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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c

Joni where you at we have an answer


So, this sounds like there were separate clans and villlages within each region (like the Seven Kingdoms in GoT) and then were united by Lexa. She's Aegon the Conquerer.


Yes, and they Ark crew gave him over to the Grounders to solidify an alliance which they proceeded to break when it was no longer convenient for them. What happened with Finn and the Alliance is exactly the point Pike is making, you cannot trust the Grounders. Basically, we are finally seeing the actions of Lexa bearing fruit. You cannot as a leader give your word and then re-nigh otherwise it makes future dealings troublesome as no one is willing to believe that you will follow through this time.

In fact, Pike's actions make even more sense given what the audience knows at the moment which he does not, that Lexa is dead. Every other clan leader wanted to raze Arkadia to the ground it was Lexa that compromised for only the head of Pike. However, with her death that compromise is on shaky ground as any new commander can recall that deal and push instead for the annihilation of Arkadia. Pike didn't have to start his war with the Grounders so soon and in the stupidest way possible but he is not wrong in his mistrust of the Grounders and his refusal to bend the collective knee to them.

"Our knees do not bend easily."


Great episode by the way, however, I can't say that Pike is in the wrong. Kain's efforts are treasonous and potentially very dangerous.
Not saying you are wrong. But on one hand, Pike was raised and raised children to believe that they were the last fucking people in all of existence, and everything they do has to justify their (Skykru's) survival. Nothing else. Grounders don't count, etc. And he's definitely been further pushed this way because of Farm Station's interactions with Ice Nation. And yeah, to Pike, it is a little ridiculous to basically put all your faith on a barely adult woman who thinks she can sit in court and keep the one other barely adult woman from ordering everyone under her to wipe you all out.

Meanwhile Kane has kinda reversed on that point of view. You see that in Polis earlier this season when he tells Abby how shocked he is to see how many people actually survived, and how insignificant Arkadia is or can be in the bigger picture. But he may be a little to idealistic at times. Pike sorta has a point about the whole Finn debacle last season and how it looks on paper, and he's not wrong. It looks like utter shit and somehow they just barely managed to escape from under that by sheer luck somehow.


Not saying you are wrong. But on one hand, Pike was raised and raised children to believe that they were the last fucking people in all of existence, and everything they do has to justify their (Skykru's) survival. Nothing else. Grounders don't count, etc. And he's definitely been further pushed this way because of Farm Station's interactions with Ice Nation. And yeah, to Pike, it is a little ridiculous to basically put all your faith on a barely adult woman who thinks she can sit in court and keep the one other barely adult woman from ordering everyone under her to wipe you all out.

Meanwhile Kane has kinda reversed on that point of view. You see that in Polis earlier this season when he tells Abby how shocked he is to see how many people actually survived, and how insignificant Arkadia is or can be in the bigger picture. But he may be a little to idealistic at times. Pike sorta has a point about the whole Finn debacle last season and how it looks on paper, and he's not wrong. It looks like utter shit and somehow they just barely managed to escape from under that by sheer luck somehow.

Totally. I think both Kain and Pike have their problems which have screwed over Arkadia. Kain is too idealistic and I would say to willing to bend the knee to the Grounders. If you remember at the beginning of the season Kain simply wished to negotiate a trade deal with Lexa and her Coalition to improve relations and ensure the survival of Arkadia. However, once he arrives in the capital not only does he learn that Lexa was the one that had Clarke kidnapped but also the terms of the deal is being changed, Lexa no longer wants a trade deal but for Skykru to bend the knee and become the 13th Clan.

Now, Kain at that point could have used some wisdom and said "no" or "I'll have to speak with my people about this." But, instead he decides all on his own to agree to these new terms and literally brand himself as a supplicant of Lexa. It's no surprise that a great many people back at Arkadia are appalled that he would have them all bend to Lexa and the Grounders who have been their enemy for some time all without consulting anyone back in Arkadia.

Pike, on the other hand, is too militaristic and prideful to understand that he cannot fight off all the Grounders alone. His concerns regarding any peace or bending the knee to the Grounders are justified but he goes about maintaining Arkadia's independence in the dumbest way possible. Rather than simply declaring Arkadia an independent nation, setting up delineated boundaries, and communicating his intentions to the Grounders he decides to simply massacre a force designed to "protect" them. He unnecessarily invokes the ire of every Grounder clan and then somehow acts surprised when they end up surrounding them. However, at this point he can't really turn back any alleged deal from the Grounders cannot be trusted as has been proven many times and his actions have all but insured a peaceful resolution cannot be reached.

I believe that the only way this conflict resolves itself is if another outside presence threatens both parties again necessitating a tentative peace.
Where was Clarke's mom during all of this? That was really strange.

I guess Paige Turco was not available to be on set out in the woods when they shot this and since it's a fairly low budget affair they can't film scenes earlier or later and edit it into the episode to make it look like she was there. In the credits there is no second unit mentioned what you would need to do stuff like this.
In a lot of behind the scenes stuff you find out a conversation between two characters was shot weeks apart in different locations with the back of an extra's head used.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Glad I wasn't the only one wondering where the fuck Abi was during all this. Seemed odd to not have her there, but if the actress wasn't available there really isn't much they can do.

I think Kane getting a death sentence will finally be the wakeup call Bellamy needed to realize he is on the wrong side. Octavia, Clarke, and Kane are all people you trust and they're telling you that you're fucking up. You might want to consider that you may be fucking up.

Pike and Monty's Mom probably aren't going to survive this season. They're just too radical. I wouldn't be shocked if that story she told him about his dad was bullshit, it just has to be.

First episode in awhile where I liked Jasper. I do respect the writers for not just sweeping his pain over losing Maya under the rug. An event like that should have a dramatic impact on his character.

I'm digging all the storylines this season. We are bouncing back and forth between The Ark and Grounder stuff and I'm not even mad.


Hunky Nostradamus
Do people really not want Pike and Bellami to succeed? What, you'd rather have Arcadia make peace with the Grounders? That's boring! Let there be war!


Overall a lot of shit happened that episode, but the biggest thing was easily Raven defying Allie.

I don't know if my theory of Love being able to break the AI control is right or if Raven was just that strong, but it was pretty heart breaking to watch her realize she couldn't remember Finn. Finn did some stupid shit, but he still meant everything to her.

Regarding Abby you guys are probably right and the actress just wasn't able to be on set that day, it's part of the issue not being a regular cast member. I can't remember but a few episodes ago didn't Kane tell her they needed to stay apart to not draw suspicion? Maybe he left her out of it on purpose.
Damn Gaeta 'bout to get got in two shows now.

Laughed when they talked about floating him, again.

Regarding the AI the way Jaha talked about it, that more people in the City of Light= more power for the AI, it sounds like it uses everyone's brain like a server cluster. It's essentially causing brain damage and wiping out memory, to use for itself.


hope theyre setting miller up as the new male lead for when this moron bellamy gets himself killed n_n

I'm pretty confident that Bellamy and Clarke are the only two characters who are guaranteed not to be killed right now. Bellamy will get his "redemption" story, but it won't be all bells and whistles like most shows.

At this point I do not want them pairing Clarke and Bellamy together though romantically, thankfully writers on the show have very much said Clarke is not being set up for a relationship anytime soon.


Smh I hate JRat

Not just JRat, Hollywood in general. I would have thought that even if last week had not happened, it's just something I expect anymore.

Though I saw some people complaining that their kiss looked forced, etc.... well no crap they're both on other sides of a fight and KNOW the other one is it wasn't going to be anything but forced.
Clexakru has raised 30k and counting for The Trevor Project! Fuck you Jason.

In other news, I hope Clarke carries that picture she drew of Lexa with her everywhere she goes and keeps it forever god why tf do I do this to myself


Clexakru has raised 30k and counting for The Trevor Project! Fuck you Jason.

In other news, I hope Clarke carries that picture she drew of Lexa with her everywhere she goes and keeps it forever god why tf do I do this to myself

I hadn't checked yet today to see what they were up to, but 30k is amazing! I donated $50 myself, but thought about going up a little.


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Bellamy is such a fucking tool - reminds me of Anakin. Monty having no backbone at all is really worrying at this point...how old is he supposed to be...12 ?
Skypeople fighting against each other while they are thousands of Grounders waiting to fuck them up...smh.

Kane and Raven were great though at least we have some characters that havent been screwed up yet. Even Jasper seems to be on his path to redemption.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
So if Miller's gay, we can expect his boyfriend to die soon, right?
Has anyone had a love interest that didn't die yet? I guess Octavia and Lincoln, but I doubt that streak will last much longer. Oh and Ravens boyfriend was 'pushed away' and just ceased to exist.


Has anyone had a love interest that didn't die yet? I guess Octavia and Lincoln, but I doubt that streak will last much longer. Oh and Ravens boyfriend was 'pushed away' and just ceased to exist.

That dude got let go because he's an asshole IRL, I'm glad they wrote him out.


That was an exciting episode, where I think Kane's triple threat plan is working. Okay, it failed the first two levels, but he did convince Bellamy that he is right.

Joni where you at we have an answer


So, this sounds like there were separate clans and villlages within each region (like the Seven Kingdoms in GoT) and then were united by Lexa. She's Aegon the Conquerer.

That means the Commander could still have lead some smaller ones, and that it was not a new idea. But yeah, she strengthened the idea completely.
That was an exciting episode, where I think Kane's triple threat plan is working. Okay, it failed the first two levels, but he did convince Bellamy that he is right.

That means the Commander could still have lead some smaller ones, and that it was not a new idea. But yeah, she strengthened the idea completely.

I view it more as..each clan had their separate alliances with villages and maybe the close clans that worked for them. Like, I doubt the plains people had anything to do with Trikru cause they're so far away. And I know a few of the tribes such as Shadow Valley are nomadic.


Ratings are out. Including the last several weeks for some context.

It looks like the CW was down all around, Legends of Tomorrow dropped .2 and The 100 dropped .1 last night. Other networks were down too, Big Bang had a season low rating on top of that.

edit: ahhh there were preemptions on CW networks last night, that explains their ratings being down.


We made it onto BBC

Man this is kinda historic for pop culture

Wow that's awesome, glad they brought up the community coming together to raise money for The Trevor Project too.

I am glad the message has gotten out there, for the most part the "death threat" and "cancel the 100" fans have been drowned out by the fans just wanting to get the message out there about the issue. Which is something I'm glad to see.
Wow that's awesome, glad they brought up the community coming together to raise money for The Trevor Project too.

I am glad the message has gotten out there, for the most part the "death threat" and "cancel the 100" fans have been drowned out by the fans just wanting to get the message out there about the issue. Which is something I'm glad to see.

Well there's still a huge rift between fans about the matter of cancellation, but ultimately that's not up to them. They can not watch the show but the CW will always have the final say. After this backlash though, I can't see it going past five seasons.


Well there's still a huge rift between fans about the matter of cancellation, but ultimately that's not up to them. They can not watch the show but the CW will always have the final say. After this backlash though, I can't see it going past five seasons.

Ya I saw the rift last night on twitter, it won't go away, but having the message get a spotlight on it is what matters the most.

I think JRat said he didn't want it to go beyond 5 seasons anyways so it might work out that way. At this point it's pretty much locked to come back next season (unless ratings drop), but who knows beyond that.

The one thing that really helps The 100 is it has a very large international fan base which also helped that Beauty and the Beast show stick around with .1 and .2 ratings for multiple seasons.
Didn't they say that Bellarke wouldn't happen?

That the writers were aware of how predictable that would be or something along those lines?

They've said that they're each other's "TRUE NORTH" or some shit like that, and they end up together in the books.

Recently AFAIK Jason's been trying to push it on Twitter or some shit but I haven't checked lately so I don't know for sure.

They have said however that they need to give Clarke the appropriate time to grieve Lexa, and I don't think she'd be with Bellamy after all the shit he's been pulling lately, so there's a ray of hope. It's small, about the size of Bellamy's dick, but it's there.
They've said that they're each other's "TRUE NORTH" or some shit like that, and they end up together in the books.

Recently AFAIK Jason's been trying to push it on Twitter or some shit but I haven't checked lately so I don't know for sure.

They have said however that they need to give Clarke the appropriate time to grieve Lexa, and I don't think she'd be with Bellamy after all the shit he's been pulling lately, so there's a ray of hope. It's small, about the size of Bellamy's dick, but it's there.

Goddamn. lol.

You're in too deep, Dragonz. We may need to arrange an intervention...


They've said that they're each other's "TRUE NORTH" or some shit like that, and they end up together in the books.

Recently AFAIK Jason's been trying to push it on Twitter or some shit but I haven't checked lately so I don't know for sure.

They have said however that they need to give Clarke the appropriate time to grieve Lexa, and I don't think she'd be with Bellamy after all the shit he's been pulling lately, so there's a ray of hope. It's small, about the size of Bellamy's dick, but it's there.



I view it more as..each clan had their separate alliances with villages and maybe the close clans that worked for them. Like, I doubt the plains people had anything to do with Trikru cause they're so far away. And I know a few of the tribes such as Shadow Valley are nomadic.
Yes, but like two-three clans close by could have formed a small alliance for instance.

Ahhh there were preemptions on CW networks last night, that explains their ratings being down.
Thank god.
They've said that they're each other's "TRUE NORTH" or some shit like that, and they end up together in the books.

Recently AFAIK Jason's been trying to push it on Twitter or some shit but I haven't checked lately so I don't know for sure.

They have said however that they need to give Clarke the appropriate time to grieve Lexa, and I don't think she'd be with Bellamy after all the shit he's been pulling lately, so there's a ray of hope. It's small, about the size of Bellamy's dick, but it's there.

what's going on. lol.


I still don't get it why Monty turned over to help Pike and his people that easily. He didn't lose anyone, all he does is making me hate him. Coward.
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