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Tested.com |OT| Lean Into It If It's Racist

I think there is zero chance of a Windows 8 tablet that is competitive with iPad 3 on specs and price, and I doubt on user experience or ecosystem either. There is no mindshare battle here, Apple has won it, it's over. I want to see competition as much as the next guy, it's good for everyone, but I just don't see where it's realistically coming from in the near to medium term.

I think there's room for a tablet that does more than an iPad does; essentially what Windows 8 promises to be: a portable, fully-functional Windows PC. The iPad is great at what it focuses on, but it's not as robust as a PC. I'm not saying MS takes even, like, 10% of the market in the next year or anything, but I think it's not unheard of to say that MS could take a piece of the tablet pie. 10 years ago, no one thought Apple would come back into prominence, and look where we are now.

As for what's next for iPad 4, or even iOS in general? Well, they can't just keep going the "sharper, faster" route forever. They need a complete overhaul of the OS and interface. The whole layout of the iOS platform is getting stale, and a new look would do wonders in making me care about the platform again--even if it is mostly just a cosmetic difference.
Dismissing this as a mere "spec bump" is very naive I think. People are going to fall in lust with the new screen and there is nothing else out there or on the horizon that even comes close to that display. Apple is able to do this because they have a stranglehold on their supply chain that no other company can duplicate. By the time a competitor comes up with a screen that can rival it it will be time for iPad 4 and another jump ahead. And even if someone could match Apple on specs and price (they can't) they cannot compete on the other main factor people buy iOS devices for - the app ecosystem.
Dismissing this as a mere "spec bump" is very naive I think. People are going to fall in lust with the new screen and there is nothing else out there or on the horizon that even comes close to that display. Apple is able to do this because they have a stranglehold on their supply chain that no other company can duplicate. By the time a competitor comes up with a screen that can rival it it will be time for iPad 4 and another jump ahead. And even if someone could match Apple on specs and price (they can't) they cannot compete on the other main factor people buy iOS devices for - the app ecosystem.

I have no doubts that the app eco-system is probably the biggest hurdle to get over for MS and other tablet makers--people are invested in iOS, no doubt, and the backlog of amazing apps is gigantic.

But, I mean, while I certainly see where you're coming from, a new screen, no matter how beautiful it may be, is pretty much the definition of a spec bump. A nice and appreciated one, but a nice screen and faster CPU is not exactly the definition of innovation.

Edit: I want to clarify and elaborate a bit. I think the thing that made Apple the success it is right now is a great combination of solid, gorgeous hardware and, not to be underestimated, a great UI. Apple made listening to music sexy and cool again with the iPod, and especially the iPod Touch. Unfortunately, while the hardware has continued to be amazing, the software side has just kind of been rolling along. If they can rework the UI and make it interesting again, I'm in.


I don't really see how someone can be all that hyped about this considering the biggest surprise is the name, but I'm sure they will find a way.

I really hope that not making into iPad 3 means Siri is dead. Such a worthless gimmick.

Siri could be really cool but right now it is worthless. If they can improve accuracy, find a way to link it to your car better, and most importantly allow it to do more (ie changes settings, control apps, answer emails, etc. it could be a real game changer for mobile devices and almost give you laptop/desktop functionality).
I have no doubts that the app eco-system is probably the biggest hurdle to get over for MS and other tablet makers--people are invested in iOS, no doubt, and the backlog of amazing apps is gigantic.

But, I mean, while I certainly see where you're coming from, a new screen, no matter how beautiful it may be, is pretty much the definition of a spec bump. A nice and appreciated one, but a nice screen and faster CPU is not exactly the definition of innovation.
The iPad itself was the innovation, now they'll iterate on it the same way they did with the iPhone. I'm really not sure what people expected out of this product. Were there some suggestions or ideas out there for what a real innovative evolution of the iPad could/should have been? I think there's a tendency for people to be disappointed in Apple because they don't re-invent the wheel every single time, but a lot of the people who are complaining/disappointed don't even know what it is they want. Meanwhile Apple will continue to sell millions to people happy to have the best tablet on the market.


I have no doubts that the app eco-system is probably the biggest hurdle to get over for MS and other tablet makers--people are invested in iOS, no doubt, and the backlog of amazing apps is gigantic.

But, I mean, while I certainly see where you're coming from, a new screen, no matter how beautiful it may be, is pretty much the definition of a spec bump. A nice and appreciated one, but a nice screen and faster CPU is not exactly the definition of innovation.
If you're comparing it to Windows 8, this is the wrong time to compare the OSes.

They have never done OS updates at iPad launches.
iPad launched on iOS 3, iPad 2 launched on iOS 4, iPad (3rd Gen) launches on iOS 5.

iOS 6 will launch in the Fall.

Spring is to show off the new hardware.
Fall is to show off the new software.

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
It's kind of amusing that Gary's talking points on the podcast carry over verbatim to the forums.

Dismissing this as a mere "spec bump" is very naive I think. People are going to fall in lust with the new screen and there is nothing else out there or on the horizon that even comes close to that display.

Samsung 2560x1600 tablet


never heard about the cat, apparently
I think there is zero chance of a Windows 8 tablet that is competitive with iPad 3 on specs and price, and I doubt on user experience or ecosystem either. There is no mindshare battle here, Apple has won it, it's over. I want to see competition as much as the next guy, it's good for everyone, but I just don't see where it's realistically coming from in the near to medium term.
I can see Windows 8 tablets being cheaper, but Apple does seem to have a great supply chain etc.. so it will take time for other companies to catch up (and they will at some point) But on the experience lvl? i already think iOS is dated compared to ICS and Windows 8. It just looks ugly. It will be interesting to see what they have in store for the fall and if they get rid of the ugly grid of icons. And there is a reason Microsoft is going with Metro on the desktop, its to ramp up development of these new applications. Mark my words, it will be the fastest growing Application Store of its kind, so i don't think the ecosystem will be much of a problem with them. Shit they already have about 100 apps in the store right now, and its a beta.
Android will probably aim for the lower cost end of the tablet spectrum. I think the real competitor will be Windows 8.I've notice that whenever people ask about tablets, one of the first questions is about whether they can use if for actual work. All the Windows productivity software like word or excel will be a pretty strong incentive, especially for enterprise/student market. This of course relies on whether Microsoft can get their Office people working with their tablet people.


Apple is on top and obviously has no intentions on letting up. There are possibilities with W8, though, and I'm intrigued by the strategy they are pursuing. But then again I thought with the right moves/marketing they could make a good push with Windows Phone 7. So who knows.

However, I really wonder where this all leaves Android tablets.


never heard about the cat, apparently
Apple is on top and obviously has no intentions on letting up. There are possibilities with W8, though, and I'm intrigued by the strategy they are pursuing. But then again I thought with the right moves/marketing they could make a good push with Windows Phone 7. So who knows.

However, I really wonder where this all leaves Android tablets.
Windows Phone is in a totally different situation. It being based on Windows CE limits its specs etc... which limits what partners put out. They can't use their dominance in the PC market to help them out like they will with Windows 8 on Tablets. And then the #1 thing, Carriers. None of that is an issue with Windows 8 on Tablets. Windows 8 will have hardware support, retail support and developer support.


Windows Phone is in a totally different situation. It being based on Windows CE limits its specs etc... which limits what partners put out. They can't use their dominance in the PC market to help them out like they will with Windows 8 on Tablets. And then the #1 thing, Carriers. None of that is an issue with Windows 8 on Tablets. Windows 8 will have hardware support, retail support and developer support.

By 'strategy' I was referring more to the marketing/mainstream buzz angle. I really think they fumbled with generating any real excitement in the general public with WP7, which was a shame. A new Windows is 'successful' regardless by default in terms of numbers; even Vista could look like a big mover. It remains to be seen exactly what people want in a tablet outside of the ipad, so I really have no idea how they will react to it in that regard.


Apple is on top and obviously has no intentions on letting up. There are possibilities with W8, though, and I'm intrigued by the strategy they are pursuing. But then again I thought with the right moves/marketing they could make a good push with Windows Phone 7. So who knows.

However, I really wonder where this all leaves Android tablets.

I think the selling snowballs on the North Pole comment applies here.


never heard about the cat, apparently
By 'strategy' I was referring more to the marketing/mainstream buzz angle. I really think they fumbled with generating any real excitement in the general public with WP7, which was a shame. A new Windows is 'successful' regardless by default in terms of numbers; even Vista could look like a big mover. It remains to be seen exactly what people want in a tablet outside of the ipad, so I really have no idea how they will react to it in that regard.
heh yeah. It will be interesting to see if they can put out a decent marketing strategy for once. I wouldn't count on it.


Competitors have failed to catch up to the iPad in the first two generations, what makes you think this one is going to be any different, especially considering the fact that the iPad 3 is a bigger jump over the 2 than the 2 was over the original?

I stand by the prediction I made on today's podcast: this time next year there will still be no viable competitor to the iPad.

on android I agree. Apple just significantly bumped performance of the ipad, but the *old* ipad still outclasses every android device out there. Thats pretty dominant.

But windows 8 has a decent chance IMO. If they bring some of the metro UI stuff from windows phone, and the efficiencies of that platform (which are comparable to ios IMO), then it could be a decent competitor.

Android just has too much baggage, needs a significant rearchitecting to be slicker and more efficient in basic operations


Just like I don't get offended when Gary gives me shit. We're grow ups, it's cool.

we're bestest pals.


Sorry, no idea why, but 'grow ups' just made me think of rugrats.
I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss Amazon. I wouldn't be surprised if a Fire 2 sees the same sales growth as the iPad 2 which they referenced on the podcast. I've only played with one in a store so maybe it is terrible but amazon's video service is far beyond everyone else IMO. I can stream it from any computer, to a $90 roku, or to a fire with almost no hassle. The wild card is if they open up the video service like the reading app. I would LOVE to see amazon video hit the iPad or hit my consoles. Of course then the Fire just becomes a side project.

If I bought a tablet I'd go fire but I'm happy right now without one. Personally I have no interest in Windows 8. Someone else must think the interface is a huge step back from metro. I liked the uniform colors from metro, that consumer preview looks like a rainbow threw up

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Today is the 2nd year anniversary of Tested's launch! I can be critical of Tested sometimes, but it's still my favorite tech site and the only tech podcast I listen to. Here's to many more!


They knew exactly what they were getting going in. All I saw were the headlines this morning of what the new iPad offered and just said "yep, knew that 3 days ago"


I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss Amazon. I wouldn't be surprised if a Fire 2 sees the same sales growth as the iPad 2 which they referenced on the podcast. I've only played with one in a store so maybe it is terrible but amazon's video service is far beyond everyone else IMO. I can stream it from any computer, to a $90 roku, or to a fire with almost no hassle. The wild card is if they open up the video service like the reading app. I would LOVE to see amazon video hit the iPad or hit my consoles. Of course then the Fire just becomes a side project.

If I bought a tablet I'd go fire but I'm happy right now without one. Personally I have no interest in Windows 8. Someone else must think the interface is a huge step back from metro. I liked the uniform colors from metro, that consumer preview looks like a rainbow threw up

I don't think any of us are counting out Amazon. They kind of whiffed the first generation, but they've iterated the e-Ink Kindles really well, fixing problems and dramatically improving the product each year. I'd be stunned if the Fire 2 has anything like the same problems as the current model did at launch.


Still without luck


Today is the 2nd year anniversary of Tested's launch! I can be critical of Tested sometimes, but it's still my favorite tech site and the only tech podcast I listen to. Here's to many more!

I'm surprised it's been 2 years already. I was sold after I heard Norm and Will guest star on the bombcast. You guys are such a perfect addition to whiskey.
Brad is on?

Damn... I love it when brad is on this but I hate the apple cocksucking after a new hardware announcement. I got Nothing against apple news .. I just don't like the insufferable fanboyisim.

I'm torn.

Someone listen and report back
I'm starting a petition to get Brad to be the permanent fourth chair.

Make it third chair and I'll start listening to the podcast. Love most everything Tested does but can't stand the podcast, and judging by the reactions to this week's episode it's not getting any better.
Wasn't Gary gonna eat an egg if he did pick up a niPad or are my memories wrong?

It is kinda funny that the past few eps Gary has been saying that MBA is more used than his iPad and iPad ain't what he really needs =P

And from 2-3 isn't that much better of an upgrade besides the screen for text stuff and high res 2d games.

I'll pick up an ipad when the browser is comparable to a laptop browser.... which hopefully will be next year.
Gary is right about that LTE hotspot talk

Listening to the hotspot segment now especially now that Verizon announced LTE hotspot without extra charge


I really enjoy Brad's outsider perspective on the podcast. He knows things, but when he doesn't his questions really help drive conversation and get out information. I definitely welcome more appearances by him when he's not too busy doing video game things.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
didn't care for Brad's contributions, to be honest. They weren't offensive, I just can't remember them.
As Android user, I would have been pissed off with that Android segment
However, after spending a year with my iPad 2. I agree with all their points.


Still without luck
That was a great cast.


I do not understand the eating of boiled eggs being a forfeit, as they are lovely.

I'm with you on this. It started with the idea that they would write their wrong predictions on different foods and have to eat them. Then they got the eggbot and went with eggs at first, but now they're just eating eggs with out anything on them. It's doesn't make any sense. And yeah, they can be pretty tasty.
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