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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c

I think they are retconning it to get the 12 clans together, not all 12, but to the level of the current 12. It would already be a worthwhile feat to force one of the biggest, Ice Nation, to join. But Jason has said there is only one Commander at the same time, and that Heda is the boss of the 12 clans. It doesn't sound like there would be a Trikru commander and a COalition commander if the Commander wasn't from Trikru.

Heda is literally Trikru for Commander. They're the same thing; Lexa just so happens to be Heda and the one who united the clans.

Interesting answer from one of the writers:

Am I the only one who was under the impressive that Anya was the commander before Lexa? I feel kinda stupid now...

Lexa was Anya's second, meaning that Anya was her mentor and trained her. I am assuming that Lexa spent her childhood in Polis as a Nightblood, and then went with Anya to get real world experience. She stayed with her until the Conclave and was then made Heda.

Also, there's this from one of the writers:


So...Anya is more of a general, serving under the Commander. She led a village under the Heda's rule.


Am I the only one who was under the impressive that Anya was the commander before Lexa? I feel kinda stupid now...

She felt important, like if at least she was leading Trikru in her place or something-important. But yeah, in the end she was hilariously unimportant.
We were talking about the issue of "what would happen if there weren't any available Nightbloods" earlier, but now we have an answer.


(Sorry, I think these are interesting and enjoy exploring this universe.)
Kinda getting bored with the Murphy gore porn we're subjected to constantly.

Let's see Murphy actually not get beat up and do some shit for once. At this rate, he's just going to blow the nuke because of he's done with all the ass beating...
Sometimes I lie awake at night and think to myself...the only person who truly knows how Clarke felt about Lexa within the Skaikru clan is Murphy. The biggest asshole in all three seasons of the show, the one who fucked up so many people, is the only person to have seen Clarke totally vulnerable and wearing her heart on her sleeve. God damn. He is the only one who, at the end of it all, got an unfiltered view into their relationship when it really mattered. With everyone else, all they've seen is them making heart eyes at each other or talking politics or whatever; nothing truly intimate and genuine.

He's the only one who will appreciate how greatly this loss affects her.
We were talking about the issue of "what would happen if there weren't any available Nightbloods" earlier, but now we have an answer.

The concept of the Nightbloods is quite interesting. Before the recent reveals I just thought it would be a rare mutation from the war radiation which would be like Sharapova's medicine, a slight advantage in physical endurance. With all existing power structures destroyed after the war you'd need some form of ruler to arbitrate conflicts between the clans. It would have to be someone everyone would agree to be ruled by and people with an easy to verify and impossible to fake (maybe Arkadia could though) physical trait would be a good choice. You check for the ones with this blood as toddlers and the ones who have it are brought to be trained for Commanderhood. No random ambitious asshole without the Nightblood could take the crown for themselves unless they have someone like Ontari ready to take over.

And with an AI implant the Commander does in fact have the special powers that the mythology requires. They will have a vast amount of knowledge readily available which will awe the Grounders who seem to have very few books and there may be some extra physical advantages like how Lexa could beat the vastly bigger Roan.
I'm not saying Polis isn't the capital of the Coalition. I'm not convinced they claimed anywhere that it is the capital of Trikru. It is like King's Landing being the capital in Game of Thrones, but that doesn't mean it is for instance the home base of the Baratheon family. Their home base was Storm's End. It is a bit difficult to split up the talks between Trikru/Coalition when Lexa gives that information.

I think they are retconning it to get the 12 clans together, not all 12, but to the level of the current 12. It would already be a worthwhile feat to force one of the biggest, Ice Nation, to join. But Jason has said there is only one Commander at the same time, and that Heda is the boss of the 12 clans. It doesn't sound like there would be a Trikru commander and a COalition commander if the Commander wasn't from Trikru.

I think you've missed the fact that the Coalition is a very new thing in the 100 world, since Lexa was the one who founded it in the first place. So the idea that Polis is a neutral city or that the Commander can come from any of the 12 clans wouldn't make any sense.

If we're comparing it to Game of Thrones then the Trikru aren't the Baratheons, they're the Targaryens.
The concept of the Nightbloods is quite interesting. Before the recent reveals I just thought it would be a rare mutation from the war radiation which would be like Sharapova's medicine, a slight advantage in physical endurance. With all existing power structures destroyed after the war you'd need some form of ruler to arbitrate conflicts between the clans. It would have to be someone everyone would agree to be ruled by and people with an easy to verify and impossible to fake (maybe Arkadia could though) physical trait would be a good choice. You check for the ones with this blood as toddlers and the ones who have it are brought to be trained for Commanderhood. No random ambitious asshole without the Nightblood could take the crown for themselves unless they have someone like Ontari ready to take over.

And with an AI implant the Commander does in fact have the special powers that the mythology requires. They will have a vast amount of knowledge readily available which will awe the Grounders who seem to have very few books and there may be some extra physical advantages like how Lexa could beat the vastly bigger Roan.

I like to think that she won just based on her own physical skill and training, because she's my fiercesome badass honey buns, but you could be right :)

It would calculate all the possibilities for the present need for survival...and work out all the appropriate moves and countermoves in real time.

I think you've missed the fact that the Coalition is a very new thing in the 100 world, since Lexa was the one who founded it in the first place. So the idea that Polis is a neutral city or that the Commander can come from any of the 12 clans wouldn't make any sense.

If we're comparing it to Game of Thrones then the Trikru aren't the Baratheons, they're the Targaryens.

I agree with you here; they're definitely more like Targaryens.


New episode today:
Season 3: episode 8 "Terms and Conditions"

Kane is searching for a peaceful way to handle things but soon realizes he may be forced to resort to drastic measures. Meanwhile, Pike suspects that there may be a leak within the walls of Arkadia. Lastly, Raven has a plan and reaches out to Jasper for help.
- Promo for this week's episode.


I think you've missed the fact that the Coalition is a very new thing in the 100 world, since Lexa was the one who founded it in the first place. So the idea that Polis is a neutral city or that the Commander can come from any of the 12 clans wouldn't make any sense.

If we're comparing it to Game of Thrones then the Trikru aren't the Baratheons, they're the Targaryens.

I think they are redefining that concept. The Coalition is only now 12 clans, but it could already exist in the past, smaller.


Not likely. The whole point of the Coalition was the unite them in the first place.

Yes, but we already know not everybody joined at the same time. Lexa was already commander when the Ice Nation was still opposing her. They were the last to join, so there was a first to join, a second, ...
That the Coalition started way before Lexa was Commander and that she is mainly lauded for bringing in th Ice Nation.

She has been credited numerous times throughout both seasons 2 and 3 by numerous people for uniting all twelve clans under one ruler. If you wanna keep arguing against it, go for it. But it's not a matter of opinion; it's a fact.

"This is not the same as uniting all twelve clans...You are the Coalition, Heda."

I mean, and then this season, you had Nia talking about Lexa's own laws that she made for the Coalition that she created. (Would post the clip but I can't find it on YT anywhere.)

Those are just a few examples, but you can bet your bottom dollar that are many more.

Edit: Gonna legit quote the wiki here:

As the Commander of the 12 Clans, Lexa is the reason the twelve clans united to fight against Mount Weather and without her, the Coalition would fail.


That the Coalition started way before Lexa was Commander and that she is mainly lauded for bringing in th Ice Nation.

It's been pretty well stated that Lexa formed this Coalition, no other commander did before her. Now other commanders may have united some clans in times of need, but not all 12. You're right there was a 1st, 2nd, etc. but they all were due to Lexa. Some tribes were probably very easy to being together and others like the Ice Nation needed work.

It was stated the Coalition would fall without Lexa in command, I'm curious what will happen now. Will the next commander having Lexas knowledge be able to hold it together or will clans try to gain power and fight within.


One thing I'd love to see is how these other clans were formed.

So Becca lands, reunites with the humans where she landed. This is where she begins injecting people with the nightblood, mainly so AI 2.0 can survive, but I am going to guess also to help them survive the radiation which goes hand in hand. From here I assume she begins to journey out to find more humans, but here is where things get interesting I guess.

Does she then bring them back to Polis to form a stronghold of survivors, this is where the new culture begins to form. At what point do people begin to branch out into their own clans. The reason I am assuming this is the way it happened is because no way can she spread the language and culture to so many people spread so far out. They all had to be together at some point and then spread out from there.

So with this I am going to guess every clan knows of the spirit and how the commander is chosen as they all follow the same spiritual beliefs it seems. Probably something we'll never see or find out, but I'd like to see how the 11 clans beyond Triku formed and what conflict happened to cause them to not be united.


It's been pretty well stated that Lexa formed this Coalition, no other commander did before her. Now other commanders may have united some clans in times of need, but not all 12. You're right there was a 1st, 2nd, etc. but they all were due to Lexa. Some tribes were probably very easy to being together and others like the Ice Nation needed work.
We only know for sure she forced the Ice Nation into the Coalition, otherwise there is a long list of ineffective Commanders. Titus alone served at least four of them before Lexa came into power. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but then at least I'd like to see some comments from the writers that there was no joined clans before at all.

Because the timeline would be weird if there wasn't. Lexa was about 20-22, a bit older than Clarke. She would have been Heda at most six years. If that is an average lifespan for the commanders, that would explain how Titus is now moving on to his sixth. But let's see the details.

She became the Heda at 16. After which there was at least one major war with the Ice Nation.
The war would be a trying time. This is probably around the time Costia got murdered as well.

"It was rough, but Lexa held things together. Actually forced the Ice Nation into the coalition after that."
So she held the coalition together through the war and forced them into the Coalition.

"Heda is the boss of all 12 Grounder clans. Her own, and 11 others. Lots of blood was spilled to make that so."
Heda/Commander is really the Coalition leader.

"Every clan has a leader. Every village within that clan has a leader and all 12 clans bow to the commander."
The leaders of the clan listen to the Commander. So it seems to imply previous commanders also had something to lead.

So with this I am going to guess every clan knows of the spirit and how the commander is chosen as they all follow the same spiritual beliefs it seems. Probably something we'll never see or find out, but I'd like to see how the 11 clans beyond Triku formed and what conflict happened to cause them to not be united.
Might be some sort of Roman Empire conquest as well. They conquered, but let them keep part of their beliefs. But this is really a show where I'm wishing for flashbacks.


We only know for sure she forced the Ice Nation into the Coalition, otherwise there is a long list of ineffective Commanders. Titus alone served at least four of them before Lexa came into power. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but then at least I'd like to see some comments from the writers that there was no joined clans before at all.

Because the timeline would be weird if there wasn't. Lexa was about 20-22, a bit older than Clarke. She would have been Heda at most six years. If that is an average lifespan for the commanders, that would explain how Titus is now moving on to his sixth. But let's see the details.

She became the Heda at 16. After which there was at least one major war with the Ice Nation.
The war would be a trying time. This is probably around the time Costia got murdered as well.

"It was rough, but Lexa held things together. Actually forced the Ice Nation into the coalition after that."
So she held the coalition together through the war and forced them into the Coalition.

"Heda is the boss of all 12 Grounder clans. Her own, and 11 others. Lots of blood was spilled to make that so."
Heda/Commander is really the Coalition leader.

"Every clan has a leader. Every village within that clan has a leader and all 12 clans bow to the commander."
The leaders of the clan listen to the Commander. So it seems to imply previous commanders also had something to lead.

Might be some sort of Roman Empire conquest as well. They conquered, but let them keep part of their beliefs. But this is really a show where I'm wishing for flashbacks.

You make some good points Joni.

I still think at some point they all broke off as I put it in my previous post and maybe previous commanders united some clans together slowly, but not a full 12 clan Coalition so I guess you are probably right she didn't necessarly come up with the IDEA of the Coalition of the 12 clans, but she is the one who made it finally happen.

The ideas might have been there prior to Lexa, but it just never happened. There was always probably some unity or joined clans due to war at some point or another. Maybe like 3-4 with Triku were always united and not at war, perhaps the major war with the Ice Nation who clearly has one of the largest armies is what finally let Lexa unite all of the clans together and then finally the Ice Nation.

I know books already exist that are separate from the show, but I'd love some TV show focused books that went into the background and prior to The 100 on Earth.
We only know for sure she forced the Ice Nation into the Coalition, otherwise there is a long list of ineffective Commanders. Titus alone served at least four of them before Lexa came into power. Maybe I'm wrong on this, but then at least I'd like to see some comments from the writers that there was no joined clans before at all.

Because the timeline would be weird if there wasn't. Lexa was about 20-22, a bit older than Clarke. She would have been Heda at most six years. If that is an average lifespan for the commanders, that would explain how Titus is now moving on to his sixth. But let's see the details.

She became the Heda at 16. After which there was at least one major war with the Ice Nation.
The war would be a trying time. This is probably around the time Costia got murdered as well.

"It was rough, but Lexa held things together. Actually forced the Ice Nation into the coalition after that."
So she held the coalition together through the war and forced them into the Coalition.

"Heda is the boss of all 12 Grounder clans. Her own, and 11 others. Lots of blood was spilled to make that so."
Heda/Commander is really the Coalition leader.

"Every clan has a leader. Every village within that clan has a leader and all 12 clans bow to the commander."
The leaders of the clan listen to the Commander. So it seems to imply previous commanders also had something to lead.

Might be some sort of Roman Empire conquest as well. They conquered, but let them keep part of their beliefs. But this is really a show where I'm wishing for flashbacks.

Through war and negotiations she made the Coalition happen.

All 12 clans bow to the Commander because Lexa made it so. Precious commanders just ruled Trikru.


Through war and negotiations she made the Coalition happen.

All 12 clans bow to the Commander because Lexa made it so. Precious commanders just ruled Trikru.

I agree Lexa MADE the Coalition of the 12 clans and I assume it started because of the war with the Ice Nation OR the war started because she was trying to form the Coalition and they didn't want it.

I think what Joni is saying is that it's not unlikely that other clans were united (not a coalition but not at war and did work together) before Lexa. Lexa without a doubt is the one who united all of them together though. Unless I'm mis-reading what Joni posted.

Prior to the Coalition the Commander ruled just Triku, but was still revered among the grounder clans due to their spiritual belief I'd assume. After the Coalition the Commander leads over all 12 clans including their own (which could not be Triku depending on the Commander now that they are united). The 11 other clans still have their own "leader" and ambassadors for their clan at Polis, but they all answer to the Commander now.
I agree Lexa MADE the Coalition of the 12 clans and I assume it started because of the war with the Ice Nation OR the war started because she was trying to form the Coalition and they didn't want it.

I think what Joni is saying is that it's not unlikely that other clans were united (not a coalition but not at war and did work together) before Lexa. Lexa without a doubt is the one who united all of them together though. Unless I'm mis-reading what Joni posted.

Prior to the Coalition the Commander ruled just Triku, but was still revered among the grounder clans due to their spiritual belief I'd assume. After the Coalition the Commander leads over all 12 clans including their own (which could not be Triku depending on the Commander now that they are united). The 11 other clans still have their own "leader" and ambassadors for their clan at Polis, but they all answer to the Commander now.

Yes. He's arguing that it already existed before Lexa and all she did was bring Azgeda in.


Yes. He's arguing that it already existed before Lexa and all she did was bring Azgeda in.

Ahhhhh ok

Ya my take is that the Coalition started with Lexa and may end with Lexa (will be interesting to see what happens). There were obviously peaceful clans with each other prior to Lexa, but they were all their own clan with their own rulers prior to this Coalition. I'm sure some easily joined the Coalition, some were a bit harder but joined through negotiation and obviously some like the Ice Nation had to go through war before they joined.
But they have never really implied 'commanders' lead anything else than the coalition.

...did you miss the whole part last episode with Becca coming down as the first Commander and forming Trikru?

The title of Heda and purpose of the AI existed literally generations before the Coalition.


...did you miss the whole part last episode with Becca coming down as the first Commander and forming Trikru?

The title of Heda and purpose of the AI existed literally generations before the Coalition.

I missed the part where she said anything more than "I'm here to help." Maybe you're right, but there is nothing confirmed just yet unless Jason said anything, in which case links are very welcome.


Heda definitely existed prior to there being more than 1 clan. This all obviously started with one clan and then broke out to the now 13 (well 12, 13 when Skikru gets their shit together) at some point. So the Commander/Heda existed from the beginning of the grounder birth, the Coalition of 12/13 clans is a new thing within their culture.

edit: In the end though I guess we're all just speculating on what we think, without seeing it or hearing it we can't be 100% for sure.


This is stolen from Reddit and Dragonz, but here is a summary of Javi's comments recently:

1.Only nightbloods can become commanders - when not in use, the chip retracts and goes inert (it is activated and deactivated with the latin phrase “seek higher things”).

2.Winning the trials by combat is believed in grounder spirituality to be the will of the dead commanders, even though that’s not how the chip works. Once the conclave ends and there is a single victor, the flamekepa activates, and then implants the chip inside the new heda using becca’s scalpel. Any nightblood can take the AI - the “choosing” is the grounders’ spiritual explanation for the result of the trials by combat.

3.Is the commander aware of the flame in there neck? Yes

4.The story of what happened to the 8th nightblood will be explored in future episodes

5.Titus’s scouts don’t necessarily find ALL the nightbloods out there, and all at the same time.

6.How much time passed between ALIE bombing the world and Polaris being blown/Becca coming down to Earth? some two years.

7.The nightblood serum was designed as a gene therapy - it’s not just about injecting it once or twice but about modifying all the blood in the body.

8.The religious interpretation of becca’s coming was probably not something the first survivors came up with. our idea is that generations probably died off early in the post apocalypse, and in the absence of formal schooling, long term familial attachments, recorded history, and so on, the language and customs degraded quickly

9.What i confirmed is that clarke has to go through a period of mourning and that ontari has been platformed as an adversary, and not shown to have any kind of amity toward clarke. Ontari is not clarke’s love interest, i assure you.


How screwed would the Grounders have been if Lexa died when not around any of her own people, like the whole situation with going off on all of those missions with Clarke? Come to think of it, with the gorilla she was basically like "it's cool if I die, my spirit gonna choose the next" but if Lexa died there, Clarke would have no idea about the chip and her body would have probably be eaten and torn apart by the gorilla.

So Javi answered this exact question on Twitter btw about the Gorilla.

Basically said unless Titus' scouts hunted Pauna down it would have ended the existence of the commander.



I don't know if anyone saw this, but a group of fans started a campaign to raise money for The Trevor Project. If you don't know what this is here's a small quote:

This is the kind of thing I like to see rise from this, fans coming together to help awareness. They have raised $5,073 already with an original goal of just $1,000.

edit: Is it ok to have this linked, Cornballer? It's for a good cause, but didn't know if GAF allowed it.

Last time I'll quote this I promise! Just so happy to see the community come together and have currently raised $13,000 for a good cause.


"Watch Alycia on FTWD" is apparently trending lmao

Black Panther
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Yep that's the worldwide trends right now.
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