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Tested.com |OT| Lean Into It If It's Racist

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
I wished they went ahead with the plan to hook Gary up to a machine as he watches an Apple event to test how he reacts.

Hah, I'm working in a sleep medicine clinic this month and it would be amazing if I could hook Gary up to all this equipment. Heart rate monitor, pulse oximeter for Gary's hyperventilation, EEG for brain wave activity, EMG for muscle twitching, EOG for frantically roving eyes.

goddamn that guy's hair is ridiculous. sorry gary, can't watch based just on that.
you did literally just post a sad smiley that you won't be watching any livestreams..
I mean I'd like to watch it, but you guys make me sound like someone who'd sit in a burning house and watch it. It was dumb of me to set a work call for the same time though, what was I thinking?


Ugh...this week's podcast will be insufferable.

It's to the point I skip past any ios/android talk. Will is basically trolling at this point "derp even apple says android doesn't have a good twitter app". I had an evo 4g and now have an iphone 4s and asus transformer and have used a few different android twitter apps with no issues. But hey it's android lets troll some more because we used a shitty att phone 2 years ago.


I don't really see how someone can be all that hyped about this considering the biggest surprise is the name, but I'm sure they will find a way.

I really hope that not making into iPad 3 means Siri is dead. Such a worthless gimmick.
Gary Whitta: I'd rather export sand to Saudi Arabia then sell an iPad competitor

LOL, not quite Nazi coffee level but excellent effort

Random question, is the streaming podcast free for everyone from now on? I think it's been free for the past several weeks now


Gary Whitta: I'd rather export sand to Saudi Arabia then sell an iPad competitor

LOL, not quite Nazi coffee level but excellent effort

Random question, is the streaming podcast free for everyone from now on? I think it's been free for the past several weeks now

It wasn't last week, but it was the week before. I think someone said the embedded justin player is fucked atm, so it's free today.


Gary Whitta: I'd rather export sand to Saudi Arabia then sell an iPad competitor

LOL, not quite Nazi coffee level but excellent effort

Random question, is the streaming podcast free for everyone from now on? I think it's been free for the past several weeks now

Huh. I kind of feel like today really opened the door. All they did was a spec bump. Competitors can catch up to that. If some excellent Windows 8 tablets release this fall and Apple has to wait til March to roll out the big new hotness, I think there is a massive opening for iPad competitors.

I was set to order one today because my iPad is feeling sluggish. I'm going to hold off now.

Fox Mulder

Watching it again and again... what the fuck was Norm thinking. lol

Are they going to rebuild them?

It was a fun way to end it. Why not, it's something pretty much no one would do themselves at home.

The SSD already got rebuilt according to an earlier post from twitter.
Some people were saying that Gary was possibly offended by Will's constant jabs on today's podcast. He looked a little miffed, but not overly. To me, Gary's point of view makes the podcast more interesting. I hope he doesn't get offended and leave, though I trust him to have a thicker skin than that.


Some people were saying that Gary was possibly offended by Will's constant jabs on today's podcast. He looked a little miffed, but not overly. To me, Gary's point of view makes the podcast more interesting. I hope he doesn't get offended and leave, though I trust him to have a thicker skin than that.

They hate each other, Gary's just in it for the paycheck at this point


Huh. I kind of feel like today really opened the door. All they did was a spec bump. Competitors can catch up to that. If some excellent Windows 8 tablets release this fall and Apple has to wait til March to roll out the big new hotness, I think there is a massive opening for iPad competitors.

I was set to order one today because my iPad is feeling sluggish. I'm going to hold off now.

So.... Doubling the resolution, quadcore graphics, double the ram.... What else were you expecting?


So.... Doubling the resolution, quadcore graphics, double the ram.... What else were you expecting?

Nothing. This is exactly what I expected. It's a spec upgrade. Everyone can (theoretically) play the spec game. The next new hotness and innovation in tablets will (hopefully) be Windows 8.


I don't really see how someone can be all that hyped about this considering the biggest surprise is the name, but I'm sure they will find a way.

I really hope that not making into iPad 3 means Siri is dead. Such a worthless gimmick.
I doubt it, I just think they are waiting for iOS 6 really.


Nothing. This is exactly what I expected. It's a spec upgrade. Everyone can (theoretically) play the spec game. The next new hotness and innovation in tablets will (hopefully) be Windows 8.

Playing the spec game is not going to magically erase the market share and brand awareness apple has. Windows 8 might be great, but it has a huge uphill battle.


Playing the spec game is not going to magically erase the market share and brand awareness apple has. Windows 8 might be great, but it has a huge uphill battle.

Totally agree. The fact that there are no real cosmetic, wow factor changes to the general buying populace gives Wondows a chance to be the most interesting kid on the block for two quarters. I think that something everyone should hope for. Competition in the space will only be good.
Huh. I kind of feel like today really opened the door. All they did was a spec bump. Competitors can catch up to that.
Competitors have failed to catch up to the iPad in the first two generations, what makes you think this one is going to be any different, especially considering the fact that the iPad 3 is a bigger jump over the 2 than the 2 was over the original?

I stand by the prediction I made on today's podcast: this time next year there will still be no viable competitor to the iPad.


Confirmed Asshole
I don't like that you fuckers spoiled the ending with the GIFs in this thread. That was the ONE aspect of the show I could get behind. Not cool.
Some people were saying that Gary was possibly offended by Will's constant jabs on today's podcast. He looked a little miffed, but not overly. To me, Gary's point of view makes the podcast more interesting. I hope he doesn't get offended and leave, though I trust him to have a thicker skin than that.
Nah, not at all.


Competitors have failed to catch up to the iPad in the first two generations, what makes you think this one is going to be any different, especially considering the fact that the iPad 3 is a bigger jump over the 2 than the 2 was over the original?

I stand by the prediction I made on today's podcast: this time next year there will still be no viable competitor to the iPad.

Competitors have, Microsoft hasn't. I haven't heard the podcast yet so I'm not sure the context of your statement, but based on the impressions of Windows 8 last week I'm expecting this Fall to be pretty impressive across the board. I say expecting, but maybe just hoping. The iphone seemed to iterate much quicker than the pad. Most of that is probably diminishing returns (the huge improvements were on the OS side, and there isn't as much that is broken anymore) but some of that could also be attributed to complacency.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part. I had the first few iphones, went to the Droid when I was unhappy and saw Apple make some changes that I feel were probably forced by the competition so I jumped back in with the 4s. I'm hoping the same happens to the ipad.

So, ipad 4. What are your predictions?
I think there is zero chance of a Windows 8 tablet that is competitive with iPad 3 on specs and price, and I doubt on user experience or ecosystem either. There is no mindshare battle here, Apple has won it, it's over. I want to see competition as much as the next guy, it's good for everyone, but I just don't see where it's realistically coming from in the near to medium term.


Competitors have, Microsoft hasn't. I haven't heard the podcast yet so I'm not sure the context of your statement, but based on the impressions of Windows 8 last week I'm expecting this Fall to be pretty impressive across the board. I say expecting, but maybe just hoping. The iphone seemed to iterate much quicker than the pad. Most of that is probably diminishing returns (the huge improvements were on the OS side, and there isn't as much that is broken anymore) but some of that could also be attributed to complacency.

Maybe it's just wishful thinking on my part. I had the first few iphones, went to the Droid when I was unhappy and saw Apple make some changes that I feel were probably forced by the competition so I jumped back in with the 4s. I'm hoping the same happens to the ipad.

So, ipad 4. What are your predictions?

Competitors can't compete on all specs. They still haven't matched the A5--the Tegra 3 is still half the speed a year later. I also think they'll have trouble competing with the screen. Phones competed with the iPhone 4's PPI by making larger screens, but you can't really do that with tablets.

The iPad will have an OS update in the fall. They never update the iPad OS at launch. They prefer to have a full WWDC where developers are taught all the features of the new OS.

I think iOS 6 will be a big bump. Tim Cook already acknowledged that MS will be a big competitor in the tablet space.
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