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Team Fortress 2 |OT3| - Murder-based Hat Simulator

Kuro Madoushi said:
Point still stands. They'd have to come back to you repeatedly (and much sooner). A buff will allow them to survive. If your team is getting beat to high heaven and they're constantly coming back for heals, none of the mediguns are going to save them UNLESS you had an uber or surprise kritz, of which the Quick Shits has neither.

If my team is getting beat to high heaven I wouldn't use it in the first place. Again, it's for very specific situations. Even in those situations I don't stick with the gun, I just bust it out when it's needed and go back to my trusty Kritz when after a couple of deaths or things start to settle down.

Kuro Madoushi said:
I haven't tried it myself, but I'm pretty sure with everything I've seen that one regular uber medic can outduel two Quick Shits medics on the other team.

You've never used it? Do you play medic often?

Obsessed said:
One thing I like about the QF uber is on some servers a Pyro will try to kill me and my uber target with fire and they don't get jack shit done because the heal rate is so fast. For some reason they don't treat it like a regular uber and fail to airblast.

I don't think the effect isn't as noticeable as the other ubers, if I'm remembering right it only shows as a ring on the ground. They probably don't know the guys they're attacking activated their charge.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Obsessed said:
2. I don't "need" to heal them if I want to lose. Having a suicidal teammate is frustrating because they likely are doing far worse than they'd do if they played conservatively... or at least conservatively enough to wait the 3 seconds for overheal instead of charging into the fray with their health in the red or at 50%

3. Yep. I have learned to retreat. If the Heavy wants to die he can do so. But still it is frustrating because this is TEAM Fortress.

4. Yep. Though the Soldier in question was very very very good. Incredibly accurate, racking up tons of kills, retreating, etc... I just wished he would have waited to few seconds because without uber he'd often get stopped by some spamming demoman at the choke point.

For the most part I've learned to keep myself safe as a medic. Though I still sometimes catch myself being reckless (like putting needles into a weakened enemy and getting killed before I kill them). That's why I don't use The Blutsauger. I also don't use The Overdose because the buff isnt passive :(

2. Not your fault. Yell and rage at them like I do or just let them die.
3. Not your job. Or, see above.
4. He was likely playing roaming Soldier. Could be he knew something was up and need to attack ASAP. It is possible though.

Part of it is communication. The experienced people I play with retreat when I goddamn tell them to retreat and throw stickies or turn and shoot as soon as I give any warning. N00bs will just wander aimlessly and then think, "you were talking to me?"

It gladdens the heart and loosens the arteries when I tell a teammate something and they acknowledge verbally or through action. Told a dude about a sniper camping out in one spot. He acknowledges and headshots him.

On GAF, I tell people Meta is around and people don't care and then complain, "goddamn you metaphorically, why do you have to backstab me?!" Just too many oblivious people on the server.

edit: TK, I was a comp medic. I cringe when I know that perhaps the ONLY medic on my team is using Quick Shits. Fine for VERY specific situations? Perhaps. Why bother when the other mediguns would do the job likely just as good if not better.


Somebody needs to cook up a TF2 thread cycle.

Enforcer is overpowered, nerf plz ->
Heavies make the game boring, they are too easy ->
It is easy to kill heavies, you noobs ->
Major update this weekend? VALLLLVE ->
Ugh the quick fix is terrible ->
It actually works okay in some situations *argument ensues*
-> ??? -> Repeat!
Kuro Madoushi said:
edit: TK, I was a comp medic. I cringe when I know that perhaps the ONLY medic on my team is using Quick Shits. Fine for VERY specific situations? Perhaps. Why bother when the other mediguns would do the job likely just as good if not better.

So try it sometime. I think you'll be surprised. If not, one of these days I'll save your ass on the server and you'll be all "Wow. Awsome really saved my ass and the Quick Fix can be handy under certain conditions".

Just you wait.

With that said, it does suck if the only medic is sticking with the gun. In fact, I would say it should only be considered if there is already a normal medic on the field.
Tkawsome said:
So try it sometime. I think you'll be surprised. If not, one of these days I'll save your ass on the server and you'll be all "Wow. Awsome really saved my ass and the Quick Fix can be handy under certain conditions".

Just you wait.

With that said, it does suck if the only medic is sticking with the gun. In fact, I would say it should only be considered if there is already a normal medic on the field.
I lol'd
I was dominating as a Sniper, something that doesn't happen much those days, then my damn team decided to change to Sniper. Why everytime I have a good run with anything, especially Sniper and Engineer (Where they put their sentries next to mine for some damn reason), they want to take my glory away?!

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Blizzard said:
Somebody needs to cook up a TF2 thread cycle.

Enforcer is overpowered, nerf plz ->
Heavies make the game boring, they are too easy ->
It is easy to kill heavies, you noobs ->
Major update this weekend? VALLLLVE ->
Ugh the quick fix is terrible ->
It actually works okay in some situations *argument ensues*
-> ??? -> Repeat!
Blizzard, as usual, adds nothing LOLOLOLOLOL

TK, the only time I NEED a medic to save me is usually when I'm burning to death or when I'm fighting a lot of people, for which I'd still prefer uber or kritz due to overheal/invincibility/guaranteed kritz. I've used Quick Shits enough times to see myself get killed and notice all the missed opportunities. I've also seen it used by other people to know they aren't using it in the extremely narrow circumstances where it might provide an advantage. I HAVE seen it used enough times to know that people who use it are a detriment to their team. You're especially vulnerable on a push for a sentry if a spy (metaFAILically) DoucheRings behind you and backstabs you.

Why bother using it at all if it only provides a slight (if any) advantage in circumstances that don't come up often when the other two guns cover ALL situations?
Kuro Madoushi said:
Part of it is communication. The experienced people I play with retreat when I goddamn tell them to retreat and throw stickies or turn and shoot as soon as I give any warning. N00bs will just wander aimlessly and then think, "you were talking to me?"

It gladdens the heart and loosens the arteries when I tell a teammate something and they acknowledge verbally or through action. Told a dude about a sniper camping out in one spot. He acknowledges and headshots him.

On GAF, I tell people Meta is around and people don't care and then complain, "goddamn you metaphorically, why do you have to backstab me?!" Just too many oblivious people on the server.

Guilty of the first sort of. Sometimes I don't hear you because there is so much noise going on. You might as well being yelling at a deaf person for not hearing you in those scenarios.

And yeah, if my roommate isn't around I use my headset and I try to communicate. There are days where everybody is alert though so spies get very few kills (facestabs).

I'd play on your "1337" GG server sometimes but I'm not good enough. Plus GAFers are fun to play with.

Sgt.Pepper said:
I was dominating as a Sniper, something that doesn't happen much those days, then my damn team decided to change to Sniper. Why everytime I have a good run with anything, especially Sniper and Engineer (Where they put their sentries next to mine for some damn reason), they want to take my glory away?!

The thought process is "If I switch to his class maybe I'll start getting tons of points." People fail to realize it is TEAM Fortress and that team balance matters.

I've actually had people argue with me about that on Valve servers. Something like "A team of spies isn't bad. It is the players! A team of spies could easily take on a team full of Scout/Pyro is the spies were good enough."

Same stupid argument used by the "there are no tiers in fighting games" crowd. -_-


When Kuro yells about Meta, I always check everyone nearby and make sure to take the nearby health and ammo.

Most of my spy deaths are to the enforcer anyways, at least 6:1, I'd say. Meta is pretty good with the ambassador as well, last night I thought he was going for a stair stab, only to eat 102 damage to the head.

Most of my stab deaths are either meta facestabs or someone I think I checked, but missed the shot so it didn't register.


Corporate Apologist
(._.) said:
Who did you lend the unusual to? Did they refuse to give it back or something?

DrKirby wanna borrow my beams team captain?
Yeah, sure, I would love to troll some pub servers with the "Best hat in the game"

Though Clidefrog still promised to give him his cloud unusual roughly 3 second before he unboxed it. Oh sure, I can have the hat when the chances are roughly 1 in 100 that it will actually come out of the box, but once it comes out, and its a good one to, the promises is off! </fake bitter>
For the past week, I have been doing good at dodging Meta's backstab shenanigans , only a couple of time when I'm not using Heavy or Medic, his magic seems to get me.


I just can't understand this...

Kuro, those moments you said you would pull the Kritz? Those are the same moments you can pull the QuickFix instead.

QF vs. Uber, they couldn't kill you before you got enough charge? THE SAME THING WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF HE ATTACKED YOU WITH AN UBER.

It's been "proven" it's only good for KotH? All that was in this thread were a couple of anecdotes and theories about its use in that game mode.

Look, you prefer the overheal. I get that. I also get from a couple hundred hours of play that your triage effectiveness is dependent on how well your teammates fall back when they should. You getting those overheals up on five different people is dependent on how much you're all getting attacked. You dying from a crit sticky happens even with a Kritz.

You say my argument is invalid. You're not even arguing with me. You're all stating your opinion is fact, this how you play TF2, I'D DESTROY YOU LOL, etc. If that's the case, then let's just agree to disagree and play our own separate ways.

It's people that play like you and are so damn dependent on that overheal that make it near impossible for me to pull it out on the NeoGAF server in the first place, and so I sneak out to other servers a lot to get my fix. You can't even imagine playing any other way to be effective. It's that attitude that make just about any new weapon come off as extremely underpowered unless Valve goes the other way and makes it on the overpowered side. It's the same as all the pain and anguish I hear about the Scouts' other primaries. It's why I ended up having to deal with fucking pointblank headshot arrows for a living now. It's why most of the Soldier unlocks are shit to you, and so Valve hasn't gone ahead and nerfed the Equalizer, despite how long they've been looking at it in TF2 Beta.

I've almost ranted like that for the last three posts I did, and just went around to edit it instead. This time, fuck it. There's no point to this discussion anymore. You don't even want to acknowledge it as one.


Kuro Madoushi said:
Blizzard, as usual, adds nothing LOLOLOLOLOL

TK, the only time I NEED a medic to save me is usually when I'm burning to death or when I'm fighting a lot of people, for which I'd still prefer uber or kritz due to overheal/invincibility/guaranteed kritz. I've used Quick Shits enough times to see myself get killed and notice all the missed opportunities. I've also seen it used by other people to know they aren't using it in the extremely narrow circumstances where it might provide an advantage. I HAVE seen it used enough times to know that people who use it are a detriment to their team. You're especially vulnerable on a push for a sentry if a spy (metaFAILically) DoucheRings behind you and backstabs you.

Why bother using it at all if it only provides a slight (if any) advantage in circumstances that don't come up often when the other two guns cover ALL situations?
I'm gonna use the quick fix and never heal you. I will laugh at your burning corpse!


Professor Beef said:
That's where I come in and overheal him, looking like a fucking professional.

Not before you get a knife to the back, and then I will look like a fucking *insert witty remark*



Obsessed said:
Something like "A team of spies isn't bad. It is the players! A team of spies could easily take on a team full of Scout/Pyro is the spies were good enough."

I love Spy, and he will forever be my favorite, but no way in hell would a team of spies even get close to beating a team of scout/pyro. Well unless they have enforcer, and even then the enforcer has some dumb spread from medium range.

Edit: No!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dreaded double posts be damned!
Tenck said:
Not before you get a knife to the back, and then I will look like a fucking *insert witty remark*

TENCK! Just when I was getting comfy in this thread, you come out of nowhere and stab me in the back pop your head in.

*sprays over your spray*

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Proven said:
I just can't understand this...

Kuro, those moments you said you would pull the Kritz? Those are the same moments you can pull the QuickFix instead.

I kritz when I see my heal buddy fighting two or more people. HOPEFULLY, he'll know how to kill them before they kill me. I don't see how a QF would help if one of the gets a lucky crit WHICH WILL KILL MY POCKET, whereas an overheal he'll have a chance to survive. Or, I'll pop uber.

Proven said:
QF vs. Uber, they couldn't kill you before you got enough charge? THE SAME THING WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF HE ATTACKED YOU WITH AN UBER.

Don't see your point here. Can you clarify?

Proven said:
It's been "proven" it's only good for KotH? All that was in this thread were a couple of anecdotes and theories about its use in that game mode.

I go farther the other way. I never said it's proven for KOTH at all. I said it 'might' have some 'slight' advantages on KOTH.

Proven said:
Look, you prefer the overheal. I get that. I also get from a couple hundred hours of play that your triage effectiveness is dependent on how well your teammates fall back when they should. You getting those overheals up on five different people is dependent on how much you're all getting attacked. You dying from a crit sticky happens even with a Kritz.

My point is QF doesn't offer anything MORE than the other guns. I don't care if I'm using Kritz and I can still die from a lucky crit, AT LEAST I can krit my pocket if I get charge in time. Even IF I'm using my QF charge, I can still die from a lucky crit AND the only thing it offers is faster healing?

Proven said:
You say my argument is invalid. You're not even arguing with me. You're all stating your opinion is fact, this how you play TF2, I'D DESTROY YOU LOL, etc. If that's the case, then let's just agree to disagree and play our own separate ways.

Nowhere did I state my opinion as 'fact'. If you took it that way, then you mistook my words. My personal preference as both an offensive player and a medic is to have an overheal on me, even on an aggressive defensive push.

Proven said:
It's people that play like you and are so damn dependent on that overheal that make it near impossible for me to pull it out on the NeoGAF server in the first place, and so I sneak out to other servers a lot to get my fix. You can't even imagine playing any other way to be effective. It's that attitude that make just about any new weapon come off as extremely underpowered unless Valve goes the other way and makes it on the overpowered side. It's the same as all the pain and anguish I hear about the Scouts' other primaries. It's why I ended up having to deal with fucking pointblank headshot arrows for a living now. It's why most of the Soldier unlocks are shit to you, and so Valve hasn't gone ahead and nerfed the Equalizer, despite how long they've been looking at it in TF2 Beta.

I've almost ranted like that for the last three posts I did, and just went around to edit it instead. This time, fuck it. There's no point to this discussion anymore. You don't even want to acknowledge it as one.

We have a new member of the Kuro Rage Friends! :D

You're taking this just a bit too seriously, bud.

1. Overheal is a part of the game. "Dependent" on a core mechanic of a medic???????
2. I can't imagine any other way? I've already admitted there could be very select circumstances where it could be useful, BUT my point, and you keep missing it, is that it offers NO CLEAR ADVANTAGES over the other guns.
3. Not sure how my feelings towards Quick Fix relates to unlocks in other classes. I also don't know why you seem to be blaming me for Valve's decisions. Not my fault you get headshot by huntsmen a lot as well. Humtsman offers Short to mid range. Shortstop offers more midrange viability and survivial. DH is more damage. Blackbox offers heals. Quick Fix? heal faster...

COULD the QF be viable? Definitely, but it's something they have to tweak to make it more useful in more circumstances. Otherwise, yes, I hate it. If you want to use it, well, good luck to your team!


Tenck said:
I love using the enforcer to cover up when I mess up stabbing Scouts!

The Enforcer is pretty much the spy's version of the Shortstop, only it deals more damage at mid and long range and has a one second spread cooldown. It is pretty much a Scout gun for Spy with a downside that doesn't affect the Dead Ringer.

I wonder how the Enforcer would work for Scout? Would it be better than the Shortstop?
So i've been playing around with the Conniver's Kunai, and whilst I absolutely love the concept of it, the penalty is just too severe to consider using it. It is awesome when you line up 5 backstabs and other enemies can't stop you because you keep backstabbing health back, but it's so damn rare for that to occur. On top of that, the health penalty means you die to literally anything that spy checks you.

It should give you 75hp, and if you fall below 75hp it should regenerate at the same speed as health above 75hp (up to the same 180hp max) deteriorates.

I think that would be fairly balanced, as anyone using the Kunai isn't looking to sap stuff the majority of the time and it still leaves the spy very vulnerable.
MrPing1000 said:
So i've been playing around with the Conniver's Kunai, and whilst I absolutely love the concept of it, the penalty is just too severe to consider using it. It is awesome when you line up 5 backstabs and other enemies can't stop you because you keep backstabbing health back, but it's so damn rare for that to occur. On top of that, the health penalty means you die to literally anything that spy checks you.

It should give you 75hp, and if you fall below 75hp it should regenerate at the same speed as health above 75hp (up to the same 180hp max) deteriorates.

I think that would be fairly balanced, as anyone using the Kunai isn't looking to sap stuff the majority of the time and it still leaves the spy very vulnerable.
Use it with Dead Ringer, it is good on Degroot lol


I said "you" at some points, and at others "you all". I'm on my phone and can't do a lot of quote picking right now. The Uber vs. QuickFix comment came from someone else as well.

And Kuro, I feel like you're overemphasizing how often overheal saves you from a crit.

I'm just remembering a number of other raged arguments from previous updates. People that called things like the banners utter rubbish and it turned around on them. On the other side we have things like the Equalizer and Huntsman that are incredibly fun... for the person using them.

The best weapons are the ones that add new playstyles to the class, calling for an assortment of adjustments by the player, his teammates, and his opponents. The QuickFix is one of those weapons that gets arguments that sound like "why play Pyro when you can play something that doesn't suck most of the time".


relies on auto-aim
Tkawsome said:
With that said, it does suck if the only medic is sticking with the gun. In fact, I would say it should only be considered if there is already a normal medic on the field.
See, that's fine. But usually it is only 1 medic. If you have 2 you are already winning!

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Proven said:
I said "you" at some points, and at others "you all". I'm on my phone and can't do a lot of quote picking right now. The Uber vs. QuickFix comment came from someone else as well.

And Kuro, I feel like you're overemphasizing how often overheal saves you from a crit.

I'm just remembering a number of other raged arguments from previous updates. People that called things like the banners utter rubbish and it turned around on them. On the other side we have things like the Equalizer and Huntsman that are incredibly fun... for the person using them.

The best weapons are the ones that add new playstyles to the class, calling for an assortment of adjustments by the player, his teammates, and his opponents. The QuickFix is one of those weapons that gets arguments that sound like "why play Pyro when you can play something that doesn't suck most of the time".
Yes. Why quick shit when it's extremely situational and the charge sucks.

I've saved plenty and plenty have been saved from crits. How many here survived a crit with the quick fix?

Now if they gave QF faster overheal THAT opens up possibilities. Or give the equipped medic more health/faster personal heal. SOMETHING.


One other use of the Quick Fix could be to help out with the first Scout battle on 5 cp maps. Of coure, it would be idle to havea kritz/uber medic as well to do the heavy lifting after the explosive classes arive.

The only time I'd use the Quick Fix is in very specific situations, and only if we had sa regular medic first. It can be useful, but overheal and the stro nger charges can be very important.
If you're playing with people who really know what they're doing and you spread the love around, QF is great. That said, I rarely trust my teammates enough to use it, for all the reasons Kuro mentioned.

I definitely think the QF is the "second medic" gun in pubs. I mean, think how much of an advantage the cart is for the attacking team in Payload; you can give that same advantage to your team with Quick Fix in a way that you can't with Medigun. But yes - some times you really do need an uber if you can't trust your other tricks to break defenses, and so I would almost never personally choose to use QF as the sole medic.

I think the reason most players are conditioned not to properly retreat is because they aren't accustomed to engies building dispensers far enough up or medics sitting back just behind the line. When those things are available, I definitely have seen the way players approach situations change.


damn, i really want this stuff added. engineer looks amazing





Oh dear god, with the quick fix. I don't care to read any of the pointless to and fro and have scrolled past like 3 pages of this thread.

In unrelated news, one-shotting a heavy with a charged sniper headshot is remarkably satisfying.
Kuro Madoushi said:
Yes. Why quick shit when it's extremely situational and the charge sucks.

I've saved plenty and plenty have been saved from crits. How many here survived a crit with the quick fix?

Now if they gave QF faster overheal THAT opens up possibilities. Or give the equipped medic more health/faster personal heal. SOMETHING.

Give it a tether effect that lets you rocket/sticky jump with Soldiers and Demomen. Allow hilarity to ensue.

Kuro Madoushi

Unconfirmed Member
Right, who was it? Obsessed? You mentioned about GG being l33t?

Naw, it's filled with F2P scrubs right now. There are still some comp regulars there from time to time, but they generally off class anyways.

Kuro Super Rage Friends Group:
- Kuro Madoushi
- •GG• kdcherli
- SgtPepper
- Proven [GAF]

I swear there should be another person in there...whom am I missing?!
Yeef said:
Brrt. Twig got permabanned like a year ago.
It was this year, around the beginning of the year since he posted in OT2 a few times.

I started posting in the OT around November/December last year.


Kuro Madoushi said:
As for capping a point with the Quick Shits. Let's say you and two others are capping and you pop the QF. You're spreading heals around and ONE demoman comes and throws two stickies and one of them is crit. You're boned.

Quick Shits = useless til they fix it.

Kuro, the same could be said about the uber. Smart demos aren't going to blast the point while there's an uber, they'll wait till it wears off and you begin capping before blowing it up. Krit on the point is going to ruin the attackers regardless of what they are using.

Don't get me wrong, I do think it needs a buff (krit protection, maintain speed while activated, medic still heals when his targer dies) but to consider it useless is not thinking outside the box.


Corporate Apologist
Yeef, Non-Hightower Payload race is now 2 rounds again. I do not like playing Panic for 2 rounds.

Edit: And KOTH is one round!


Will QA for food.
Kuro Madoushi said:
Right, who was it? Obsessed? You mentioned about GG being l33t?

Naw, it's filled with F2P scrubs right now. There are still some comp regulars there from time to time, but they generally off class anyways.

Kuro Super Rage Friends Group:
- Kuro Madoushi
- •GG• kdcherli
- SgtPepper
- Proven [GAF]

I swear there should be another person in there...whom am I missing?!

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