That's just a normal chicken counter.
And I agree, I liked T6 for the atmosphere and the bound. But, it was a mixed bag, IMO.
Oh I see. Nvm, I guess. :/
That's just a normal chicken counter.
And I agree, I liked T6 for the atmosphere and the bound. But, it was a mixed bag, IMO.
Someone from TZ posted this.
I don't agree with this all the way but I can kinda see it minus Jinpachi and the lack of Anna ,Bob,Raven and Christie.
That is so fake, it's not even funny.
Yeah, that's the point it was just something the person might think the roster may end up being.
Great Tekken to jump in since loadings are short.
There's no story mode but all the rest are in. Great game to learn reactions and movement because on ultra and even very hard the cpu in ghost battles fights like a maniac.
Awesome thing is almost double the stages: from Vanila and from DR plus DR exclusive stages and double the music. Feng's rocks. Shockwaaaveee!
I love DR stages, full of color and awesome soundtrack.
I recommend it even if online doesn't work. I saw some time ago 3 guys playing but it auto kicked me from room.
Btw for fight money you buy customizations and not like Tag2 you wont have millions after an hour. But I love those original customs per every character, like Kaz has blonde slicked back hair and bandaged arms.
Also buying artwork in gallery for fightmoney.
People actually hated Devil Within? I loved Devil Within. Hated Scenario Campaign in Tekken 6, though.
Someone from TZ posted this.
I don't agree with this all the way but I can kinda see it minus Jinpachi and the lack of Anna ,Bob,Raven and Christie.
Oh, in that case, I don't agree with that at all. lol.
Add Anna, Marduk, Jinpachi.
Leave out Bob. lol.
I hated Devil Within because I always had to replay the whole thing whenever my Memory Card would delete my Tekken save
First playthrough was really cool though. I care about Jin's story and read everything there was to read. A LOT better than T6 campaign. I skipped every cutscene and dialogue in that one.
Bob is not going anywhere we must face this fact lol.
Kuni over Raven? lol
I wonder the exact number Harada has planned for the roster.
Agreed with all of this.My main issue when it comes to Kuni is Harada never tried with her.
He makes her shit in Tag 1 and then wanted to say she was not popular and the least used.
What do you expect when you make half assed changes?
Tag 2 is a step in the right direction and honestly since she wears a mask it doesn't have to be Tekken 2 Kuni.
Where before Chloe's announcement, I would have bought the game if Marduk didn't make it in, I am currently at no Marduk = no buy status.
It's the double whammy effect that turns people off. Lotta folks will be losing their mains, while seeing goofball characters replace them. They are getting burned twice.You're fine with this and various other forms of hooliganism in the past titles........
But one character makes or breaks the game now? Okay, I guess. it's your opinion and your money so I'm not going to be the one judging.
You're fine with this and various other forms of hooliganism in the past titles........
But one character makes or breaks the game now? Okay, I guess. it's your opinion and your money so I'm not going to be the one judging.
I learned that Rip has an account here, wish the wanker would say hello.
Also, stop with the 30 mb gif's Sayah. God damn.
It feels like I've explained this 100 times already.
Using "Oh, this series has a history of stupid shit." does not excuse the addition of even more stupider shit.
No, I was never okay with a lot of that stupid shit.
I am extra not okay with losing my main character for more of said stupid shit.
Lucky Chloe is the worst of a trend of stupid shit that pretty much surpasses my limit to deal with said stupid shit.
This is a fighting game, so there is no such thing as ignoring the shitpile of stupid shit that's going to constantly assault my senses while playing the game.
I get it man. You're a hardcore Tekken fan and want to support it.
I was a pretty hardcore Tekken fan too, and I almost don't give a FUUUUUUUUUUCK about whether it lives or dies anymore due to this constant stupid decision making.
I've come around enough on the nonsense to at least give it a shot, so long as Marduk shows up. Simple as that.
It's the double whammy effect that turns people off. Lotta folks will be losing their mains, while seeing goofball characters replace them. They are getting burned twice.
And not just fringe chars are possibly cut either, but mainstays like Marduk, Raven (who was a sizable part of T6 story), Christie, etc.
As much as I didn't like the transition to T4, at least there was merging of most similar characters. At least King is getting some AK stuff, but who's absorbing Marduk if he's out.
... Oh god I just had s terrible notion. What if Yoshi becomes a blend of Raven and Kuni... what if after this ending...
... Yoshi goes all Vader mode and wipes out Raven and Kuni, absorbing some of their moves, and possibly summons them during his Rage Art as some kind of ninja threesome?
I gotta lay off the sugar for awhile, FFS.
I don't think it's a matter of adding stupid shit just for the sake of it. It's more a matter of what's popular. If the devs knew this stuff wouldn't fly with their audience, they wouldn't add it. Lars and Alisa, despite being widely hated on this forum for being anime, were also widely popular characters and still are. Lucky Chloe is only catering to that demographic more. On the alternate end, people who prefer the more serious designs will still have the majority of new characters still appealing to their tastes.
And with how fighting games are currently evolving, I guess you might as well be avoiding this entire genre (i.e. elphelt in guilty gear, skin bleaching treatment vanessa in VF, doa I don't even have to give an example for, etc).
I don't really care why they are doing it, I don't like it.
Claudio's design is pretty fucking stupid too.
And no, not every single fighting game series is doing this. Everyone has been staying in their lane except for Tekken. Amusingly enough, the last time Tekken did NOT go down this route was the last time most people both casual and non casual gave a shit about the series, Tekken 5.
They should just go back to what they did best. Copy and pasting character designs from action movies, sports, and pro wrestling.
Claudio is okay. lol.
I am not disagreeing with your point that character design has gone down the gutter post-Tekken 5. At the same time, however, Tekken has maintained its essence. With the package of lars and alisas, we also get zafinas and leos. And the gameplay system, the most important aspect of any fighting game, has drastically evolved into top notch form forgetting the unbalanced days of past.
But as I said, if you don't pick it up, then that's your money and your choice (even if I find your reasoning unreasonable). I'll miss your stream tutorials and playing against you (and even then, that's if I'm still interested in video games by the time Tekken 7 releases). My interest is gradually waning.
And I disagree, a lot of fighting games are going down this path whether by adding customization options/troll features/or just plain terrible designs.
Slideshow below.
Soul Calibur has had dumb character design like that since the second game, Street Fighter X Tekken was its own thing, BlazBlue was anime bullshit from the getgo, and I see no beef having a Space Channel 5 custom in a SEGA fighting game. I'd actually argue that it's badass that they have that and Namco should be adding customs that reference their back catalog too.
Either way, as annoyed as I am about this whole thing, they do still have more characters to announce. I was excited about some of the changes in the early gameplay too, but like it has been for the past few games, it's one step forward, two steps back.
We'll see what happens.
Lucky Chloe actually is the first time Namco really premiered a troll character as a prominent member of the cast.
In Tekken 1, Prototype Jack was just a palette swap of Jack and unlockable. He wasn't meant to be taken seriously and his design was stupid to boot. They gave him a better and more grounded design in Tekken 2 with finally more personality where you didn't have to just look at him and laugh.
The same thing with the animals in Tekken during the PS2 era. The animals were always just side characters that could easily have been taken as pallette swaps as well. Roger and Alex were basically King with a thunder god fist. Kuma was also a mixture of Heihachi, JAck and Ganryu with is own unique grabs. You could still tell the animals weren't meant to be taken seriously and the majority of the effort and budget to the characters went to the better half of the cast comprising of legitimate martial arts like Baek/Mishima's/Laws/etc.
Even then, the way Kuma animated was a bit overlooked too considering the level of animation quality there was at the time. We could excuse it but with Kuma existing and animating the way he is now in TTT2 and T6 in a game where you have characters like Steve, Baek, Lei definitely does drag the product down.
Same thing in Tekken 3 with Dr. B and Gon just being unlockable side characters that never belonged in the Arcade versions.
Tekken 4 kept things pretty cool from a character design perspective (minus Kuma) but its problems were rooted elsewhere.
Fast forward to Tekken 5 when Lili was revealed... at least Lili was revealed as a fighter. It wasn't a character that was there trolling you with the most infuriating lines like Lucky Chloe. Her outfits weren't that bad either wheras Chloe is simply donning the most mockery inducing outfit possible... I mean it's an outfit that physically won't allow the character to clench a fist! The impression I got of Lili in Tekken DR was more of a sassy fighter rather than a troll one. It was only until later in the series with T6 and TTT2 did she become a sex symbol and moe overlord.
The thing about Lucky Chloe that REALLY got me was how I was in the middle of doing my proposed big ass thread of reminiscing of the series in honor of the 20th Anniversary. Then ALL OF SUDDEN Harada revealed the Lucky Chloe trailer that just DREAILED everything I was trying to propogate that I loved about the series LOL. I still remembered the emotions running through me haha. After I slept on it I just came to the conclusion that I just had to stop caring so much.
I still love the series and I still want to enjoy the core aspect of Tekken that others will hopefully indulge in as well. But by GOD is the series a completely different product visually than what it was back in the PS1-PS2 days. And I can't hate on anyone saying "well this really isn't for me anymore" and peacing out.
*sigh* But I really want to stop talking about this damn character. It's almost 2015 and 3 months after that we'll be seeing Tekken 7 played by everyone in Asia. Gonna be a loooong wait till we can experience it. I doubt DOA5LR will get much love but I'll still play it. Might get into Mortal Kombat X and hope it'll crave my thirst till Tekken 7 comes out and wash away the bad 2D taste from my mouth
Also hope your assignment submission goes well Sayah!
I actually kind of dig Claudio from what I've seen so far. Definitely want to check him out.
BlehSomeone from TZ posted this.
My main issue when it comes to Kuni is Harada never tried with her.
He makes her shit in Tag 1 and then wanted to say she was not popular and the least used.
You're fine with this and various other forms of hooliganism in the past titles........
But one character makes or breaks the game now? Okay, I guess. it's your opinion and your money so I'm not going to be the one judging.
It's the double whammy effect that turns people off. Lotta folks will be losing their mains, while seeing goofball characters replace them. They are getting burned twice.
And not just fringe chars are possibly cut either, but mainstays like Marduk, Raven (who was a sizable part of T6 story), Christie, etc.
As much as I didn't like the transition to T4, at least there was merging of most similar characters. At least King is getting some AK stuff, but who's absorbing Marduk if he's out.
... Oh god I just had s terrible notion. What if Yoshi becomes a blend of Raven and Kuni... what if after this ending...
... Yoshi goes all Vader mode and wipes out Raven and Kuni, absorbing some of their moves, and possibly summons them during his Rage Art as some kind of ninja threesome?
I gotta lay off the sugar for awhile, FFS.
I learned that Rip has an account here, wish the wanker would say hello.
Also, stop with the 30 mb gif's Sayah. God damn.
But that's the thing I've been trying to say, the major difference between Lucky Chloe and animals is that the animals were never legitimate characters to begin with. Those characters were just characters with animations taken from other characters.
I'm not denying they weren't troll characters. BUT they were troll characters just meant to be aside characters that weren't prominently placed on a pedestal equal to the real martial artist cast of Tekken. Lucky Chloe and Alisa were characters that finally did, and I can see why it hinders the enjoyment of some people.
But I'm gonna stop posting now so don't expect a reply after this until you finish your assignment![]()
Lucky Chloe actually is the first time Namco really premiered a troll character as a prominent member of the cast.
In Tekken 1, Prototype Jack was just a palette swap of Jack and unlockable. He wasn't meant to be taken seriously and his design was stupid to boot. They gave him a better and more grounded design in Tekken 2 with finally more personality where you didn't have to just look at him and laugh.
The same thing with the animals in Tekken during the PS2 era. The animals were always just side characters that could easily have been taken as pallette swaps as well. Roger and Alex were basically King with a thunder god fist. Kuma was also a mixture of Heihachi, JAck and Ganryu with is own unique grabs. You could still tell the animals weren't meant to be taken seriously and the majority of the effort and budget to the characters went to the better half of the cast comprising of legitimate martial arts like Baek/Mishima's/Laws/etc.
Even then, the way Kuma animated was a bit overlooked too considering the level of animation quality there was at the time. We could excuse it but with Kuma existing and animating the way he is now in TTT2 and T6 in a game where you have characters like Steve, Baek, Lei definitely does drag the product down.
Same thing in Tekken 3 with Dr. B and Gon just being unlockable side characters that never belonged in the Arcade versions.
Tekken 4 kept things pretty cool from a character design perspective (minus Kuma) but its problems were rooted elsewhere.
Fast forward to Tekken 5 when Lili was revealed... at least Lili was revealed as a fighter. It wasn't a character that was there trolling you with the most infuriating lines like Lucky Chloe. Her outfits weren't that bad either wheras Chloe is simply donning the most mockery inducing outfit possible... I mean it's an outfit that physically won't allow the character to clench a fist! The impression I got of Lili in Tekken DR was more of a sassy fighter rather than a troll one. It was only until later in the series with T6 and TTT2 did she become a sex symbol and moe overlord.
The thing about Lucky Chloe that REALLY got me was how I was in the middle of doing my proposed big ass thread of reminiscing of the series in honor of the 20th Anniversary. Then ALL OF SUDDEN Harada revealed the Lucky Chloe trailer that just DREAILED everything I was trying to propogate that I loved about the series LOL. I still remembered the emotions running through me haha. After I slept on it I just came to the conclusion that I just had to stop caring so much.
I still love the series and I still want to enjoy the core aspect of Tekken that others will hopefully indulge in as well. But by GOD is the series a completely different product visually than what it was back in the PS1-PS2 days. And I can't hate on anyone saying "well this really isn't for me anymore" and peacing out.
*sigh* But I really want to stop talking about this damn character. It's almost 2015 and 3 months after that we'll be seeing Tekken 7 played by everyone in Asia. Gonna be a loooong wait till we can experience it. I doubt DOA5LR will get much love but I'll still play it. Might get into Mortal Kombat X and hope it'll crave my thirst till Tekken 7 comes out and wash away the bad 2D taste from my mouth
Also hope your assignment submission goes well Sayah!
Where did he get this template? I wanna do my own.Someone from TZ posted this.
I don't agree with this all the way but I can kinda see it minus Jinpachi and the lack of Anna ,Bob,Raven and Christie.
Never heard of these clowns before. Why are they relevant again? Are these the next gen of game commentators that the world sorely needs more of?
Wait... did they just literally tell Manbig to go fuck himself? That's... that's... terriburu.
I came to conclusion Harada dosen't really want to do Tekken anymore. It's like he's burned out so he's thinking about all those other things and games and just dosen't care anymore if shit fits or not. "Meh I'll ask SC and Idolmaster dudes to design characters for me. I feel empty."
If that's somwhere near the case then maybe someone else should take over as a director and let Harada go on his endevour.
I mean we're at the point where most of us think Harada is purposely making characters that troll old Tekken community.
And when he reads negative comments he doesn't justify making this character for any purpose or reason but trolls back with shit that could be interpreted as "I can do whatever I fucking want with Tekken, I'll make skinheads for you dumb fucks. I give ZERO fucks about opinion of those who don't like what I do."
I mean yesterday I saw new video from Korean test and my hype levels were zero because that build seems so shitty. I thought - does anyone wants this slow ass gameplay?
WOW that's a hell of a conclusion to jump to based on Harada not letting entitled Twitter whiners compromise his vision for his product
remember when the hit sparks were on Killer Instinct levels? Let's go back to that since Harada doesn't care
as if any complainer is on such a level that he can act personally attacked by an unwanted change or addition
The skinhead comment and even going as far to make a drawing about it.
That was not him, someone made that and tweeted it to him.
So I guess we're a day or two away from reaching 20k. Anything you guys would like for me to add/delete from the OP?
So I guess we're a day or two away from reaching 20k. Anything you guys would like for me to add/delete from the OP?
It kinda irritates me to see the gaming press and outsiders point fingers at Tekken fans now because of Lucky Chloe. I mean I am definitely over the whole thing, but I am not going to talk down to those who aren't. This was a the 20th Anniversary of Tekken. A celebration for Tekken. Such an event was not the place to reveal a character that only appealed to one demographic. Then Harada had the nerve to degrade those of us that weren't exactly on board.
I mean I know it's Japan and all, but honestly I have lost respect for Japan in recent years anyway. But maybe I am strange for being offended as a man to see grown men dressing like female characters and its all cool. I am not so sure MEN actually exist in the Land of the Rising Sun anymore.
Isn't Lucky Chloe the same thing? Her animations are just wonkier versions of Lili and Chreddy's moves. It's not like they diverted a whole lot of resources giving her a wholly unique moveset.But that's the thing I've been trying to say, the major difference between Lucky Chloe and animals is that the animals were never legitimate characters to begin with. Those characters were just characters with animations taken from other characters.
I'm not denying they weren't troll characters. BUT they were troll characters just meant to be aside characters that weren't prominently placed on a pedestal equal to the real martial artist cast of Tekken. Lucky Chloe and Alisa were characters that finally did, and I can see why it hinders the enjoyment of some people.
But I'm gonna stop posting now so don't expect a reply after this until you finish your assignment![]()
So I guess we're a day or two away from reaching 20k. Anything you guys would like for me to add/delete from the OP?
DEATH™;143823997 said:Add a "Hall of Shame" (Top Poster Ranking) of this thread lol.