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Tekken 5 for PS2 / GC / XB announced


EDIT: the game is for PS2 only

this week's famitsu

Tekken 5 for PS2
2005 Spring
AC mode
original mode
customize mode

other details also unknown yet


Kickass. Hopefully Heihachi is in the PS2 vers.. oh wait.
Seriously, though. I love to see Namco loving the GameCube. Hopefully DTR2 will see the light on the Cube as well.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Kick ass news. Even thought its been said before, neo for Poster of the Year

Now I can justify getting Hori Cube or Xbox arcade stick.


neo2046 said:
this week's famitsu

Tekken 5 for PS2 / GC / XB
2005 Spring
AC mode
original mode
customize mode

dunno the difference among the 3 versions
other details also unknown yet

Atleast we'll get arcade perfect versions of T5 on GC and Xbox since T5 runs on system 258 which is more powerful than ps2.
radioheadrule83 said:
I'm in for the GC version! Capcom have been awesome to Nintendo fans this generation.

excuse me. Have you missed the capcom/RE hate? :)

NEED SCREENS! I skipped T4 and found TTT to be lack the must play me quality inherent in the earlier Tekkens. Will probably buy it though, Good to skip a couple of games in the same franchise when they're number tumblers like these.


neo2046 said:
this week's famitsu

Tekken 5 for PS2 / GC / XB
2005 Spring
AC mode
original mode
customize mode

dunno the difference among the 3 versions
other details also unknown yet

PS2:Katamari Damaci
GC:Donkey Kong
Xbox:The lead character from Breakdown


I don't know why people ever expected it to be PS2 only after the R:RE and SC2 releases. Anyway, it's cool now it's been made public. You have to wonder what they'll do with the character line-up though. It would be cool if they added some of the Ridge girls.

No, for the same reason SC2 didn't.


Jonnyram said:
I don't know why people ever expected it to be PS2 only after the R:RE and SC2 releases. Anyway, it's cool now it's been made public. You have to wonder what they'll do with the character line-up though. It would be cool if they added some of the Ridge girls.

No, for the same reason SC2 didn't.
I don't think a fighting ring (nor a mud pool) is the ideal place for Reiko Nagase...


I hate Tekken now. I liked it a lot better when only people that owned PS2s could play it. The magic is just not there any more...
interest in tekken 5 yesterday: -100

interest in tekken 5 right now: +10

interest in tekken 5 if XBL play is announced: +100000000

do the right thing namco


deadlifter said:
you sir, are not majoring in marketing i presume.

In terms of style, DK doesn't fit in at all. And "Katamari Damaci" isn't a character. And the Breakdown suggestion... yeah, that'll sell.
PS 2 : umm.. umm.. It will be Namco owned.. so.. ... TOS character

GC : Not a LOZ character and no SMB. I say Captain Falcon or Samus (without armour) but enough indicator to tell its Samus. two costumes. One without armour, One with.

Xbox : Some Todd McFarlane crap again


They could put NES in the GC version...with the baseball stick...
Actually...if they put SHEIK the success is sure.


ourumov said:
They could put NES in the GC version...with the baseball stick...
Actually...if they put SHEIK the success is sure.

Sheik would be awesome. A great fit for the series.


The point is that you have to destroy Tekken 5 story and people doesn't seem to realize it. Stop naming characters that would fit.


neptunes said:
You guys think they'll add XBL support?
I wonder how they'll handle the control on the GC though. maybe X,Y,L,R? A and B don't really conjur up ideas of left and right limbs to me.
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