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Tested.com |OT| Lean Into It If It's Racist

Aruarian Reflection

Chauffeur de la gdlk
Anybody else find themselves not bothering to read the week's articles because the guys always discuss their write ups on the podcast?

Definitely. It's not really Will and Norm's fault, I just don't like reading articles that have no meaningful insight and read like quota articles for a link aggregator site. Back with the good ol' Tested.com, I never read the filler content written by the freelancers either. Now I just subscribe to Tested on Youtube and watch their videos there


I think it says a lot about the quality of the current design of the website when the site's main guy suggest you use Google to find something that was posted on the forums (and maybe even stickied?) lol...


Will: "I don't watch procedural crime shows. They're boring."

Gary: "ok"

Will: "I don't watch the news. I have the internet."

Gary: "ok"

I dunno why but Gary's quick acceptance made me laugh.


I think it says a lot about the quality of the current design of the website when the site's main guy suggest you use Google to find something that was posted on the forums (and maybe even stickied?) lol...
I don't really think that's a problem exclusive to Tested, I find most in-house search engines to be complete trash.

Typing "site:sitename.com <query>" into Google has basically been my go-to for years now.

Will: "I don't watch procedural crime shows. They're boring."

Gary: "ok"

Will: "I don't watch the news. I have the internet."

Gary: "ok"

I dunno why but Gary's quick acceptance made me laugh.
I love that Gary, who wears his love for pop culture on his sleeve, just accepts Will's ingrained snobbishness and doesn't bother try to fight it anymore.





Lost all credibility.
I'm not even a big Star Trek fan, but Norm made the Star Trek Experience sound like the greatest thing ever.
I went with friends to see it before I was a fan of Star Trek and it was still incredible. I wish I could have gone again after I got into the series and understood more of the references.
Remember way back when someone brought up the hypothetical about a Will vs. a group of racoons deathmatch? Can we change that to a pack of squirrels now? Who'd win Will or say 10 squirrels locked in a room?
Remember way back when someone brought up the hypothetical about a Will vs. a group of racoons deathmatch? Can we change that to a pack of squirrels now? Who'd win Will or say 10 squirrels locked in a room?
For a while I was thinking maybe the reason Will was so keen to fight that squirrel is that because he had spent so long thinking about how to fight raccoons he figured that gave him a tactical advantage.


You can't please everyone but for me there was not enough tech talk in this week's podcast. If they are going to try and cover that many subjects maybe we should get 2 podcasts a week. One tech oriented and one more focused on the other topics they are getting into.
Ok so I have worked on this of and on for about 2 weeks but its DONE !!!! its finally done.

Hopefully you will all like it!

From This is only a test 114 I made a video about Gary his rant

Tested.com - Gary Whitta Watching TV in 2012 Rant


Have fun!


Why did I send in my question the week they chose to not answer questions


should I resend it or does Will stockpile them?


You can't please everyone but for me there was not enough tech talk in this week's podcast. If they are going to try and cover that many subjects maybe we should get 2 podcasts a week. One tech oriented and one more focused on the other topics they are getting into.

They covered the tech news that was worth covering. Seems useless to cover stuff no one cares about because it's tech news.
Why did I send in my question the week they chose to not answer questions


should I resend it or does Will stockpile them?

Send it again.

Or if it's not too big of a problem, send it as text. Will do tend to reply to the emails ;)

Or just post on their forums or post here on gaf if you need recommendations or something.
Sous Vide video was interesting. I saw the technique on Iron Chef America a few times, but never really knew what the hell was going on - nice to have it explained

I think they put some seasoning (soya sauce, I think) in the bag on that show




1. Please be careful if you try sous vide. Because if you do it wrong you can make yourself and others extremely sick.

I just listened to the Tested podcast and learned that the Brontosaurus wasn't real. I'm kind of bummed. Thanks Norm.

2. BS. If they're not real then where to bronto burgers come from, huh?


So many new Will snob moments on the latest episode! Awesome. We need to start a list. Police procedural hipster is a new low.
Brontosaurus was changed to Apatosaurus like 20 years ago. Where have you people been?

For a real mindfuck, look at what dinosaurs with feathers would look like!

edit - from another thread


Sous vide seems weird. Is there any advantage to it if you know how to cook a steak properly on the grill?
If you grill a steak, you're not getting an even cook. The center cooks much less than the other edge. With this method, the steak is cooked evenly, with every inch of the steak cooked the same amount. So if you want medium rare, the whole steak is just that, not portions of it.


I would like to share my honest opinions regarding the site and the podcast. I'm posting this here because I know Norm, Will, and Gary read the post on this thread and I want people to chime in as well.

Over the past couple of weeks I've realized that the site and the show are not as appealing for as they were in the past, mainly because I feel that the content and topics are all over the place. I'm aware that the focus of the site has changed, and while I know there is a lot of quality content, it seems that now that the stuff I frequented the site for has taken the backseat. I really liked the tech news/reviews/opinions focus with some off-topic sprinkled every now and then, but now it is hard to pin point exactly what Tested is about. I even clicked at the About Us on the page.

The short, pithy answer is: We'll cover anything that's awesome. The longer answer is that we have many interests, ranging from breakthroughs in science, amazing tales of exploration, and discoveries in nature to emerging technologies and new consumer products that promise to change our everyday lives. Tested is the place where we’ll explore those topics in depth, asking the hows and the whys about the things that excite us the most.

The number one rule of Tested is simple. We want to make Tested the site that we'd be most interested in reading. If you think there's something we should be covering, but aren't, please let us know!

I think my issue with the site is how, for the lack of a better word, "personal" it has become. I used to visit Tested because of the tech talk, and enjoyed some of the off-topic themes, but now that there's such a wide range of topics covered I feel there is more of the site that I don't find appealing.

Another reason for my disinterest is the --possible erroneous-- perception of a strong anti Android, pro Apple vibe from Will, Norm and Gary that makes almost every Android conversation turn into "Android sucks! Apple rocks! Move on!". I wish there was at least somebody else to entice healthy debate.

For the past two years I was a huge fan of the site and enjoyed pretty much everything you guys did. I would suggest dividing the content on the site in categories so those who are more interested in tech, science or photography can browse the site in a more orderly fashion. The same could apply to podcasts: Why not devoting the podcast to a certain topic?

Thanks for reading this and keep on Testing!


Confirmed Asshole
I was always a big fan of the site. However, ever since the change, I'm looking at it at least daily, as opposed to before, where I used to look at it maybe twice a week. I think it's a better site now, warts and all. The content resonates more with me. Just need those other 2 guys to actually contribute regularly to be perfectly happy.


So uh, it's been a month, and there have been virtually nothing with/from the Mythbusters. So it really is just recognition, huh?

And is Wills house the permanent working space, or are they actually going to get an office?


So uh, it's been a month, and there have been virtually nothing with/from the Mythbusters. So it really is just recognition, huh?

And is Wills house the permanent working space, or are they actually going to get an office?

if you read some of the content you would know that your first statement is wrong
I was always a big fan of the site. However, ever since the change, I'm looking at it at least daily, as opposed to before, where I used to look at it maybe twice a week. I think it's a better site now, warts and all. The content resonates more with me. Just need those other 2 guys to actually contribute regularly to be perfectly happy.
I agree. I've probably read more since the site change than I did prior. Tested was never the best place to get the latest tech news, it was, for me, about the personalities. The fact that they were talking about tech was nice because it's an interest of mine, but discovering more stuff outside of that is great. It says it all that I watched every coffee video despite not having had a cup of coffee in 2 years. I'm a tea man now. Get on that!

So uh, it's been a month, and there have been virtually nothing with/from the Mythbusters. So it really is just recognition, huh?

And is Wills house the permanent working space, or are they actually going to get an office?
The Mythbusters are on tour and will be more involved when they're back. They'll have office space within 2 to 3 months. If I remember correctly.
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