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Tekken 5 for PS2 / GC / XB announced

neptunes said:
You guys think they'll add XBL support?

no. How long did DOA U take to do the netcode and get it perfect and didn't that bomb? I'll guessing a vanilla port (maybe upgraded visuals) and that's it. It will sell with or without XBL- the Xbox version of SCII sold without XBL...
Midas said:
Is Tekken 5 like the 4th installment or more like the earlier ones?

In EDGE, the Namco guys mentioned that it should most probably be unlike 4 because they had to seriously look at why gamers hated 4. :) Winner is you.
I'm interested in how they'll use the analog/click on GC, and analog buttons on the other two consoles. I assume it's been made with a more cross-platform thing in mind.

Is this in the arcades already? Any impressions? I'm interested in what the customise mode is.

I think Link fitted more in Soul Calibur because it has more of a feudal Japan era fantasy vibe to it. Even though being an elf has little to do with that, it just seemed to fit alright. With Tekken you've got more modern and realistic characters, and then some real oddball ones like King or whatever. Some real streetfighters... I don't think you can pick characters for each console that won't stand out either.

They should still do it though. As unlockable incentive.


I think Link fitted more in Soul Calibur because it has more of a feudal Japan era fantasy vibe to it. Even though being an elf has little to do with that, it just seemed to fit alright. With Tekken you've got more modern and realistic characters, and then some real oddball ones like King or whatever. Some real streetfighters... I don't think you can pick characters for each console that won't stand out either.
It's the first time I hear a comparison between Hyrule and the feudal Japan...

I respect your view but I think that Hyrule is much more near to the Lord of Rings concept than to the feudal Japan (Onimusha, Inu-Yasha, etc.)
radioheadrule83 said:
I'm interested in how they'll use the analog/click on GC, and analog buttons on the other two consoles. I assume it's been made with a more cross-platform thing in mind.

Is this in the arcades already? Any impressions? I'm interested in what the customise mode is.

I think Link fitted more in Soul Calibur because it has more of a feudal Japan era fantasy vibe to it. Even though being an elf has little to do with that, it just seemed to fit alright. With Tekken you've got more modern and realistic characters, and then some real oddball ones like King or whatever. Some real streetfighters... I don't think you can pick characters for each console that won't stand out either.

They should still do it though. As unlockable incentive.

Link fitted in a lot more simply because he was a guy with a sword. I don't think he gelled too well - everyone else was so humanistic and their customes elaborate..etc. Link in comparision was sort of vanilla. His grab throw rocks though.
Yeah they're probably not really very alike. Perhaps its the whole swords and shieldery. :) Soul Calibur is a weapons based fighter..

edit: ah see this conclusion was reached already


TheGreenGiant said:
In EDGE, the Namco guys mentioned that it should most probably be unlike 4 because they had to seriously look at why gamers hated 4. :) Winner is you.

Aaah, that's nice to hear. :)


OMG! Namco betrayed PS2 fans! Must start petition to make them port all their Xbox and GC games to PS2!

I'd like to see all 3 feature an exclusive main character from a Tales game. :D Although they'd fit better in SCIII...


I find that rather sad.

Why would the inclusion of a single character boost peoples interest in the game and cause them to purchase it afterwards?

If the a game's entire premise doesn't interest you then what does...ahh forget it.


After hearing Tekken 5 was running on System 258 (with incredibly detailed characters and post-processing SFX out the wazoo) and looking at all the framerate issues with SC2 on PS2, it wasn't too hard to guess T5 was going to be multiplatform. And I remember Jarrod saying something about Namco trying to shoot for the T5 to reach 5 million in sales, and that wasn't going to happen on just PS2.

In other news, my local arcades don't have T5 yet :( I live too far away from Shinjuku, where all the good arcades are.. but I may have to take the trip anyway.


Don't you understand? If any of use are to survive .. any of us .. now more than ever .. We Need HOPE!

And suddenly .. there was a wind.
No, Not a wind. A blur of motion .. bending the steel of their weapons...
... and changing the very course of the mighty river below.
Even before the bystanders freed themselves from the cablecar, they knew. We all did.
We knew... and remembered.


Up in the sky!

Namco had not turned their back on us. They stand in the sky... faith rewarded.


Namco had so good results with Soul Calibur2 multiplatform that this move is a logic one.
But is this confirmed?When is Famitsu out?


Ok, people: you can continue selling your GCs.

It sounded very strange to be true... A pitty, I would have bought the GC one...


wtf, i click on the thread that says Tekken 5 for PS2/GC/XB and then suddenly, it pops up says Tekken 5 for PS2?!

damn the fake news! i was actually excited coz i'd much rather buy it on GC than PS2, but now, i guess i'd just have to pick up the PS2 version...
Oh man!

Could still turn out that it will come out on all 3.. but looks like its not in Famitsu after all.
Someone wanna tell the IGN GCN GB? I don't have the heart!


I don't really care which console it's being released for, as long as it's being released. I have reasonable faith in Tekken 5, partly because it seems to include a tag-mode. Tekken Tag was amazing, while Tekken 4 was decent and lacked...something. Not only the tag-mode. :p
TheGreenGiant said:
Sony has lost the battle. Good work Namco on doing this multi-platform.

Neo2046. You rockKKKKKkkkkkk.
radioheadrule83 said:
I'm in for the GC version! Namco/SEGA/Capcom have been awesome to Nintendo fans this generation.
I may pick it up on XB if it has XBL too.
Atleast we'll get arcade perfect versions of T5 on GC and Xbox since T5 runs on system 258 which is more powerful than ps2.
Jonnyram said:
I don't know why people ever expected it to be PS2 only after the R:RE and SC2 releases. Anyway, it's cool now it's been made public. You have to wonder what they'll do with the character line-up though. It would be cool if they added some of the Ridge girls.

No, for the same reason SC2 didn't.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
interest in tekken 5 yesterday: -100

interest in tekken 5 right now: +10

interest in tekken 5 if XBL play is announced: +100000000

do the right thing namco


Now it sucks again
After hearing Tekken 5 was running on System 258 (with incredibly detailed characters and post-processing SFX out the wazoo) ... it wasn't too hard to guess T5 was going to be multiplatform.



Great thread. Good to see people get their hopes up and have them smacked down on the second page. ^_^
TheGreenGiant said:
didn't say it sucks again. I have all consoles. Doesn't matter either way. I praised Namco for a business decision; nothing to do with nothing. PS2bot = you

It's all is good fun :lol

And I only included your post because of the "Sony has lost the battle" part, not because you're a raging Xbot or anything of the sort.


I'm surprised that it isn't going multiplatform at the moment. But then again, Namco isn't company that I feel is missing an oppurtunity, so in the end I shouldn't be shocked with this news.
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