It's amazing how often I hear that.Togglesworlh said:you are just the WORST PERSON IN HISTORY
It's amazing how often I hear that.Togglesworlh said:you are just the WORST PERSON IN HISTORY
Yeef said:No one is changing the map votes. If the vote doesn't finish before the map change the server just picks a random map. If people would actaully defend on CTF maps maybe they wouldn't end before the 3 minutes into round that the vote starts...
Maffis said:How much is a strange kritzkrieg worth? 8 refined?
vanty said:Finally got Pyromancer (1 million fire damage) tonight. Last pyro achievement, took so goddam long, made even harder when they nerfed flamethrowers ages ago and most of my kills became shotgun/flare or axtinguisher.
No way I'll ever finish off any other class, next closest is 6 left each for sniper, scout and heavy.
Cuban Legend said:
Thagomizer said:Do people really not realize that these crates are probably going to be just as common as any other and prices are going to tank?
Wendel Clark said:
AcciDante said:We can't be having admins kicking regulars for no reason. Take n0b's admin away so Kuro will come back.
AcciDante said:Just nob kicking kuro until he blacklisted the server.
ArtistDude88 said:Really? That's a real douchebaggy thing to do. n0b kicking, not the blacklisting of our beloved server.
n0b said:There are reasons. But they have nothing to do with the server and you're right I shouldn't have done it, and I'm sorry I did. If Kuro wants to know why he can talk to me, but it doesn't belong on the server or in the thread.
Dechaios said:Hey guys... I uploaded my first Steam Workshop item last night.[/IM]
If you guys like it and could toss me a "rate up" then I would be ecstatic and you'd be my hero. Currently on page 7 of Pyro headgear with the "top rated" sorting. I'd love to be able to move up a bit! Thank you kindly :)
looks good man!
what was your inspiration?
Thanks!!!Dreams-Visions said:looks good man!
what was your inspiration?
Sciz said:There was that night last week when wartime established a tyranny and did manual map changes the whole time, but he kept it varied and occasionally polled people and was also drunk so that hardly counts.
Obsessed said:Pacman is fun. What is wrong with you two?
wartime1020 said:We are sane, sorry.
Drkirby said:Pac man is fun, till it is played for the 10th night in a row. Then the magic starts wearing off.
The low grav made it less fun IMO.
Keeping voting in defeats the point of taking voting out.Proven said:If you want to limit mapvoting, change the plugin so that a certain percentage of the server has to type "nominate" or "rtv" or whatever for a map vote to initiate. Otherwise, the server will choose the map (which means Yeef will choose the map, which means we'll always go back to map voting).
There's usually such a long queue that even when people do ragequit over one of those maps coming up, the slots get filled again.wartime1020 said:Degroot, Pacman, and 2fort are shit, when I am playing I won't sit there and let you guys kill the server, sorry.
Sciz said:There's usually such a long queue that even when people do ragequit over one of those maps coming up, the slots get filled again.
It is very awesome.Yeef said:Got a Swagman's Swatter drop last night. According to the description it is the best hat.
Some people like those maps. Just because you think they're shitty doesn't mean you are the end-all be-all of opinions. Get over yourself?wartime1020 said:Two points, so is it a good thing these shitty maps are played, so people that have been waiting can get in? We should be fine playing bad maps because if they are played when the server is full, new people will join, and thus it isn't an issue? Secondly, what about at the end of the night? once people are already likely to leave, a shitty map can be the thing that pushes them over the edge and can cause a mass exodus. Why not just play good maps, that people like? What would be so wrong about that?
I was thinking of this but wasn't sure so I didn't say anything. Wartime is one of the few people I notice changing the map, but he DOES usually seem to ask people. People might not answer, but at least he asks.wartime1020 said:I do it all the time, when I play that is, I don't just change it to maps that I want to play. I ask the rest of the people on the server. Degroot, Pacman, and 2fort are shit, when I am playing I won't sit there and let you guys kill the server, sorry.
Togglesworlh said:Some people like those maps. Just because you think they're shitty doesn't mean you are the end-all be-all of opinions. Get over yourself?
The conclusion I draw from this is fuck those people. I don't give a shit. If they want to be a bunch of babies because a single map comes up that they don't like, let them. If I changed the map every time a shitty map came up, we wouldn't play half the maps we play, but the fact that ANYONE likes those maps means I don't change them.wartime1020 said:Oh believe me, I agree, my opinion is not absolute. I am just basing my view that they are shitty on the effect they have on the server, when they come toward the end of the night, people usually leave... what conclusion would you draw from this?
Togglesworlh said:The conclusion I draw from this is fuck those people. I don't give a shit. If they want to be a bunch of babies because a single map comes up that they don't like, let them. If I changed the map every time a shitty map came up, we wouldn't play half the maps we play, but the fact that ANYONE likes those maps means I don't change them.
Late night GAF, once most people leave, is best time GAF, anyway.
The system is flawed in that voting exists period and people like you have the power to change maps just because they don't like a map.wartime1020 said:The system is flawed in that the voting doesn't actually bring about maps that people want to play, most of the time it is a sophie's choice situation.
I don't know mate, early-night GAF (the few people that try to start the server going) is usually amazing because all the rules go out the window. Plus it's an awesome feeling joining at 5/24 and then checking the scoreboard 5 min later to see 23/24.Togglesworlh said:The conclusion I draw from this is fuck those people. I don't give a shit. If they want to be a bunch of babies because a single map comes up that they don't like, let them. If I changed the map every time a shitty map came up, we wouldn't play half the maps we play, but the fact that ANYONE likes those maps means I don't change them.
Late night GAF, once most people leave, is best time GAF, anyway.
The problem is that there are some people who like it. I detest it. But, as you say, with map voting, a lot of people actually do troll vote quite frequently. It happens all the time with Degroot and 2fort, despite most people claiming they hate those maps. Once again the solution is to remove voting entirely, because then Degroot will still come up, but a whole hell of a lot less often. The people who like it get to play it and the people who hate it only have to suffer once in a while.Borgnine said:Degroot's treachery knows no bounds, can't you see it's tearing us apart. Yeef, seriously just delete the damn thing from the server, no one will even notice. No one actually likes to play it, they just troll vote it so people will get mad.
I have been playing with GAF since beta. The best time is late night GAF when all the serious-pants misters leave and only the cool fun people remain.XeroSauce said:I don't know mate, early-night GAF (the few people that try to start the server going) is usually amazing because all the rules go out the window. Plus it's an awesome feeling joining at 5/24 and then checking the scoreboard 5 min later to see 23/24.
Sgt.Pepper said:Why don't we have rotation? Voting is worthless, and most of the nominations ever get chosen anyway. And let's be honest here, most of the time people will vote for the same maps all the time. I'm guilty of this myself.
Whenever I see your avatar I hear Java's voice.fallengorn said:If you just want the server to always be populated just force Javaman to play 24/7.
That too. I've gotten fucked by the inability of changing my weapons.JackFrost said:i just press 1 to get it the fuck off my screen