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Teen Wolf (Season 5) |OT| Watch your (six) pack.

No, it's just awful writing. They've given all the characters idiot balls to hold onto, so none of them ask questions like, "Stiles, what happened?!" and then Stiles can describe how he was climbing to escape Bitey McHands, and how Bitey McHands got impaled.

Pretty much this.

It has gotten to the point where it is not hard to find fanfiction that is better written than the actual show.


When the show comes back, Stiles needs to be the one who kills Theo.

Bring back the Void.

He should kill him with kindness so Theo can do shirtless fitness stuff with Parrish.

It's not the worst thing to have a reformed hunk on your side. Just look at Peter Hale. OK fine, it turned out he wasn't reformed after all, but he was both hunky and helpful until his attempt on Scott's life. Which makes him a lot like Theo, come to think of it.
Watched an interview today from Dylan talking about how he prepared for filming the show by staying inside to get pale and essentially sitting around to lose muscle mass.

It is pretty funny to see some of his early pics when he was allowed to have muscle.
I think Stiles should just shoot Theo in the face.

Like... Theo's being all superior, and Stiles is like "Well, not everyone gets powers!"

Well... Stiles is smart, has resources, and can exploit Theo's weaknesses before blasting his cranium apart with a shotgun.
Watched an interview today from Dylan talking about how he prepared for filming the show by staying inside to get pale and essentially sitting around to lose muscle mass.

It is pretty funny to see some of his early pics when he was allowed to have muscle.

I think skinny twink Stiles is a good thing. He's supposed to be the every guy best friend. It would kind of take away from things a bit if he was built better than Scott.

I think Stiles should just shoot Theo in the face.

Like... Theo's being all superior, and Stiles is like "Well, not everyone gets powers!"

Well... Stiles is smart, has resources, and can exploit Theo's weaknesses before blasting his cranium apart with a shotgun.

Previously someone stated that Dylan had signed on for season 6. Anyone have a source for this?

I think Stiles should just shoot Theo in the face.

Like... Theo's being all superior, and Stiles is like "Well, not everyone gets powers!"

Well... Stiles is smart, has resources, and can exploit Theo's weaknesses before blasting his cranium apart with a shotgun.

I think I would cry with joy. Stiles need his moment.

I think skinny twink Stiles is a good thing. He's supposed to be the every guy best friend. It would kind of take away from things a bit if he was built better than Scott.

I agree. Though muscle stiles would have its uses.



I think Stiles should just shoot Theo in the face.

Like... Theo's being all superior, and Stiles is like "Well, not everyone gets powers!"

Well... Stiles is smart, has resources, and can exploit Theo's weaknesses before blasting his cranium apart with a shotgun.
It appears Theo's beneficent influence has drawn out your savage nature. I'm not surprised. Foul things tend to be attracted to the brightest lights.

Fortunately for us all, it's literally impossible to purposely destroy a face as beautiful as Theo's. Behold:



Oops, how did that last one get in there?

Anyway, what I was about to say was that Stiles will have to use subtler methods if he hopes to take Theo down, like maybe flying to London to pick up Jackson, and convincing Jackson to seduce Theo, and then waiting to see if their strong personalities clash the morning after their first rough night, and then pushing Jackson to stay as close as possible to Theo all night every night until Theo shows his weaknesses. And if he turns out not to have any weaknesses, Jackson could try to create some by making out with him a lot until he's got Theo conditioned to let his guard down. And then Jackson and Theo could leave Beacon Hills and travel the world together, because honestly by that point it wouldn't even be necessary to try to kill him once he's a devoted boyfriend.

Deep down in your heart, you know it to be true.

I think I would cry with joy. Stiles need his moment.

I agree. Stiles needs that legitimate win on his own, with his own hands and on his own terms. He must step out of the shadow of the pack.

It appears Theo's beneficent influence has drawn out your savage nature. I'm not surprised. Foul things tend to be attracted to the brightest lights.

Fortunately for us all, it's literally impossible to purposely destroy a face as beautiful as Theo's.



Oops, how did that last one get in there?

Anyway, what I was about to say was that Stiles will have to use subtler methods if he hopes to take Theo down, like maybe flying to London to pick up Jackson, and convincing Jackson to seduce Theo, and then waiting to see if their strong personalities clash the morning after their first rough night, and then pushing Jackson to stay as close as possible to Theo all night every night until Theo shows his weaknesses. And if he turns out not to have any weaknesses, Jackson could try to create some by making out with him a lot until he's got Theo conditioned to let his guard down. And then he and Theo could leave Beacon Hills and travel the world together, because honestly by that point it wouldn't even be necessary to try to kill him.

I would actually be okay with Jackson returning to face off against Theo.

And then brutally murder him.


and then destroy it.
Man, I miss Jackson. His Kenima arc was so good.


Plus, I loved it when he was being torn down throughout the first and second seasons, things around him breaking down on him basically as he slowly sinks down to the bottom of the well... so to speak.


I would actually be okay with Jackson returning to face off against Theo.

And then brutally murder him.


and then destroy it.
Your metaphors are a little too violent for my delicate constitution, but I think we fundamentally agree that Theo requires sexual healing through hatesex with Jackson.

Man, I miss Jackson. His Kenima arc was so good.


Plus, I loved it when he was being torn down throughout the first and second seasons, things around him breaking down on him basically as he slowly sinks down to the bottom of the well... so to speak.
I miss Jackson for many reasons, most of them visual. But I also loved his storyline, yeah.
Your metaphors are a little too violent for my delicate constitution, but I think we fundamentally agree that Theo requires sexual healing through hatesex with Jackson.

Well, does it count as hatesex if it involves penetration?

Like, Jackson stabbing Theo with a javelin from the high school gym?


Well, does it count as hatesex if it involves penetration?

Like, Jackson stabbing Theo with a javelin from the high school gym?
Hatesex involves vigorous penetration of some kind. I'm not sure about the javelin thing, but the gym part is fitting since they'd definitely get a good workout. Lots of wrestling and straining and scratching. You know, basic werewolf/kanima/chimera stuff. But with sex.


#3 is Parrish.

Cody C. and Dylan S. look so fucking stupid in facial hair. Faces so punch-able.

Like that kid in high school who grows a mustache because he can, even though it just makes him look like a child molester.


I think it works better on Cody because it's dense enough. Not so much for either Dylan. When your growth is that patchy, heed nature's message and stick to stubble or nothing.

For best results, be Tyler Hoechlin or J.R. Bourne.

P.S. Did you know Bourne is a daddy? I wasn't aware until Google showed me this:


Stupid sexy actors.
I'm not into daddies, but still.
I think it works better on Cody because it's dense enough. Not so much for either Dylan. When your growth is that patchy, heed nature's message and stick to stubble or nothing.

For best results, be Tyler Hoechlin or J.R. Bourne.

Dylan O. just looks homeless when he grows facial hair. Cody/Dylan S. look like massive douchebags.



I actually remember watching season 1, but missing a lot of episodes because I wasn't really invested in the show yet.

Until her death I assumed she was Allison's grandma.
Season 1 is totally worth watching in full if you haven't. So many hunks, so much Stiles. Allison's crazy family. Plus I really like where all the characters started out. Lydia and Jackson have entertaining story arcs, and it's cool how Peter was the first season's big bad.
There were tons of groups of assassins in that season. I JUST watched that episode, and it never said that the orphans were the ones Kate killed.

Not to mention that a couple were arrested.
There were tons of groups of assassins in that season. I JUST watched that episode, and it never said that the orphans were the ones Kate killed.

Not to mention that a couple were arrested.
Violet and Garrett are the Orphans. I don't remember exactly when that was revealed but it was.

Kate killed Violet, and one of the Berserkers killed Garrett.


season 4 was weird
Weakest season, easily, IMO. Still good thanks to Peter and Parrish and Kate though. Also Liam and his worried faces.

Speaking of Parrish, have a dirty hunk:


Those teeth...

And an utterly filthy hunk:


Somebody needs a steamy shower. (Don't forget the camera!)

And a clean hunk:


I think he's offended because someone just offered him a shirt.

And a hunk in his work uniform:


Pls stay employed in 5B. Maybe Stilinski would let you work overtime. I bet Theo would help you; it's what he does. He could even be your spotter. That's what the kids are calling bottoms these days, right?

Also, check out this joker:


He looks a lot like Parrish, but it can't be him because there's this strange tan covering on his upper body, and I know Parrish would never be so unprofessional.

Lastly, your daily reminder that each and every mammal on this planet loves Theo:


Lizards and invertebrates are fond of him too. Did you know some of his biggest fans are spider crabs? They trust him instinctively. As they should.


The fact that Teen Wolf is still going strong after five seasons makes me immensely happy. Every time a show I like ends up having an uncommonly great cast, I worry it's going to get canceled. Good thing Teen Wolf apparently has enough mainstream appeal to carry on for a while yet.

I wonder how many seasons the show will end up getting before it's cut short or most of the original cast moves on. I'm just now realizing that the longest lasting show I was ever into was Buffy, and honestly that could have used an eighth season to wrap up properly, before the comics. I would hate for Teen Wolf to end on an unresolved note.

I think Teen Wolf could squeeze at least a few seasons out of a college setting (I can hear some of you squirming), as long as the writers did their best to vary the tones and subjects from season to season. Light, dark, mysterious, whatever. There's options. Maybe they could convince some old cast members to pop in. (Bring back your hot self, Jackson. We're one hunk short of a perfect trio.) Kate's return in S4 gave us glimmers of the really interesting character dynamics that can happen when someone's been out of the loop for a while and then returns to find everyone else changed by their experiences. Too bad Allison checked out in 3B, preempting what would have been a dramatic and entertaining family reunion arc.

Isaac and Papa Argent should definitely show up again. I'm sure Derek will be back soon. If resurrection is on the table, Victoria Argent (AKA Allison's super intense mom) is the natural first choice. Love her.


Also, porn star mechanic guy.


RIP in peace, boo. A certain hunky kanima claimed your life too soon.

BTW, I found this just now and couldn't resist posting it, for obvious reasons:


Pls grace us with your hunky intensity again, Derek.
I think 6 or 7 seasons is a pretty good run.

The most important thing to me is just that they get the chance to put together a proper ending. Preferably with porn star mechanic returning as some sort of ethereal angel to bless the world, who then takes all the hunks to stud nirvana, or something.


I think 6 or 7 seasons is a pretty good run.
I'm hoping for at least seven. Eight if the story can justify it. Then it's on to Teen Wolf: The Next Generation, starring Liam, with Theo assuming Derek's role as brooding mentor and sexpot with a dark side. Buffer, frownier, and more shirtless than ever.

The most important thing to me is just that they get the chance to put together a proper ending. Preferably with porn star mechanic returning as some sort of ethereal angel to bless the world, who then takes all the hunks to stud nirvana, or something.
A home for every hunk. A place where Parrish can finally exist in his natural state: a studly hellhound totally liberated from pesky social mores regarding nudity. Hunting, romping, playing Jenga with corpses, rutting with other hunks. You know.



Hmm. Theo has a calico cat. I have a calico cat. My opinion of Theo increases slightly.
Good, good.

May I also point out that, at the cost of profound personal discomfort, Theo often wears human clothing so as to put non-hunks and insecure straight boys at ease? Even Parrish can't claim to wear clothes for such a noble reason, because he has to worry about keeping his job. Theo is truly selfless.

Remember that time he backhanded Lydia in the head area so she wouldn't be traumatized by witnessing the battle between Scott and his precious werewolf son Liam? We should all be so lucky to have that kind of friend. Like all of us, he seeks peace through physical domination and psychological manipulation. Bless him and his tight tanned abs.


I think 6 or 7 seasons is a pretty good run.

The most important thing to me is just that they get the chance to put together a proper ending. Preferably with porn star mechanic returning as some sort of ethereal angel to bless the world, who then takes all the hunks to stud nirvana, or something.

I have a feeling seven will be the magical number. Maybe dive into the first year of college and boom show ends hopefully really well.


With season's 3 and 5 being twice as long as regular season and being split into two parts, isn't Teen Wolf technically aready at 7 "MTV seasons" length? It's been a really impressive run so far, I honestly never expected the show to last this long when it premiered.

The should keep the characters together after graduation, it would make sense if they decide to attend college together and not go their separate ways. This isn't a regular teen high school soap, these characters have formed a pack and they've been fighting together, if they make the conscious decision to remain part of the pack it would not be out of character.


With season's 3 and 5 being twice as long as regular season and being split into two parts, isn't Teen Wolf technically aready at 7 "MTV seasons" length? It's been a really impressive run so far, I honestly never expected the show to last this long when it premiered.

The should keep the characters together after graduation, it would make sense if they decide to attend college together and not go their separate ways. This isn't a regular teen high school soap, these characters have formed a pack and they've been fighting together, if they make the conscious decision to remain part of the pack it would not be out of character.

But some of the new pack are baby highschoolers. Are we going to be jumping back and forth between High school antics and College antics?


With season's 3 and 5 being twice as long as regular season and being split into two parts, isn't Teen Wolf technically aready at 7 "MTV seasons" length? It's been a really impressive run so far, I honestly never expected the show to last this long when it premiered.

The should keep the characters together after graduation, it would make sense if they decide to attend college together and not go their separate ways. This isn't a regular teen high school soap, these characters have formed a pack and they've been fighting together, if they make the conscious decision to remain part of the pack it would not be out of character.
Yeah, I feel like it would make sense for them to stay close.

But some of the new pack are baby highschoolers. Are we going to be jumping back and forth between High school antics and College antics?
Maybe the writers could contrive a reason for the highschoolers to relocate along with the rest of the pack.

New promo for 5B apparently coming October 9
Then so will I.


I hope this whole Maze Runner artifact stealing controversy blows over soon. It's not pleasant to see Dylan wrapped up in a scandal.

yes ok do I post my credit card number in the comments or just press the card up against the screen

Colton, uuuuuuunf.
Come back, Jackson.

I saw that Maze Runner story and shook my head. Dylan getting himself caught up in that a mess.
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