Like posting Chartz numbers in an NPD thread.This have to listen to this weekds podcast can't wait but this is not a good sign guys
I liked it when they tested things. I don't even care if it's not necessarily tech related just get back to doing that kind of stuff. I think that's what's made me drop interest in visiting the site as often as I used to,
I've watched two seasons of Mythbusters now (the first two) and I don't think I'll continue. It's a pretty terrible show and Jamie and Adam aren't entertaining at all.
I don't really see why Will and Norm were so happy to team up with them... Mythbusters seems like a show they should hate. It's catered towards the lowest common denominator, has terrible editing, is horribly put together etc. The "tests" that Tested did at WM were infinitely better, I think. Any given episode of Mythbusters could easily be one of the things they laid in to in any given episode of the podcast. It's the perfect example of trash American TV.
Basically, I didn't like the re-brand but I thought I'd give Mythbusters a go to see if I understood it more, but now I'm more confused than ever.
This have to listen to this weekds podcast can't wait but this is not a good sign guys
I thought something was wrong with my lawn mower at first with that screeching.Regarding the podcast at home. Chloe barking is well...not that enjoyable and that screeching of what I assume is the screen door is driving me paranoid.
i have not tasted all filipino food, that generalization is not appropriate. but hot dogs in spaghetti is not appealing to my palette. i also don't like dim sum. deal with it.
Hot dogs in spaghetti is cuisine?Norm is too hateful of cuisine to use proper punctuation. That's hardcore hate!
We use "wrong".
Hot dogs in spaghetti is cuisine?
It is when you add the cheese whiz to the hot dog spaghetti. Filipino culture seems to have a thing for mixing foods that shouldn't go together. I've seen and tasted some real horrors. Noodles swimming in coconut milk with jello chunks and corn anyone?
Lex Luthor style?
It is when you add the cheese whiz to the hot dog spaghetti. Filipino culture seems to have a thing for mixing foods that shouldn't go together. I've seen and tasted some real horrors. Noodles swimming in coconut milk with jello chunks and corn anyone?
Wondering if any of the Tested guys saw the 48fps video file that BlueRei (I think that's who it was) put up on here. It didn't sound like they saw the Hobbit preview, so that file that he put up was a good look at what 48fps looks like.
hey guys we just posted the first in our new series of videos touring adam's workshop:
Cool video. I have to agree with this comment, though. "Never, ever refer to anything as a man cave again." lol
hey guys we just posted the first in our new series of videos touring adam's workshop:
Loved it keep up the great work!
[edit] LOL was looking at the NEX F3 on the verge and you can see Norm doing his video on the NEX @ 0.44 sec
That is some coincidence here![]()
Dog training tip for Will: Don't use the dog's name when you are scolding it. This creates a negative association with its name. Rather, use a word (not "no") that is the "doing bad things" word. We use "wrong".
Hey, I was a hand model in a Verge photo or three earlier this week. I'll let you figure out which ones.
hmmm... random feature suggestion. You know those horrible stickers all over windows computers?
Is there an elegant/effective way to remove them?
Acetone, or some other common solvent would probably be the easiest.
Why did my mind instantly find a bad pun?Hey, I was a hand model in a Verge photo or three earlier this week. I'll let you finger out which ones.
That sounds dangerous when you're removing stickers from a plastic surface?
Link please?
Why did my mind instantly find a bad pun?
There's a bunch of mirrors to it on this page:
Its a large file.