finally took screens of my decal'd items. i spent enough time on them, so I figured I'd show them to you gaiz.
Flair #1 - I <3 the 80s. Buttons include: I <3 80s, Michael Jackson, Danger Mouse, Ghostbusters
Flair #2 - Keep on smiling. Concept taken from
this image. General idea: even when everyone is down, keep your joy. Keep your peace when all around you are losing theirs way and blaming it on you.
Signage #1 - Fuck a spy. Popular and self-explanatory. (Meta and others notwithstanding)
Signage #2 - Michael Jackson. Every time I smack someone with it,
Smooth Criminal plays in my mind. Feels good, man.
Signage #3 - I'M RICK JAMES, BITCH! (oh, and fuck yo couch.)
Clan Pride - Probably my most personal of all, as it has my name here (shout to GAF), my online name for most game services like XBL and PSN ("Heavenly Hammer", as represented by the angel wings and white hammer), and 6 stars representing the crossing of my line of fraternity brothers into our fraternity (Alpha Phi Alpha, Est. 1906). Not even a Service Medal could convince me to remove it from my Soldier's chest. It means more than a generic medal ever could.
Cheers. So yea, an inordinate amount of time was spent on them, but they came out perfect. I couldn't be happier. And I hope Valve brings color back to the Decal Tool. None of these would have really worked out without color, and I have 3 more Flair designs on hold waiting for the "Painterly" feature to be restored.