Got a networking issue, which is my least favorite kind of problem. Basically every once in a while, multiple times per day, all internet traffic on all my devices will stop. If you're streaming something it'll stop loading, if you're browsing a webpage it'll never load, if you're playing a game online it'll freeze. Happens to all my devices simultaneously so it's easy to pick out. The thing is, I don't know who to blame: my ISP, my router, or my modem. Is there like network monitoring software I could use to analyze the dropouts in real time, and is there a way to help narrow down the issue when my current router and modem when that's the only equipment I have? I can't sub anything else in for testing
Router has multiple Ethernet ports so I guess I can start there and see if when everything else goes down if wired does as well, but it's so unpredictable. Modem only has one Ethernet port so if I take it over for testing nothing else in the house is getting internet
Router: Apple AirPort Time Capsule 2TB (official refurbished, purchased May)
Modem: Arris Surfboard SB6190
ISP: Comcast 150Mbps
Edit: ran two ping tests while etherneted into my router for 24hrs, one to the router itself and one to The router one when swimmingly, no dropped packets and a max of 22ms. The Google one was mostly good, but there were several pockets of dropped packets and in one instance ping as high as 2800ms. Found my issue, it's either my modem or Comcast. I'm betting Comcast