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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c

The death threats, etc are very uncalled for. Having legit criticism is fine, but you're right some fans have gone too far. I'm glad we've all for the most part been very open to discussion here on GAF and kept our heads cool discussing everything.

I do think the biggest issue is how and when she died. That entire thing could have been handled in a much better way and I think Javier (writer) and Jason know it.

Yep, exactly. Clexa fans have every right to be pissed off, but some of this shit is way too extreme.

How could you know who the AI would choose if it wasn't implanted directly? There's no other way to know who it would work for other than through trial and error. If no one is picked, I suppose the Fleimkappa would keep the spirit safe until more Nightbloods were found. I kind of see him as The 100's Hand of the King.

Oh, true. Would be interesting to see what happens if all the nightbloods were rejected and the grounders were left with no commander for a while.
Which would be interesting if it rejects all of the night bloods including Ontari and somehow Titus discovers it want's Clarke (maybe its connections move her direction, who knows, I'm no writer! lol)... there's a lot of ways they could take this.

It's less about what the AI wants, and more about what it needs. It's designed to treat human emotions and instincts as it's own, therefore guiding whoever has it in the best course of action. So if the AI knows that Clarke is compatible with it's needs for humanity, then it will accept her. Not sure about specifically what the black blood does, but maybe we'll find out later.

Which would also bring up an interesting point...if the AI focuses on human needs, was it the cause for Lexa needing Clarke, both romantically and as a leader? Lexa told Clarke that she would "treat her needs as her own" and all of her actions before and after that were about protecting Clarke. So were all three of them: Lexa, Clarke, and ultimately, the AI itself, interconnected in some way?

Both Lexa and Clarke wanted a peaceful world for their people. They needed it, for their own happiness. I would assume that is the final objective, but then what does that mean for all of the other commander's being about jus drein jus daun? Maybe it knew that Lexa was different, and that Clarke would change her, and that the most paramount need of all for humanity was peace.

...I just made myself sad.


It's less about what the AI wants, and more about what it needs. It's designed to treat human emotions and instincts as it's own, therefore guiding whoever has it in the best course of action. So if the AI knows that Clarke is compatible with it's needs for humanity, then it will accept her. Not sure about specifically what the black blood does, but maybe we'll find out later.

Which would also bring up an interesting point...if the AI focuses on human needs, was it the cause for Lexa needing Clarke, both romantically and as a leader? Lexa told Clarke that she would "treat her needs as her own" and all of her actions before and after that were about protecting Clarke. So were all three of them: Lexa, Clarke, and ultimately, the AI itself, interconnected in some way?

Both Lexa and Clarke wanted a peaceful world for their people. They needed it, for their own happiness. I would assume that is the final objective, but then what does that mean for all of the other commander's being about jus drein jus daun? Maybe it knew that Lexa was different, and that Clarke would change her, and that the most paramount need of all for humanity was peace.

...I just made myself sad.

Hey... that's actually one of the best theories I've heard and shocked I didn't put it together. The AI could sense Lexa and Clarke being together is what humanity needed to help bring peace back to the world.

The AI was probably just doing what it could to survive and help humanity thrive before Lexa and Clarke, it finally found what it was looking for with them possibly.

Now the AI rejecting people and finding Clarke makes more sense.

I do think the black blood has something to do with being able to accept the AI though or it was just to protect from radiation and it became a religious thing.


Speaking of Indra, I realize she's been outta the game in the show, but what's going on with her actor? Why has she been gone?
She is doing Underground, I assume she needed some more time for that.

When CW casts get larger, they start cycling actors in/out to save money. It gets really blatant.
That is not really the case, they just tend to give shorter contracts to second rank characters. Like Bonnie and Caroline on The Vampire Diaries had 16-18 episode contracts instead of the 23 the leads have.

I might be wrong, and I don't think they've really explained it much, but I was under the impression that everyone was tested at the same time, because surely they need to choose a commander at the end of it. If not, what happens if none get picked?
We'll have to see how it happens, but I still think it refers to Costia.


I think the creator also put out a Dothraki dictionary for that language he helped create, but he seems to really interact with The 100 audience a lot for the Trigedaslang language which I enjoy reading his translations.



I don't know if anyone saw this, but a group of fans started a campaign to raise money for The Trevor Project. If you don't know what this is here's a small quote:

The Trevor Project, the only national organization providing suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning youth in crisis. The Trevor Project serves more than 100,000 LGBTQ youth every year with their life-saving programs that include the Trevor Lifeline, TrevorChat, Ask Trevor and TrevorSpace.

This is the kind of thing I like to see rise from this, fans coming together to help awareness. They have raised $5,073 already with an original goal of just $1,000.

edit: Is it ok to have this linked, Cornballer? It's for a good cause, but didn't know if GAF allowed it.

Even the cast looks pissed lmao


This makes me fucking sad. To think that she had to kill the people she had trained with for years :(

But I guess this confirms what we had all speculated that
Ontari will become Commander; her sitting on the throne covered in nightblood is just a result of her winning the battle, not any massacre she committed.


(spoiling, but mainly guess's on what's coming up)

This really makes me think that she will somehow get "infected" by Allie 1.0 in some way or fashion at some point which will lead to her vs Clarke. Which then leads Clarke into entering the "unified" CoL and somehow having to help Allie 2.0/AI 2.0 whatever you want to call it.

I kind of agree with Jo from Dropship podcast that Love is going to help meld and change the 2.0 AI, 2.0 will not be a villain against humanity and try to help us beat Allie.

edit: removed the quote, it kept bugging out Dragonz spoiler and showing it for some reason. Sorry if anyone saw it before I edited it out.


Murphy: "Why do I always get beaten up...."

I can sense him thinking this lol

"On other channels they get a stuntman to do this."

I love how so many in the community don't think this new episode will be as suspenseful or insane as last weeks and they are probably right for the most part due to how loved Lexa was/is (and because of how it was handled), but I have a feeling some crazy stuff is going to happen this week.

It will feel slower, but different.
I like the paranoia theme they are going for, people will have to chose sides and it looks like Monty is turning away from his mom
...so wait. If we're gonna find out about the eighth nightblood...and assuming no one outright tells Clarke, how do we see it? I don't think Titus would; Clarke wants nothing to do with him obviously.

I don't really want Clarke as the Commander even though I like the Polis stuff. But I guess Ontari is definitely gonna be Commander and then die and they will need a new one. Cue that chip or something being put in Clarke.
How screwed would the Grounders have been if Lexa died when not around any of her own people, like the whole situation with going off on all of those missions with Clarke? Come to think of it, with the gorilla she was basically like "it's cool if I die, my spirit gonna choose the next" but if Lexa died there, Clarke would have no idea about the chip and her body would have probably be eaten and torn apart by the gorilla.


How screwed would the Grounders have been if Lexa died when not around any of her own people, like the whole situation with going off on all of those missions with Clarke? Come to think of it, with the gorilla she was basically like "it's cool if I die, my spirit gonna choose the next" but if Lexa died there, Clarke would have no idea about the chip and her body would have probably be eaten and torn apart by the gorilla.

The thing is, I don't think the majority of her people know. This seems like something that Titus knows, and only him and whoever follows him up.


The thing is, I don't think the majority of her people know. This seems like something that Titus knows, and only him and whoever follows him up.

Ya I'm pretty sure the actual existence of something like that in the neck is pretty well hidden or not known. If any regular grounder saw it or knew about it they would probably just assume that was the soul/spirit in physical form moving on.

Regarding what would have happened, I'd assume Titus would send a party out to hunt that Gorilla down and gut it lol, the real problem would have been if she died to the missile strike, not much would have been left.
The thing is, I don't think the majority of her people know. This seems like something that Titus knows, and only him and whoever follows him up.
Well that just makes it seem even more clumsy if it's a kept secret. Titus isn't there 24/7, he seems stationed only in Polis, so if Lexa died on the battlefield or anything else outside of Polis with just her oblivious warriors around, that would be less put together.


Well that just makes it seem even more clumsy if it's a kept secret. Titus isn't there 24/7, he seems stationed only in Polis, so if Lexa died on the battlefield or anything else outside of Polis with just her oblivious warriors around, that would be less put together.

Her soldiers would have returned her body to Polis... if they won that is. That or even her enemies will recognize the passing on of the spirit due to their religion and would allow that to happen despite being at war with her clan since we know anyone from any clan can be a "nightblood" and potentially become the commander.

Honestly who knows, it's risky!


It is already problematic in the sense: what happens if the next commander is killed very soon after the last? Like what if Ontari wins the battle royale battle for leader but suffers some deadly wounds? All the night bloods are dead then.


It is already problematic in the sense: what happens if the next commander is killed very soon after the last? Like what if Ontari wins the battle royale battle for leader but suffers some deadly wounds? All the night bloods are dead then.

I assume they go commanderless till more nightbloods are found.

Temporary leadership would be instilled till the next commander is found.


I assume they go commanderless till more nightbloods are found.

Temporary leadership would be instilled till the next commander is found.

Basically to add onto this, treat it like Minas Tirith that had no King and just a Steward leading till the King returned.

I guess the question is, before the Coalition of the 12 clans, how was Polis handled? If say someone from the Ice Nation became the Commander at the time, do they then rule Polis till something changes? Or was it always like it was now that the Commander was indifferent and not part of a tribe per say anymore and dealt politically with the ambassadors of all 12 clans, just didn't rule over them as one?


Basically to add onto this, treat it like Minas Tirith that had no King and just a Steward leading till the King returned.

I guess the question is, before the Coalition of the 12 clans, how was Polis handled? If say someone from the Ice Nation became the Commander at the time, do they then rule Polis till something changes? Or was it always like it was now that the Commander was indifferent and not part of a tribe per say anymore and dealt politically with the ambassadors of all 12 clans, just didn't rule over them as one?

I assume it is the terrain of one specific clan, which ruled it until the coalition was formed, probably under influence of Becca. it also seems like it was some sort of process. Like Becca forms a coalition between 2-3 clans, and it grows gradually from there. Like how Lexa forced the Ice Nation into the Coalition.
Basically to add onto this, treat it like Minas Tirith that had no King and just a Steward leading till the King returned.

I guess the question is, before the Coalition of the 12 clans, how was Polis handled? If say someone from the Ice Nation became the Commander at the time, do they then rule Polis till something changes? Or was it always like it was now that the Commander was indifferent and not part of a tribe per say anymore and dealt politically with the ambassadors of all 12 clans, just didn't rule over them as one?

I think it's more...each clan had it's own commander, in a way. So Azdega has their queen, and they would all operate separately from each other. Trikru is the only one with a leader with the title of Commander because of their origins, and is the largest clan. Also the most influential and powerful, because of how their leader is chosen via the AI (again, because of their origins). Lexa is the first one to unite them all, and subjugate them under her rule. They've mentioned it a few times about how she created the Coalition and it's in the wiki. I suspect that only Nightbloods from Trikru were chosen originally, because how could they have dominion over nightbloods that weren't even under the Commander's rule? It wasn't until Lexa that the pool of candidates expanded to other clans. Polis has always been the Trikru capital, but now it's the capital for all.

Kind of like how Aegon the Conquerer in Game of Thrones came and conquered seven separate kingdoms to form one empire.


I think it's more...each clan had it's own commander, in a way. So Azdega has their queen, and they would all operate separately from each other. Trikru is the only one with a leader with the title of Commander because of their origins, and is the largest clan. Also the most influential and powerful, because of how their leader is chosen via the AI (again, because of their origins). Lexa is the first one to unite them all, and subjugate them under her rule. They've mentioned it a few times about how she created the Coalition and it's in the wiki. I suspect that only Nightbloods from Trikru were chosen originally, because how could they have dominion over nightbloods that weren't even under the Commander's rule? It wasn't until Lexa that the pool of candidates expanded to other clans. Polis has always been the Trikru capital, but now it's the capital for all.

Kind of like how Aegon the Conquerer in Game of Thrones came and conquered seven separate kingdoms to form one empire.

I never really considered Polis as always being the Triku capital all along prior to the coalition.

What you said makes perfect sense though.

I really want to experience some of the other clans eventually.
I never really considered Polis as always being the Triku capital all along prior to the coalition.

What you said makes perfect sense though.

I really want to experience some of the other clans eventually.

Polis has always been the Trikru capital. It's where Becca lands; you can see the rubble of the city around her.

Most likely they named it after her ship, too.


Polis has always been the Trikru capital. It's where Becca lands; you can see the rubble of the city around her.

Most likely they named it after her ship, too.

Ya I figured it was named after her ship, I just didn't know if Triku was who ran it or not since there are so many clans spread all over. Makes sense though that Polis is their town and land.
Got my Wife Hooked on the show. She's powered through the first two seasons. The last three episodes of S2 was a roller coaster for her. I kept telling her after each episode to just wait more is coming.



I don't know if anyone saw this, but a group of fans started a campaign to raise money for The Trevor Project. If you don't know what this is here's a small quote:

This is the kind of thing I like to see rise from this, fans coming together to help awareness. They have raised $5,073 already with an original goal of just $1,000.

edit: Is it ok to have this linked, Cornballer? It's for a good cause, but didn't know if GAF allowed it.

Damn they're nearing 9k raised now! Jo from Dropship Podcast donated $250.
Got my Wife Hooked on the show. She's powered through the first two seasons. The last three episodes of S2 was a roller coaster for her. I kept telling her after each episode to just wait more is coming.

My dad (he's in his late 50's) told me he started watching it because his best friend (who's even older) started watching it and said it was incredible.

So you've got two old guys, one a farmer and one retired military, talking about this show made for a younger audience. Lmao.


My dad (he's in his late 50's) told me he started watching it because his best friend (who's even older) started watching it and said it was incredible.

So you've got two old guys, one a farmer and one retired military, talking about this show made for a younger audience. Lmao.

I'm 33 and love it lol

I've always been a sucker for amazing story and characters, so this drew me in right away. I use to write a lot and I think that's part of it, been thinking of trying to write again recently and this show has motivated me. We'll see...


So I'm halfway through Season 1 and I'm really loving all of it. But this week I read that Season 3 is off the rails bad? Is there any truth to this? Did the quality take a dive?


So I'm halfway through Season 1 and I'm really loving all of it. But this week I read that Season 3 is off the rails bad? Is there any truth to this? Did the quality take a dive?

No that is not true, season 3 has been pretty great. There's just been a lot of controversy over a recent episode. It is a bit rushed story wise.


So I'm halfway through Season 1 and I'm really loving all of it. But this week I read that Season 3 is off the rails bad? Is there any truth to this? Did the quality take a dive?

The main problem is that the episodes are a bit rushed (hence the thread subtitle of character assassination) because of scheduling issues with the actors. The creator of the show wanted a certain story beat and had to rush things to get there while certain actors were available.


Finale will air May 19th.

Polis has always been the Trikru capital. It's where Becca lands; you can see the rubble of the city around her.
It is the Coalition capital, there has been no indication it is the Trikru capital I think. It would be weird for Polis to be their capital when TonDC seems to have been a more important place for Trikru. They for instance settle their disputes at the Lincoln memorial.

I think it's more...each clan had it's own commander, in a way. So Azdega has their queen, and they would all operate separately from each other. Trikru is the only one with a leader with the title of Commander because of their origins, and is the largest clan.
I wouldn't say that. I think the title of Commander is something that belongs to the leader of the Coalition. So if someone not from Trikru becomes the Commander, there isn't a 'Commander' within Trikru. As for Trikru being the largest clan, the Ice Nation was big enough to be a threat to the Coalition before they joined. I think we're having to assume too much about the difference between Trikru and the Coalition for the moment. We know nothing about the previous commanders and to which clans they belonged.

They've mentioned it a few times about how she created the Coalition and it's in the wiki. I suspect that only Nightbloods from Trikru were chosen originally, because how could they have dominion over nightbloods that weren't even under the Commander's rule? It wasn't until Lexa that the pool of candidates expanded to other clans. Polis has always been the Trikru capital, but now it's the capital for all.
For now, it seems like she only forced Ice Nation to join. I hope they go further back in time to show that the Coalition formed a bit gradually, probably due to the Becca influence.

The main problem is that the episodes are a bit rushed (hence the thread subtitle of character assassination) because of scheduling issues with the actors. The creator of the show wanted a certain story beat and had to rush things to get there while certain actors were available.
I think the subtitle is a reference to
It is the Coalition capital, there has been no indication it is the Trikru capital I think. It would be weird for Polis to be their capital when TonDC seems to have been a more important place for Trikru. They for instance settle their disputes at the Lincoln memorial.

That particular village settles disputes at the memorial. TonDC is much smaller than Polis; it isn't a city by any means. And there's a giant tower in Polis, fashioned with all the decorations fit for a ruler to live in. It's Lexa's King's Landing, her Red Keep.

Also if TonDC is the capital, why is Becca's pod not there? Surely, for such an important artifact, they would keep it in the most important and influential area? You can clearly see in last week's episode that she lands in the ruins of what is very similar to modern day Polis.

I wouldn't say that. I think the title of Commander is something that belongs to the leader of the Coalition. So if someone not from Trikru becomes the Commander, there isn't a 'Commander' within Trikru. As for Trikru being the largest clan, the Ice Nation was big enough to be a threat to the Coalition before they joined. I think we're having to assume too much about the difference between Trikru and the Coalition for the moment. We know nothing about the previous commanders and to which clans they belonged.

Becca came down, in Polis, wearing a suit that said "Commander". With this, we can assume that the title was present way before the Coalition happened. If Lexa was Commander before the Coalition, then it is more of a leadership position for her clan as opposed to the Coalition as a whole. She was "called" to be Heda, even before the clans were united.

For Trikru, it's part of their heritage; it's where they come from. And if Trikru weren't to have a Commander, then they wouldn't be a clan anymore. The respective clans are allowed to have leaders of their own, they just answer to Lexa. If this weren't the case, why would the Ice Queen even exist? If someone from other than Trikru becomes Heda, that's not to say they wouldn't be allowed some kind of figurehead as their own. But because they are the central clan, Heda of the Coalition and the leader of Trikru are essentially one and the same. So regardless, there would still be a leader.

For now, it seems like she only forced Ice Nation to join. I hope they go further back in time to show that the Coalition formed a bit gradually, probably due to the Becca influence.

I'm due for a series rewatch soon, but I'm like 99.8% sure they talk about her uniting all the clans. I highly doubt that they all went along with it peacefully.


That particular village settles disputes at the memorial. TonDC is much smaller than Polis; it isn't a city by any means. And there's a giant tower in Polis, fashioned with all the decorations fit for a ruler to live in. It's Lexa's King's Landing, her Red Keep.

Also if TonDC is the capital, why is Becca's pod not there? Surely, for such an important artifact, they would keep it in the most important and influential area? You can clearly see in last week's episode that she lands in the ruins of what is very similar to modern day Polis.
I'm not saying Polis isn't the capital of the Coalition. I'm not convinced they claimed anywhere that it is the capital of Trikru. It is like King's Landing being the capital in Game of Thrones, but that doesn't mean it is for instance the home base of the Baratheon family. Their home base was Storm's End. It is a bit difficult to split up the talks between Trikru/Coalition when Lexa gives that information.

Becca came down, in Polis, wearing a suit that said "Commander". With this, we can assume that the title was present way before the Coalition happened. If Lexa was Commander before the Coalition, then it is more of a leadership position for her clan as opposed to the Coalition as a whole. She was "called" to be Heda, even before the clans were united.

For Trikru, it's part of their heritage; it's where they come from. And if Trikru weren't to have a Commander, then they wouldn't be a clan anymore. The respective clans are allowed to have leaders of their own, they just answer to Lexa. If this weren't the case, why would the Ice Queen even exist? If someone from other than Trikru becomes Heda, that's not to say they wouldn't be allowed some kind of figurehead as their own. But because they are the central clan, Heda of the Coalition and the leader of Trikru are essentially one and the same. So regardless, there would still be a leader.

I'm due for a series rewatch soon, but I'm like 99.8% sure they talk about her uniting all the clans. I highly doubt that they all went along with it peacefully.
I think they are retconning it to get the 12 clans together, not all 12, but to the level of the current 12. It would already be a worthwhile feat to force one of the biggest, Ice Nation, to join. But Jason has said there is only one Commander at the same time, and that Heda is the boss of the 12 clans. It doesn't sound like there would be a Trikru commander and a COalition commander if the Commander wasn't from Trikru.

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