Will just shot himself in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about squirrels (I'm an expert), but eating seeds and doing acrobatics are huge part of their lives. It's not like with birds who can eat all they want and fly the fuck off when the food is gone. If a squirrel can't get food, it can't survive the winter, and the only way to get get food sometimes is to ninja it from bird feeders.
What Will's hostility means is the squirrels, after not getting fed enough, are not going to live another winter, nor will they be able to look cute and cuddly when their fur goes to shit from malnutrition. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Will has fucked an entire species with this move.
Will, publicly apologize and make amends to the squirrel or you can kiss this listener goodbye.