I must educate thee, primitive tribesman!Wow, you're still going! Impressive.
fallengorn it's because you're not cool enough. SORRY.
What is this strange "dota 2" of which thou speak?
I must educate thee, primitive tribesman!Wow, you're still going! Impressive.
fallengorn it's because you're not cool enough. SORRY.
If setting the settings low isn't working, then setting them high MUST solve the problems.
I must educate thee, primitive tribesman!
So, now that APB is free and 'reloaded' I gave it a shot. The character creator is AWESOME. I love games with good character creators so I can play dress up! ^_^
The actual game isn't too bad either for a free game, though I suspect it'd be much, much better if I had people to play with who weren't morons *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
I feel pretty safe in saying that I've played TF2 longer than you, and know just as much if not more than you about the game. EDUCATE THAT, SUCKER.
I have a primeval warrior badge to prove that I'm old!
Vehicle controls are pretty typical of vehicle controls. Takes a little getting used to, but only because I'm used to control vehicles with controllers, not keyboards. Other than that they're fine.I might try it. How are the vehicle controls?
I played the beta from the previous developers and the vehicle controls were laggy.
i'm so old, i eat nothing but prunes
The prune diet explains everything.
I got a new mouse and a mouse mat (piece of plastic) because it sucks on my wooden desk. I feel like such a nerd. But it's great for TF2!
Razer Abyssus
I'm getting the Deathadder for Christmas... does this make me a nerd too??
you're all nerds
Where does it say hire date? I'm pretty sure I win
so the game keeps validating my steam cache files and won't start. Restarted the computer a couple of times but no dice.
so the game keeps validating my steam cache files and won't start. Restarted the computer a couple of times but no dice.
It wasn't. I remember getting a text when they released it and me being in class for a few more hours :/Someone here has to have beaten me. There's a whole five hours! Well, slightly less than five.
...Assuming it was released at midnight, which is probably unlikely.
It wasn't. I remember getting a text when they released it and me being in class for a few more hours :/
In your inventory, look at one of your badges...
This is your hire date: look if you want to be disappointed now Clydefrog...
Hire Date: Sep 23, 2007 (0:44:48) GMT
all according to kotaku
all according to kotaku
Hard to believe the Christmas update is in one week. It seemed like yesterday we were cursing Forkball about being incorrect about the Halloween update.
Every time Forkball is wrong about a TF2 update, Saxton Hale rips the wings off of an angel.
That's my mouse! *nerd high-five*I'm getting the Deathadder for Christmas... does this make me a nerd too??
That's my mouse! *nerd high-five*
(not that it does me any good, considering that I can't aim)
Today, we're introducing a new item from the Steam Workshop, voted on by the community and buyable by everyone. The Itsy Bitsy Spyer is a miniature Spy voodoo doll that clips onto the Engineer's belt.