I'll put a deposit when there is a firm release/availability date.
Highly interested regardless.
Highly interested regardless.
Wouldn't that make it the lowest drag coefficient for an affordable car? The last car to have that title was the CLA I believe with a 0.22, so that would be crazyThere's a rumor that Tesla is going for less than a .20 drag coefficient for the 3. That would rule out a hatchback. A similar style to the Model S liftback would be more likely.
Musk also said on their conference call for earnings earlier today that they weren't sure if they would reveal everything about the 3 on March 31st. Maybe hoping to keep some features a secret until the launch, like the X?
I'm interested in EV's, and this car is certainly a step in the right direction, but it's still out of the reach of the everyday appliance commuter. My last new car cost 12.5k (2013), I wonder how far away we are from that kind of bargain basement pricing?
Wouldn't that make it the lowest drag coefficient for an affordable car? The last car to have that title was the CLA I believe with a 0.22, so that would be crazy
I probably would stay away from the 1st few years of it. The model S had some drivetrain issues with the first few stating it would last until 60K miles or so according to Jalopnik. This being a much cheaper car could mean more of that or so.
Here is the article btw
Used Model 3's will certainly help. There are used Model S for around 50k regularly, now.
Yeah, it would be the lowest by far for a mass production car. Model S and X are both 0.24.
Drive unit failures seem to be decreasing. Luckily Tesla will get much needed practice in all areas of manufacturing before the 3.
dont they fix the drivetrain for free under warranty?
omg this might be the most amazing gif ever!
I would love to buy a Tesla but it just wont work for me. There's one supercharger ~20 miles away and I live in the center of the city in a penthouse with no way to install a charging station.Highly interested. Of course, the number of charge-stations across Europe have to increase. As it stands right now, going on vacation with an EV is not an option; a 800 mile / 11 hour trip from Amsterdam to the south of France requires a 5 hour detour in order to hit chargers. And once your at your destination, there's no charger for your car.
Nope, you clearly can't live with $3,450 left over. You would be extremely irresponsible. /s
Probably 60k AUD or something. Cheaper but still well out of my price range.
Maybe I'll be able to pick up a second hand or showroom model a few years down the line though.
I hope the Model 3 gets the same windshield that the Model X got. Man, that thing is great.
edit - I do not see it coming out in 2017 though. Maybe Spring 2019, haha.
That's just a shortened version! Here's the full gif
Yeah, it was definitely a smart marketing technique. It allows a heightened brand that isn't really cheapened by ugly cars and since enough people have the Model S in a lot of major cities, people get to ooooo and aweeee at it until the mass market release. They basically have an Apple-like brand already and they haven't even aired their first ad. 2018-20 should be huge for them.I don't think Musk as ever outright said it, but I'm pretty confident that Tesla's operating paradigm is to get people excited about EVs. That's why their very first car was a super high-end roadster, and its follow up was a high-end sports car. People look at those and see the potential of EVs--that they aren't just compact, efficient, "cute" vehicles like the i3 and current crop of hybrids. Get people hooked on the possibilities and then release a mass market vehicle to get them to switch.
Nothing from the X that is expensive to make will be in the S. Large curved glass windshield? Nope. Stupidly oversized iPad glued to the dash? Thank god no.
Electric vehicles are expensive. This is a mass market version. Expectations need to be tempered. I'm particularly interested in what range it has and what power it produces. It could (and should) still be the best electric vehicle choice for many people, but people need to be realistic.
Drive unit failures seem to be decreasing. Luckily Tesla will get much needed practice in all areas of manufacturing before the 3.
Man do I want a tesla.
Man am I poor.
If you don't mind sharing, what EV do you drive? A Leaf perhaps? What color is it and how happy are you with it?
Can't wait for this to come out. Hopefully it'll push the EV market forward like they've been saying it will, and hopefully they have plans for an even cheaper EV car to compete with something along the lines of a Corolla or Camry. The next few years are going to be really interesting for EVs I think. Can't wait to see what gets put out and how the market changes.
from what i've heard from tech/car reporters
don't expect
200+ miles range
all the sensors
150-170 mile range
Do these Tesla cars have energy absorbing sun panels planted on top? I feel like that's a miss opportunity by automakers being we do live in a solar system with a star that rages energy like no other
I live less than a mile away from a supercharger (Germany). All those Model S coming through. They look pretty cool.
I am tempted to get a Tesla EV sometime but in Germany the infrastructure is not efficient enough unfortunately. But it will change as soon as the mass market buys those cars.
We will be able to afford one in time.
please be a hatchback
Can anyone here give a roundabout estimate how much the hardware for autonomous driving adds to the BOM? I understand it's probably necessary to not have it standard in order to get the entry price as low as possible, but I'd still be bummed out if a 2018 Tesla came without it.
I want them to make a motorcycle already.
Hatchbacks are U G L Y, I both hate and understand why they are the most common type of car here.
Can anyone here give a roundabout estimate how much the hardware for autonomous driving adds to the BOM? I understand it's probably necessary to not have it standard in order to get the entry price as low as possible, but I'd still be bummed out if a 2018 Tesla came without it.
Doesn't Harley Davidson have EV bike?
Anyone know if you can get your reservation back? You never know, the car could turn out to be a mess by the time production hits.
There's a rumor that Tesla is going for less than a .20 drag coefficient for the 3. That would rule out a hatchback. A similar style to the Model S liftback would be more likely.
Musk also said on their conference call for earnings earlier today that they weren't sure if they would reveal everything about the 3 on March 31st. Maybe hoping to keep some features a secret until the launch, like the X?
Yes, you get your money back if you cancel your reservation. I don't know if I'll end up buying one (I barely drive anywhere), but I can afford the cost of reserving a spot to see if I want one.
Are teslas actually good cars? Reliable, good to drive etc? I suppose that might be tricky to predict for the mainstream model as the current ones are higher end sporty cars.
Are teslas actually good cars? Reliable, good to drive etc? I suppose that might be tricky to predict for the mainstream model as the current ones are higher end sporty cars.
Highly interested. Of course, the number of charge-stations across Europe have to increase. As it stands right now, going on vacation with an EV is not an option; a 800 mile / 11 hour trip from Amsterdam to the south of France requires a 5 hour detour in order to hit chargers. And once your at your destination, there's no charger for your car.