Odds of Gary defending the NSA have to be pretty high, right?
That was an easy one to call.
Odds of Gary defending the NSA have to be pretty high, right?
That was an easy one to call.
What'd he say
What'd he say
But it was terrible. They were beyond misinformed about psvita and ps4/xbone details.
Seriously?Nothing terribly unreasonable. Essentially just that he is willing to give up freedoms in the name of security.
I got kind of excited at first when Will said there was a SD adapter for vita...arrgh.
"Laptop fucks" lol
Yeah that was really good.
Great episode overall if you can ignore the unfortunate NSA segment.
I got kind of excited at first when Will said there was a SD adapter for vita...arrgh.
He even said it was a memory stick adapter. His mistake was he assumed that the Vita takes memory sticks.
Yeah, I loved it, but I'm sure it took a lot more work than anything else, and didn't result in more hits.Yeah The Tested Show was their best idea. I had hoped when they got picked up by BB it would have new life
Jamie doesn't seem to be in to it. The few spots he has done seem like he was cajoled in to doing them. Oddly awkward too, you would think he woould be a natural after all the TV and live shows he has done. Maybe he just has a thing about gingers.
Dadcast inc
Dadcast is up! Too bad Jeff Green couldn't make it.
Please don't have the Nintendo should make iOS games discussion again for a while.
Please don't have the Nintendo should make iOS games discussion again for a while.
Why do they say Nokia like that
Why do they say Nokia like that