it'll be interesting to see how this unfolds. brad seemed pretty pleased with the win phone and was looking at win8 but Will was trying to talk him into apple. brads opinions get swayed on quicklooks so im guessing he's going to give in. the apple bias at tested is pretty strong.
LOLRuns on AT&T network. Hard to beat that.
$350 for the phone and $45 a month. Runs on AT&T network. Hard to beat that.
Norm seems suspiciously laid back this week.
If brad was a permanent replacement i'd be more than happy, he speaks more here than on the bombcast lol.
Will and I both missed the pre-orders. Looks like we'll be camping!
The answer is Ryan Davis.Also, Brad continues to bring his A-game to Tested leaving me to wonder whats up during bombcast recordings
Will and I both missed the pre-orders. Looks like we'll be camping!
Norm's comment about people not getting their stuff from kickstarter: "Entitlement".
Such a nice guy...
Norm's comment about people not getting their stuff from kickstarter: "Entitlement".
Such a nice guy...
That was one of the more embarrassing things ever said on the Tested podcast.
Maybe its not the best choice of words but he's basically right, people are pathologically blinkered about the way kick starter actually works. Even on gaf a lot of people don't seem to be able to grasp the idea that there is no obligation for them to deliver
Yup, but what's making the problem worse it that many established companies are using Kickstarter as a pre-order/PR device - which further blurs the lines of Kickstarter's true purpose.Maybe its not the best choice of words but he's basically right, people are pathologically blinkered about the way kick starter actually works. Even on gaf a lot of people don't seem to be able to grasp the idea that there is no obligation for them to deliver
Yup, but what's making the problem worse it that many established companies are using Kickstarter as a pre-order/PR device - which further blurs the lines of Kickstarter's true purpose.
And I think therein lies the problem - aside from receiving the item/service you paid for (usually along with a couple novelty extras traditional customers wouldn't have access to) there is no 'reward' to counteract the 'risk'.yeah the way people are going about it, including kickstarter themselves, seems to be part of the problem.
but a lot of people backing stuff, even when they know how it works, seem to be burying their heads in the sand about the possibility of everything going wrong, when that ought to be something you are ok with before you commit to it. I'm sure a lot of those people are going to go ballistic when something eventually does go wrong, even when they knew what they were getting themselves into at the start.
its like buying shares but not accepting the idea that they might go down instead of up.
I wonder if they will announce a new endurance test on Octoberkast
A man can dream...
The new Amazing Test is just them watching how fast Adam can build something.
Remember that MAME cabinet they said they were going to build? Man, I really miss old Tested sometimes.
Remember that MAME cabinet they said they were going to build? Man, I really miss old Tested sometimes.
Really looking forward to the discussion of iOS 6. Hopefully the fuck-awful new iOS store will let me redownload Downcast by the time the podcast is launched.
Attempting to scroll through my purchased apps in the App Store has me pining for my og Droid and that atrocious Google marketplace.
The market has gotten better since then but damn.
Norm's comment about people not getting their stuff from kickstarter: "Entitlement".
Such a nice guy...
On this week's show, Norm stuffs envelopes, Gary gets carto-graphic, and Will doesn't want to go camping. All that, plus the latest on iOS 6, Wal-Mart vs. the Kindle, HTC's Windows Phone 8 phones, and another edition of fake outtakes.
Hell yeah Gary is on!
I would love it if you could also have Brad on next week to talk about how it feels to finally lose those iPhone blue balls.
@garywhitta said:It begins...
@willsmith said:Im wearing the most awesome hat I own. @garywhitta is wearing his silliest.
@willsmith said:The 2AM crowd isnt equipped to deal with the unrelenting enthusiasm of the Apple store guy. @garywhitta is here #yolo
Best tweet in a long time YOLOWill Smith tweeted #yolo? Even ironically that's unacceptable
I'm done with tested
Will Smith tweeted #yolo? Even ironically that's unacceptable
I'm done with tested