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Team Fortress 2 |OT3| - Murder-based Hat Simulator


Corporate Apologist
So, those there fancy Christmas Crates, what do they go for?

Also, do none of the recentish reskin weapons drop :/


I've seen at least one go at 1 key, common asking price right now seems to be 1 ref. Whether people are actually buying at that price, I have no idea. I still don't know whether to sell or hope that there'll be a free key (I'm guessing there won't be), I'll keep pondering until it's worth a scrap at best :p

And oh, is there a console command to reinitialize the graphics subsystem? The new quick alt+tabbing is great except now when my GPU driver crashes (which it loves to do in TF2) I get only a black screen after the driver recovers.


Not sure, dunno know whether or not the bundle separates if you buy it as a gift.
Publishers decide. Since it's a Valve game, they definitely should. The Orange Box was when Steam gifting first appeared. They knew lots of people already had HL2 and Episode 1, so they allowed them to gift them if that was the case.
I'm thinking about buying the Orange Box when the Christmas sale starts. If I do, will TF2 be giftable since I'm already a premium player?

Since TF2 was new with TOB, I don't think so. I know in the past people have bought OTB expecting gift copies, and not getting them.

AFAIK, only HL2 and HL2:e1 are giftable from TOB. It could have changed, though.
I guess I'll take the risk then. I haven't played through Half-Life 2 anyways. Yes, you've read that right.
I bought the Orange Box last yeaer and I gotta say, if cutscenes in games or just super linear cinematic games bug you don't get it for HL2. Portal was great as was TF2 but HL? Well I probably got 20 hours of it but a lot of it was me forcing myself to play because the game was praised so much


I bought the Orange Box last yeaer and I gotta say, if cutscenes in games or just super linear cinematic games bug you don't get it for HL2. Portal was great as was TF2 but HL? Well I probably got 20 hours of it but a lot of it was me forcing myself to play because the game was praised so much
Both Portal games were as linear as HL2, right? There are no branching paths, and in a some cases maybe only one way to solve puzzles.

I guess HL2 tries to be far more story oriented and it might turn some people off, however. I didn't like some segments of it like caves, and scary things, and antlions flipping cars over, and boat speedings.

*edit* HL2 also encouraged lots of bullet-gun-shooting, while Portal games just used puzzle-gun-shooting.
I guess I prefer the puzzle oriented gameplay of Portal to the not-so-great gunplay and random driving parts in HL2. Also, both games present their stories in a similar fashion, but the style they went with really only works with Portal.

In portal, you're alone, so having a narrator push the game forward really worked. You wouldn't expect the main character to talk back, I guess, at least not as much as in HL2.

With HL2, you're Gordon Freeman, a super awkward silent guy who gets constantly hit on by some chick who seems to have a thing for guys who are subservient to everyone and are mute. Its kind of weird if you think about it while you're playing. Gordon is everyone's bitch.

(I have similar problems with the way GTA/RDR are presented, in terms of people telling you what to do)

Overall I think Portal is one of the tightest games I've played in years. No filler whatsoever. I need to buy me some Portal 2 sometime


I don't like hightower. I think it's p. terrible.

Also I might have played TF2 on the GAF server some yesterday and it seemed less janky than usual. What is up with that?
I don't like hightower. I think it's p. terrible.



We've had this convo like 1000 times, but Hightower is at least pretty good cause it's one of the few maps where every class is viable.


If hightower was like nightfall with a timelimit and overtime pushing the carts, I'd love it. That's my biggest wish in general: more payload maps with forced overtime. I just like the idea of the cart moving whether or not anyone is on it, so just deathmatching doesn't cause the game to stagnate. It's also why I enjoy Stage 3 of Panic.
If hightower was like nightfall with a timelimit and overtime pushing the carts, I'd love it. That's my biggest wish in general: more payload maps with forced overtime. I just like the idea of the cart moving whether or not anyone is on it, so just deathmatching doesn't cause the game to stagnate. It's also why I enjoy Stage 3 of Panic.

Stage 3 of panic is great.


We've had this convo like 1000 times, but Hightower is at least pretty good cause it's one of the few maps where every class is viable.

Medic might be viable but it's horribly unfun on that map. It is so easy to flank medics on that map that building up an uber can feel like an exercise in futility.

Hightower's biggest problem is the lack of a time limit and the absurd stalemates that are caused due to this. Since the last point takes forever to cap and the payload falls such a long distance if the capping team is knocked off the point at the end trying to finish the game is like banging your head against the wall. Add to this how close the final point is to the enemy spawn and how perfect of an angle they are to take out the capping team and you have a map where players are encouraged to turtle. With a time limit players would need to make offensive pushes instead of making progress nigh impossible once they fell behind.

Nate: You can only get stranges through crates or trades.


Hightower's biggest problem is the lack of a time limit and the absurd stalemates that are caused due to this. Since the last point takes forever to cap and falls such a long distance if the capping team is knocked off the point trying to finish the game is like banging your head against the wall. Add to this how close the final point is to the enemy spawn and how perfect of an angle they are to take out the capping team and you have a map where players are encouraged to turtle. With a time limit players would need to make offensive pushes instead of making progress nigh impossible once they fell behind.
People being bad at high tower is basically what you're complaining about. The strategy for high tower is pretty straightforward. When the cart is at the first hill, you have to hold down the top of the hill so that it can be pushed up. When it's at the final rise you have to hold the high tower (imagine that) and the top 2 spawn exits. When a team is even semi-coordinated it's fairly easy to do.

The issue comes, I think, in the fact that high tower plays so well for every class. Subconsciously, people would rather treat it like deathmatch than pay attention to the objective because they're having fun and it's a good place for deathmatch. That, and usually, teams aren't all that coordinated. Back in the glory days of GAF like everyone would be on the mic. These days, most nights, I only hear like one or two people.


Yeef: Everyone being bad at the map is far more painful on Hightower than it is in most other formats. That's why if I pub I almost always go KotH, no matter how bad the teams are they are drawn to the center and often end up capping by mistake.

Perhaps if I was playing with people who cared about completing objectives instead of inflating kill counts I'd enjoy it more. As is? I'll spend the entire time spamming mini-sentries. When in Rome and all that.


Yeah! What's the deal with this?! Everyone get mic shy all the sudden?
Well, I make it a policy to not use my mic if I'm only playing for a couple of maps, because once I start talking it just makes me want to stay longer, but I got shit to do!

Also, the foam thingies on my headset have fallen off and it's uncomfortable and I'm too lazy to fix it.

Yeef: Everyone being bad at the map is far more painful on Hightower than it is in most other formats. That's why if I pub I almost always go KotH, no matter how bad the teams are they are drawn to the center and often end up capping by mistake.
Nope. It's worst on Payload and Attack/Defend maps. Because on those maps you actually need teamwork to do anything. CTF is also generally bad for the same reasons.
Uh, no. People being bad at maps is most painful on regular Payload maps. This is an objective fact, and there isn't even a single argument one could use to counter this fact without appearing as a buffoon to the rest of humanity.


Nope. It's worst on Payload and Attack/Defend maps. Because on those maps you actually need teamwork to do anything. CTF is also generally bad for the same reasons.

I should have specified, worst for the classes I play. On payload and A/D maps I can see when my patients are overextending themselves and retreat. Hightower offers me no such luxury due to the ease of flanking on the map. With engy I can dominate an unorganized team or provide great aid even to idiots with teleporters. On hightower? All I can do is spam minisentries. It's almost as annoying to me as I imagine it is to the opposition.

Granted, in theory I could actually learn how to aim... but nah, fuck that noise.

I should also note that when playing in an unorganized format I can go spy and wreck the opposition's D making it far more easy for my team to progress. As there is no single defending team in hightower, this is far less beneficial.

Uh, no. People being bad at maps is most painful on regular Payload maps. This is an objective fact, and there isn't even a single argument one could use to counter this fact without appearing as a buffoon to the rest of humanity.
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