my settings to see how it affects framerate.



Props to Artistdude for finding it.

Also, me taunting DrKirby's sentry.



Corporate Apologist
Wolf Akela said:
That guitar taunt is suicide, lol.
Nope, it turns out with a dispenser there the sentry won't shoot.

Also, Artestdude's map is bugged in how the sentry will continue to shoot at the spawn door despite it closed. While the shots don't get thought, it knows someone is there.

after about the 5th taunt I picked up the dispenser


Drkirby said:
Yeef, did you completely remove 2fort from the server? Now what map will we rage vote!
I haven't removed any maps from the server. Certain default maps and all custom maps will only come up in votes if nominated. 2fort is one of them.


Drkirby said:
*Sees Evilore playing TF2*

Why do you never play TF2 with us Evilore D:
I was on some random server once with Evilore and another mod whose name I forget (Tre'?). The other guy was ludicrously good with demomans. D:


Corporate Apologist
Yeef said:
I haven't removed any maps from the server. Certain default maps and all custom maps will only come up in votes if nominated. 2fort is one of them.
When I went to the change map option I didn't see 2fort in the list. Maybe I am blind or was doing something dumb like checking CP and not CTF.

Wolf Akela said:
I expected the guitar taunt to destroy the dispenser to be honest.
Taunts don't seem to harm buildings, at least the Guitar one.


Yeef said:
Only certain taunts can destroy buildings. The spy, heavy and pyro taunt kills are the only ones, I believe.
I know for sure pyro and spy can. I miss the days when the invisible spy taunt worked. Unless you happened to be too close and the engineer noticed the slight initial gun damage, it was amusing to take out level 3 sentries that way.
Forkball said:
This one actually has proof other than someone's word :p
however it might take awhile for the items to appear, since they don't seem like they have been even thought about yet


balladofwindfishes said:
This one actually has proof other than someone's word :p
however it might take awhile for the items to appear, since they don't seem like they have been even thought about yet
Right, Valve is just considering them and thus I wouldn't say they are coming "soon."


Quick question for admins: do you have access to the fun commands (slap, slay, burn, etc.)? Because the admin file has always been setup so that you were supposed to, but i vaguely recall Toxic or someone saying that you didn't.

If you don't see it on the menu, try it through the console ("sm_slap @blue" to slap the blue team, for example).
Yeef said:
Quick question for admins: do you have access to the fun commands (slap, slay, burn, etc.)? Because the admin file has always been setup so that you were supposed to, but i vaguely recall Toxic or someone saying that you didn't.

If you don't see it on the menu, try it through the console ("sm_slap @blue" to slap the blue team, for example).

Nope... I have basic commands of changing map and kicking people. I do miss slapping myself into the sky :(


Yeef said:
Quick question for admins: do you have access to the fun commands (slap, slay, burn, etc.)? Because the admin file has always been setup so that you were supposed to, but i vaguely recall Toxic or someone saying that you didn't.

If you don't see it on the menu, try it through the console ("sm_slap @blue" to slap the blue team, for example).
I thought they were on the sm_admin menu, but it may just be freeze/kick. I don't really miss being slapped 5 times into the ceiling and enemies so I lose an uber or whatnot. >_>

Side note, could we get the move to spectator command (or is the a console equivalent)? That's nice if people are temporarily afk and you don't want to kick them off the server because it's not full, but I suppose the server kicks them anyway.


Corporate Apologist
Yeef said:
Quick question for admins: do you have access to the fun commands (slap, slay, burn, etc.)? Because the admin file has always been setup so that you were supposed to, but i vaguely recall Toxic or someone saying that you didn't.

If you don't see it on the menu, try it through the console ("sm_slap @blue" to slap the blue team, for example).
No, I can't :(

I think I have even tried a few of them though the console, but that may of only been noclip.


Drkirby said:
Ha, yeah right, I am on to you. Valve will release Portal 2 early, then you will delay it!
Silly, Kirby! If Portal 2 unlocks Friday everyone will be playing it and TF2 issues will be little more than a trifle.


After tonight I'm considering re-enabling auto-scramble. It's ridiculous how many stacks there were tonight:





(note: I judge stax by how distribution of my steam friends)

Also, Avellana and Remy need to be bitter rivals and feud for that avatar!


Corporate Apologist
I think I see why that site from before doesn't log arena very often, it only checks the map being played every 15 minutes.

I'm pretty sure RED team won that round in the first Hoodoo pic. I think Hoodoo was fairly close except for that last round.
Yeah, they did. One of the rare events where both teams managed to put up a good defense.


Yay I'm in those screenshots! (A Friendly Baneling)

I don't know if I've actually posted in this thread before, I've been lurking a while though. It was fun playing with you guys :3 I usually stuck to 24/7 Goldrush/Badwater or Dustbowl servers before joining the GAF server for the first time today.


Corporate Apologist
A quick check of the post history to this topic shows this is in fact the first time you posted in here, WELCOME!

Our server gravitates towards Payload and Attack/Defend, but we use map vote so we don't get stuck in a set rotation. Arena and KOTH tend to get voted once the server starts dying down for the evening.


Drkirby said:
A quick check of the post history to this topic shows this is in fact the first time you posted in here, WELCOME!

Our server gravitates towards Payload and Attack/Defend, but we use map vote so we don't get stuck in a set rotation. Arena and KOTH tend to get voted once the server starts dying down for the evening.

Sounds like a good time! I'm usually down for any type of map, I just really liked those maps and those servers were consistently populated during my typical playtime, so that's where I ended up. I'll definitely be stopping in on the GAF server whenever I can, though.


Neo Member
Yeah, that round of Hoodoo was pretty intense. I wish I could've stayed for the remaining rounds. Can't wait for more games tonight! I'm glad Artist stayed up past 9 PM last night :D I appreciated those Crits last night (can't remember the medics).

*note to self, don't engineer while Wartime is wearing his demo pants


Yeef said:
After tonight I'm considering re-enabling auto-scramble. It's ridiculous how many stacks there were tonight:

(note: I judge stax by how distribution of my steam friends)

Also, Avellana and Remy need to be bitter rivals and feud for that avatar!

Were most of those early or late games? I am only on one scoreboard and I quit at like 11 or 12 EST.

Nothing felt terribly out of balance last night for the maps I was around for.


Neo Member
Drkirby said:
Badlands was a roll, but it is always a roll.

Anytime we play a 5-point capture it's a steam roll. I wish they weren't because I bet with the regulars that play on the server, we could get some good matches going


I'll never understand why the last points on 5-CP maps have such quick cap times (Badlands and Well, anyway). It seems really counter-intuitive.


Nikolai13 said:
Anytime we play a 5-point capture it's a steam roll. I wish they weren't because I bet with the regulars that play on the server, we could get some good matches going
Are you seriously not around on the 5-point capture maps where it goes into an endless stalemate? If they're not a roll and teams are even, then it can just bounce back and forth forever, teleporters can be kinda useless if spawn changes too much, and so forth.

I think it was coldfront (which I normally like) that we played maybe 2 days ago, and after some 30-40 minutes of capturing the next point and adding another 5-10 minutes of map time, Yeef finally cut the time limit off a bit early. Normally you could play a single round for like 45 minutes and then I guess the server would declare a winner based on who had what points at that point in time.


Corporate Apologist
Nikolai13 said:
Anytime we play a 5-point capture it's a steam roll. I wish they weren't because I bet with the regulars that play on the server, we could get some good matches going
Where were you during Cold Front? 35 minutes for a single round, and that was because Yeef ended it early.
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