Damn, seems like at a con or some interview thing Ricky is finally spilling the truth about his issues with Jason.
I've seen some tweets from people attending the con. If it's to be believed, Ricky called Jason a Muppet as well as a bully.Yeah, hopefully we get some footage or direct quotes because at the moment it still seems like he's being pretty vague. The only concrete thing I've read is to do with Jason wanting to be controlling over how the cast talk about the show on social media.
Which doesn't really seem like a big deal, so I'm sure there's more to it.
I've seen some tweets from people attending the con. If it's to be believed, Ricky called Jason a Muppet as well as a bully.
Apparently the cast were not allowed to post much behind the scenes stuff so Jason could get all the followers or attention.
It wasn't even Ricky, Lindsey Morgan who plays Raven remarked they all have something to say about Jason. Also according to her, Raven was scheduled to die numerous times in season 1 but they kept changing it. Presumably this means the bullet would have killed her, and not disabled her.
True, it could be nothing, but it definitely seems Ricky does not like Jason at all. Especially when his own mother tweeted about the disputes, there definitely seems to be something there that isn't just fan speculation.Yeah I've read that. I find it hard to believe that a professional showrunner would care about followers/attention, but hey maybe he is that pathetic. I find it easier to believe that after shit leaked at the start of the season, Jason wanted to control any social media stuff and have it come from himself/the network.
Again, it's all assumptions because no one is actually being clear about what happened. I dunno, I'm taking everything with a pinch of salt recently if it comes from this fandom because of how often I've read that the 'cast are throwing shade at Jason on twitter' when there was nothing to suggest that.
I think the entire thing is absolute bullshit. A show is not a manifestation of your fantasies, and no fan should ever hold a show hostage because it doesn't align with how you think things should happen.
Write your own fanfiction if you want a fantasy world where you get nothing but happy endings.
True, it could be nothing, but it definitely seems Ricky does not like Jason at all. Especially when his own mother tweeted about the disputes, there definitely seems to be something there that isn't just fan speculation.
Another ep of Bellamy being a fucking idiot, and Monty being a chump.
Fuck man.
No, I think fans boycotting shows because their favourite character is dead is bullshit.As if this isn't some of the most privileged shit I've read.
You think raising $30,000+ for an LGBT focused charity is bullshit? You clearly don't understand what the actual issue is. This isn't about shipping or whining because your favourite character died. I'm sorry you can't grasp that.
As if this isn't some of the most privileged shit I've read.
You think raising $30,000+ for an LGBT focused charity is bullshit? You clearly don't understand what the actual issue is. This isn't about shipping or whining because your favourite character died. I'm sorry you can't grasp that.
I don't think he would do anything for the grounders, it's just that they were working towards something. Kane was working to build something with them because what's the point in getting more people killed? Pike refused to see that there really could be something and massacred like 300 people for no good reason at all. Kane isn't a dickhead, Pike is a lunatic.Trying to drive Pike out of Arcadia to be tortured to death by the grounders cemented in my mind that Kane is an absolute dickhead. I honestly think he'd do absolutely anything for the grounders at this point. And I certainly won't forget him saying "they made their choice" about the rest of Arcadia that voted for Pike.
And Pike is in the wrong for ordering the death of Kane after he committed treason but yet Kane is in the right for wanting to drive Pike out to the grounders so he can be tortured to death?
Also, Kane's speech about how Pike should accept the world as it is and not how things should be is utter shit. If that was the case then the human race would still be foraging for food and living in caves.
Of course money raised isn't bullshit, but calling for a boycott of a show because an actress playing a gay character took a gig on another show is grossly unfair to just about everyone else involved.As if this isn't some of the most privileged shit I've read.
You think raising $30,000+ for an LGBT focused charity is bullshit? You clearly don't understand what the actual issue is. This isn't about shipping or whining because your favourite character died. I'm sorry you can't grasp that.
Of course money raised isn't bullshit, but calling for a boycott of a show because an actress playing a gay character took a gig on another show is grossly unfair to just about everyone else involved.
I don't think he would do anything for the grounders, it's just that they were working towards something. Kane was working to build something with them because what's the point in getting more people killed? Pike refused to see that there really could be something and massacred like 300 people for no good reason at all. Kane isn't a dickhead, Pike is a lunatic.
No, I think fans boycotting shows because their favourite character is dead is bullshit.
And I absolutely think the bulk of it is because certain groups of fans project themselves onto the characters and throw a tantrum when those characters come to an unfortunate end. It results in gems like "why can't we get happy endings".
Because (as I said) it isn't a manifestation of their hopes and dreams.
Of course money raised isn't bullshit, but calling for a boycott of a show because an actress playing a gay character took a gig on another show is grossly unfair to just about everyone else involved.
Why do you care why people stop watching a show? If my favourite character, like the main reason I watch a show in the first place, is killed off, then I'm probably gonna be less interested in that show. Does this really bother you?
'Certain groups'. You mean young lesbian and bisexual girls? A group I'm sure you're not a part of, so I can't even begin to try to make you understand what all of this means. This isn't just about Lexa or The 100 anymore. It's about a fundamental problem with how LGBT characters are treated in the media, because whether you like it or not, the media does influence and it does have a responsibility.
The thing that trended on Twitter the most is 'LGBT fans deserve better'. Got nothing to do with cancelling the show and I'm not defending those people either. The entire movement isn't just about cancelling the show. $30,000 doesn't get raised for charity simply because people want a show off the air.
IIt seems to me they knew about the actress' FTWD job a while back and decided to write this entire AI plot with that in mind. So really they'd have to reverse time and rewrite the entire season to have any hope of getting around it all.
Firstly if you have an extreme dislike for fans shaping a show, it is also a problem with the writers who take that feedback and incorporate it. Not the fans. And we are talking about a television show. Firstly it's commercial art and secondly it is probably the most imperfect form of media there is in terms of creation, production, etc. So of course something might slip through. There are numerous examples. Sometimes for the worse, occasionally for the better. And again, it's not really a problem with how the fans want to see the show, it's the writers taking said ball and running with it and making fools of themselves.If I meant LGBT girls then I would say that directly. I'm talking about fans who would shape a show into what they want, which - as a writer myself - is something that I do not like.
Just out of curiosity what did people want to happen to Lexa? Do a Poochie and have her return to her home planet (only without the dying) so they can one day fantasise about her returning?
But that begs the question: What would happen with the AI chip in her neck plotline if she wasn't dead?
It seems to me they knew about the actress' FTWD job a while back and decided to write this entire AI plot with that in mind. So really they'd have to reverse time and rewrite the entire season to have any hope of getting around it all.
It seems to me they knew about the actress' FTWD job a while back and decided to write this entire AI plot with that in mind. So really they'd have to reverse time and rewrite the entire season to have any hope of getting around it all.
I want to see who they will attempt to redeem Ballamy..He has really become a pos. Executing those grounders in front of everyone will be hard to ignore when the inevitable treaty comes
No, I think fans boycotting shows because their favourite character is dead is bullshit.
And I absolutely think the bulk of it is because certain groups of fans project themselves onto the characters and throw a tantrum when those characters come to an unfortunate end. It results in gems like "why can't we get happy endings".
Because (as I said) it isn't a manifestation of their hopes and dreams.
Some Twitter drama. Apparently Lindsay Morgan lived out of a suitcase for six months cause she was supposed to die season one. They added in her sex scene with Bellamy for shock value, intending to kill her immediately afterwards.
Also, some images have surfaced from 3x09. I'll post direct links below just in case no one wants to be spoiled.
I don't want to watch 3x09 anymore.
If it's true that Jason Rothenberg literally forbade the cast from posting behind the scene stuff or doing Periscopes because he wanted to get all the social media attention then that's kind of messed up.That Ricky shit is pretty fucking insane.
Sounds like it's true they were making the story up as they went in season 1.
I love how some of you think we don't get it. We get it, trust me. We're just being practical and understanding what goes into writing a show. It's awesome that the show had a character that was impactful to a community. It's fantastic. Yeah it sucks that she had to be killed off. What would have them do?
Reminds me of Bernie Supporters. So focused on the end goal but not willing to take the baby steps to get there by voting for Hillary if given the chance. The dream is still alive it just may take a bit longer. Same with this show or representation in Hollywood. This is a step in the right direction. It's more inclusive than ever before. You just want more. This show should be applauded for it having a Lesbian character that was powerful and enigmatic that connected to people across the world. This is a good thing.
This is literally all I'm asking for. Support. Understanding. Compassion.
Who is not supporting?
The issue is from your posts is the insulation that the writers are purposely killing off gay or bi characters..instead of the fact that they have killed every race, sex, age to highlight the brutality of this new world.
In this case the actress left the show of her own accord to work on FOTWD and in keeping with the theme of this show they worked this season around this.
What realistic scenario could have played out where Lexa leaves the show and her character survives without including the grounder alliance?
1. Y'all come in here and say "it's just a story!!!1111!!! what a twist!!!111!! wow she deserved it why are you guys getting upset over it?" As a bisexual woman, she meant more to me than she ever will to you. Because of the movement she represented and who she was as a character. You may not understand my life, but surely you can understand that she was important to the LGBTQ community as a whole? And yet, people continue to shut us down for getting "too attached?"
2. Um...there IS a history of killing off gays and bisexuals on TV, because it's "tragic". A different kind of love than the norm in regards to what Hollywood deems "normal" is doomed because first it draws in viewers, and then shoots it all to shit with a death of one half of the couple. Maybe writers aren't consciously doing it, but you can't deny there's a trend. 90 lesbians and bisexuals in TV alone? I mean, come on.
3. There's no confirmation she left on her own. Actually recent Periscopes suggest she could've fit it into her schedule and that she wanted to come back. But there's no link to the post, so take it as you will.
4. It's not about her dying, not really. And when I say this, I'm talking about Lexa individually, not the Dead Lesbian Trope. If she had to die, fine. So be it. But don't fucking do it after a passionate and beautiful sex scene with the woman she loves. Don't fucking allow her as a character and the fans watching to be happy only to have her dead on a pile of furs not five minutes later. That's just fucking shitty.
Who is not supporting?
The issue is from your posts is the insulation that the writers are purposely killing off gay or bi characters..instead of the fact that they have killed every race, sex, age to highlight the brutality of this new world.
In this case the actress left the show of her own accord to work on FOTWD and in keeping with the theme of this show they worked this season around this.
What realistic scenario could have played out where Lexa leaves the show and her character survives without including the grounder alliance?
Yes hello this matters
As the CEO of the CW network, yeah right.
All 90 Dead Lesbian and Bisexual Characters on TV and How They Died
Tell me again how it's "just to make good TV" and "not an issue".
They had to, Pedowitz asked them to go darker so he could renew the show. We have this show because they did rewrite.That Ricky shit is pretty fucking insane.
Sounds like it's true they were making the story up as they went in season 1.
Firstly if you have an extreme dislike for fans shaping a show, it is also a problem with the writers who take that feedback and incorporate it. Not the fans.
Kane was a dick in space, but those were hard calls demanded by the situation. Now, they exist in a completely different situation with a completely different culture. There's zero reason for him to operate the same way.Yeah I can't take Kane serious especially all the mass murders he did on the Arc. For little crimes he immediately floated them. Now he wants to play peace keeper.
Kane was a dick in space, but those were hard calls demanded by the situation. Now, they exist in a completely different situation with a completely different culture. There's zero reason for him to operate the same way.
More ranting about Kane:
If left to his own devices Kane would let Arcadia be subsumed into grounder society.
Scholars have long ago already disclaimed that concept of the Dark Ages. It were the Dark Ages because the people behind them wanted to claim superiority. It is mainly the 'Enlightened' generation that used that, to show that they were much better than the savages before them while killing off massive amounts of people themselves. Let's say that Trump wins the election and installs a dictatorship. If he calls the time before him the Dark Ages, it is just as believable.That kind of thinking is what kept Europe in the dark age for centuries.