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Texas to open new toll road w/ 85 mph speed limit, highest in the US

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There is 85mph on freeway here in Utah south of where I live. Been that speed for years. Goes for a lot longer that 41 miles too. One of the reasons I get to Vegas in 4 1/2 hours instead of 6.

Thats I-15 between Salt lake and Vegas. It's only 80 though.
Nice gimmick to get people to pay for your toll road.

But such high-speeds become counter-productive . . . you'll save very little time, burn more fuel, and raise your safety risk.

But driving fast sure is fun.


85 is a good speed, I wish more places were like that. Doing 55(the speed it is in the city here) on a freeway or open highway is bullshit.



I drive a 20 year old Volkswagen and go 90-100mph most of time. Why would you feel uneasy?

That sense of speed makes me feel a certain lack of control. I also don't trust those around me going that speed. I'm not a big driver as I do it maybe two or three times a year tops.


I hate driving that fast. I had to do it once because of factors outside of my control and I was uneasy the whole time.

When they raised the other toll roads to 80, they said it was safe to do so because 1) many people were already going that speed, and 2) the rest of the people won't approach that speed because it's past their level of comfort.

Whenever I take 45 I go 80, and I'm usually the fastest on the road.
It's all about perspective. 80mph in the old Sentra feels like I'm about to die so I don't usually get over 75. 85mph in the wife's BMW still feels like I'm standing still.

Parts of I-5 I've had the average speed of traffic getting to 95mph in places. That shit was crazy.
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