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Team Fortress 2 |OT2| Free 2 Play Forever

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Yeef had IMed me about disabling all the ManiMod sound crap, so I've gone into the config and set as much to 0 as I could. Let me know if it's still trying to download some nonsense.

I'll still look into getting SourceMod installed instead over the winter break - I'm off for two weeks starting on Thursday, so I'm going to be looking to finally get back to TF2!


relies on auto-aim
Remy said:
Yeef had IMed me about disabling all the ManiMod sound crap, so I've gone into the config and set as much to 0 as I could. Let me know if it's still trying to download some nonsense.

I'll still look into getting SourceMod installed instead over the winter break - I'm off for two weeks starting on Thursday, so I'm going to be looking to finally get back to TF2!
Yeah each map change we had to download like 30 files.
Man, Engy got the really short end of the stick

-No set bonus, the only class without one
-Terrible in Medieval Mode
-Jag is just the PDQ, so no real new weapon concept
-Less new hats than anybody else

Also, most of the new hats aren't paintable. This is kind of disapointing


I wouldn't say the rake is completely useless outside of medieval mode. It does the same damage as the powerjack, but can random crit, which is nice. The extra health pack healing is excellent in medieval mode though. I'd imagine if you used it in normal mode you'd need to stay close to health spawns, which isn't so bad if you're on defense.
Chinner said:
looks like lock & load sucks. vanilla demoman ftw.
It takes the same amount of shots to kill all but Heavy with it compared to the Grenade Launcher

It's benefit looks good on paper, but in practice, it's completely useless because the Grenade Launcher can do the same thing, but only slightly slower but way more forgiving.


Remy said:
Yeef had IMed me about disabling all the ManiMod sound crap, so I've gone into the config and set as much to 0 as I could. Let me know if it's still trying to download some nonsense.

I'll still look into getting SourceMod installed instead over the winter break - I'm off for two weeks starting on Thursday, so I'm going to be looking to finally get back to TF2!

You can just delete the sounds from the server. It won't force the upload then.

Paying for extra backpack slots. LOL, no.


i sort of like the ideas of the new medic weapons, but dear lord, those models are INCREDIBLY UGLY

i found them so offensive that i actually extracted the tf2 gcf so instead of the crossbow it draws a blutsauger and instead of the amputator its just a bonesaw

i also made the direct hit into a black box, which looks so much cooler


Yeah, even when I first saw the stats I thought it looked pretty bad. I don't think there's any good way to balance it though without a major change to its role. If you increase the damage too much it'll one shot just about any class and if you increase the damage too little it doesn't make a good replacement for the regular launcher.

I say either make it do extra damage to buildings or make it crit (or mini-crit) at long range.
I posted this in the other thread, but it might be worth putting here also

Over the next two fridays, Valve will be adding the new weapons to the drop/craft/store servers. Because there were so many items added, they couldn't be added at the same time.
They couldn't add them to the drop system without adding them to the store, otherwise it would be unfair to the creators.

So there won't be any weapons that are Christmas crate only, you'll just have to wait until the new year to get them all.


i also cannot comprehend how valve picked the medieval set over this stunningly beautiful creation:




Maybe because that set is generic and a similar item already exists for the medic for each of those items? Its a syringe gun (all medic primaries), a giant syringe (vita saw), and a modern helmet.


n0b said:
Maybe because that set is generic and a similar item already exists for the medic for each of those items? Its a syringe gun (all medic primaries), a giant syringe (vita saw), and a modern helmet.

so instead of adding a well-modeled beautiful pack of weapons that fits in with the original theme of tf2, let's just a add poorly-modeled, terrible looking set that are pretty useless in actual gameplay just to shoehorn in a new medieval gimmick mode

valve just likes to break the hearts of anyone who liked the original concepts behind tf2


Has problems recognising girls
They should've just added the helm. I know it alludes to Nazi Germany, but fuck it, the helm is glorious.
The new set bonuses don't require hats... I hope they alter the past sets, I'd like the +20% sentry resistance while wearing a hat that isn't so lame.
the person who made that medic pack also made the winning Demoman pack

They really couldn't of had two of his packs in the game, and his Demoman pack was miles better than the others.


Corporate Apologist
balladofwindfishes said:
Man, Engy got the really short end of the stick

-No set bonus, the only class without one
-Terrible in Medieval Mode
-Jag is just the PDQ, so no real new weapon concept
-Less new hats than anybody else

Also, most of the new hats aren't paintable. This is kind of disapointing
They will likely patch in the ability to paint hats in the coming weeks and months. I want a purple christmas tree.

You can just delete the sounds from the server. It won't force the upload then.

Paying for extra backpack slots. LOL, no.
I think its a decent idea, as long as Valve doesn't add in anther 100 items without a increase to everyone's backpack. And even then, I am sure you will be able to just trade some metal to other people, becuase a bigger backpack is worth far more then a key IMO.

I hope valve explains and fleshes out the Map stamps a bit more. For one, it would be nice to get stamps for official maps, but from the sounds of it, they want you to pay $25 for some golden stamp on maps.
I just found a Glengarry Bonnet :)

But I already have a V Demo Fro that's special to me. I got it 5 minutes after the Spy/Sniper update went live, and it was my first ever dropped item. If I had to guess, I was the first person in the world to get it, so it's kind of special, even if I don't like how it looks.

I hate how I have to redo my whole backpack. I have my items nice and sorted by class, and by the date released, and now they go and fub it all up. It'll take me weeks to get the new items, and I have to go with a messy backpack until then.

Drkirby said:
Why not make use of all 6 pages?
I will, but I have to organize page 1 and 2 to have the items in the order I want.

Page 1 and 2 will be weapons, page 3 will be hats, page 4 will be extra items and page 5 will be tools or hats I want to trade. 6 will probably be spill over from 4

But I need all the new items before I can organize it, otherwise I'll have to redo it every time I get a new item
rar said:
He'd be looking at a close to a 100 thousand dollar check (assuming the new packs sell as well as the old packs, which I personally think they won't because the hat is not needed), and people might have called foul on it.

It also just doesn't seem right to put 7 items from the same person in the game.
I just don't like what they've done to the game with the last two updates, I should say three but I didn't bother to play during the Halloween update. Artistically and aesthetically, they've compromised the game with all of these stupid items, be it from ones companies try to whore their games with, ridiculous user made packs or ones Valve have made themselves. I know this is a subjective complaint and not everyone will necessarily agree but I think the game is pretty damned garish now.

From a gameplay perspective they're really reaching now with all of these new items, the fact that they're having to add stats to full class packs kind of speaks to that. We've gone from changing and creating new class match ups with the Class Updates to simply muddying the waters from the Mannconomy Update and onward. Also I'm not just talking about the piss poor differentiation of the newer items, their positive and negative attributes, or how they change a class; there's just getting to be too much stuff in the game now, period. I can't even imagine starting out playing TF2 today, it would be almost overwhelming.

All of the meta things they've retroactively added really detracted from the experience. Valve should have figured out they were doing something wrong back when there were achievement servers and again when there were idling servers. I never idled or used one of those achievement servers, initially I loved simply unlocking items through the class milestones but as players our experience enjoying the game have been impacted by achievement whores or idlers at one time or another. Valve shouldn't have figured out ways to punish those people, they should have looked at why they were idling or using achievement servers. There should be no unlocks, there should be no item drops, no crafting, no trading; everyone just should have had access to the weapons from the moment they were added. Then you wouldn't have achievement servers, you wouldn't have idlers, you wouldn't have people spamming trade requests or crafting in spawn, you would simply have people playing the game. I played a bit of Counter-Strike: Source and Day of Defeat: Source recently, it's such a startlingly different experience to play a multi-player game where people are just interested in playing the game. The round starts and you just play, they're not driven by some meta bullshit.


jaundicejuice said:
I just don't like what they've done to the game with the last two updates, I should say three but I didn't bother to play during the Halloween update. Artistically and aesthetically, they've compromised the game with all of these stupid items, be it from ones companies try to whore their games with, ridiculous user made packs or ones Valve have made themselves. I know this is a subjective complaint and not everyone will necessarily agree but I think the game is pretty damned garish now.

From a gameplay perspective they're really reaching now with all of these new items, the fact that they're having to add stats to full class packs kind of speaks to that. We've gone from changing and creating new class match ups with the Class Updates to simply muddying the waters from the Mannconomy Update and onward. Also I'm not just talking about the piss poor differentiation of the newer items, their positive and negative attributes, or how they change a class; there's just getting to be too much stuff in the game now, period. I can't even imagine starting out playing TF2 today, it would be almost overwhelming.

All of the meta things they've retroactively added really detracted from the experience. Valve should have figured out they were doing something wrong back when there were achievement servers and again when there were idling servers. I never idled or used one of those achievement servers, initially I loved simply unlocking items through the class milestones but as players our experience enjoying the game have been impacted by achievement whores or idlers at one time or another. Valve shouldn't have figured out ways to punish those people, they should have looked at why they were idling or using achievement servers. There should be no unlocks, there should be no item drops, no crafting, no trading; everyone just should have had access to the weapons from the moment they were added. Then you wouldn't have achievement servers, you wouldn't have idlers, you wouldn't have people spamming trade requests or crafting in spawn, you would simply have people playing the game. I played a bit of Counter-Strike: Source and Day of Defeat: Source recently, it's such a startlingly different experience to play a multi-player game where people are just interested in playing the game. The round starts and you just play, they're not driven by some meta bullshit.

this is how i feel, except expressed intelligently

balladofwindfishes said:
He'd be looking at a close to a 100 thousand dollar check (assuming the new packs sell as well as the old packs, which I personally think they won't because the hat is not needed), and people might have called foul on it.

It also just doesn't seem right to put 7 items from the same person in the game.

guy deserves it, he has talent
I like TF2 the way it is :(

I like the variety of the weapons, which can be fine tuned to exactly how the user feels comfortable

I like how hats and paint lets me easily identify specific players from a distance. I know that the Sniper wearing the purple gibus is a great shooter, I'll duck when I catch him in the corner of my eye. That advantage wasn't there before hats, and it was even more fine tuned when paint came into the picture.
The game is better than it has ever been. What you're doing is like complaining that WOW is too complicated now after 3 expansions, when it's actually more accessible and simple than ever. TF2 hasn't complicated anything other than maybe having to ask "what the hell was that weapon" periodically.

balladofwindfishes is right. I recognize players by what they're wearing, and the classes still have distinct appearances, postures, and animations to tell who is playing what from a quick distance glance.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
balladofwindfishes said:
Man, Engy got the really short end of the stick

-No set bonus, the only class without one
-Terrible in Medieval Mode
-Jag is just the PDQ, so no real new weapon concept
-Less new hats than anybody else

Also, most of the new hats aren't paintable. This is kind of disapointing
The problem with the Engineer is that he really is defined by his buildings, and would seem to be incredibly hard to tweak or replace while keeping them balanced.


balladofwindfishes said:
It also just doesn't seem right to put 7 items from the same person in the game.

Madame Dixie
Coupe D'isaster
Detective Noir
German Gonzila
Flipped Trilby
Buckaroo's Hat
Fists of Steel
Boston Basher

were all made by Mister Royzo


It's not better when people spend more time on a server talking about their glowing unusual hat and spamming trade requests in chat than actually playing the game, and then a heavy with an ugly green alien parasite on his head comes running at you at scout speed, a Demo with hearts circling his head charges at you and 1-hits you with the caber, and then a soldier in with a glowing Dr. Seuss hat taunts over your dead body.

"Keeping the visual style consistent is important, in that we don't want anything out of theme or out of date. TF is a stylized world set some time in the 50's. Nothing modern, visually hyper-realistic, or overly "cartoony."
corn_fest said:

Madame Dixie
Coupe D'isaster
Detective Noir
German Gonzila
Flipped Trilby
Buckaroo's Hat
Fists of Steel
Boston Basher

were all made by Mister Royzo
he made all those items himself!?

I thought it was a compilation! That must have taken him ages to do... wow

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
rar said:
It's not better when people spend more time on a server talking about their glowing unusual hat and spamming trade requests in chat than actually playing the game, and then a heavy with an ugly green alien parasite on his head comes running at you at scout speed, a Demo with hearts circling his head charges at you and 1-hits you with the caber, and then a soldier in with a glowing Dr. Seuss hat taunts over your dead body.

"Keeping the visual style consistent is important, in that we don't want anything out of theme or out of date. TF is a stylized world set some time in the 50's. Nothing modern, visually hyper-realistic, or overly "cartoony."
I agree with the hats, there are quite a few designs I don't like. But what servers do you play on dude, I never run into that and I just tend to look around for a random pub with the map type I want.


rar said:
It's not better when people spend more time on a server talking about their glowing unusual hat and spamming trade requests in chat than actually playing the game, and then a heavy with an ugly green alien parasite on his head comes running at you at scout speed, a Demo with hearts circling his head charges at you and 1-hits you with the caber, and then a soldier in with a glowing Dr. Seuss hat taunts over your dead body.

"Keeping the visual style consistent is important, in that we don't want anything out of theme or out of date. TF is a stylized world set some time in the 50's. Nothing modern, visually hyper-realistic, or overly "cartoony."
I agree that shit is getting a little out of control, but you still sound like a baby right now.
rar said:
It's not better when people spend more time on a server talking about their glowing unusual hat and spamming trade requests in chat than actually playing the game, and then a heavy with an ugly green alien parasite on his head comes running at you at scout speed, a Demo with hearts circling his head charges at you and 1-hits you with the caber, and then a soldier in with a glowing Dr. Seuss hat taunts over your dead body.

"Keeping the visual style consistent is important, in that we don't want anything out of theme or out of date. TF is a stylized world set some time in the 50's. Nothing modern, visually hyper-realistic, or overly "cartoony."
So people still aren't on red and blue teams and killing each other or pushing carts to win?


Corporate Apologist
To be honest, most of the Unusual hats just look ridiculous. Every now and then a good combo will come up (A burning Pyro hat, the peace signs on the festive tree go together), but most of it is just silly. Hearts coming out of a Japanese Kabuto?
I traded my new Demoman sword for a Candy Cane, because I thought it looked cooler (and the sword is useless)

The candy cane's textures are super compressed and look terrible. The preview on TF2 wiki is just not right at all. I have my texture settings on high, and no other weapon looks this blurry.

It has a pretty decent effect, but I have yet to use it in a mode that mattered. I was messing around with it in Medieval mode, where every kill drops pills and there's only 1 explosive weapon, so it wasn't a good indicator of how useful (or useless) it is.

EDIT: My brother was playing with it. It drops pill bottles no matter what weapon you use! He was dominating with the Scattergun and healing right after!
rar said:
It's not better when people spend more time on a server talking about their glowing unusual hat and spamming trade requests in chat than actually playing the game, and then a heavy with an ugly green alien parasite on his head comes running at you at scout speed, a Demo with hearts circling his head charges at you and 1-hits you with the caber, and then a soldier in with a glowing Dr. Seuss hat taunts over your dead body.

"Keeping the visual style consistent is important, in that we don't want anything out of theme or out of date. TF is a stylized world set some time in the 50's. Nothing modern, visually hyper-realistic, or overly "cartoony."
Go to better servers if you want to avoid the trade spam. I don't really have any specific servers I use, but that rarely happens except right after an update. And I think it's good the community has stuff to talk about.


Corporate Apologist
I'll give a scrap metal for any of the new weapons, and have a Drill Sargent's hat for trade for the Festive Tree.

The candy cane's textures are super compressed and look terrible. The preview on TF2 wiki is just not right at all. I have my texture settings on high, and no other weapon looks this blurry.
Likely and odd ball glitch that may or may not get corrected shortly. The Halloween update made around half my Kill Icon on my old computer really blurry.


tagged by Blackace
Twig said:
I agree that shit is getting a little out of control, but you still sound like a baby right now.
A bit out of control. Only because this latest update has the weakest variety of weapons, and it almost seems as if its more about putting MORE into the game than assessing whether it would be a great gameplay option.


rar said:
so instead of adding a well-modeled beautiful pack of weapons that fits in with the original theme of tf2, let's just a add poorly-modeled, terrible looking set that are pretty useless in actual gameplay just to shoehorn in a new medieval gimmick mode

valve just likes to break the hearts of anyone who liked the original concepts behind tf2

Valve threw the original theme of TF2 away over a year ago. I would prefer stock TF2 with nothing else added, but I'm not silly enough to try to support consistency at this point. The best you can hope for in a new item is for it to be unique. (Though I still think the set you posted is generic and boring despite how well modeled it is. Wow a military style helmet and another syringe gun that is almost exactly the same as the existing one.)

In case you didn't know, I give away all of my non-stock weapons whenever I can and only use a small set of mostly non-distracting hats. Its just ridiculous to act like it benefits anybody to bring in a boring set of items.
enzo_gt said:
A bit out of control. Only because this latest update has the weakest variety of weapons, and it almost seems as if its more about putting MORE into the game than assessing whether it would be a great gameplay option.
What do you think the Team Fortress 2 beta is for?


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
What do you think the Team Fortress 2 beta is for?

for testing all these items BEFORE putting them into the game!!!

n0b said:
Valve threw the original theme of TF2 away over a year ago. I would prefer stock TF2 with nothing else added, but I'm not silly enough to try to support consistency at this point. The best you can hope for in a new item is for it to be unique. (Though I still think the set you posted is generic and boring despite how well modeled it is. Wow a military style helmet and another syringe gun that is almost exactly the same as the existing one.)

In case you didn't know, I give away all of my non-stock weapons whenever I can and only use a small set of mostly non-distracting hats. Its just ridiculous to act like it benefits anybody to bring in a boring set of items.

they're just models, a black box for an idea. valve could've taken the same concept behind the crossbow but used the nadalwerfer model instead. plus, a syringe would make more sense than an arrow for projectile healing. for the painkiller, i was thinking adrenaline shot ala left 4 dead, which, as a medic main, i think would've been a great addition

i don't think an item being thematically consistent as well as being quirky and fun is impossible. other unlocks like the equalizer, bonk, jarate do it well without resorting to abandoning the original theme. i realise valve is already passed the point of no return (probably with the eyelander) and im sorry about ranting so much, its just disappointing as a player to see a game's art style, one of the reasons i love tf2, just fall by the wayside
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