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Tested.com |OT| Lean Into It If It's Racist


Super Sleuth
Wait, you all enable chat in the livestream videos, or check out their forums? Whenever the cast says "that's the internet being dumb," I kind have always figured that they were talking about their community.

Forums always suck, unless they're:

A.) Well moderated, and there is some kind of gate to get in. (No commercial, free email, so bans mean something) like Gaf.

B.) The community is very small

Nah, they are usually talking about Gaf actually.


Yep. They shouldn't have jumped in with "Adam and Jamie" and "OUR site" and all that off the launch. Adam and Jamie should've been eased in better with or without the Mythbusters fans that haven't been to the site before.

I hoped that you guys would trust us. I learned never to assume that. We all (Norm, Jamie, Adam, and I) wrote the copy for that video together. It's our site now--Norm's, Jamie's, Adam's, and mine. That's why I'm so fucking excited. Their names are at the top, because we knew that you guys trusted us, that you're probably OK with them too. Their audience doesn't know us, so we're going to let them get to know us with our content.


I'm not saying Gaf is perfect, but compare it to places like Giantbomb or Gamefaq's forums, and you'll see it's in a league of its own.



There's no way. I don't believe it. I expected Giantbomb to be at the top, then a sizable gap, then tested, then a giant drop-off where the other sites fend for much smaller numbers.

Wow....I'm shocked. Tested didn't get the love it deserved. :(

EDIT: Also, I'm a little worried that it's Jamie and Adam's "site" now, which is weird because I love watching those guys, but I'm guessing we'll still see WillChan for the majority of the content, so it's all good.

Those numbers are dramatically low. According to our analytics, Tested was third in uniques behind GB and CV.


Those numbers are dramatically low. According to our analytics, Tested was third in uniques behind GB and CV.

That's what I figured. I still can't believe it's below Comic Vine though. Didn't know that the people there had such a large following.


Comic Vine didn't start out as a personality based thing (which is easy to tell) so while it always shocked me how big it was I always understood why they never found a way for the Happy Hour's and the like to work for them.

I read Infinity Blowjobs and immediately thought of what a good name that would be for an Infinity Blade porn parody. Then I started started constructing how the gameplay would then parody the game 'Each monster requires a different technique, difficulty spike when the monster is female'

If the porn industry can get people to actually sit down and watch a porno for its plot with spot-on accurate porn parody, Indie devs need to cash in. It would also lead to people having similar conversations as My Little Pony fans in trying to justify their enjoyment because it's 'good'.

Or maybe I just like the idea of homophobic gamers giving literal blowjobs for easy achievement points.
Those numbers are dramatically low. According to our analytics, Tested was third in uniques behind GB and CV.

Will: don't know if you've mentioned this yet but will stuff like app of the day remain? In general will you guys keep all of the tested regulars and just expand on them or will some stuff hit the chopping block?


I hoped that you guys would trust us. I learned never to assume that. .

Don't be too hard on them (well, okay maybe some of the douchebags that went harrassin'). I don't know that a lot of folks didn't 'trust' you guys - probably just didn't know at the beginning how much say you had in the matter. Someone getting swallowed up by a bigger fish in the sea happens all the time (particularly in the wake of a massive 'buyout'/change in management or whatever). What you probably saw a majority of was concern. It just displayed poorly.

I'd imagine your posts and responses (and particularly when new content comes through) will start to ease that up a bit. In any case, I think a lot of people will be happy that you are happy. Congrats!

Pointing a product that will probably loves at a product will hates ;)

Will Jeff Green's PC build ever happen now?

I do hope Will and Norm 'and Wes' will eventually have bullshots on the top bar =(
Will's post cleared stuff up, and I now believe that they are really, really happy about this and whatever shitty thing happens to the site later is likely a decision that Will&Norm approved at some point.

Seeing their happiness though makes me feel really sorry for them - launching the site, going on your forums and then seeing THAT must have felt horrible.


On another note, Will says that cursing is still gonna go on, but I don't understand how that can be? Swearing totally seems like a thing that would be the first thing to go.


It may not end up reflecting the content on the site, but the front page REALLY makes it look like all they bought was the domain name.


I think what's leaving a bad taste here is that this transition smacks of the kind of dotcom era arrogance in site acquisition that really insulted user communities.

I can remember two videogame sites I followed in the late 90s and early 2000s where you just visit one day and the sites either been totally subsumed into another site or totally changed hands and in both cases not a single care was given to the user community. Long time members of web communities have scars from these types of transitions. I'm not saying that's what happened at Tested, but it's a bit too close for comfort. Long before the saying "if you're not paying for the product you are the product" became popular people were learning they were the product.

The problem is that on Thursday they were not totally up front that this was becoming Jamie and Adam's site, a site for Jamie and Adam. What they said on Thursday was: we're working with Jamie and Adam. The next day you come to the site and find Jamie and Adam's Tested. While the "we're working with" statement is technically true, it set the wrong expectation. The Thursday announcement asked that current Tested community members "please welcome Jamie and Adam's fans" and the problem is that was a veiled, slightly patronizing way of saying that this was becoming Jamie and Adam's site rather than just being totally transparent about what was happening on Friday.


I think what's leaving a bad taste here is that this transition smacks of the kind of dotcom era arrogance in site acquisition that really insulted user communities.

I can remember two videogame sites I followed in the late 90s and early 2000s where you just visit one day and the sites either been totally subsumed into another site or totally changed hands and in both cases not a single care was given to the user community. Long time members of web communities have scars from these types of transitions. I'm not saying that's what happened at Tested, but it's a bit too close for comfort. Long before the saying "if you're not paying for the product you are the product" became popular people were learning they were the product.

The problem is that on Thursday they were not totally up front that this was becoming Jamie and Adam's site, a site for Jamie and Adam. What they said on Thursday was: we're working with Jamie and Adam. The next day you come to the site and find Jamie and Adam's Tested. While the "we're working with" statement is technically true, it set the wrong expectation. The Thursday announcement asked that current Tested community members "please welcome Jamie and Adam's fans" and the problem is that was a veiled, slightly patronizing way of saying that this was becoming Jamie and Adam's site rather than just being totally transparent about what was happening on Friday.
You're not wrong, though I will point out in the very first paragraph of Will's explanatory post (my emphasis):
If your first thought was “FREEEEEEEEEOOWW!”, then you know how I’m feeling. My feet haven’t hit the ground since Norm and I started talking to Jamie and Adam--you know, the freaking co-hosts of MYTHBUSTERS--about helping us turn Tested into the premiere place on the Internet to share the things they’re most interested in.


I hoped that you guys would trust us. I learned never to assume that. We all (Norm, Jamie, Adam, and I) wrote the copy for that video together. It's our site now--Norm's, Jamie's, Adam's, and mine. That's why I'm so fucking excited. Their names are at the top, because we knew that you guys trusted us, that you're probably OK with them too. Their audience doesn't know us, so we're going to let them get to know us with our content.

you should have kept the old logo(new one is really awful), removed the jamie and adam name branding and put the four of you at the top of the site. that way your fans wouldnt feel violated and people will still see the mytbusters involvement.

Will Jeff Green's PC build ever happen now?

only if they can explode his old one.


I hoped that you guys would trust us. I learned never to assume that. We all (Norm, Jamie, Adam, and I) wrote the copy for that video together. It's our site now--Norm's, Jamie's, Adam's, and mine. That's why I'm so fucking excited. Their names are at the top, because we knew that you guys trusted us, that you're probably OK with them too. Their audience doesn't know us, so we're going to let them get to know us with our content.

We trust you guys. It's just that when corporation's buy smaller companies, it's hard to know who is in control any more. I think people are just being over protective, because we want to see you guys continuing to be in complete control over what content is published and not have to water it down for the mass audience.


You're not wrong, though I will point out in the very first paragraph of Will's explanatory post (my emphasis):

And then the paragraph after that he says this:

Naturally, some stuff on Tested is going to change. You can expect to see Jamie and Adam blogging alongside Norm and I about topics that excite all four of us--more than just the digital world.

Now, technically this is true...Jamie and Adam are blogging along side Will and Norm. But it sets and expectation that this is "Tested.com featuring Jamie, Adam, Will, and Norm"...Not "Jamie & Adam Tested".

Now, I don't want to analyze Will's Thursday statement like it's the Zapruder film, just that a Thursday statement that basically said straight up that tomorrow we become Jamie & Adam Tested and Will and Norm will still be behind the site in a different role would have been a lot more transparent and clear and I think would have done a better job setting expectations.

I think another part of the problem was launching the redesign and the new logo and the new branding without also having something that really demonstrates to the audience what Jamie & Adam Tested actually means. There really needed to be a 10-15 minute video with Will and Norm and at least one of Jamie and Adam that introduced people to what this new site is supposed to be. Blog entries and forum posts are not reassuring in the same way video is. This is why what Giant Bomb has done in the past two days has been so reassuring.

What was really unique about old Tested was the video content. There are other tech blogs. There are other tech forums. There is not really anything that was truly like old Tested in terms of the personality of the videos. There was a subtle balance somewhere between YouTube amateur and slick TV pro material that was refreshing and the onscreen personalities of Will and Norm were the core of the site.

The community needs to see what the videos from Jamie & Adam Tested are going to be like. If they're just like old Tested, that's awesome. If they're something new with personality then that's great too.

But, I think we needed to see this on day one to understand what Will and Norm are trying to communicate about what they envision new Tested being.


Confirmed Asshole
Really? They go on this crazy adventure and the first thing the internet does is shit on the floor of the first dungeon?

At least give it a chance. Jesus.


Gold Member
I think it's awesome that Will is here on GAF answering questions directly.

You still botched the launch though Norm and Will.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
New design is tasteless crap. I honestly was a little shocked when I loaded it up.
His arm is cropped over the menubar. Disgusting.

I'm sure the content and output will be great as always, but jesus chris what an ugly website. Even the favicon is offensive. Yellow and black? For real?

I mean, I know its nothing permanent. But holllly shit. They literally whipped this up overnight.


Norm/Will, do you guys actually have some access to the M5 workshop or is that just a one-time recording thing? Because that place must be absolute tinkerer's heaven, and my hands would be itching to even be near there.


New design is tasteless crap. I honestly was a little shocked when I loaded it up.
His arm is cropped over the menubar. Disgusting.

I'm sure the content and output will be great as always, but jesus chris what an ugly website. Even the favicon is offensive. Yellow and black? For real?

I mean, I know its nothing permanent. But holllly shit. They literally whipped this up overnight.

The hyperbole is flowing like water in here.
It's a pretty standard website, basically it's Tested.com with a completely different colorscheme. You do realize this was made by the same engineers that made the old tested.com, right?

I actually like the new look. The background and content windows could use a bit more contrast because it's basically all white right now, but other than that, I think it looks great.


New design is tasteless crap. I honestly was a little shocked when I loaded it up.
His arm is cropped over the menubar. Disgusting.

I'm sure the content and output will be great as always, but jesus chris what an ugly website. Even the favicon is offensive. Yellow and black? For real?

I mean, I know its nothing permanent. But holllly shit. They literally whipped this up overnight.

and yet it still manages to be better than the old one.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
The hyperbole is flowing like water in here.

Yeah. Guilty as charged. I still think its really ugly and the clipart is absurd. Its bad and everyone involved should feel bad. Its awful.

I do not understand how you can sit there and look at that website and not think its awful. How can you sit there and look at that design and think anything other than "wow, thats terrible." ? What is wrong with you?

I just want to clarify since there is a lot of negativity going around. I'm not talking about anything other than the graphics on the website.


Yeah. Guilty as charged. I still think its really ugly and the clipart is absurd. Its bad and everyone involved should feel bad. Its awful.

I do not understand how you can sit there and look at that website and not think its awful. How can you sit there and look at that design and think anything other than "wow, thats terrible." ? What is wrong with you?
This is a great point by point analysis you bring to the table. You skelly?


Really, who are they trying to please?

The message from the defenders of this seems to be that the Mythbusters supplanted Will and Norm as the face to lure in a larger audience. But at the same time, Will and Norm will be producing almost all of the content. What is the point of this? People who come because of the Mythbusters are probably going to be disappointed when it's mostly just Will and Norm. People who are there for Will and Norm are going to be pissed that they don't get any recognition on their own site.

It's just really weird. I do look forward to seeing their first batches of non-article content.

This is the thing that I don't get: Who is this place actually for? On that second point, W&N may even get some recognition eventually, but at the same time I'm worried about the focus of the thing. Will mentioned somewhere that Tested was more then just putting cameras in condoms or fucking around with As Seen on TV products, but that shit was some of the best stuff. I know we can still expect craziness, but how about stupidity? Most of that stuff spawned from the last second needs of the interaction between Tested and the other WM sites, and....well, let's just say I'm not sure I want a more professional Tested.

It's great that they have the budget to do more of what they want. I just hope it doesn't crib the personality of the thing. Really, any sort of content (actual content, not news posts) would have been massively reassuring at launch. We need to see the balance of it. We need to see if the various A&J fans can handle what we, the community, have turned the forums into, and if there will be any major changes if enough of them complain.

I hoped that you guys would trust us. I learned never to assume that. We all (Norm, Jamie, Adam, and I) wrote the copy for that video together. It's our site now--Norm's, Jamie's, Adam's, and mine. That's why I'm so fucking excited. Their names are at the top, because we knew that you guys trusted us, that you're probably OK with them too. Their audience doesn't know us, so we're going to let them get to know us with our content.

Look at how GB handled their first day: three videos including one of the best quick looks in a long time. You can tell, right out of the gate, that everything is fine and most likely will be fine. There isn't a need for trust, we have proof positive. Without that, we fall back on trust, and we DO trust you. But that's you, not your new owners. A change in management is traumatic any way you slice it, and to change management, get a new layout, break the forums, add on two massive stars, and say that you are shifting focus WITHOUT any sort of significant content to soften that blow.....you can see why people are losing it, right?

I don't know how long you guys had to get shit together, but if you had even an extra day or two to drip feed some of this information, you'd have avoided most of the blowback.

I've sunk 2k posts and a lot of time into that place. I'm being reactionary, sure, but it's based on what I see.....and I'm worried by it, that's all. We have (had?) a pretty sweet community going. Now I'm talking in IRC to a bunch of us who have been around from the start, and there's not a lot reassurance about the state of things; we're inclusive, sure, but how do you reconcile our swearing and casual racism with 10 year olds who love Adam and Jamie and oh look a fan site and then little Jimmy stumbles onto 100 references for "Will Smith's Cum Face" and now we may have a problem on our hands. The Discovery forums are really sanitized, and while we love to help new members and make great insightful posts, we do it in the old Tested way which is usually not totally family friendly.

I'm just rambling now. My point is: we're all just worried, I personally don't think we had enough info to calm our fears (before Will's big post), and as such you have to expect this kind of reaction. We just want to make sure you guys get at least equal billing and continue letting the community do it's own thing, and you can't honestly say that by looking at the design in its current state for the former or when looking at the audience that this is going to bring in for the latter. It may have been build with the idea of reassuring new fans, but it was done in a way to alienate the old ones, no way around it.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
Congrats to you Will, give the folks a little bit to adjust and all should be normal again in no time. And thank you immensely for bringing on Loyd Case, that's gonna be great.
I just listened to their podcast and it was still the same old podcast, but they're going with Youtube for all their videos? That's terrible. It was so nice going to Tested and just downloading a vid in HD.

Now I need to use a browser plug-in etc etc. It's a step backwards.
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