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Terraria |OT2| The Hallowed Land Of Corruption

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wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
The future of Terraria has been highly debated as of late, not just with the community, but for us as well. The last year has been a crazy ride! When I started on this game, I just had a few ideas of what I thought would make a fun game. I had no idea that it would receive so much attention. I want to thank all of you for supporting us and making this game's success possible.

After a lot of internal debate, we have decided that it is time to move on. My wife and I are due to have another boy soon, and I want to spend some time getting to know him. I also want to spend the time recharging and bettering myself as both a programmer and game designer. I have learned a lot from working on Terraria and plan on using what I've learned, building upon it, and moving forward with another, even better project. However, we are still planning at least one more bug fix for Terraria.

For those that haven't already heard, Finn "Tiy" Brice has moved on to form Chucklefish and is heavily at work on an exciting new game called “Starbound”. It's looking to be a lot of fun, so make sure to check it out if you haven't already!

Thanks again for all your support, and I am very much looking forward to providing you with something much better than Terraria in the future!

Wow, that's both disappointing and surprising. I don't really understand it though. Terraria is a great game that has been very successful, and now has a good fan base, why not build on that success and audience? Make a small expansion pack, some DLC content maybe, or even go forward and start on Terraria 2 with all the lessons learned from the first game. Just seems strange to walk away from a good thing right after it happens so quickly.

I guess they are either tired of working on it, or think they have taken it as far as they can. Ah well, thankfully it's still a great game and isn't going away or anything.


Wow, that's both disappointing and surprising. I don't really understand it though. Terraria is a great game that has been very successful, and now has a good fan base, why not build on that success and audience? Make a small expansion pack, some DLC content maybe, or even go forward and start on Terraria 2 with all the lessons learned from the first game. Just seems strange to walk away from a good thing right after it happens so quickly.

I guess they are either tired of working on it, or think they have taken it as far as they can. Ah well, thankfully it's still a great game and isn't going away or anything.

Tiy isn't walking away from anything. He is the one who is interested in continuing to build on the fanbase and success of Terraria. Re-Logic isn't, and wants to move on because he's having another kid and wants to spend more time with his family, so he can't commit to a project of the scale that Tiy was interested in.

It's not really hard to see what's going on here. That's why Starbound exists. Tiy couldn't get Re-Logic interested in working on this, so he found other people who were and formed a new company. It would be incredibly hard to expect him to work on a brand new game and to support Terraria at the same time, especially without Re-Logic to help. So Terraria support is finished, and Starbound is coming out in Summer 2012.

Unlikely, I'm sure, but that would be an interesting turn of events. Gaslamp made Dungeons of Dredmor, any case anyone is unaware.
Wow, I would be absolutely psyched for this.

Terraria and Dungeons of Dredmor were my two most favorite Indie games last year. The developers of Dredmor taking a crack at Terraria would be so amazing.


So I got this for free from a friend, and it's actually pretty nice!

I figured it'd be minecraft copy garbage but I like it a lot better.


So I got this for free from a friend, and it's actually pretty nice!

I figured it'd be minecraft copy garbage but I like it a lot better.

I dunno if Harlan even bothers to keep the GAF server up these days, but try playing it online with a decent community and you'll have a blast too.


From Terraria Online:

"Back in February, Redigit had taken his leave from Terraria after his wife gave birth to a healthy baby boy. The marked the end of Terraria updates, but honestly not a bad ending since he brought us some amazing patches for free, with bug fixes and a ton of new content."

"Early this morning, and again this afternoon we spotted Mr. Redigit browsing the forums. Not only was he browsing, but had also changed his status to "Planning something big.. Today at 1:08 AM" and had been caught browsing a few suggestion threads on the forums."

Hmmm... Terraria Update / Something new in production, Starbound supposedly later this summer... oh, and Guild Wars 2 at some point? Well, see you in a few years, sunshine and fresh air.

Edit: Update: Redigit also posted this in response to various comments; "When you achieve your dreams, you can either live in the past or find another dream. :p"

So... maybe something new, then.



Dude, it's legit. Terraria's developer has something big in the works. Whether it's continued updates to Terraria or something entirely new, nobody knows. See my edit though, that seems to allude to it being something new;

Random Cling-on:"That last bug update? Or a continuation of Terraria, by continuing it yourself or giving it away, because what you have is GOLDEN.. don't just toss it away like it's nothing. I'm sure you did say Terraria was your dream game too.."

Redigit:"When you achieve your dreams, you can either live in the past or find another dream. :p"

So it sounds like he's working on something new, which is kind of a disappointment, but from the way he talked about the game when he decided to shut it all down, it sounds like he just wasn't ready for Terraria to explode the way it did and just didn't know how/what to do next with it.

Though reading a bunch of suggestion threads seems to suggest he's looking for ideas. Wrong place to be doing it though, the Terraria suggestion forums are nothing but garbage.
I saw this earlier. I'm intrigued, at the very least. I sunk a good 24 hours or so into the game - bought it full price the week of launch, and it was worth every penny.

Never got back to it after all the numerous updates though. I'll have to give it another go sometime. I hadn't even finished my first playthrough when I just sort of stopped playing.


Well, now it'll just be a matter of waiting to see how it pans out I guess. I saw this on the forums but didn't have time to read the whole thread unfortunately.

Should be interesting, sunk nearly 200 hours into Terraria, so if it's something new I'll be interested to see what he comes up with. If it's a Terraria update, more hours sunk into that I guess.


So I am thinking about buying the game after watching TB and Cox play it :D. But I do have a problem playing alone so does the neogaf server still work? Could I perhaps join it?

I am a noob so I have no idea how this game actually works :p.


So I am thinking about buying the game after watching TB and Cox play it :D. But I do have a problem playing alone so does the neogaf server still work? Could I perhaps join it?

I am a noob so I have no idea how this game actually works :p.

You can play it completely alone, the multiplayer is just there for PVP and community building/exploring projects. You'll definitely get plenty of enjoyment out of it solo.

It's fun to actually explore and dig together, and it was always cool to log in and see what other people had built while you were away.

Co-op building wasn't very fun, obviously, because you'd be building something or have a rough plan and someone would put spikes all over everything or dig a hole where you were working or cut down trees you wanted saved.

Harlan's neogaf server is down, I think, but Final Kaos (not sure what his GAF name is) has a server he just started. Maybe he can chime in.


Thanks for the info. I am not planing on building something big in Terraria. Just want to play the game :). And I really don't want to play it alone, because I will probably get bored and won't touch the game :D.


Thanks for the info. I am not planing on building something big in Terraria. Just want to play the game :). And I really don't want to play it alone, because I will probably get bored and won't touch the game :D.

It's hard to get bored in Terraria, even when you're doing something that sounds tedious like digging. A lot of us will attest to entering a nice, calm, zen-like state while digging around.

You do need to do some degree of building, if only to get the NPCs moved in and accessible (they need places to live), Wouldn't hurt to build a warehouse (you'll find lots of loot) and a safehouse/crafting area or two while you're at it. You don't have to sink a ton of time into it though unless you want to.

You can experience everything the game has to offer alone. Multiplayer really just lets you enjoy it with a friend. I think some of the harder bosses are tough without help, but I'm pretty sure you can get them alone if you're careful and awesome.
Someone sent me some sort of invitation on Steam involving Gaf-Terraria just a few minutes ago, but I'm playing D&D with friends, so I clicked it away thinking I could check it later, but apparently I can't. So... what was that about? :O
Fair enough Redigit wants to do something new. Game is more than satisfactory enough as it is now.

I feel like starting a new character again anyway.


Unconfirmed Member
Someone sent me some sort of invitation on Steam involving Gaf-Terraria just a few minutes ago, but I'm playing D&D with friends, so I clicked it away thinking I could check it later, but apparently I can't. So... what was that about? :O


Can other people send invites for groups, if they arent in charge of them? I only ask, because I'm pretty sure I'm the guy who runs the GAF-Terraria group, and to be honest, havent touched the group in months.


It's a Public group, and when a group is Public anyone can invite anyone. The person in question was scamming folks purporting to be hosting a Steamgifts giveaway with a (fake) Steam OpenID login page that asked for your steam ID/pass and email/pass.


broke a few bones yesterday. out on my ass for a few weeks, so i figured i'd dive into this and see how far it takes me. first character, large world, mediumcore. let's do this.


broke a few bones yesterday. out on my ass for a few weeks, so i figured i'd dive into this and see how far it takes me. first character, large world, mediumcore. let's do this.

If you're just starting out, a small world is to your benefit, especially if you're playing alone. You'll find materials easier.


If you're just starting out, a small world is to your benefit, especially if you're playing alone. You'll find materials easier.

not my best writing, that.

this won't be my first character, but it will be my first time playing since a few weeks after terraria's initial release. i'm kinda digging the scale of large worlds, they bring more chests, pots, islands, bigger dungeons, etc.


Your first time playing on your own, you'll definitely want to start on a small map. Once I got into the groove of exploration and such, I couldn't believe how utterly massive even that small map was!
Someone PM mclaren777 so he won't ask again 1 month from now why this game is never on sale.

What is funny is that this game went on sale really often ~1 year ago. Like every single sale (summer, thanksgiving, weekend) it would be on sale. I didn't bite then, and was waiting several months for it to go down again.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Do you guys still play this game a lot?

Seems like the kind of game that would get stale after one playthrough unless you're way into the building stuff.
So if I go too far left or right I get attacked by things out of my league.

I want a mining helmet so bad. 8 gold is crazy expensive right now though.


So if I go too far left or right I get attacked by things out of my league.

I want a mining helmet so bad. 8 gold is crazy expensive right now though.

If left and right aren't options, there's always down.

I found that by the time I could have really benefited from a Mining Helm, the Orb of Light was a better choice. Since they nerfed the orb though, it's probably still a worthy investment.

Save everything you can. Eventually you'll have enough. Don't buy anything else.
If left and right aren't options, there's always down.

I found that by the time I could have really benefited from a Mining Helm, the Orb of Light was a better choice. Since they nerfed the orb though, it's probably still a worthy investment.

Save everything you can. Eventually you'll have enough. Don't buy anything else.

Yeah I'm saving up.

Also down is getting to be a problem just cause I can't see anything. I'm still iffy on torch placement. Sometimes they stick to walls/the floor just fine. Other times I have to swing endlessly and then it registers.


Yeah I'm saving up.

Also down is getting to be a problem just cause I can't see anything. I'm still iffy on torch placement. Sometimes they stick to walls/the floor just fine. Other times I have to swing endlessly and then it registers.

Yeah, it can be tricky at first. Try to click the tile next to where you want to place the torch. I'm pretty sure you can click and hold and then move your mouse around to place torches too.
Yeah I'm saving up.

Also down is getting to be a problem just cause I can't see anything. I'm still iffy on torch placement. Sometimes they stick to walls/the floor just fine. Other times I have to swing endlessly and then it registers.

Throwing glowsticks work well when you don't know what's below. You can also drop torches.
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