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Tekken |OT3|


I mean with all of the costumes, colors, story mode and such. And 6 characters, and 6 new characters for Season 2. That is good DLC planning. If all we get is what is in this Season Pass, then that is poor. Maybe Namco too should come up with a Season roadmap, it works so well for other games like Street Fighter, Rocket League, Overwatch etc.

Tekken right now has 10, 20 times the costumes that SFV has, just in the arcade version.

I'm pretty sure in saying you won't have to grind out survival mode to unlock colours either.

Not sure what planet you're living on where SFV has done well with its post launch strategy.


If Namco loves me:


But Tekken 7 already has a Bruce Lee clone?


Tekken right now has 10, 20 times the costumes that SFV has, just in the arcade version.

I'm pretty sure in saying you won't have to grind out survival mode to unlock colours either.

Not sure what planet you are living on where SFV has done well with its post launch strategy.

Not sure what planet you are living on if adding a story mode, different colors, costumes, 6 characters and another season isn't doing well. I don't care if stuff is ready or not. These are things they've been working on since it wasn't ready for launch, and so could Team Tekken work on things that haven't been ready for launch.

Why wouldn't one want a bunch of content after release. It helps keep the game fresh and alive.


Not sure what planet you are living on if adding a story mode, different colors, costumes, 6 characters and another season isn't doing well. I don't care if stuff is ready or not. These are things they've been working on since it wasn't ready for launch, and so could Team Tekken work on things that haven't been ready for launch.

Why wouldn't one want a bunch of content after release. It helps keep the game fresh and alive.
Dude, SFV had to add those things because they were missing. Tekken already got that stuff at launch. Would you be happy if they cut out content and sold it to you in chunks every 3 months? Because you don't seem to like complete games.


Not sure what planet you are living on if adding a story mode, different colors, costumes, 6 characters and another season isn't doing well. I don't care if stuff is ready or not. These are things they've been working on since it wasn't ready for launch, and so could Team Tekken work on things that haven't been ready for launch.

Why wouldn't one want a bunch of content after release. It helps keep the game fresh and alive.

You mean, 'things that should have been in SFV at release'


Dude, SFV had to add those things because they were missing. Tekken already got that stuff at launch. Would you be happy if they cut out content and sold it to you in chunks every 3 months? Because you don't seem to like complete games.

Yeah but SFV also didn't make people wait 3 years. The only modes I care about in a fighting game are online/offline vs. and practice/training. But I realize that approach won't help win over casual players. Then again, neither will making people wait three years.

I still haven't gotten around to finishing fight lab in TTT2.


Dude, SFV had to add those things because they were missing. Tekken already got that stuff at launch. Would you be happy if they cut out content and sold it to you in chunks every 3 months? Because you don't seem to like complete games.

You mean, 'things that should have been in SFV at release'
You guys fail to get it. You keep going on about "cut content" "cut content" "cut content." They didn't have to cut the 6 newcomers we are getting in Season 2, and even so, cut or not, it's nice to get stuff after release. My whole point is, that Tekken should have a season roadmap adding additional characters to the ones we are getting in the base game. SFV is not the only game doing this. Two additional guest character after one year of the game's release is lousy. Unless it's a character from another fighting game they need to get to work in Tekken's mechanics.
You guys fail to get it. You keep going on about "cut content" "cut content" "cut content." They didn't have to cut the 6 newcomers we are getting in Season 2, and even so, cut or not, it's nice to get stuff after release. My whole point is, that Tekken should have a season roadmap adding additional characters to the ones we are getting in the base game. SFV is not the only game doing this. Two additional guest character after one year of the game's release is lousy. Unless it's a character from another fighting game they need to get to work in Tekken's mechanics.

And you don't get it, I DON'T want paid DLC characters. I have 2 freakin DLC characters out of 7 released for SFV cause I'm not wasting my money on that shit. I also have zero DLC stages. I'm not spending literally $100+ extra dollars for game content. The less shit I need to buy the better. 2 DLC characters is perfect. I can just buy the damn characters for $10 total and be done with it.


You guys fail to get it. You keep going on about "cut content" "cut content" "cut content." They didn't have to cut the 6 newcomers we are getting in Season 2, and even so, cut or not, it's nice to get stuff after release. My whole point is, that Tekken should have a season roadmap adding additional characters to the ones we are getting in the base game. SFV is not the only game doing this. Two additional guest character after one year of the game's release is lousy. Unless it's a character from another fighting game they need to get to work in Tekken's mechanics.
Ehmm... that's exactly what it is.

And my argument stands. SFV has such an interesting season road map because the initial release was as bare bones as it can get. We get 2 guest characters in addition to the already big (maybe too big) roster, two stages for these characters, an additional game mode and new costumes.
SF fan here but V was as barebones as it could get, not to mention the shitty online at launch. As it stood at launch it was not worth even 40$ let alone 60$ and I only purchased 1 DLC character and it most likely will remain that way.

Tekken 7 is coming out with so much more content at the gate there's no reason to want it out faster at the expense of everything else.


SF fan here but V was as barebones as it could get, not to mention the shitty online at launch. As it stood at launch it was not worth even 40$ let alone 60$ and I only purchased 1 DLC character and it most likely will remain that way.

Tekken 7 is coming out with so much more content at the gate there's no reason to want it out faster at the expense of everything else.

Meh. TBH, if I had known in July 2014 that I would be watching YouTube and Twitch videos of Tekken 7 for the next 3 years, I wouldn't have hyped myself behind the game. SFV might not appeal to the casual market due to lacking SP content but that isn't a huge factor for me. Just need vs. and practice.

I'd get a plat if only I finished it for the remaining trophy
But nah


I don't think I've even touched that fight lab.

From the little I've played, it was mostly just teaching fundamentals (e.g. how to sidestep) so you're not missing anything.


If Namco loves me:


Thumb's up.

And boy did Team Ninja upgrade the fuck out of VF character model faces or what?

Jacky never looked better.

But Tekken 7 already has a Bruce Lee clone?

Jacky isn't a Bruce Lee clone...

Not in the traditional sense anyways

Yeah, only since VF5 they gave him tons of JKD animations to really show he practices his art. In say VF2 he has maybe 2 such animations rest is his "robotic" art with tons of spin kicks. In subsequent sequels they added some more JKD moves until total overhaul in VF 5. And I'll be honest here I prefer his old over the top style to his super realistic one now.

My favorite look, feel and play Jacky is from VF4 series, best costume too! VF5 just not doing it for me. Shame we never got Final Tuned home ports.


Thumb's up.

And boy did Team Ninja upgrade the fuck out of VF character model faces or what?

Jacky never looked better.

They looks really good in this game for sure.

Yeah, only since VF5 they gave him tons of JKD animations to really show he practices his art. In say VF2 he has maybe 2 such animations rest is his "robotic" art with tons of spin kicks. In subsequent sequels they added some more JKD moves until total overhaul in VF 5. And I'll be honest here I prefer his old over the top style to his super realistic one now.

My favorite look, feel and play Jacky is from VF4 series, best costume too! VF5 just not doing it for me. Shame we never got Final Tuned home ports.

VF5 was the first VF I really tried to learn how to play. Im gonna look up some VF4 Jacky



This art alone increases my caring about Asuka from 0%
Mature Asuka will happen
When mature Sakura happens 😃
I've had luck running it on pcsx2. Takes some tweaking to get it to run smooth tho.

Oh. Saw TTT, assumed TTT1. Oops.


Check out this video 3・19 KELOTCUP3 中四国最強決定戦 3on3 https://www.twitch.tv/videos/129721565

Kari, a rising Yoshimitsu expert goes on a tear around an hour and 40 mins in.


Some weeks ago I played ranked in TTT2 on one of my numerous accounts that I had at beginner. I got a 50 win streak and got to 9th Dan - Marauder when I was done. I played again last night and I had the intention of playing until I lost a game. 3-4 matches into the session, my first loss was handed to me by another smurf account. I got to 12th Dan - Warrior with minimal hassle. I ran into a few 1,000W 1,000L players that had a general understanding of how to play Tekken but lacked profusely in the punishment department, so I took advantage of that.

I promoted to 11th Dan - Berserker off of a Ling/Nina player who started to use Ling's 10-strings in his demotion match. What's interesting to note is that throughout the entirety of my run through the green ranks, I had decent connections across the board. The moment I matched up with another yellow rank, the connection qualities shifted to being inconsistently terrible. I had one guy who appeared to be jumping from a 1 bar to a 4 bar, 4 bar to a 3 bar, 5 bar to a 1 bar, so on and so forth.

The first tidbit of resistance that I encountered was a Pugilist King player who had an awful connection but he was another one of those 10 million W 10 million L guys who couldn't make it out of the yellow ranks to save his life but he knew how to exploit sidestep into Dark Upper or sidestep into King's low sweep. When I reached 10 losses I stopped playing. At this point I quit at 13th Dan - Avenger.

You may be thinking what makes this ranked session so illuminatingly different from every other ranked session that people play, well don't worry because I have some notes.

1. It's hard for me to play ranked with integrity. The moment I got to the yellow ranks I was doing things that you would never catch me doing otherwise, (player match, offline match, quick match, player match lobby, you name it). I would just do random sidestep Jet Uppers with Bryan, random db 3+4,4s with Bob, just because I want to win as easy and quickly as possible. Random hopkicks, orbital heels, barely any pokes. It transformed into a game about wanting to get the most points from a game of Tekken. So I noticed that when I play ranked, I'm not playing Tekken, I'm playing a lazy game of "how little work can I do and still get away with a win". There's nothing wrong with this mindset except for the fact that it hinders my progression in skill level. The highest rank I've ever gotten to was 17th Dan - Destroyer and I ultimately chalk that up to a fluke because I played three times against a 16th Dan - Vanquisher moron Kunimitsu player who practically gave me a handful of promotion points.

2. Ranked is too inconsistent for me to take it seriously. In the yellow ranks people are really out here to kill you, and not just in Tekken (and you know what I'm talking about, the forthright unabashed slit your throat approach) but in things outside of Tekken. Jumping into a match with a 1 bar at the start of the first round. Disconnecting on demotion matches. Blocking a hellsweep but missing a launch punish because of a bad connection. Holding the back button but still getting hit by Lee's Blazing Kick or Hwo's just frame launcher. All of these things throw a huge rusty wrench in the technicalities of ranked. So much that whenever I play ranked, it's very hard for me to play patiently because that approach rarely gets rewarded unless I'm on a 5 bar.

3. I'm a 17th Dan - Destroyer tier player because I absolutely refuse to put work into Tekken. My general approach to Tekken is to win with using the least amount of brain power as possible.

Here's a scenario. I'm in the final round, I'm a small health sliver away from beating my opponent. My opponent just got up from being knocked down, what I do after he gets up will dictate whether I win or lose. If I do a low immediately after he gets up, that would be an easy win, so I'll do that.

If he blocks the low, he can punish it, if I do a mid instead, he might mash a button after blocking the mid. Or I could space him out and just wait until he makes a mistake. But, that's too much work, I'm just gonna do a Dragon Tail. And then I lose the match, because I wasn't willing to be patient enough or put in the effort to win. Because of that I'm a low tier player. I'm willing to take the proper steps to efface this personal playstyle issue alongside not flowcharting and relying on habits. Strong habits die quickly when I play anyone that's worth a match. Against blue ranks, my fundamentals are there, but my amount of effort and execution just isn't there. Dropping a combo because I got too excited that a launcher landed is an issue. I can't count how many times I've attacked a blue rank on my friends list in a player match, and then the blue rank guy will sidestep and launch, or do some high tech wankery that eludes me because I'm a habitual player. Having more confidence in my setups and finishing a combo because I am certain that what I just attempted was going to work initially, is the mindset of a better player than I am.


Some weeks ago I played ranked in TTT2 on one of my numerous accounts that I had at beginner. I got a 50 win streak and got to 9th Dan - Marauder

This is why it's impossible to get new players into TTT2, the amount of smurfs is ridiculous. They should really tie PSN account directly to your Tekken account, then rank by character.
Will smurfing/reranking be harder to do on T7 / PS4? It requires PS Plus unlike the PS3.

But yeah. Requiring a linkup between your Tekken account and your platform account (PSN, XBL, Steam?) wouldn't hurt either. Maybe they could tie this in with the online pass. If they bring it back.

Ranked woes
This is why I've stayed offline other than playing people on my friends lists in private matches. The thirst and desperation is so strong online it brings out the worst. And when they go there, you gotta go there, fight fire with fire, or it's over. Tekken is one of the few games if ever that I have to force myself into a certain "state of mind" in order to play and enjoy it. Especially online.


Lol i just asked Harada and Michael Murray on twitter if they could help me get a replacement game cover sleeve of a bamco game.

Unfortunately one of mine got water damaged by accident.

So first world problems basically.

It's really silly to ask them but hey I'll try.


Nice write-up, Dereck. You have a really good understanding of your own abilities and weaknesses.

Will smurfing/reranking be harder to do on T7 / PS4? It requires PS Plus unlike the PS3.

If your PS+ account is registered as the main account, every account on the PS4 has access to Online, so it won't be any different than TTT2's Online Pass.
Nice write-up, Dereck. You have a really good understanding of your own abilities and weaknesses.

If your PS+ account is registered as the main account, every account on the PS4 has access to Online, so it won't be any different than TTT2's Online Pass.
Why can't the new online pass be tied / required to main accounts only? Shouldn't be hard to implement.

Hope they address it somehow.


Why can't the new online pass be tied / required to main accounts only? Shouldn't be hard to implement.

Hope they address it somehow.
I hope not. I don't want to buy another Online Pass just to let my brother play Online. And what if I decide to make another account my main account? Should I pay for that as well?
I'm okay with how things are at the moment. It's just so many smurf accounts in TTT2 because the game is so old. Ranked in T7 will be relatively "clean".
I hope not. I don't want to buy another Online Pass just to let my brother play Online. And what if I decide to make another account my main account? Should I pay for that as well?
I'm okay with how things are at the moment. It's just so many smurf accounts in TTT2 because the game is so old. Ranked in T7 will be relatively "clean".
For a time. Yeah.

Get in while you can. Plus. The early days will have all the easy scrubs to rank up on. The golden era of a fighting game release. Good times.


Lol i just asked Harada and Michael Murray on twitter if they could help me get a replacement game cover sleeve of a bamco game.

Unfortunately one of mine got water damaged by accident.

So first world problems basically.

It's really silly to ask them but hey I'll try.
I don't got a twitter
Ask them to put Mokujin in


I don't got a twitter
Ask them to put Mokujin in

They are working on ultra realistic wood shader and everytime they think they finally got it right, Harada barges in all frustrated yelling:

-"No! No! No! The wood looks totally different! I know I have wooden panels at my home."

- "But Boss...it's fake wood, plastic from the 90's"

- "Shut up Ryuji! And you guys get back to work and do it right!"

- "Yes Boss..."

- ....and while you're at it, redo Kuma's fur shader. My dog's Heihachi's fur looks nothing like that. Here, I brought a sample."

- "But Kuma is not a do...!"

- "You shut the fuck up Ryuji!"


They are working on ultra realistic wood shader and everytime they think they finally got it right, Harada barges in all frustrated yelling:

-"No! No! No! The wood looks totally different! I know I have wooden panels at my home."

- "But Boss...it's fake wood, plastic from the 90's"

- "Shut up Ryuji! And you guys get back to work and do it right!"

- "Yes Boss..."

- ....and while you're at it, redo Kuma's fur shader. My dog's Heihachi's fur looks nothing like that. Here, I brought a sample."

- "But Kuma is not a do...!"

- "You shut the fuck up Ryuji!"
I can see they really care about shaders with how far they went with Jack's brick outfit
But who was in the streets asking for it. Jack is a robot too. No connection
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