I certainly understand why she did it, her character on Fear The Walking Dead just leaves a lot to be desired, as does the show itself. Oh well.
Any 100 fans here who watch Fear the Walking Dead? I'm tempted to give it a go since I do enjoy Alycia Debnam-Carey as an actress but I've heard a lot of how her character is apparently terrible over on the show? And is the show as a whole worth watching?
Any 100 fans here who watch Fear the Walking Dead? I'm tempted to give it a go since I do enjoy Alycia Debnam-Carey as an actress but I've heard a lot of how her character is apparently terrible over on the show? And is the show as a whole worth watching?
Any 100 fans here who watch Fear the Walking Dead? I'm tempted to give it a go since I do enjoy Alycia Debnam-Carey as an actress but I've heard a lot of how her character is apparently terrible over on the show? And is the show as a whole worth watching?
Her character is pretty annoying, so far. If you are looking for more Lexa then you are definitely going to be disappointed, I didn't even begin to put together that it was the same actress until someone pointed it out.Any 100 fans here who watch Fear the Walking Dead? I'm tempted to give it a go since I do enjoy Alycia Debnam-Carey as an actress but I've heard a lot of how her character is apparently terrible over on the show? And is the show as a whole worth watching?
she plays a dumb teenager wich is such a big diff compared to lexa
Dragonz says that she() deserved so much better and that she's(Dragonz) still steamed two days later, and also to post this:"she" referring to Lexa
This just shows you can't have a relationship in this show. Didn't the gay dude's boyfriend die in the grounder chemical attack one or two episodes back? I remember someone falling, but they didn't shout a name or anything.Slightly differently?
So a more dignified death that was worthy of her character? I'm not so angry that Lexa was killed, I'm annoyed with how they did and the way it all went down. The scene with Lexa and Clarke should have happened a few episodes ago, to have them finally be together and then have Lexa killed was pure bullshit and honestly not something I expected to see from this show.
Lexa as a character did need to die with how they were setting things up, but they really could and should have handled it so much better than a stray bullet killing her and only moments after her and Clarke are finally together.
Do you mean Miller? Pretty sure his boyfriend still lives although the fact he wore a red shirt and survived was surprising.This just shows you can't have a relationship in this show. Didn't the gay dude's boyfriend die in the grounder chemical attack one or two episodes back? I remember someone falling, but they didn't shout a name or anything.
That was just about the most cruel and cynical example of queerbaiting for ratings I've ever seen in my 25 years of life.
I requested an unban just to make this fucking post, because I've been salty and bitter about Lexa ever since that episode aired.
What the fuck is it with media and creating these tragic gay couples?
When your own cast keeps throwing shade at you on twitter, and the writers keep repeatedly telling fans that it was your fault and that they don't necessarily agree with it either, you know you fucked up.
Have we all been watching the same show? Relationships ending tragically is its bread and butter, it's a post-apocalyptic show. How can anyone think that a couple in this show will stick together, get married, and live the good life? How could you especially think that with regards to an individual who is a ruler of a savage tribal culture where your position is constantly under threat?
Some of y'all should NEVER watch or read Game of Thrones.
Post If you're okay Bellamy
She didn't die through any actions of that "savage" tribal culture. She died because Titus wasn't happy with Clarke "distracting her" and ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. If that isn't the most cliche thing I don't know what is.
We were led to believe that Clexa was endgame. Literally every Clarke / Lexa scene this season has had some kind of romantic undertone. Their relationship grew and developed, and both characters changed. And it's not even about Clexa as just a ship. It's about the fact that you have another tragic gay love story, even though we were made to believe that this wasn't going to end the same way the other gay ships usually do. We were wrong.
And for the record, I've both read all the books and watched the show. And those deaths are different. Each one is the result of some kind of consequence. Robb? He betrayed his bannerman and paid the price. Tywin? He fucked over Tyrion too many times. Ned? He was too trusting. Each one had a point. They were sad, yes, but there was REASONING behind them.
Let's be honest, no one cares about that murderous fuckboy anymore.
Its between Murphy and him. I think someone is going to die.His second redemption is coming, you better believe.
Its between Murphy and him. I think someone is going to die.
why is Monty's mom still alive. She's so savage af
First, where do you get this notion that Clexa was endgame? How can you even talk about endgame in this series that is just in its third season and hasn't shown any signs of an ending yet? If anything the end of S2 shows that Clexa was NEVER going to happen after she betrayed Clarke and everyone from the Ark. I always saw Lexa as on borrowed time after her actions in S2.
She did die as a result of her actions and their tribal savage culture. Tidus didn't kill her because Clarke "distracted her." He killed her because Clarke was weakening her, she making Lexa reject what their culture demanded, "blood for blood." She refused to listen to all the clan leaders in responding to the massacre of her peace keeping force, she let whathisface from Mt. Weather live, and she refused to march on Arkadia and kill everyone who took part of the village massacre. This right here is exactly the kind of thing that would get a character killed in A Song of Ice and Fire.
Clarke's recommendations might have been reasonable but the masses do not care for reason especially when it goes against their long held cultural norms. It's why Rhaegar died on the Trident, why the Young Wolf was slain, why Ned Starks righteousness couldn't exist, etc. Lexa's death made sense and was the natural result of her actions, she made too many enemies by going against the demands of her people in an attempt to bring about a long lasting peace.
Lexa died cuz she was an idiot. Whether that happened now from a stray bullet or next episode from an increasingly angry population that she has pissed off over. and. over. doesn't make a difference. Nobody honestly expected the blood must not have blood ruling to ever play out. She was a goner as soon as she sided with Clarke over the 12 clans. I'm glad it happened and excited to see what's in store for the future of the series. Letting ships determine your enjoyment of a series is never going to work out. No relationship works on this show, especially not one that was telegraphed as completely DOOMED like Lexa and Clarke.
First, where do you get this notion that Clexa was endgame? How can you even talk about endgame in this series that is just in its third season and hasn't shown any signs of an ending yet? If anything the end of S2 shows that Clexa was NEVER going to happen after she betrayed Clarke and everyone from the Ark. I always saw Lexa as on borrowed time after her actions in S2.
She did die as a result of her actions and their tribal savage culture. Tidus didn't kill her because Clarke "distracted her." He killed her because Clarke was weakening her, she making Lexa reject what their culture demanded, "blood for blood." She refused to listen to all the clan leaders in responding to the massacre of her peace keeping force, she let whathisface from Mt. Weather live, and she refused to march on Arkadia and kill everyone who took part of the village massacre. This right here is exactly the kind of thing that would get a character killed in A Song of Ice and Fire.
Clarke's recommendations might have been reasonable but the masses do not care for reason especially when it goes against their long held cultural norms. It's why Rhaegar died on the Trident, why the Young Wolf was slain, why Ned Starks righteousness couldn't exist, etc. Lexa's death made sense and was the natural result of her actions, she made too many enemies by going against the demands of her people in an attempt to bring about a long lasting peace.
Tidus never had any intention to kill Lexa. It was a tragic accident. My point is, her death is because of a shitty circumstance, and had nothing to do with those politics you talk about. His reasons for wanting to kill Clarke were, sure; a result of those politics. But if Lexa truly did die because of this "savage culture", she would've died Julius Caesar style, or on the field of battle. Not because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Lexa's death WASN'T the result of her political actions though. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Clarke was leaving. She knew that peace wouldn't last, no matter how hard she tried. Lexa knew that war was probably coming to her coalition. If Clarke had left before the sex scene, Tidus wouldn't have had a chance to kill her. And as a result, Lexa wouldn't have died. The whole thing was a matter of coincidence; no one went out of their way to have Lexa killed.
I mean...if you watch the way they interact with each other, and the little micro expressions ADC put into Lexa (lips quivering, eyes fluttering), you can easily tell that there's something there. Which is obvious, but the point is that there was an arc to their relationship. Clarke hates Lexa, then slowly learns to forgive her and learns to appreciate her culture. Why bother with that unless it has some kind of endgame point? That's usually what happens, no? But all of it was a bait. To make us think it was going to last. That's what I'm mad about the most. Jason has stated that show probably won't go past four or five seasons, or more specifically, "for however long he feels like telling the story."
And not only what we got in the show, Jason kept tweeting things like "Oh they're so in love!!!" and "Just trust me, guys. You won't be disappointed." (Obviously not word for word; I'm too lazy to go back and dig up twitter receipts.)
Tidus never had any intention to kill Lexa. It was a tragic accident. My point is, her death is because of a shitty circumstance, and had nothing to do with those politics you talk about. His reasons for wanting to kill Clarke were, sure; a result of those politics. But if Lexa truly did die because of this "savage culture", she would've died Julius Caesar style, or on the field of battle. Not because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Lexa's death WASN'T the result of her political actions though. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Clarke was leaving. She knew that peace wouldn't last, no matter how hard she tried. Lexa knew that war was probably coming to her coalition. If Clarke had left before the sex scene, Tidus wouldn't have had a chance to kill her. And as a result, Lexa wouldn't have died. The whole thing was a matter of coincidence; no one went out of their way to have Lexa killed.
I am angry not because she died (well, I mean I'm bummed); I am angry because Clexa did so much for the LGBTQ community and it got turned into another dead lesbian trope.
1. LOL, lips quivering and eyes fluttering is not any indication that a relationship will last. Clarke was used to introduce us to Grounder culture there was no way she would end up being with Lexa. Lexa's own position as a leader meant she was on borrowed time, especially as the sole leader who cared about peace with the Ark crew. Her death was necessary to move the story forward.
2. Lexa did die as a result of her political decisions. Yes, Tidus was trying to kill Clarke but he was only doing so because he believed that Clarke was responsible for her new found "weakness." That she died as a result of his desire to end Clarke is a poetic tragedy, he brought about exactly what he was trying to prevent, the end of Lexa and her reign.
3. Who cares what the showrunner tweeted? Did you expect him to spoil what would happen? "Hey guys, don't get too invested she'll be gone soon." Yeah, that's not going to happen. At the end of day Clarke at least got to say goodbye to Lexa and voice her feelings towards her, that is closure. You may not like the closure you got but it is still closure on their relationship.
It doesn't have to be. That's what makes it a tragedy, and that's why it's great. You feel shocked and robbed, helpless to change things, and a sense of unfairness about how everything turned out. It takes a lot of skill and setup to elicit that feeling in an audience. If it was too neat and tidy (eg Lexa dying by taking a bullet for Clarke), it would have been contrived and sentimental. If the setup and tension wasn't there, it would feel like a cheap shock that came out of nowhere and have no emotional weight.
Y'all need to go back and read this post.
Anyway, she deserved better. I'm bitter and I feel betrayed. Part of me wants to keep watching because I've invested so much time into this god damn show, but it's never going to be the same. I think I'll always be resentful of how it all turned out. I don't know.
Dying from a stray bullet is the most BS way to go but stop watching a show cause your favorite character dies just seems crazy to me. I mean, most shows are too "safe" and I love that they had the balls to kill off a beloved character. I just wish the circumstances surrounding it wasn't such bullshit.
Dying from a stray bullet is the most BS way to go but stop watching a show cause your favorite character dies just seems crazy to me. I mean, most shows are too "safe" and I love that they had the balls to kill off a beloved character. I just wish the circumstances surrounding it wasn't such bullshit.
(She's a warrior. I don't think you just randomly walk into a room when you hear gun fire. I'm pretty sure by now you'd know what it sounds like and what it can do.)
Lexa deserved to die for that Mt. Weather stunt she pulled last season. Us Jasper and Maya shippers are happy
That's how I feel all the time reading "A Song of Ice and Fire" and doubly so when watching the show that likes to kill or make characters suffer that NEVER went through that in the books. FUCK, (GOT Spoilers). Any way, just because I'm upset or shocked doesn't mean it wasn't good storytelling or the right decision.Barristan Selmy, Barristan the fucking Bold, who slew Maelys the Monstrous on the Stepstones, who single handedly rescued Aerys from Duskendale, gets taken out by a bunch of mook harpies. Screw you, D&D. Also, cut out your rape fetish
Dying from a stray bullet is the most BS way to go but stop watching a show cause your favorite character dies just seems crazy to me. I mean, most shows are too "safe" and I love that they had the balls to kill off a beloved character. I just wish the circumstances surrounding it wasn't such bullshit.
(She's a warrior. I don't think you just randomly walk into a room when you hear gun fire. I'm pretty sure by now you'd know what it sounds like and what it can do.)
Dying from a stray bullet is the most BS way to go but stop watching a show cause your favorite character dies just seems crazy to me. I mean, most shows are too "safe" and I love that they had the balls to kill off a beloved character. I just wish the circumstances surrounding it wasn't such bullshit.
(She's a warrior. I don't think you just randomly walk into a room when you hear gun fire. I'm pretty sure by now you'd know what it sounds like and what it can do.)
To be fair, would they? Before the Ark crew they would have only battled with Mt. Weather who had such weapons and I doubt Mt. Weather was engaging in frequent battles with the Grounders..