Lexa deserved to die, she kept making stupid decisions for waifu Clarke.
I wonder what the significance of the black blood is though, nanites in the system to support the AI chip?
Loved the Polaris flashbacks, that was utterly awesome and we saw Roger Cross (Curtis from 24) as the ships commander. That AI researcher fucked over Polaris SO badly, like waiting until the last few seconds to eject as hundreds of people around her get murdered. Damn thats cold.
Lexa absolutely was an idiot and ignored the numerous warnings from her adviser, as well as refusing to represent the interests of her people.
Also, the Polaris thing was dumb as hell. If you don't join with us we'll destroy you? What kind of dumb decision is that? Why not just give them more time instead of completely annihilating any chance of them joining (by virtue of them being dead).