I hate Bellamy
He hurt my baby Clarke and I'll never forgive him
He hurt my baby Clarke and I'll never forgive him
I can't take what is supposed to be the ultimate punishment in their society seriously because I keep imagining that Pennywise is just out of frame laughing his ass off.
With regards to Bellamy, the writer kind of explained how to understand him you have to consider what he has been through in isolation. The betrayal at the end of season 2 had a big impact on him considering he risked his life to pull off the plan and relied on help from the insiders who were later massacred. He saw the little kids going to school who would be burnt alive by radiation. Then he was betrayed by the grounder who he had built up a trust with in the mountain,and his girlfriend and a bunch of innocent people were massacred.
His point of view kind of makes sense, although he is obviously having second thoughts about how extreme pike is being.
At this point I'm just waiting for Octavia to beat the shit out of Bellamy, it will be glorious.
She'll float, Dragonz. THEY'LL ALL FLOAT.
In all seriousness I like Clarke more than most of the cast, but I feel like she should be better than some of the mistakes that she's made. I don't think she shouldn't make any mistake at all, though. Characters that are pure perfection are intolerable (looking at you, early age Superman).
Does anyone know why Kelly Hu got shipped off the show?
Yeah, it was awkward as hell that she's in the pilot billed for the main cast and then just...gone. I think it was said by a producer that she floated off-screen.Does anyone know why Kelly Hu got shipped off the show?
I think she got another gig between shooting the pilot and it being picked up by The CW.
Yeah, it was awkward as hell that she's in the pilot billed for the main cast and then just...gone. I think it was said by a producer that she floated off-screen.
The year is 2090. I am 98. An old woman, who has lived a fruitful life. I have a family. I have done so much in my time on this planet, but my time is near.
I lay on my deathbed, surrounded by a horde of candles and my loved ones. In the background, a violin softly plays. My breaths come unevenly, and with great effort. A single tear drops down the face of my grandson. I float in and out of consciousness, watching behind fluttering eyelids as my life passes me by.
Suddenly, I wake with a start. My family, surprised that I am still conscious, crowds around me.
I try to choke out a sentence, but the words to not come without great effort.
"Everyone, quiet!" my grandson exclaims. "She's trying to tell us something!"
Finally, I manage to say the three words that had consumed me for years.
And then death embraces me.
My family stands around my still warm body in utter silence. Suddenly, a small voice ventures forward.
"...who the fuck is Lexa?"
I'm just trying to cope okay
Many believe that Lexa is eight and Costia is nine. 1-7 all failed to accept the AI and died, and then Lexa accepted it. Thus, she saved Costia by being just one step ahead in line.
Or...it wouldn't resonate with you if you weren't fucking gay or bisexual. If you had hope in something good and then got the worst possible outcome. Stop dismissing valid opinions and feelings based on what YOU feel and know. Believe it or not, there are other people on this planet who are just as validated in their opinions. I've tried to be patient, to explain this the best I can, but I'm done. It's insulting to put so much effort into a rational discussion to simply get an "eh".
With regards to Bellamy, the writer kind of explained how to understand him you have to consider what he has been through in isolation. The betrayal at the end of season 2 had a big impact on him considering he risked his life to pull off the plan and relied on help from the insiders who were later massacred. He saw the little kids going to school who would be burnt alive by radiation. Then he was betrayed by the grounder who he had built up a trust with in the mountain,and his girlfriend and a bunch of innocent people were massacred.
His point of view kind of makes sense, although he is obviously having second thoughts about how extreme pike is being.
Trust me I DO get it, I may not be gay or bisexual but I am a black guy so I know a little about being stepped on by society. But, this is one of those times where me understanding an issue doesn't mean that the ultimate decision surrounding it was wrong. I totally get why people are upset and why they grew so attached to those characters and their relationship. At the same time I don't think there was a problem with her death. Shit, they killed of all the black people on 24 and in stupid dirty ways too. But, I just had to take that shit and keep watching.
How they gonna not even give Curtis a silent clock!? Fuck you, 24.
Yeah, it was awkward as hell that she's in the pilot billed for the main cast and then just...gone. I think it was said by a producer that she floated off-screen.
L I wonder if they will ever visit other areas of the world, be interesting to see how good or bad other spots ended up.
Luckily she never felt that important to the plot in the pilot, and it is more time for the youngsters to shine.
But she kinda was important not because of what she did but because of who she was. I mean this lady was Clarke's mom's best friend AND what'-his-name's wife. Not just some random friend nobody cared about. It's so weird that at least he never mentions his wife ever again.
They're in the DC/VA/MD/WV area, no? (the Lincoln head being a big giveaway)In the end, those clans likely only represent the North West of America and maybe a bit of Southern Canada. Once they are done with that, I wouldn't mind seeing something like a group of nomads fleeing from the South or something like that.
They're in the DC/VA/MD/WV area, no? (the Lincoln head being a big giveaway)
Ice Nation = Canada seems likely given Ontari(o).TonDC = Washington DC. But there is no clear view on how far they stretch. There is a 60 mile distance between TonDC and Mount Weather for instance.
The writers confirmed on Tumblr it's not Clarke.
Thank fucking god.
Julie Benson (writer on the show) told fans this morning on Periscope that Alycia told them she could come back despite her schedule and commitment to FTWD, and that she wanted to come back.
I mean
Julie Benson (writer on the show) told fans this morning on Periscope that Alycia told them she could come back despite her schedule and commitment to FTWD, and that she wanted to come back.
I mean
The question is however when and how long? Rothenberg wants to tell a story and if he doesn't have the actors for all the time he needs them, then stuff like this needs to happen. Writing out Indra worked because she isn't really important to the plot anymore and even that felt lame.
How did Lexa not work for the plot anymore? She had a vital connection to the main protagonist, not only romantically, but also at the core of her story and season 3 arc.
If you're going to argue that she needed to die for us to see the Conclave, to progress the story, whatever else, I just can't believe that's true. You already had an arc with her and Clarke trying to maintain peace. War was already brewing. She didn't need to die for that to happen. It was going to happen anyway.
As for the AI storyline, why not flashbacks to Becca establishing the Grounder culture? I mean, they did it with the Polaris shit.
Yes, we agree. Lexa is important for the plot so how can you write half of the episodes without her present. It is already noticeable for Indra that she is hardly there. Lexa is even more central. So you need her on set a lot. Could amc promise that? Just look at the trouble to get the Arrowverse crossovers done which are made by the same team. The 100 wouldn't have access to a central piece even if amc lets her have as many time as possible. So then you need to move on, maybe kill her faster than you wanted to but still ending up on the same part. Hoping that you would have enough time to film with her is a bad planning move. These are things no writer or actor can answer. That is on producer and even executive level.How did Lexa not work for the plot anymore? She had a vital connection to the main protagonist, not only romantically, but also at the core of her story and season 3 arc.
If you're going to argue that she needed to die for us to see the Conclave, to progress the story, whatever else, I just can't believe that's true. You already had an arc with her and Clarke trying to maintain peace. War was already brewing. She didn't need to die for that to happen. It was going to happen anyway.
As for the AI storyline, why not flashbacks to Becca establishing the Grounder culture? I mean, they did it with the Polaris shit.
The CW does tend to recycle actors so I think she would have a second shot at that point.I wish Jason and co. would have spotted how great Alycia was while filming season 2 before she signed on with Fear the Walking Dead. I mean don't get me wrong, going to Fear is a great move for her career and will get her way more exposure on her way to being a film star. However... AMC aren't exactly known to be great to work with for actors/actresses so I hope it all works out for her over there.
I wonder if that was Costia, who the Ice Queen beheaded and put at Lexa's bed.
Many believe that Lexa is eight and Costia is nine. 1-7 all failed to accept the AI and died, and then Lexa accepted it. Thus, she saved Costia by being just one step ahead in line.
Speaking of Indra, I realize she's been outta the game in the show, but what's going on with her actor? Why has she been gone? Also, did we ever figure out what Flinn's actor did prior to season 2 to get such an about face? I mean dude got ran through the coals out of nowhere.
When CW casts get larger, they start cycling actors in/out to save money. It gets really blatant.Speaking of Indra, I realize she's been outta the game in the show, but what's going on with her actor? Why has she been gone? Also, did we ever figure out what Flinn's actor did prior to season 2 to get such an about face? I mean dude got ran through the coals out of nowhere.
Alycia wanting to come back after season 3 doesn't really mean anything, for reasons mostly already stated above. The show can't revolve around one character.
It makes sense that the best way to go forward with the show was to kill Lexa off, I just wish her death was done differently.
And on that point, some of the shit I've seen in the fandom over the past few days is pretty disgusting. From all the abuse being hurled at Jason to abusing/bullying other LGBT fans who merely disagreed with people wanting the show to be cancelled. I know (fucking hope) it's likely just a small, vocal, minority of clexa fans.
I might be wrong, and I don't think they've really explained it much, but I was under the impression that everyone was tested at the same time, because surely they need to choose a commander at the end of it. If not, what happens if none get picked?
How could you know who the AI would choose if it wasn't implanted directly? There's no other way to know who it would work for other than through trial and error. If no one is picked, I suppose the Fleimkappa would keep the spirit safe until more Nightbloods were found. I kind of see him as The 100's Hand of the King.
I am sorry if this is frank, but you say "I don't think there was a problem with her death." Which is the whole issue. Because yes, while you undoubtedly understand what it is like to be trampled on by society, you do not understand what it means in regards to the LGBTQ community. On the flip side, them killing off all the black characters on 24 does mean something to you, while, as a white woman myself, I cannot even begin to fathom the specific instances that you have experienced that led to your opinion on those characters. I do not mean this in a negative way. There is a disassociation between us, because of who we are and what we have experienced. You will never understand how upset I am over Lexa, and I will never understand the true heart of your feelings in regards to the poor treatment of minorities in media. I have an idea, but at it's core, I don't know. Not truly. And I'm not going to pretend to know. What I can do, however, is sympathize. Which goes both ways; a lot of people are hurting over this death. A little bit of compassion would undoubtedly go a long way.
And that is why this discussion will never be resolved. Because Lexa meant something special to me, and she didn't necessarily to you. Not saying it's inherently wrong for things to be this way; it's just how it is.