Holy hell............
So seeking a god damn job might not be safe at some places anymore?
Can that be real?
How many times ISIS has to do what they say they are going to do before people believe them?
Holy hell............
So seeking a god damn job might not be safe at some places anymore?
Can that be real?
Fake suicide vestsFake vests? What's that all about?
To stop civilians from trying to be heroes, people are less likely to want to try and tackle one of these guys if they think they have explosives strapped to them.Why though?
What's the point?
Metropolitan Police say that "the suspects had been confronted and shot by the police within eight minutes of the first call" which was received at 22:08 BST
So as they went around stabbing people the members of the public wouldn't stop themWhy though?
What's the point?
To stop civilians from trying to be heroes, people are less likely to want to try and tackle one of these guys if they think they have explosives strapped to them.
Did they mention what the explosions were about? Or whatever the loud sounds were?
Someone really needs to stop ISIS and cut the head of the snake. These attacks are getting too frequent.
ISIS aren't responsible for this attack though, they just claim responsibility for everything to make their imaginary Caliphate seem real.Someone really needs to stop ISIS and cut the head of the snake. These attacks are getting too frequent.
Someone really needs to stop ISIS and cut the head of the snake. These attacks are getting too frequent.
There is no head. It's a religious ideology. You can't kill it. But you must condemn use of any violence in advancement of religion.
His tweet makes sense now.Nawaz is a Liberal Democrat, Tawhidi supports a white nationalist political party with a hate boner for Islam.
ISIS aren't responsible for this attack though, they just claim responsibility for everything to make their imaginary Caliphate seem real.
If you eliminated ISIS tomorrow, there'd still be many terrorist groups out there looking to capitalise on the situation and there'd still be Wahhabis preaching hate against the West.
You CAN kill an ideology. History shows the only way to kill an idea is with another idea. I am not content with my muslim brothers in countries Iraq and Syria to allow this festering infection on our world. I hope the bastard that did this gets what's coming to him.
But they encourage people using many methods online and otherwise to do this horrible stuff. Am I completely misinformed about ISIS being responsible?
ISIS have been on the decline for a while now. There are dozens of groups encouraging and co-ordinating attacks. The Manchester bomber was a British-born citizen of Libyan descent, there's no evidence he was working with ISIS.But they encourage people using many methods online and otherwise to do this horrible stuff. Am I completely misinformed about ISIS being responsible?
Wahhabism began in SA and has ties with the House of Saud as far back as the 1700s.I am a rookie on the Middle East. What does Saudi Arabia gain from spreading Wahabiism?
ISIS have been on the decline for a while now. There are dozens of groups encouraging and co-ordinating attacks. The Manchester bomber was a British-born citizen of Libyan descent, there's no evidence he was working with ISIS. bomber who killed 22 people at a pop concert in Manchester, England, last month had met in Libya with members of an Islamic State unit linked to the November 2015 Paris terrorist attack
The group in North Africa is not the same as the ISIS [Islamic State of Iraq and Syria] most people know.
But they encourage people using many methods online and otherwise to do this horrible stuff. Am I completely misinformed about ISIS being responsible?
The group in North Africa is not the same as the ISIS [Islamic State of Iraq and Syria] most people know.
You could eliminate every single ISIS member and this would still continue to happen. As long as the Middle East continues deestabilized and Saudi Arabia continues to fund these groups, it won't stop.
Correct but the point is, destroying ISIS wouldn't fix much and it wouldn't solve terrorism. Even though ISIS claimed responsibility for the Paris attack in Nov 2015 we now know it was organised by a terrorist cell in Belgium.I mean the group he met up with was originally fighting in Syria for ISIS.
Someone really needs to stop ISIS and cut the head of the snake. These attacks are getting too frequent.
ISIS aren't responsible for this attack though, they just claim responsibility for everything to make their imaginary Caliphate seem real.
Correct but the point is, destroying ISIS wouldn't fix much and it wouldn't solve terrorism. Even though ISIS claimed responsibility for the Paris attack in Nov 2015 we now know it was organised by a terrorist cell in Belgium.
Correct but the point is, destroying ISIS wouldn't fix much and it wouldn't solve terrorism. Even though ISIS claimed responsibility for the Paris attack in Nov 2015 we now know it was organised by a terrorist cell in Belgium.
ISIS claim all these attacks to make themselves seem more powerful than they really are so they can impress and attract new members.
Is it always stabbings and bombs in UK because they can't get guns?
If it's really that locked down why is USA not doing the same
If you think it's ignorant to not want to give them credit for things they didn't have a hand in then you do you.But this is what they want to be. They don't just want to be a group of organized members. They want to be some sort of a "hivemind" that is everywhere. Whenever a person who supports or has been inspired by ISIS does something like this, it definitely is part of ISIS' vision of what they want the world to be.
Trying to belittle them by saying they really don't have that much going on in their group is ignorance.
For a group that is supposed to be small or perhaps even ineffective they sure have had an big amount of influenced actions around the world. It is actually both scary and impressive how they have been able to spread their ideology around in a way that even people not directly connected to them can be willing to do things they aim to do.
Every time a leader is overthrown or revolution happens in the Middle-East groups like these will look to fill the power vacuum. Just look at how fucked up other Arab Spring nations are. Egypt overthrew their leader and the Muslim Brotherhood was elected after. That was not good.How would destroying ISIS not fix much?
1)Good PR win as the Caliphate is destroyed
2)Destroys a possible source of funding
3)Splinters contacts between terrorists as many are killed. harder to form cells if all the people you know got killed defending Raqqa or something
4)Stops or severely reduces ISIS radicalization efforts as their pr people are killed
5)Frees millions of people that are busy being brainwashed or killed in their territory
6)Helps stop new recruits from easily finding other people to do things like this or Paris
7)Can't have fighters returning with experience if no one goes over to fight in the first place, since ISIS is gone
And a lot more smaller things
Edit: Yeah there will still be terrorism, but taking out ISIS would definitely help a lot in reducing the amount of attacks
Someone really needs to stop ISIS and cut the head of the snake. These attacks are getting too frequent.
Why though?
What's the point?
I suspect it's more to deter people from intervening. It's a disgusting calculation.The police will be more hesitant to shoot at you if they think a explosion might be triggered in the proccess, i'd guess.
Every time a leader is overthrown or revolution happens in the Middle-East groups like these will look to fill the power vacuum. Just look at how fucked up other Arab Spring nations are. Egypt overthrew their leader and the Muslim Brotherhood was elected after. That was not good.
Too many people confuse ISIS branding and Wahhabi/Salafi doctrine which wouldn't be destroyed if ISIS were. ISIS is a group that has existed nearly 20 years, these guys are just opportunists and 'defeating ISIS' will not end the conflict or stop the flow of refugees. We shouldnt fear ISIS any more than any other terrorist group. Literally any of the existing groups in the region could've filled the power vacuum in Syria. Giving them credit for things they didn't cause makes them seem more powerful than they really are and is negative towards progress in defeating them.
People said this about Al-Qaeda then IS came along. Never underestimate the heinous shit people will do in the name of religion.You can't really have any group be worse than ISIS. So in the worst case you get a group that is as bad, but smaller since Iraq, SDF and Assad aren't going to let them take over as much territory. So no matter what even in the worst case a smaller, weaker and poorer group would take its place.
People said this about Al-Qaeda then IS came along. Never underestimate the heinous shit people will do in the name of religion.
Destroying IS wouldn't have no effect, it definitely would hinder terrorism, but it's not a catch-all solution to solving Islamic terror.
Like I said before, ISIS have lost a lot of ground in the last year. In 7 months, Mosul has been almost completely retaken.
I read that the knife attackers were shot and killed. Good. It wont bring their victims back, but it satisfied me to read that they were escorted from this life not long after their stabbing spree.
Sadly no surprised, the world's greatest evil since the Nazis.
They need to be deat a decisive blow in front the whole world.