So I've spent some time with 1.06, and I'm not really feeling many of the gameplay changes. I feel it's really good that they've actually trying to make big changes (because the original game definitely had issues which needed addressing) but there's still some ways to go before finding an ideal direction for some of these changes.
- Health system revamp.
I don't like it. Regenerating health kinda ruins the long term action pace of a run, especially when travelling across long distances in the overworld, or going deep underground. With regenerating health and severally nerfed potions with longer cooldown times, it seems that the game basically forces/encourages players to wall themselves in when surrounded/weakened, and just wait it out.
I'm not sure if this is worse than the broken potion balance previously, but it's certainly not much better. Regenerating health also completely ruins the feeling of "will I make it or not?!" when you are really low on health, are totally out of healing items, and trying to make your way back to a safe place, or to the next healing item you can find. Such moments are gone forever as long as regenerating health remains.
- Light item nerfs.
This really ruins end-game characters, and takes things away from the game without offering a new or better alternative. With glowing set armors removed, and the Orb of Light seriously nerfed, it basically means that the first light items you have in the game remain the best and only long term viable light sources in the game. It kinda kills the feeling of progression when the stuff you get in late game no longer significantly improve your experience.
I'll rather have end-game light sources reintroduced, but with trade-offs to balance it up. For example, if the Orb of Light attracts more enemy spawns around you, but retains the same level of usefulness as before, that would be neat. And they could also add an end-game armor set that glows like the molten/meteor sets previously, but with slightly lower stats. I would like to see stuff like that, rather than simply taking away a feature.
- New crafting equipment and craftable furnishings.
Fantastic content addition. I really like most of the additions, and the idea of spreading out what you need to craft certain item types really diversifies the variety and feel of the home base. You have make many really interesting rooms and stuff now. Definitely looking forward to them expanding on this even future in future. This is definitely the right direction to go in.
- Mediumcore difficulty.
This sucks. The concept is great, but the implementation sucks. I really hope they tweak this in the next patch, because I really wanted to play something like this. Right now, when you die you drop -ALL- your items, including anything you have equipped, your weapons, etc.
Now, this on its own is a great idea. The idea of having to go back on a corpse run to recover your stuff like in Diablo 2 seems fun. Except the UI in Terraria (still) sucks, and there are no waypoints, no town portals, etc. And dropping your items means that anyone in the server can loot all your shit. Also, recovering all your items will not auto-equip or auto sort them, meaning you get a ton of reorganizing to do right after the shit. It's a huge hassle, and it's less fun than challenging.
Each time you die, it just reminds you that the game still has horrible inventory management, especially when you start picking up tons of garbage on your way back to recover your lost items, and find that you might not even be able to pick up all the shit when you get there without having to throw out garbage.
I think for Terraria's style of gameplay, it would be better if for Mediumcore, when you die you drop all the items in your inventory, but not the items on your hotbar or anything you have actually equipped. This will encourage the player to leave excess stuff back at home, and it will also punish careless players going too deep on mining runs by not allowing them to take their minerals back with them if they die.