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Tekken |OT| of Tag Assaulting the Devil, Ogres, Wild Animals & MILFs (Bitcap Warning)


I'm pretty sure I have read that we can replace the character illustration to those art pieces.

My Christie Monteiro Bishoujo figure shipped today! Kaboom!


Amazing. Let it be a September release Namco.

Sept release for TTT2 on consoles? Or?

I'd love that since I can't get constant games with friends, and them with each other either, due to this syncing issue I mentioned yesterday.

Really strange. :/
Just a few comments:

a) King lows have been steadily getting worse as the series progresses. d/f+4 used to be a legitimate option, but they slowed all aspects of it down so much. Don't use d/b+3. d/b+4 isn't bad, but you have to hit it or you're screwed. D/F+1 is safe from far range, and you can combo into iSW from it.

I don't play a turtling King, he doesn't have many fast counterhit moves other than b+1. Like I said before, what I do is make the opponent stand up to get thrown. So hitting them with lows is the opposite of what I'm trying to accomplish. King's mid-game is suitable, and has moves that hit sidesteppers as well.

b) Kaz's mist step was so dumb in T2. He basically had a sidestep in a game that didn't have sidesteps. Follow the mist step with a wgf, and there you go.

c) I propose that the Friday Avoid the Puddle broadcast switch to a 50/50 Tekken/SC stream. I know it depends on if people are playing, but I think getting some extra exposure for people unfamiliar with the game before TTT2 comes out would be a good thing. I mentioned this in another thread. According to @magus1234's twitter feed, he's looking to get into Tekken and is trying to learn T6 before the game comes out. I'd say that's a pretty good start. I hope he talks about it on TNT.


Sept release for TTT2 on consoles? Or?

I'd love that since I can't get constant games with friends, and them with each other either, due to this syncing issue I mentioned yesterday.

Really strange. :/

The console release is rumored to be for September. Although, it's not 100% certain.


It's really weird but I'm in a total Tekken mood (have been playing it since Tekken 1) and has tried to come up with the complete list of characters in the series. I have done it before but I think I have missed someone. Maybe add this post to the OP somehow, now that it's already a fantastic super guide.

Anna Williams (Tekken)
Armor King (Tekken)
Ganryu (Tekken)
Heihachi Mishima (Tekken)
Jack (Tekken)
Kazuya Mishima (Tekken)
King (Tekken)
Kuma (Tekken)
Kunimitsu (Tekken)
Lee Chaolan / Violet (Tekken, Tekken 4)
Marshall Law (Tekken)
Michelle Chang (Tekken)
Nina Williams (Tekken)
Paul Phoenix (Tekken)
Prototype Jack (Tekken)
Wang Jinrei (Tekken)
Yoshimitsu (Tekken)

Alex (Tekken 2)
Angel (Tekken 2)
Baek Do San (Tekken 2)
Bruce Irvin (Tekken 2)
Devil (Tekken 2)
Jack-2 (Tekken 2)
Jun Kazama (Tekken 2)
Lei Wulong (Tekken 2)
Roger (Tekken 2)

Bryan Fury (Tekken 3)
Dr. Boskonovitch (Tekken 3)
Eddy Gordo (Tekken 3)
Forrest Law (Tekken 3)
Gon (Tekken 3)
Gun Jack (Tekken 3)
Hwoarang (Tekken 3)
Jin Kazama (Tekken 3)
Julia Chang / JayCee (Tekken 3, Tekken Tag Tournament 2)
King II (Tekken 3)
Kuma II (Tekken 3)
Ling Xiaoyu (Tekken 3)
Mokujin (Tekken 3)
Ogre (Tekken 3)
Panda (Tekken 3)
Tiger Jackson (Tekken 3)
True Ogre (Tekken 3)

Unknown (Tekken Tag Tournament)

Christie Monteiro (Tekken 4)
Combot (Tekken 4)
Craig Marduk (Tekken 4)
Miharu Hirano (Tekken 4)
Steve Fox (Tekken 4)

Asuka Kazama (Tekken 5)
Devil Jin (Tekken 5)
Feng Wei (Tekken 5)
Jack-5 (Tekken 5)
Jinpachi Mishima (Tekken 5)
Raven (Tekken 5)
Roger Jr. (Tekken 5)

Armor King II (Tekken 5: DR)
Emilie "Lili" Rochefort (Tekken 5: DR)
Sergei Dragunov (Tekken 5: DR)

Azazel (Tekken 6)
Eleneor "Leo" Kliesen (Tekken 6)
Jack-6 (Tekken 6)
Miguel Caballero Rojo (Tekken 6)
Nancy-MI847J (Tekken 6)
Robert "Bob" Richards (Tekken 6)
Zafina (Tekken 6)

Alisa Boskonovitch (Tekken 6: BR)
Lars Alexandersson (Tekken 6: BR)

68 characters in the Tekken history, some of them aren't playable, like Azazel, Nancy etc.



I'd put Devil in Tekken 2 as a origin. In Tekken 1 secret blue costume for Kazuya was called Devil Kazuya(not sure if even officially), but it wasn't actually Devil character.


I'd put Devil in Tekken 2 as a origin. In Tekken 1 secret blue costume for Kazuya was called Devil Kazuya(not sure if even officially), but it wasn't actually Devil character.

Ahh yea, true totally right about that one. I remember now that you say it, thanks.


^^^ MMMmmmmmm! Wish I had secret room to store those figures without being mocked or finger pointed.

Also new thread to subscribe, thanks Anastacio.
Dear lawday Kotobukiya, although the Christie model beats it out in the shameless factor.

Sept release for TTT2 on consoles? Or?

A Namco rep at the Las Vegas Arcade show said they might be bringing TTT2 as early as September and plan to update Arcade and console versions with releases. Kinda mixed though since Harada doesn't really like DLC.


Unless they're free updates of course. Make it easier to delete and 'regress' un-fun updates like BR :p


A Namco rep at the Las Vegas Arcade show said they might be bringing TTT2 as early as September and plan to update Arcade and console versions with releases. Kinda mixed though since Harada doesn't really like DLC.

And thank God he doesn't like DLC. If they do pursue it in the future, then I hope it's done the ethical way and I will fully support them.

Can you imagine what Tekken would be like if it was owned by Capcom?

It will be seen before 2012 phenomenon ;) RT@Danny_VT Hi Harada-san, when we finaly are going to see at least a teaser trailer of TKxSF?
^^^ MMMmmmmmm! Wish I had secret room to store those figures without being mocked or finger pointed.

Also new thread to subscribe, thanks Anastacio.

Let them mock all they want. Ain't nothing wrong with collecting figures, display them proudly just like I do=) Can't wait to have all the tekken ladies, just hoping they make Jun and Leo.

Slightly off topic but I've finally got my hands on Tatsunoko vs Capcom and Joe the Condor straight up has Miguel's fighting stance, its awesome


Preach on brother, haters can talk all the "Juggleken" trash they want but at least with Tekken I know I'm getting the entire game for my 60 bucks.

Under Capcpom:
NEON colors
99 cents for Nina's DBD costume
Jinpachi and Jun as on-disc DLC - unlockable six months later.
Super Tekken Unlimited Tag Tournament 2 releasing in 2013.
And for the first time ever, introducing Sony characters into the Tekken franchise. Play as Kuro and Turo.

I'm J/K. :p
Also, FW you are so so so awesome for getting a hold of all those TTT2 artworks :)

Hahaha no probs. ;) They make decent phone wallpapers in the least but I guess the offset for making them pop up more on Tekken Net was smaller res and logo out of nowhere. :[

*checks interview schedule*

*closes interview schedule*

*slips out of the thread*

Tekken dating simulator confirmed.

Sweet art, Kazuya head got me intrigued. Hope for full.

Not exactly full but it's the same art in the Ace Combat DLC.


Damn it. All this 2D art. I can't handle it. I NEED this game.
And thanks to Anastacio for the constant updates.

Julia you've become slutty - me gusta.
The 2D art is making them all look that way. :p
Otherwise, Tekken girls' expressions and body language less often implies "Look at me.....I know you want dis" and more often implies "touch me and I'll kick your ass."


I've been playing a bit of Tekken 6 lately, and man this game is freaking hard. So much stuff to remember, and I'm even using an easy character (Lili)! I can't imagine how hard will it be to learn (at least) two of them for TTT2.

As a sidenote, is it normal that customization items are crazy expensive? I get a few thousand gold for each match and most of them costs hundreds of thousands or even millions! It's not important but I wonder why they did that. Oh well, at least they are not DLC.


Yeah they are really expensive. It's best to get a decent amount of cash from scenario campaign first and then just keep playing normally. If you don't customize like crazy you should get enough money just from playing matches.

That might just be me though, I only customize characters I play so I haven't been hurting for cash.


I've been playing a bit of Tekken 6 lately, and man this game is freaking hard. So much stuff to remember, and I'm even using an easy character (Lili)! I can't imagine how hard will it be to learn (at least) two of them for TTT2.

As a sidenote, is it normal that customization items are crazy expensive? I get a few thousand gold for each match and most of them costs hundreds of thousands or even millions! It's not important but I wonder why they did that. Oh well, at least they are not DLC.

A lot of the options suck anyway, I want more for Marduk then just football crap...

Yeah I've been getting my ass kicked all day and the salt hasn't run out.


Am I the only one who don't like the goofy-like items in Tekken?

I prefer a more serious and stylish look to my characters. Great design on clothes with toned-down or down to earth colors.


Am I the only one who don't like the goofy-like items in Tekken?

I prefer a more serious and stylish look to my characters. Great design on clothes with toned-down or down to earth colors.

I'm not a fan of people using the customizing options to make their character look as annoying as possible, but I guess that's the point. All I can really do is make my own customs not look ridiculous.


I await your invite.

FR sent.

I've been playing a bit of Tekken 6 lately, and man this game is freaking hard. So much stuff to remember, and I'm even using an easy character (Lili)! I can't imagine how hard will it be to learn (at least) two of them for TTT2.

As a sidenote, is it normal that customization items are crazy expensive? I get a few thousand gold for each match and most of them costs hundreds of thousands or even millions! It's not important but I wonder why they did that. Oh well, at least they are not DLC.

Keep playing and don't stop. I mostly learned everything I did from local play and ranked matches. Preferably find a really good local play opponent. That's where you can see a lot of the mechanics at work. Online lag sort of prevents that in ranked matches.

Am I the only one who don't like the goofy-like items in Tekken?

I prefer a more serious and stylish look to my characters. Great design on clothes with toned-down or down to earth colors.

I'm the exact same way. I'd rather not make the characters look goofy but there are people who do like that sort of stuff.


Damn, that was like a 3 hour session we had Sayah? Back and forth continuously. Damn that was fun. Lag pooped the party a little bit, but I still had a great time.

As for the customizations, the way the system is set in the way that you individually customize each limb, people will more than likely mix and mash leading to the ridiculous figures we see. It's unavoidable in the end. But so far it looks like TTT2 has a lot more casual outfits rather than crazy ones so maybe it'll be toned down for this version?


Damn, that was like a 3 hour session we had Sayah? Back and forth continuously. Damn that was fun. Lag pooped the party a little bit, but I still had a great time.

As for the customizations, the way the system is set in the way that you individually customize each limb, people will more than likely mix and mash leading to the ridiculous figures we see. It's unavoidable in the end. But so far it looks like TTT2 has a lot more casual outfits rather than crazy ones so maybe it'll be toned down for this version?

Probably 3 hours or more but those were amazing matches. Julia scares me. :p
And I hope Anna's mixups didn't feel so repetitive. I have a lot of fun doing them.

As far as the customizations, there are definitely more casual costumes but there are also things like burgers on a head. And I hope to never come across an Ogre with an elephant/duck face. Whoever thought of that should be fired, lol.


Ideally, I believe most of those mixups are sidesteppable. But my inferior reactions & lag made me eat so many of them. A setup that you really could really abuse with Anna is her qcf+4 and from that you can bugger in her FC,d/f motion. If it's blocked, it's safe but if it connects and your opponent techrolls you can set them up with a FC,d/f+2 to hit them low or FC,f+1 if they're high. Stole that from some tournament videos I saw a while back ;)

And yeah, I'm learning Julia for now because I really feel like pairing her up with my Aking for TTT2. Although I will admit she's pretty powerful in this game.

Assuming Kunimtsu isn't going to be in the game :(


Keep playing and don't stop. I mostly learned everything I did from local play and ranked matches. Preferably find a really good local play opponent. That's where you can see a lot of the mechanics at work. Online lag sort of prevents that in ranked matches.

I played a couple of games with yellow connections (the best I could find) and they were terrible. Half of my inputs were lost in lag limbo. :-/ I hope TTT2 will be better, the netcode in Soul Calibur 5 is good.

I'm the exact same way. I'd rather not make the characters look goofy but there are people who do like that sort of stuff.

If you watch high level match videos, you'd say that almost all pros want their characters to look like idiots. I'd rather not mess so much with the original character design, but I guess you get bored of it after thousands of matches.


This is the last JayCee picture:


I wish this would have been the Bishoujo figure.

By the way, am I right when I say the hair physics have improved in TTT2?
Look at all dat back story and character integrity.


Oh uh hair physics, yeah I guess they sorta changed a bit. Lili's wavy hair, Lar's fringe over his shitty face etc. Seems like they directed some attention over to some presentation especially in lieu of the wavy 'void-like' entrances.

But speaking of physics I hear combos in general in Unlimited got a slight gravity tweak. Move's got smaller hitboxes, tighter inputs or not enough 'lift' or something. Apparently it's harder to do some staple combos. eg: Lee's b+2,f~n xforever, Julia's ff+1, gotta input binds earlier etc.

Might shake things up a little bit, but it would be weird If the gravity in Tekken suddenly 'stopped working' and we end up with only like 2 or 3 hit combos max. Haha.
Related to the press event Harada's attending to really, really soon no?

Strange logo though. Says Tekken Tag Tournament but not in the similar fashion of other TTT2 logos. Worst kept secret ever if it's a September launch window.


Ideally, I believe most of those mixups are sidesteppable. But my inferior reactions & lag made me eat so many of them. A setup that you really could really abuse with Anna is her qcf+4 and from that you can bugger in her FC,d/f motion. If it's blocked, it's safe but if it connects and your opponent techrolls you can set them up with a FC,d/f+2 to hit them low or FC,f+1 if they're high. Stole that from some tournament videos I saw a while back ;)

And yeah, I'm learning Julia for now because I really feel like pairing her up with my Aking for TTT2. Although I will admit she's pretty powerful in this game.

Assuming Kunimtsu isn't going to be in the game :(

I think her d/f+1, 2, 3 ---> cancel into her stance.....may be too close for it to be sidestepped. Or maybe it varies with what action I take since she does have a lot of options in the stance. Although, I'm not sure anyway. You are much more knowledgeable with all these setups.

I'll also try out that FC motion. Any video example of it in action would help. :D

And Nina/Anna will be my ideal team for TTT2. I suck with everyone else at this point. Although, I want to make a team for Yoshi/Alisa and Jinpachi/Jun.

If TTT2U is coming in September.............. thank Harada basedddddddddd


Look at all dat back story and character integrity.
It is kind of out there. Nature-loving Julia would be the last person you'd expect flashing like that. :p

I played a couple of games with yellow connections (the best I could find) and they were terrible. Half of my inputs were lost in lag limbo. :-/ I hope TTT2 will be better, the netcode in Soul Calibur 5 is good.
I'm gonna hope the netcode for TTT2 will be miles better than Tekken 6 but with 4 characters on screen and more frantic action, I'm gonna keep my hopes in check. Not even sure how pair play will be like online.


Rip just posted this


If TTT2U is coming in September.............. thank Harada basedddddddddd


I'll also try out that FC motion. Any video example of it in action would help. :D


2:28... you can also see it done after a blocked d/b+3+4 at 15:05. I think it's a really great tool and really hard to see coming.

Another nifty thing about her is how her u/f+3 stance from judgement crushes lows and can be done midstring like in 13:42 and 14:22. And right after that that set also shows her awesome tech trap of getting a getting a reset righter after her B! f,f+3 by using her d+4,1. I dunno but I maybe she can get a free d+1+2 if they tech roll like how Bruce get's a free b+2+3 during his tech trap?

And Nina/Anna will be my ideal team for TTT2. I suck with everyone else at this point. Although, I want to make a team for Yoshi/Alisa and Jinpachi/Jun.

Man, I really wish I could play Yoshi properly. He just looks so damn fun to play with once you get all of his intricacies down.
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