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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c

Lexa deserved to die, she kept making stupid decisions for waifu Clarke.

I wonder what the significance of the black blood is though, nanites in the system to support the AI chip?

Loved the Polaris flashbacks, that was utterly awesome and we saw Roger Cross (Curtis from 24) as the ships commander. That AI researcher fucked over Polaris SO badly, like waiting until the last few seconds to eject as hundreds of people around her get murdered. Damn thats cold.

Lexa absolutely was an idiot and ignored the numerous warnings from her adviser, as well as refusing to represent the interests of her people.

Also, the Polaris thing was dumb as hell. If you don't join with us we'll destroy you? What kind of dumb decision is that? Why not just give them more time instead of completely annihilating any chance of them joining (by virtue of them being dead).


Man this show just stepped up a notch in the last couple episodes. Really love the Polaris/City of Light lore actually coming around and ending up being linked to the Grounders/Polis.

As for the complaints from the fandom, I couldn't care less, and I don't think the writers care. I remember seeing in a tweet that they're far more interested in telling a good story than catering to fan cliques, and it damn well paid off for them here, that was the best episode of the season so far.

No, your fantasy relationship pair won't have a happy ending, no your hero won't have an incredible noble sacrifice, and no you won't get what you want. And that is why the show is so good.
Man this show just stepped up a notch in the last couple episodes. Really love the Polaris/City of Light lore actually coming around and ending up being linked to the Grounders/Polis.

As for the complaints from the fandom, I couldn't care less, and I don't think the writers care. I remember seeing in a tweet that they're far more interested in telling a good story than catering to fan cliques, and it damn well paid off for them here, that was the best episode of the season so far.

No, your fantasy relationship pair won't have a happy ending, no your hero won't have an incredible noble sacrifice, and no you won't get what you want. And that is why the show is so good.

For all my criticisms of the show their approach toward the shippers is refreshing.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I will miss Lexa. She was great even if I didn't love all of her recent decisions. I really like the backstory with Polaris and how it connected to the Grounders/Commanders with the AI thing. That was just super cool stuff.
Doesnt bode well for the grounders seeing as 1.0 has a nuke.
If my theory is right, Lexa was number 8 and her dead girlfriend who she was talking about with Titus was number 9.
I've already posted here I don't think it would be Costia. It doesn't really make much sense, since I feel like whoever it is might be a twist we are being set up for. Costia is dead, lacks a head that was delivered to Lexa. It's implied Costia died after Lexa ascended as she was murdered due to not giving up Lexa's secrets.

All the Nightblood's shown to us so far have been kids with the exception of Ontari, who looks to be around Lexa or Clarke's age. If the missing circle represented a Nightblood that got away, then it might be Ontari. After all, when Clarke asked about her a few episodes ago, I believe Lexa said something along the lines of 'she will return when she has to'.

I do have my own theory about Ontari which I've seen some other people express too in that
Ontari murders all the other Nightbloods, due to a moment in the season 3 trailer in which her face is splattered with black blood and she looks to be resting on the Commanders throne.


Well fuck.

Really didn't think they would go through with the most obvious thing ever. Funny the show creator has lost 10k or something twitter followers since it aired, hopefully that stands as protest to burying gays moving forward in media. Maybe! her personality/character will continue in a new actress with all the commander/COL stuff....... safe to say that I am at bargaining.

Well back to Korrasami fan fiction and waiting for Sunstone volume 5 I guess. Peace.


Well, that sucks that Lexa is gone. FTWD isn't the greatest thing either.

And I hope that Clarke does not take the role of Commander.


Guarantee I'm going to screw up this post? Yeah.
It was pretty obvious what was going to happen this season, Fuck the Walking Dead.


Well fuck.

Really didn't think they would go through with the most obvious thing ever. Funny the show creator has lost 40k or something twitter followers since it aired, hopefully that stands as protest to burying gays moving forward in media. Maybe! her personality/character will continue in a new actress with all the commander/COL stuff....... safe to say that I am at bargaining.

Well back to Korrasami fan fiction and waiting for Sunstone volume 5 I guess. Peace.
I can't tell if this is a parody or not...Lexa is dead because she has other commitments.


Lexa absolutely was an idiot and ignored the numerous warnings from her adviser, as well as refusing to represent the interests of her people.

Also, the Polaris thing was dumb as hell. If you don't join with us we'll destroy you? What kind of dumb decision is that? Why not just give them more time instead of completely annihilating any chance of them joining (by virtue of them being dead).

I came to post that exact same thing. The earth has been destroyed and you need all possible resources so you decide to blow up a whole space station? What harm would have come to the others if there was still one more station floating about that might have joined eventually. At least try using their space suits and an escape pod to covertly take it over or something.
So why did Polaris get blown up exactly? Imust have missed a line but they weren't moving into position for the joining so the other blew them up? Seems a bit extreme.

Funky Papa

Yet another solid episode. It sucks that Lexa was killed of in such a way, but what can you do with the actress having other commitments. Did anybody else notice how she had black blood like that other grounder girl? I wonder if it's related to the implant or if it's something else.

With that said, it's remarkable how different Alycia Debnam-Carey looks in FTWD. I didn't realize she was the same actress until somebody pointed it out.

I hate on set drama, but I specially hate it if it affects the shows I enjoy.
Granted, American Gods is probably a massive step up for his career, but still.

Also, FTWD is good, unlike TWD. Sush, the lot of you.

So why did Polaris get blown up exactly? Imust have missed a line but they weren't moving into position for the joining so the other blew them up? Seems a bit extreme.

It fell prey to bad writing. RIP.
I'm guessing future episode spoilers shouldn't be posted in here, even with spoiler tags?

On the topic of Lexa's death, I still wish they had done it better. I'm not saying she had to have a heroic death or go out sacrificing herself, or anything like that. But there are a million ways to kill off a character that are better than being hit by a stray bullet.
And whilst I don't agree with a lot of people on social media being angry at the writers, I can completely understand where they're coming from. If you have basically next to no representation on tv, to then see yet another gay character killed off, you're naturally going to be pissed off.

I think their anger is completely misplaced as apart from how Lexa died, there's nothing more the writers could have done. However, if you've been treated like shit (or that you don't exist) by popular media for years, it's no surprise you jump to a negative conclusion when something similar happens again. I can't relate specifically, I have all the representation I could ever dream of on tv, and I have no clue how it feels to be a minority.
But I can imagine why people would feel angry and want to vent their frustration.
It's more than just liking a specific character or 'ship'.


Damn, that was devastating. A great episode but so devastating.

Yet another solid episode. It sucks that Lexa was killed of in such a way, but what can you do with the actress having other commitments. Did anybody else notice how she had black blood like that other grounder girl? I wonder if it's related to the implant or if it's something else.
That is why she is a nightblood. The kids she was teaching, have the same.

So why did Polaris get blown up exactly? Imust have missed a line but they weren't moving into position for the joining so the other blew them up? Seems a bit extreme.
The American way or the highway. Makes sure nobody else thinks of rebelling.
On the topic of Lexa's death, I still wish they had done it better. I'm not saying she had to have a heroic death or go out sacrificing herself, or anything like that. But there are a million ways to kill off a character that are better than being hit by a stray bullet.
And whilst I don't agree with a lot of people on social media being angry at the writers, I can completely understand where they're coming from. If you have basically next to no representation on tv, to then see yet another gay character killed off, you're naturally going to be pissed off.
I think people are less mad about Lexa being a gay character getting killed off and more at the writers for fooling them into thinking they wouldn't sink to actually killing her off when we have this huge build-up between her and Clarke. One of the writers of the show even brought up the trope of killing gay characters a few months ago and seemed to imply the show would never do that. Sort of like they would rather have Lexa killed off earlier than let fans suffer through some good development between the two before she receives an anti-climatic death.

I don't know. I now understand it was for the sake of the story, but I do think it could have been handled a lot better.


Well fuck.

Really didn't think they would go through with the most obvious thing ever. Funny the show creator has lost 10k or something twitter followers since it aired, hopefully that stands as protest to burying gays moving forward in media. Maybe! her personality/character will continue in a new actress with all the commander/COL stuff....... safe to say that I am at bargaining.

Well back to Korrasami fan fiction and waiting for Sunstone volume 5 I guess. Peace.
The point is to be treated like everyone else, not treated like a fainting violet.
Did anybody else notice how she had black blood like that other grounder girl?
All the commanders have black blood. (Presumably to let ALIE 2.0 work.)


Sort of like they would rather have Lexa killed off earlier than let fans suffer through some good development between the two before she receives an anti-climatic death.

It wouldn't have worked if they were fighting for stupid reasons and then they killed her. It is harder for us and Clarke if everything looked like it would go great from here on out.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Would have been a solid episode if it werent for the forced Lexa x Clarke relationship - makes Ollicity look good.

Lets see what happens now - i liked the Backstory sections.
It wouldn't have worked if they were fighting for stupid reasons and then they killed her. It is harder for us and Clarke if everything looked like it would go great from here on out.
Fair enough, but the lying still bugs me. I could have sworn Jason Rothenberg said that her working on FTWD wouldn't cause an issue with her filming for the 100 sometime before.


Fair enough, but the lying still bugs me. I could have sworn Jason Rothenberg said that her working on FTWD wouldn't cause an issue with her filming for the 100 sometime before.

The lying is to be expected. They can't say in advance they only have her a couple of episodes and then have us be surprised she dies. Writers should lie for reasons like this and surprise guest appearances.


So why did Polaris get blown up exactly? Imust have missed a line but they weren't moving into position for the joining so the other blew them up? Seems a bit extreme.

Well, I don't know if they realize they were responsible for ALIE and the destruction of the world but they needed unity at this time and any perceived threat to a united humanity needed to be eliminated. At least that is the reasoning. Not sure why they wouldn't just let them dock, seize the ship, and then execute those people who didn't follow orders.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Well, I don't know if they realize they were responsible for ALIE and the destruction of the world but they needed unity at this time and any perceived threat to a united humanity needed to be eliminated. At least that is the reasoning. Not sure why they wouldn't just let them dock, seize the ship, and then execute those people who didn't follow orders.
It sounded like the unity of all the stations was hard fought and tenuous. Polaris was messing up the whole plan and some stations (china, russia maybe?) were threatening to pull out. Given the whole - end of the entire world - deal, it seems like they were not gonna let anything get in their way, and wanted to make the outcome of non-compliance abundantly clear.


It sounded like the unity of all the stations was hard fought and tenuous. Polaris was messing up the whole plan and some stations (china, russia maybe?) were threatening to pull out. Given the whole - end of the entire world - deal, it seems like they were not gonna let anything get in their way, and wanted to make the outcome of non-compliance abundantly clear.

Yeah, they said CHina and Russia were protesting that Polaris was out. It might not even be that weird, Polaris seemed to be an American station. America would be forcing all the stations to band together, except this one other American station which is allowed an out. It would be a bit like Failsafe where
the US president nukes New York City to keep Russia on his side after one of their nukes goes rogue


So why did Polaris get blown up exactly? Imust have missed a line but they weren't moving into position for the joining so the other blew them up? Seems a bit extreme.

They made it clear to me that the Russians and another countries station were considering backing out of the joining because Polaris hadn't also. So the Ark chose to make an example out of Polaris to keep the other countries in line.


Yeah, they said CHina and Russia were protesting that Polaris was out. It might not even be that weird, Polaris seemed to be an American station. America would be forcing all the stations to band together, except this one other American station which is allowed an out. It would be a bit like Failsafe where
the US president nukes New York City to keep Russia on his side after one of their nukes goes rogue

Thank goodness nobody's wife was on Polaris.

: )


So I assume the black blood stuff is obviously whatever she was injecting herself with on Polaris, maybe it was needed to interface with the new AI? Gave her immunity to the radiation?

I would assume she also injected people she found on Earth with this, some select people that is. Over time this was passed down to their children and so on I guess? That's the only thing I can think of and when they find these children they are chosen to be up for Commander.


That was a brilliant episode,
I think the original commander made another chip when she came back down to the ground and this chip was implanted in Costia, Then when the Ice nation beheaded her they implanted the chip in girl who bled black in episode 4. So we may have more then one "space chip" on the ground. I can't wait to see where this story goes, Devastated to see Lexa go as she was one of my Favourites, happy to see Murphy hopefully get a bigger role again and jeez it was good having a Pikeless ep. Blood must have Blood is going to make a huge comeback now (without Lexa to enforce the opposite) which sucks, hopefully the chip implant has some influence on that and maybe finds some way to keep spreading the message.

Also I had a look at #the100 on twitter... huge regret, the people are complete morons, do they not realise that there is no gay/straight in this show? it's all just normal and by complaining they are trying to create an issue out of nothing, it has never once been questioned in the show of why a girl and a girl or a guy/girl are together, the "Millers boyfriend" line was thrown out so nonchalantly that it was easy to miss, this just represents again how the show has no LGBT issue which makes total sense since it is 100 years in the future! as well as the fact they lived on a space station where there were population limits...


Shit is going to hit the fan now. All people go nuts after losing their girlfriend. I expect Clarke to become the Commander and wipe away the ark.
Or at least for her to become the commander in a weird way. Season ends with her entering the becca city of Light to meet Lexa.

Funky Papa

So now you've got Evil AI 1.0 running shit at the Sky People camp and Well Meaning but Somewhat Dumbass AI 2.0 serving as invisible counsel to the Grounder's commander.



Shit is going to hit the fan now. All people go nuts after losing their girlfriend. I expect Clarke to become the Commander and wipe away the ark.
Or at least for her to become the commander in a weird way. Season ends with her entering the becca city of Light to meet Lexa.

I foresee this happening in some way, maybe not this season, but somehow she will get the chip and be able to see Lexa. Almost like how Dollhouse ended.


Was it just me or did it look like that metal briefcase with the black goo in it was down in Polis next to the escape pod in that room where they tortured Murphy?
I think people are less mad about Lexa being a gay character getting killed off and more at the writers for fooling them into thinking they wouldn't sink to actually killing her off when we have this huge build-up between her and Clarke. One of the writers of the show even brought up the trope of killing gay characters a few months ago and seemed to imply the show would never do that. Sort of like they would rather have Lexa killed off earlier than let fans suffer through some good development between the two before she receives an anti-climatic death.

I don't know. I now understand it was for the sake of the story, but I do think it could have been handled a lot better.

That's a fair point, and one I hadn't really thought about. I guess it depends on whether you'd want to see the build up with a quick, tragic end, or you'd rather they cut all of that out completely. I also assumed that's what the writer meant about the trope, but I think now, looking back on it, it was more of a 'sorry we're having to do the same thing' apology.

And I agree, it could have been handled a lot better, and I also sympathize with people who feel let down by the show. I'm still interested in where the story goes now, but my excitement has diminished a bit.
Well fuck.

Really didn't think they would go through with the most obvious thing ever. Funny the show creator has lost 10k or something twitter followers since it aired, hopefully that stands as protest to burying gays moving forward in media. Maybe! her personality/character will continue in a new actress with all the commander/COL stuff....... safe to say that I am at bargaining.

Well back to Korrasami fan fiction and waiting for Sunstone volume 5 I guess. Peace.


The showrunner should NEVER listen to their fans when it comes to how the show should be written. Burying the gays... The actress is on another big show. She was never going to stay.

It sounded like the unity of all the stations was hard fought and tenuous. Polaris was messing up the whole plan and some stations (china, russia maybe?) were threatening to pull out. Given the whole - end of the entire world - deal, it seems like they were not gonna let anything get in their way, and wanted to make the outcome of non-compliance abundantly clear.

Except they rejected the offer of docking even in the seconds before they were destroyed. And before anyone says it: If they had enough time to relay a message that basically said "tough shit" then they could've aborted the missile.

All in all that aspect was garbage.

The showrunner should NEVER listen to their fans when it comes to how the show should be written. Burying the gays... The actress is on another big show. She was never going to stay.

I always assumed Fear the Walking Dead was a mini-series or something. Are they actually running with it for the long haul?


The saying that Clarke said as Lexa was passing away (seeing her again, the shores, etc.) I know I've heard that before, but from where? Was that a Grounder or Ark thing?

The entire scene got to me, but that part is what really hit me.


The saying that Clarke said as Lexa was passing away (seeing her again, the shores, etc.) I know I've heard that before, but from where? Was that a Grounder or Ark thing?
It is The Traveler’s Blessing, from season 1s Unity Day, Kane said it to his mom.



It is The Traveler’s Blessing, from season 1s Unity Day, Kane said it to his mom.


Thanks, I knew I heard it before, but couldn't place it. The way Titus looked at her in that moment I think he realized how she felt for Lexa.
I don't care if this is a huge reach, I want Raven's brains combined with the assistance of ALIE's guidance to be able to put Lexa in an android body or some shit. Hell this is a sci-fi show, just have her somehow be brought back to life.
Lexa (experiences) is in the AI which is why they call it reincarnation
Jason Rothenberg was at 140k twitter followers yesterday, and is now at 110k. Some people are really not happy about this episode.

In other words, according to one of the writers, as of season 3, episode 6, the 100 have been on Earth for 156 days, and I think the show at the moment is actually around mid-February or so. Happy to get some clarification at last on how long the show has been happening. Also lol at the fact this means that Finn fell in love with Clarke in like a week.
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