I am filing this to report a scammer within Team Fortress 2. Earlier today, I uncrated an Unusual Scotch Bonnet with Orbiting Fire, and was offered a trade by the user "Lenin Stalin Jr" (link at end of message). I was unaware of the value of this item, and was told by the scammer that he would offer 9 refined metals and a hat for it. I was hesitant and wanted to look up the value of the item, but was told that it was of minimal value. For whatever reason, Steam trade wasn't functioning- I couldn't see his invite, which, in hindsight, he probably never sent at all- so the trade was done in game. Before he could finish the trade with the last of what we agreed to, he backed out and blocked me on Steam. I later learned that his initial offer-which he cheated me out of- was itself a gross undervaluing of the item.
I am fully aware that I ignored multiple warnings within the software itself and failed to due diligent research into the value of the item. I take full responsibility for my mistake and that the item was not "stolen" or "hijacked"(this being the closest menu option); however, I wish that he be flagged as a scammer as he fully and knowingly took advantage of someone who was less than knowledgeable about the game.
This is the URL to his profile.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
-*my username*