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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c


So, one...out of how many? Compared to the hetero couples that make it and live happily ever after?
The only other CW show I watch is VD, and pretty much no one walks away with a living SO in that universe. :p That's why it's hard for me to get upset at them killing a gay SO when they're already killing off so many SOs (to the point where it's actually become a serious storytelling issue.)

edit: Your reaction and others make me wonder how much of this is also a gender thing, as I'm a guy who doesn't invest emotionally into couples one iota, so the lack of "happy endings" doesn't register for me, since it's not something I'm actively looking for. (and if the writers are male-led, there's a good chance they'd be less likely to understand this too.)
The only other CW show I watch is VD, and pretty much no one walks away with a living SO in that universe. :p That's why it's hard for me to get upset at them killing a gay SO when they're already killing off so many SOs (to the point where it's actually become a serious storytelling issue.)

I understand that, but it's about more than just the nature of the universe. If she had to die, make it meaningful. Make it worth something.

I do not mean to be rude when I say this, but I feel as though there's a bit of disconnect between what I feel and what you feel. As someone directly affected by this, as a member of the LGBTQ community, this is very hard for me. I can't dismiss this as simply "it's part of the world, people die all the time." This shit hurts. I do not know your sexuality and I apologize if I'm acting as if I presume to know, but nothing will change how deeply this sucks. Lexa was more to this community than a character.


I understand that, but it's about more than just the nature of the universe. If she had to die, make it meaningful. Make it worth something.

I do not mean to be rude when I say this, but I feel as though there's a bit of disconnect between what I feel and what you feel. As someone directly affected by this, as a member of the LGBTQ community, this is very hard for me. I can't dismiss this as simply "it's part of the world, people die all the time." This shit hurts. I do not know your sexuality and I apologize if I'm acting as if I presume to know, but nothing will change how deeply this sucks. Lexa was more to this community than a character.
(making it explicit, so am I.)

Copypasting the edit from above because I noticed the disconnect as well: edit: Your reaction and others make me wonder how much of this is also a gender thing, as I'm a guy who doesn't invest emotionally into couples one iota, so the lack of "happy endings" doesn't register for me, since it's not something I'm actively looking for. (and if the writers are male-led, there's a good chance they'd be less likely to understand this too.)
(making it explicit, so am I.)

Copypasting the edit from above because I noticed the disconnect as well: edit: Your reaction and others make me wonder how much of this is also a gender thing, as I'm a guy who doesn't invest emotionally into couples one iota, so the lack of "happy endings" doesn't register for me, since it's not something I'm actively looking for. (and if the writers are male-led, there's a good chance they'd be less likely to understand this too.)

It's not a matter of gender per-se. As a straight male, Jason failed to see how much she meant to us. Well, he knew, he just thought that the story would be enough to appease us. That was his fatal flaw; he took the support he had for granted and now it's backfiring big time.


It's not a matter of gender per-se. As a straight male, Jason failed to see how much she meant to us. Well, he knew, he just thought that the story would be enough to appease us. That was his fatal flaw; he took the support he had for granted and now it's backfiring big time.

The one good thing from this hopefully will be like I said earlier, waking up more people to the issue. When this happened during the Buffy era, social media isn't what it is today so there wasn't as large of an outpouring as this (I mean clearly there was an outpouring, but not as large as this). In the end hopefully positives come from this.

All I know is it's been a long time since I've been this invested in characters on a show and I watch a lot of TV. I'm not giving up on the show because I want to see all the other characters, but losing my favorite character stings :(
I am forever going to be bitter, but I feel like this is a fight that is long overdue and I want to do my part. And if that means sticking around to further the discussion and to make people more aware of these issues, I'll do it.

Dr. Malik

I dont like how people who watch CW shows get so invested with some characters, same thing happened with TVD where the writers kept bringing back already dead characters due backlash until those actors finally decided to leave


It's not a matter of gender per-se. As a straight male, Jason failed to see how much she meant to us. Well, he knew, he just thought that the story would be enough to appease us. That was his fatal flaw; he took the support he had for granted and now it's backfiring big time.

I honestly hope he continues doing whatever he's been doing and ignores the "anger" from the fan base. His job is not to appease the fans but to tell a good story which hopefully in the end will be appreciated and is meaningful. A majority of stories would be just "fine" if a certain character or characters hadn't died. LOTR would still be a good story if Boromir survived. A Storm of Swords would still likely be great if Robb wasn't murdered. Obi-Wan didn't "have" to die for Star Wars to be great.

However, those deaths elevated the ultimate story and despite the pain they may have caused some of us it made the overall ending to the story even more sweeter when everything else turned out alright. Battlestar Galactica was another show in which many of my favorite characters ended up biting the bullet but to me it made the ending even better knowing all those that sacrificed themselves to get there. The story demanded that Lexa die and that's all I care about. I've had my fill of shows which are all about preserving the "status quo."


I honestly hope he continues doing whatever he's been doing and ignores the "anger" from the fan base. His job is not to appease the fans but to tell a good story which hopefully in the end will be appreciated and is meaningful. A majority of stories would be just "fine" if a certain character or characters hadn't died. LOTR would still be a good story if Boromir survived. A Storm of Swords would still likely be great if Robb wasn't murdered. Obi-Wan didn't "have" to die for Star Wars to be great.

However, those deaths elevated the ultimate story and despite the pain they may have caused some of us it made the overall ending to the story even more sweeter when everything else turned out alright. Battlestar Galactica was another show in which many of my favorite characters ended up biting the bullet but to me it made the ending even better knowing all those that sacrificed themselves to get there. The story demanded that Lexa die and that's all I care about.

Like I've said all along, she was going to die no matter what and I think most people realize that. I think it's the matter of how and when she died that bothers a lot of people.

This story was clearly heading in a direction that her death was inevitable, honestly it was set up since season 2 when she discussed the spirit of the commander and how it picked the next leader.


I'm wondering how much of the way this arc played out was a (very, very ill-advised) response to fan feedback. Given the S2 ending, this whole thing has been really weird - part of it being the compression (the shit that Lexa pulled at the end of S2 got papered over way too fast) and part of it being the Clarke/Lexa focus in general- the romantic aspect definitely got played up this season in a way it wasn't in S2, and it ended up blowing up in their faces.

The first two seasons can be called Sophie's Choice: The TV show (w/ Season 2 being Fallout Edition) - but that hard-edged grey morality seems to be missing this season.
I dont like how people who watch CW shows get so invested with some characters, same thing happened with TVD where the writers kept bringing back already dead characters due backlash until those actors finally decided to leave

Kim Shumway posted earlier that Lexa is 100% dead. She will not be coming back as a living, breathing entity.

I honestly hope he continues doing whatever he's been doing and ignores the "anger" from the fan base. His job is not to appease the fans but to tell a good story which hopefully in the end will be appreciated and is meaningful. A majority of stories would be just "fine" if a certain character or characters hadn't died. LOTR would still be a good story if Boromir survived. A Storm of Swords would still likely be great if Robb wasn't murdered. Obi-Wan didn't "have" to die for Star Wars to be great.

However, those deaths elevated the ultimate story and despite the pain they may have caused some of us it made the overall ending to the story even more sweeter when everything else turned out alright. Battlestar Galactica was another show in which many of my favorite characters ended up biting the bullet but to me it made the ending even better knowing all those that sacrificed themselves to get there. The story demanded that Lexa die and that's all I care about. I've had my fill of shows which are all about preserving the "status quo."

You are comparing apples and oranges. As I've said numerous times, it's not about the death. Or the story. It's the fact that the LGBTQ community was given hope and then got their collective heart ripped out. Robb wasn't gay. Neither was Boromir. Or Obi-Wan. It's just simply not the same. Who they were as characters did not resonate with the same groups of people. It's a totally different ballgame when you throw an already underrepresented group into the mix.


Somnia beat me to what I was going to say. But as an add on, we get so little positive representation as it is, it's just heartbreaking to think that I can't even remember the last time a gay or lesbian couple made it to the end. And we were led to believe that Clexa would be it. It's just disheartening.

She deserved to die in a positive way at least. In battle, maybe, or something pursuing her ideal of peace. Preferably for love, doing what she thought was right and protecting those she cared about most. Something that fit with her character. Not from an accident and a stray bullet.
Here's the thing, myself personally, I don't think on it's own there was a problem with how they handled Lexa and how she died. Because as crappy as some of the writing on the show gets at times (rushed plotting, etc.) they sometimes deliver. I personally felt that they did at least in the internal logic of the show.

But I do agree in the bigger picture it is a little disconcerting, and maybe that's what some people have some issue grasping. Someone actually showed me the similar scene in Buffy (I admit, I never got around to watching it) and damn. Like yeah, I definitely understand especially in that context because that sounds like it's gotta be a real point of contention when it's pretty much visually similar just on that alone on top of the connotations of what that scene probably carried towards a similar audience over a decade ago.

For reference in the last calendar year alone I watched like 70 or so shows that aired their episodes that year from start to finish, and sampled like about as many more. And I could honestly tell you even with that 70 out of the 410 that aired that year in the US alone, I could maybe point to like the number of F/F relationships especially literally on one hand. Maybe if I changed around my viewing habits and caught other stuff maybe there'd be more, but probably not much more. And therein lies the problem.

One thing I think I should point out, I think that it is possible we eventually reach this point where lgbtq+ characters are normalized to the point that them being killed off in a show that features such high stakes and literal conflict is not a big deal. I'm not gonna go and advocate for queer plot armour but I think it is a tough situation in the current climate to want to have your cake and eat it too, especially when people looking to those characters for inspiration, relatability, comfort, or what have you, that don't really have much to fall back on when you take one out of the larger picture, unfortunately.
Here's the thing, myself personally, I don't think on it's own there was a problem with how they handled Lexa and how she died. Because as crappy as some of the writing on the show gets at times (rushed plotting, etc.) they sometimes deliver. I personally felt that they did at least in the internal logic of the show.

But I do agree in the bigger picture it is a little disconcerting, and maybe that's what some people have some issue grasping. Someone actually showed me the similar scene in Buffy (I admit, I never got around to watching it) and damn. Like yeah, I definitely understand especially in that context because that sounds like it's gotta be a real point of contention when it's pretty much visually similar just on that alone on top of the connotations of what that scene probably carried towards a similar audience over a decade ago.

For reference in the last calendar year alone I watched like 70 or so shows that aired their episodes that year from start to finish, and sampled like about as many more. And I could honestly tell you even with that 70 out of the 410 that aired that year in the US alone, I could maybe point to like the number of F/F relationships especially literally on one hand. Maybe if I changed around my viewing habits and caught other stuff maybe there'd be more, but probably not much more. And therein lies the problem.

One thing I think I should point out, I think that it is possible we eventually reach this point where lgbtq+ characters are normalized to the point that them being killed off in a show that features such high stakes and literal conflict is not a big deal. I'm not gonna go and advocate for queer plot armour but I think it is a tough situation in the current climate to want to have your cake and eat it too, especially when people looking to those characters for inspiration, relatability, comfort, or what have you, that don't really have much to fall back on when you take one out of the larger picture, unfortunately.

Thanks for this. It makes me feel better knowing that someone understands and has an open mind about it. I agree with everything, obviously.

I do agree it was kind of shitty the way she died but the sci-fi elements that occur after made it all worth it

I'll admit, I am curious to see where this goes. I've been speculating for a while that
Ontari kills the Nightbloods so that she is the only candidate.
. Which is truly awful, and it will be just as painful to see if I'm right. But I also wonder if maybe
Clarke will find a way to become Commander herself
. I haven't worked out the exact kinks in that theory yet.


Thanks for this. It makes me feel better knowing that someone understands and has an open mind about it. I agree with everything, obviously.

I'll admit, I am curious to see where this goes. I've been speculating for a while that
Ontari kills the Nightbloods so that she is the only candidate.
. Which is truly awful, and it will be just as painful to see if I'm right. But I also wonder if maybe
Clarke will find a way to become Commander herself
. I haven't worked out the exact kinks in that theory yet.
Chekov's Black Blood gun. Totally going full Dollhouse.


Thanks for this. It makes me feel better knowing that someone understands and has an open mind about it. I agree with everything, obviously.

I'll admit, I am curious to see where this goes. I've been speculating for a while that
Ontari kills the Nightbloods so that she is the only candidate.
. Which is truly awful, and it will be just as painful to see if I'm right. But I also wonder if maybe
Clarke will find a way to become Commander herself
. I haven't worked out the exact kinks in that theory yet.

Somehow the spirit of the commander will reject the nightbloods and Titus will discover it'll only accept Clarke. Which will lead to the briefcase with the black blood.

Just a guess and probably completely wrong.


Wasn't the whole point of Lexa's dull death to show that in this world, you're not guaranteed to survive and to not do the predictable thing by giving her a heroic death?
Somehow the spirit of the commander will reject the nightbloods and Titus will discover it'll only accept Clarke. Which will lead to the briefcase with the black blood.

Just a guess and probably completely wrong.

And then the nightblood kid who wasn't tattooed on Lexa's back (and therefore somehow still alive) breaks through the Polis doors, rips off her mask and holy shit it's Lexa...'s twin sister who ran off into hiding. They put the chip in her and because of how genetically similar she is to Lexa, she literally gains Lexa's spirit, and therefore becomes Lexa.
Alycia Debnam Carey somehow found time to film both tv shows and everything was fine in the world, and it's as if nothing happened and, and... :(
Yeah, Ontari is
definitely killing the Nightbloods. I've been thinking she would pull an Anakin for some time and it seems to be a decently popular theory now in some circles.

It makes sense and I think she was the eighth circle Lexa didn't want to discuss. I know some think it's Costia but why would it be? Costia's dead, and it is heavily implied she was with Lexa after she became Commander, hence why she died in the first place.


Kim Shumway posted earlier that Lexa is 100% dead. She will not be coming back as a living, breathing entity.

You are comparing apples and oranges. As I've said numerous times, it's not about the death. Or the story. It's the fact that the LGBTQ community was given hope and then got their collective heart ripped out. Robb wasn't gay. Neither was Boromir. Or Obi-Wan. It's just simply not the same. Who they were as characters did not resonate with the same groups of people. It's a totally different ballgame when you throw an already underrepresented group into the mix.

Eh, the reason that doesn't really resonate with me is because you could only believe in such hope if you followed the showrunner and took his responses concerning the relationship at face value. Also second, it implies that a fake out isn't a totally valid thing for a writer to do. Like, every MGS fan took a collective shit after we found out we were essentially lied to concerning Snake's role in MGS2. But, fuck me if that wasn't a good fake out and make for an even greater story.


And then the nightblood kid who wasn't tattooed on Lexa's back (and therefore somehow still alive) breaks through the Polis doors, rips off her mask and holy shit it's Lexa...'s twin sister who ran off into hiding. They put the chip in her and because of how genetically similar she is to Lexa, she literally gains Lexa's spirit, and therefore becomes Lexa.
Alycia Debnam Carey somehow found time to film both tv shows and everything was fine in the world, and it's as if nothing happened and, and... :(

I wonder if that was Costia, who the Ice Queen beheaded and put at Lexa's bed.

I'll admit, I am curious to see where this goes. I've been speculating for a while that
Ontari kills the Nightbloods so that she is the only candidate.
. Which is truly awful, and it will be just as painful to see if I'm right. But I also wonder if maybe
Clarke will find a way to become Commander herself
. I haven't worked out the exact kinks in that theory yet.

Somehow the spirit of the commander will reject the nightbloods and Titus will discover it'll only accept Clarke. Which will lead to the briefcase with the black blood.

I'm on board of
the AI cheating. Before they introduced the nightbloods, I assumed Clarke following Lexa as the commander was a guarantee
And then the nightblood kid who wasn't tattooed on Lexa's back (and therefore somehow still alive) breaks through the Polis doors, rips off her mask and holy shit it's Lexa...'s twin sister who ran off into hiding. They put the chip in her and because of how genetically similar she is to Lexa, she literally gains Lexa's spirit, and therefore becomes Lexa.
Alycia Debnam Carey somehow found time to film both tv shows and everything was fine in the world, and it's as if nothing happened and, and... :(

Many believe that Lexa is eight and Costia is nine. 1-7 all failed to accept the AI and died, and then Lexa accepted it. Thus, she saved Costia by being just one step ahead in line.

Eh, the reason that doesn't really resonate with me is because you could only believe in such hope if you followed the showrunner and took his responses concerning the relationship at face value. Also second, it implies that a fake out isn't a totally valid thing for a writer to do. Like, every MGS fan took a collective shit after we found out we were essentially lied to concerning Snake's role in MGS2. But, fuck me if that wasn't a good fake out and make for an even greater story.

Or...it wouldn't resonate with you if you weren't fucking gay or bisexual. If you had hope in something good and then got the worst possible outcome. Stop dismissing valid opinions and feelings based on what YOU feel and know. Believe it or not, there are other people on this planet who are just as validated in their opinions. I've tried to be patient, to explain this the best I can, but I'm done. It's insulting to put so much effort into a rational discussion to simply get an "eh".


- IGN's Eric Goldman: Opinion: A Few More Thoughts On The 100's Lexa.
Many fans are sad, many are angry and some are outright furious (and a small handful have taken to making threats against The 100 writers, which, it should go without saying, is clearly crossing a line).

The point is, Lexa’s death, both because she was a beloved character in general but also, significantly, because of what she meant as a strong, prominent lesbian character on TV -- in a TV landscape where the Dead Lesbian trope is a very real thing -- has resulted in her death causing some amazingly strong reactions. Some are incredibly upset that it happened at all, while others are unhappy with the way that it happened. And while I shared those initial thoughts on it, in the wake of seeing all these responses, and after thinking about it a bit more myself, I felt I wanted to weigh in with some more thoughts on the many different elements at play here.
On the other hand, the pain I see people going through online after losing this character is obviously incredibly genuine and heartfelt and not something that should be dismissed. I can dispassionately say, “Well, it's understandable they killed her off when you look at contract conflict with another series and the resulting availability restrictions,” but that doesn’t change her significance to people, the weight (and, in some cases, true anguish) of her loss or the fact that even while I think her death is very much completely in line with how The 100 works and how many of the show's characters, of all sorts of backgrounds, have ended their story, it still also is another addition to the Dead Lesbian trope.

To the LGBTQ fandom who looked at Lexa as important, I can sympathize, but as a straight white male, I wouldn’t dream of saying “I totally get it,” because how could I really? I certainly don’t have to worry about representation or seeing straight while male characters sometimes get a happy ending in fiction. That’s pretty much an every day occurrence and always has been. So while I do think The 100 killing off Lexa “makes sense" and feels tonally consistent with the show overall, that’s coming from my own specific perspective - even as I wonder if had it been handled differently, it might have helped, at least a bit, with how it was received.
Much more at the link.


Last episode was the best all season. Finally some interesting story progression, it doesn't make up for all the shitty writing so far but hopefully its a sign of clearer direction in the rest of the season.

Happy they didn't keep Lexa alive just because of some rabid fans too.
The Lexa and Clarke story line was going nowhere, blood must not have blood after a massive unprovoked massacre was absurd and Clarke is still an annoying hypocrite that makes stupid decision after three seasons.


Didn't at all care for the way Lexa died. It just didn't feel satisfying whatsoever.

I knew she was going to die it's been basically bluntly told to us the whole season that she was going to get herself killed but they could have come up with a much more interesting way than that.


Or...it wouldn't resonate with you if you weren't fucking gay or bisexual. If you had hope in something good and then got the worst possible outcome. Stop dismissing valid opinions and feelings based on what YOU feel and know. Believe it or not, there are other people on this planet who are just as validated in their opinions. I've tried to be patient, to explain this the best I can, but I'm done. It's insulting to put so much effort into a rational discussion to simply get an "eh".

Please don't be done, some people won't ever get it, its just the way it is. There are those of us who have listened and discussed this rationally.

Like the IGN guy I'm a straight white male and can't have the same understanding as you on this, but I do understand it and want it to change. It obviously affects you and others in a different way than me. I hope that makes sense...

It was good reading that IGN article, he basically said what I've been saying, but he expressed it way better than I could have.
Please don't be done, some people won't ever get it, its just the way it is. There are those of us who have listened and discussed this rationally.

Like the IGN guy I'm a straight white male and can't have the same understanding as you on this, but I do understand it and want it to change. It obviously affects you and others in a different way than me. I hope that makes sense...

It was good reading that IGN article, he basically said what I've been saying, but he expressed it way better than I could have.

I'm tired that of the opinions of women, minorities, and gays on this site are totally disregarded. "Yeah but...this is how I FEEL, it has to be right." And the people who are saying this, actually aren't any of the things that the discussion is about. I've seen it in every other women's issue thread, I've seen it here. It's old.


I just realized the show is going on a 2 week break after this weeks episode. I also assume we will not see anything in Polis this week at all... so it's going to be a long 3 weeks to see the outcome in Polis :(


I just realized the show is going on a 2 week break after this weeks episode. I also assume we will not see anything in Polis this week at all... so it's going to be a long 3 weeks to see the outcome in Polis :(

Oh, that is better than I thought. I thought it was already on break now. I think they'll show part of the fallout. Them going to war.


So I'm curious how this weeks ratings will do, I have a gut feeling most people who say they are going to boycott won't, but we'll see. At most I think they'll lose a few hundred viewers OR they will actually gain viewers due to this being in the news more and having so much discussion around it.

If they truly do boycott in huge #'s I'm afraid this will have the reverse affect. A lot of TV Execs will see this and not take a risk on a LGBTQ relationship to avoid having this happen to them.

I don't know, guess we'll see come Friday when the ratings come out.
So I'm curious how this weeks ratings will do, I have a gut feeling most people who say they are going to boycott won't, but we'll see. At most I think they'll lose a few hundred viewers OR they will actually gain viewers due to this being in the news more and having so much discussion around it.

If they truly do boycott in huge #'s I'm afraid this will have the reverse affect. A lot of TV Execs will see this and not take a risk on a LGBTQ relationship to avoid having this happen to them.

I don't know, guess we'll see come Friday when the ratings come out.

All I know is that there's been a Mass Gay Exodus to the FTWD fandom.


Unconfirmed Member
This show is interesting. It's a sci-fi influenced Game of Thrones esque show and they're treating technology like how you would treat magic in GoT.

I've been casually watching and I didn't know so many fans were upset with the direction the show is heading and with the latest episode. It seems like it's on a good track, and accidental deaths don't seem out of place in this show(whereas I could see if it's more of a trope in a show where deaths don't normally occur as often). Murphy has some immense plot armor though. He's like the Nathan Drake of their world. I'm just hoping whatever reason they have to keep his character alive through all of this, leads to something really worthwhile.

So far, the only thing that doesn't make sense to me direction wise, is the fact that after Season 2 it wouldn't make sense for Bellamy to make such a gigantic heel turn into a hated character that doesn't answer to logic or reason. Maybe he is deep undercover but they haven't revealed this yet. Actually as a whole I would have preferred if they focused the show more on other cities and parts of the world, rather than doing a 180 with the Sky Crew and making them look like a group of conquistadors who just discovered a new country.


David J. Peterson the creator of the Trigedasleng language (the grounder language) posted this translation of the Traveler's Blessing, thought it was pretty cool.

"Kom chilnes yu na ban sishou-de au,
Kom hodnes yu na hon neson op.
Gouthru klir hashta yu soujon,
Kom taim oso fali kom daun gon graun-de."

"In peace, may you leave this shore In love, may you find the next Safe passage on your travels, until our final journey to the ground"
David J. Peterson the creator of the Trigedasleng language (the grounder language) posted this translation of the Traveler's Blessing, thought it was pretty cool.

He's been doing lots of cool translations for fans.

"Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim, Heda." = May we meet again, Commander


He's been doing lots of cool translations for fans.

"Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim, Heda." = May we meet again, Commander

I just discovered his page with doing this, really awesome of him. I do like how out reaching they are with the community, even Jason to an extent despite everything.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
This show is interesting. It's a sci-fi influenced Game of Thrones esque show and they're treating technology like how you would treat magic in GoT.

I've been casually watching and I didn't know so many fans were upset with the direction the show is heading and with the latest episode. It seems like it's on a good track, and accidental deaths don't seem out of place in this show(whereas I could see if it's more of a trope in a show where deaths don't normally occur as often). Murphy has some immense plot armor though. He's like the Nathan Drake of their world. I'm just hoping whatever reason they have to keep his character alive through all of this, leads to something really worthwhile.

So far, the only thing that doesn't make sense to me direction wise, is the fact that after Season 2 it wouldn't make sense for Bellamy to make such a gigantic heel turn into a hated character that doesn't answer to logic or reason. Maybe he is deep undercover but they haven't revealed this yet. Actually as a whole I would have preferred if they focused the show more on other cities and parts of the world, rather than doing a 180 with the Sky Crew and making them look like a group of conquistadors who just discovered a new country.
With regards to Bellamy, the writer kind of explained how to understand him you have to consider what he has been through in isolation. The betrayal at the end of season 2 had a big impact on him considering he risked his life to pull off the plan and relied on help from the insiders who were later massacred. He saw the little kids going to school who would be burnt alive by radiation. Then he was betrayed by the grounder who he had built up a trust with in the mountain,and his girlfriend and a bunch of innocent people were massacred.
His point of view kind of makes sense, although he is obviously having second thoughts about how extreme pike is being.
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