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Terraria |OT2| The Hallowed Land Of Corruption

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Will definitely jump back for 1.1 .... but is the next release 1.1?

You know, I somehow hoped that they will add a feature that let us "jump" between worlds in-game like maybe through a portal or something, so that the worlds felt more connected. Having to quit then select another world felt disconnecting.


Apologies for the double post and the unnecessary generation of hope at seeing the thread bumped, but the developers have made some updates regarding the lighting system;

Redigit said:
The original pictures were meant to be more of a proof of concept than a demonstration of the final product.

I also managed to make a few optimizations to the lighting code, so there shouldn't be too much of a performance hit for this. (source)

New pictures showing how the lighting will likely look in the final version;

Current Version:

Updated Lighting:

Obviously much more subtle, I really like it. Looking forward to the eerie blue glow of my mushroom farms.


erotic butter maelstrom
I dig it. The blue glow emitted from the fairy looks really cool, there's a lot of potential for awesome looking structures using the colored lights.

I've been on a bit of a hiatus from this game, but I'm far from done with it. I'm feeling like I'm ready to jump back in soon. It's probably my goty so far.


atre324 said:
Sooooo... They're making the game even darker? Have they just lost their minds or what
I dig that it's smoother/softer, but this is the same question running through my mind.


atre324 said:
Sooooo... They're making the game even darker? Have they just lost their minds or what

Yeah, the torches are definitely darker and the lava being red light instead of white makes it less useful as a light source. Fuck, that's gonna make it harder to spot if you're falling towards it too.

Hopefully torches won't be quite that dark in the final version, but it definitely meshes with what they've been doing with 1.0.6 (Orb of Light nerf, namely).
I'm starting to think the high point of this game was a patch or so ago for me. The "harder" update just added enemies which my group and I disliked and now it's getting harder to see? Ugh.


Not a fan of this darkness theme at all. The developers of Terraria need to really scale back their focus of trying to make the game more unforgiving and/or more "realistic" because it's definitely hurting the game. It should remain game-y, but with a decent amount of challenge, and more importantly there should be a ton of content and a variety of things you can do and interact with in the world. Making everything more annoying to play is not a good way to approach updates. :(


GAF parliamentarian
I like the new lighting, and how it's coloured and all. What I don't like, and agree with duckroll on, is that making the game more difficult and frustrating to play isn't a good thing. I quit shortly after the 1.6.1 patch landed and enemies started to completely kick my ass (ranged especially). Delay my fun and force me to stop exploring so I can no longer be pestered by enemies (who will respawn in a few seconds). That's good game design. Heh.


duckroll said:
Not a fan of this darkness theme at all. The developers of Terraria need to really scale back their focus of trying to make the game more unforgiving and/or more "realistic" because it's definitely hurting the game. It should remain game-y, but with a decent amount of challenge, and more importantly there should be a ton of content and a variety of things you can do and interact with in the world. Making everything more annoying to play is not a good way to approach updates. :(

I partially agree. On one hand, I'm absolutely in love with the survival aspect of the game; you have nothing but a stubby little sword and two piss-poor tools when you start in a world that seems infinitely deep and filled to the gills with things that want to kill you. Everything you need to survive is right at hand though, you just need to live long enough to take it. This is the "Shiny and New" survival phase where you're just figuring things out and live long enough to get your first new weapon, armor and accessory.

However, at a certain point (around Silver Armor working towards Gold, when you're trying for your first grappling hook and giving serious through to taking on the Eye) the survival aspect becomes more of a hindrance rather than a charming aspect. That's officially the end of Shiny and New and the start of Down and Dirty. At that point, you start thinking things like "Damnit, I need to go back to the surface to farm mushrooms again" or "Bleh, I chopped down all of my trees, where am I going to get more wood for torches?"

I think the developers were seeing people race through the "Shiny and New" phase too quickly, bypassing content (I missed the jungle entirely on my first play-thru) and reaching a point where exploring the natural caves and passages is replaced by digging a Hellshaft straight down and raiding as much Hellstone as possible before something inevitably kills you.

In an effort to slow the rate of content consumption down, they're making the game harder. Less potion spam, weaker armor, etc. means you are much more likely to hunt down the next tier of armor/weapons because trying to skip it is just too dangerous. Of course, it feels like padding and/or cheapening to those of us who were essentially play a huge, pre-release Beta.

I do agree that enemy respawn time needs to be cut down, ore lodes need to be slightly increased in volume (Yay, I found gold ore!.... two pieces...) or material costs lowered ("Only 120 more ore to go... yawn"). Potions and healing are fine as they are, being able to spam potions is honestly something I hate to see in games because it allows grinding to overcome difficulty spikes even without exp/leveling. They do need to restore more health though, they're way too weak as it is. The lighting decrease is obviously a problem as well and I hope it's just an unintended side-effect of the new lighting system.

It's easy to see things like that and swear the game is getting worse, but then you see all of the amazing new stuff in the patch notes and before you know it it's fucking 4AM already and you're still digging.
Lol crushed blacks even on my crt, nothing subtle about the lighting it just stops being there like 7 blocks away from lightsources.

I'm done with terraria, the game was exploring/sandbox before but mostly super relaxing which made it great to spend time in, now it just becomes a frustration/laborious test of endurance and how much repetition you can put up with. (it alreasy has in the 1.0.6 update compared to older versions).

It was worth the money I spent on it but it's time to move on it seems, the dev changed his mind on what he wants his game to be, and that isn't what I bought.


SneakyStephan said:
Lol crushed blacks even on my crt, nothing subtle about the lighting it just stops being there like 7 blocks away from lightsources.

I'm done with terraria, the game was exploring/sandbox before but mostly super relaxing which made it great to spend time in, now it just becomes a frustration/laborious test of endurance and how much repetition you can put up with. (it alreasy has in the 1.0.6 update compared to older versions).

It was worth the money I spent on it but it's time to move on it seems, the dev changed his mind on what he wants his game to be, and that isn't what I bought.
I'm inclined to agree.

Definitely don't regret my purchase. My most played game since Oblivion (some how :lol). Over 50 hours well spent haha.


Retro said:
I think the developers were seeing people race through the lower tiers too quickly (I went from Silver to Molten, but that was early on), passing over certain content areas (I missed the jungle entirely on my first play-thru) and reaching a point where exploring the natural caves and passages is replaced by digging a Hellshaft straight down and raiding as much Hellstone as possible before something inevitably kills you. In an effort to slow the rate of content consumption down, they're making the game harder. Less potion spam, weaker armor, etc. means you are much more likely to hunt down the next tier of armor/weapons because trying to skip it is just too dangerous. Of course, it feels like padding and/or cheapening to those of us who were essentially play a huge, pre-release Beta.

I don't have an issue with creating artificial barriers so players have to find alternate means to to progress, and in doing so discover aspects of the game which they might otherwise have ignored or missed. That is not a bad thing at all, and if well implemented can vastly improve a game. My beef is that their means of improving it so far has been pretty shit.

- Potion spam was dumb, and removed the difficulty layer from late game completely. But the new health system is poorly implemented, and introduces new problems in pacing and early game frustration. There aren't enough fun viable strategies introduced along with this system and it basically just feels as crummy as the balance was before the system was introduced, except now instead of the balance being broken because it was too easy, the balance is broken because its less fun.

- Gimping the lighting items in the game was annoying, because it didn't become more challenging, it just became more annoying. There were still TONS of ways to basically have light everywhere, and it's not like resources are an issue. There's just more manual work, and in some cases unnecessary effort just to make the game playable (if you can't see, you can't do anything!). Now they're thinking of making it even WORSE? What's the point? Whether I put 1 torch within a certain space or 10 torches, that's not a meaningful drain on my resources at all. I can easily have 500 torches with me. But if I need to put 2-3 torches to get the same amount of light I have now with 1 torch, that's not a harder game, it's just a more annoying game.

- I'm not feeling annoyed because I played a "huge pre-release beta" and now things are changing for the better at my detriment. I create new characters every time there's a major patch, and I play it like a new game. My issue is that this pre-release beta is STILL happening, but it's not evolving but trying different things which hurt the progress of the game's design instead. Let's not kid ourselves. 1.1 is not going to be some magically polished "final release" for the game. It's just going to be a huge substantial content update which is then a beta for this content itself. This entire game is work-in-progress, and if they decide to keep changing stuff around entirely, it will forever be, while losing people along the way who have lost interest.


duckroll said:
I don't have an issue with creating artificial barriers so players have to find alternate means to to progress, and in doing so discover aspects of the game which they might otherwise have ignored or missed. That is not a bad thing at all, and if well implemented can vastly improve a game. My beef is that their means of improving it so far has been pretty shit.

Yeah, the implementation leaves much to be desired. Considering this is only the developers' first game release, it definitely shows now that the novelty of the idea has worn off and their mistakes are becoming more apparent.

All of the points you listed are definitely things I agree with; potions need to heal more and lighting needs to be a non-nuisance. Hopefully those things are coming; the Fairy looks like it might function like the old Orb of Light, and I'm hoping for a new tier of potions (since the current ones are so damn weak).

As for it being an ongoing Beta, absolutely. They were recruiting Beta testers a while ago, but I get the sneaking suspicion they were flooded with people who just wanted a sneak peek at the game and absolutely no interest in actual testing. And some of the people at their forums are fucking retarded about this game.

I may have to register as a tester and see if I can influence change from the inside. Probably not though, but it's worth a shot.

Realistically though, I hope these changes aren't permanent, and they can decrease the turnaround time on Obvious Bad Ideas (lava slimes took forever to fix despite Lava being buggy as shit).

The game still holds a lot of appeal to me, but even I have my limits. I barely played after 1.0.6 came out. Spent about a week building shit and that was it. Haven't even started a new character yet like I had wanted to do.
I didn't mind the new survival aspect that much. Frankly the thing that annoyed me the most where the goddamn bee projectile attacks that couldn't be destroyed. And they spam that shit too so you need to be behind cover to survive. If they make it so the projectile can be destroyed I'll be very happy.

And at this point, I don't mind replaying the game every time there is a semi-big update. I've certainly got my money's worth from this game and have other games to play. It's really my own fault I didn't pace myself when I first started playing and burned out within a month.


Let me show you through these halls, my friend, where treasures of indie gaming await...
For the ones complaining about the darker color stuff:
You can turn coloring off since it also takes a small performance hit.


retro said:
The game still holds a lot of appeal to me, but even I have my limits. I barely played after 1.0.6 came out. Spent about a week building shit and that was it. Haven't even started a new character yet like I had wanted to do.

I'm in the same boat basically. I spent about an hour tinkering around with 1.06, mostly filling my house with the new furniture, but the constant gameplay changes (mostly making it harder and less fun, at least for me) have totally burnt me out... although maybe I'm just spoiled by the old gameplay which I didn't think needed such drastic changes.

I guess I'm still holding out hope that they'll eventually get it right with one of the future updates but for the foreseeable future I'm done with the game, even though I still seem to get just as excited about upcoming changes as when I was playing lol


Good news everyone!

Redigit said:
Just to make sure that everyone is happy, there are 4 lighting modes (Color, White, Retro, Hippy) that you can cycle from using a hotkey. (source)

Color is the new one, White is the new lighting mode without any color, Retro appears to be identical to the current light engine and Hippy is super-saturated color mode. Here's an example of "White" followed by "Retro"; it's hard to tell separately, but open both in a new tab and switch between them;


So, it seems the best way for everyone to play is in "Retro" mode... how appropriate.


Options are great. I guess he's trying to spread it out across 4 different modes to see which one people end up preferring the most before expanding on that.


Grimm Fandango said:
So basically "white" removes the blockiness of the darkness from open areas. I kinda like it.

Yep, it seems to seriously smooth out the lighting, though at the expense of illumination. Honestly, I'll probably stick to White when out exploring but keep Color on for my towns (since I assume we'll have lots of colored lights to play with). I don't think it will bother me too much if I forget to change it back either.

But yeah, it's good that he's giving people options on this stuff. Now if only the potions would be pumped up a bit things might get back on track. In all honesty, there might be a new tier of potions added, we've already seen one bottle-like item in the Holy Water screenshot that has no known match. Perhaps these are "Super Healing Potions"?


I have been on blackout since early June, I think I'm coming back for 1.1. So many changes, it looks to be a totally different game.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Yeah I'm digging the glow effect. It looks really nice instead of flat. It'd be more comfortable if it was just a bit brighter and went into the darkness just a bit more though, but I've always had this issue.


More on the Lighting system;

Redigit said:
Colored torches + underground = Disco Cavern!

I've made a lot of progress since the last post! There are now colored torches made from gems, special ore is now "shiny," the overall brightness was increased, and lighting is smoother.

So, the colored light option will apparently be brighter now too, meaning it shouldn't be harder to play when on.

Not sure that I like the colors being so super saturated, but I don't have to use them so I don't mind. That white torch looks kind of interesting, at first I thought there was a new brick type but that could just be the torch making grey brick white...

Should definitely be interesting to see what Harlan and Hydeout come up with, they were the two big sprite-makers on the GAF Server and this seems like it will let them tweak colors even more.


Metalmurphy said:
So if we choose retro we won't get the new lighting effects will we?

Yep, that seems to be the case unless things change. White and Retro seem redundant if the lights have been brightened across the board, though White may get rid of things like Water Candles being dimmer than regular torches.

Not sure what the difference will be, maybe White is just brighter overall for people with crappy monitors or poor eyesight or something.
I'm excited about using the colored torches to show me the path to something. Like if your mushroom farm is at a weird location, you can use blue torches to point the way amongst the rest of your tunnels.


Grimm Fandango said:
I'm excited about using the colored torches to show me the path to something. Like if your mushroom farm is at a weird location, you can use blue torches to point the way amongst the rest of your tunnels.

...... I... er... um... ah.... Fuck. How did I not immediately think of that usage? I had pretty much written them off as cosmetic, but even with colored light off, the torches themselves are probably still colored, allowing you to mark at least six different routes...

... wow.


Those torches look awesome! I keep waiting for updates to start a new world, and then I come back and another update is on the way and I wait again.


Universal Access can be found under System Preferences
Wow that last picture looks awesome.

Anyone know when the changes are coming exactly? I haven't been keeping up with this game much after I put 40+ hours into it near the beginning. I think I'll replay when all the changes go into effect.


I actually had to check the Terraria site to make sure that wasn't some crazy fan-art thing.

- Mummies in the corrupted desert; maybe we can look forward to a Pyramid mini-dungeon?
- Those are different blue outfits in each shot, one has a face-mask... Cobalt armor variants?
- And... um... Falcor... huh. Doesn't appear to be a boss and that's definitely a sky island...

Grinchy said:
Those torches look awesome! I keep waiting for updates to start a new world, and then I come back and another update is on the way and I wait again.

I've been the same way; I burned out on 1.0.6 and despite wanting to play lately, the most I've done is logged on the GAF server and finished the main castle of my floating island. I want to start a new character to get that 'feel' again, but I'd rather wait for the new world.

Building stuff and losing it when creating a new world stopped being a problem the second I found a map editor. Of course, building is part of the fun, but it's nice to know that if there's something I absolutely love, I can carry it to a new world too.

xelios said:
Anyone know when the changes are coming exactly? I haven't been keeping up with this game much after I put 40+ hours into it near the beginning. I think I'll replay when all the changes go into effect.

No idea, I was thinking before Halloween since there's so much Castlevania stuff, but at this point who knows. It seems like there's a shitload of new content though, so hopefully they're done with the major changes and are just adding on the icing.

Next Monday is Castlevania's 25th anniversary, but I think we'd have seen more details if it was THAT soon, so... I'm thinking mid-October.


Unconfirmed Member
Oooooh... new info.

My thoughts:

-the mummies are probably just a stronger form of zombie, in term of HP, damage, and AI. They already gave us the friggin shark w/ crap loads of HP, so for some reason, I expect the mummy to have crap loads of HP.


-wait, Falcor is passing through the character, and it doesnt appear he's causing damage. NEVERMIND, THIS IS AWESOME. WOOHOO FALCOR!

-oh wait... we already have "monsters" that don't hurt us. The bunnies and the goldfish. But when a Blood Moon comes out, they become inexplicably evil and extremely deadly for something their size.

Oh great. The devs just gave us a giant flying bunny.

We are SOOOOO screwed.


Retro said:
I've been the same way; I burned out on 1.0.6 and despite wanting to play lately, the most I've done is logged on the GAF server and finished the main castle of my floating island. I want to start a new character to get that 'feel' again, but I'd rather wait for the new world.

Building stuff and losing it when creating a new world stopped being a problem the second I found a map editor. Of course, building is part of the fun, but it's nice to know that if there's something I absolutely love, I can carry it to a new world too.
I haven't even thought about looking up "mods" for this game like a map editor. How stupid have I been? I made a few things I really liked in my first world that I'd really like to carry over to a new map. I will have to do that.


Unconfirmed Member
Grinchy said:
I haven't even thought about looking up "mods" for this game like a map editor. How stupid have I been? I made a few things I really liked in my first world that I'd really like to carry over to a new map. I will have to do that.

The only drawback to that is if there's an update to the game, you'd have to wait a bit for a new version of the map editor. Otherwise there's gonna be some annoying issues.

The map editor program we use for the server is TEdit2. It has a function where you can isolate a single area/structure and save it as a "schematic". You can build up a library of structures and have them easily imported to any map.

Now bear in mind, other than some minor edits here and there on the map, me and Retro do not use TEdit2 to actually build anything. We'll make something in Terraria first, then use TEdit2 to save a schematic. :p


HaRyu said:
The only drawback to that is if there's an update to the game, you'd have to wait a bit for a new version of the map editor. Otherwise there's gonna be some annoying issues.

The map editor program we use for the server is TEdit2. It has a function where you can isolate a single area/structure and save it as a "schematic". You can build up a library of structures and have them easily imported to any map.

Now bear in mind, other than some minor edits here and there on the map, me and Retro do not use TEdit2 to actually build anything. We'll make something in Terraria first, then use TEdit2 to save a schematic. :p
Thanks a lot! This info is going to be very handy to me. I have like 1 or 2 structures I'd really like to bring into a new map with me. They aren't even that big or anything, so it should be a simple move.



Redigit said:
I haven't brought up the release date because I simply don't know yet. There are a lot of things planned for this update, and just because of it's nature, it doesn't make sense to split it up in to smaller parts. You might think of it as being a (free) expansion pack.

The best I can give you for it's release is that it probably won't be any sooner then November, and quite possibly sometime in December.


Edit: New page, how appropriate.

Grinchy said:
Thanks a lot! This info is going to be very handy to me. I have like 1 or 2 structures I'd really like to bring into a new map with me. They aren't even that big or anything, so it should be a simple move.

I would add one additional note when using TEdit2: it cannot copy chest contents. If you try to do something as move a building a few tiles to the right, whatever was inside any chests you copied will be gone for good.

And, as HaRyu said, using a map editor sucks the fun out of building, which for me is like 90% of the game. Apart from major terrain projects and moving buildings around (for example, if I want to put in a cool bridge but I'm one tile shy of perfect), I don't use the map editor at all. I haven't even bothered to import old buildings (I prefer to build anew anyways).
I say let them keep it in the oven until it's finished. There are so many awesome games from here until late November. I want this next update to be perfect.


Grimm Fandango said:
I say let them keep it in the oven until it's finished. There are so many awesome games from here until late November. I want this next update to be perfect.

Honestly, despite my use of the Rage Face, this is probably for the best. October is a busy month (my family has our holiday get-together then so it's easier for everyone to travel / get time off) and come November I plan to be sucked into Halo: CE Anniversary and Skyward Sword, either one of which should last me well into December.

Plus, there was a huge amount of (undeserved and childish) backlash before the last patch when people were basically bitching and moaning and flooding the official forums with complaints about how they wanted the game RIGHT NOW. I wouldn't put it past the developers to give themselves a generous deadline and then appear saintly and awesome if they release it earlier than expected.

And yeah, the more time they have to work, the better the patch can be.

In the meantime, I know there's no major patch coming shortly, so I'm actually slowly getting back into playing. I finished a large chunk of my floating city and built a big pyramid on the GAF server, right of the Dungeon (which is right of the Tower). If anyone is new to the game or just hasn't upgraded yet, there's some... ahem... AU-some armor if you can get past the liquid hot magma.


Can I build turrets or something so zombies leave me alone when I am trying to build my house >_<?!

(Just started playing the game for the first time)

So... hmm. how do I get gear? I know how to make stuff, but how do I get armour and crap so im less squishy?

Also should I play single player or what >.<?
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