Incredible. You're actually justifying the grounder's way of life.
They are the ones with the blood must have blood mantra, but yet they are the ones who began systematically hunting down The 100 back in season 1. An event which began this entire chain of events.
Incidentally I find the "good guys" suggesting that maybe they should live like that to be extremely alarming. By that I mean it is alarming that they seriously think abducting democratically elected leaders, carting them off and letting others torture them to death is a reasonable approach (killing leaders who you disagree with is a very grounder thing to do btw).
Their willingness to resort to that kind of behaviour honestly makes me dislike them. If we followed their line of thinking then eventually all law would break down and anarchy would reign.
A better approach would be to reinstate the ruling council so decisions to engage in war could be made fairly by elected officials. That way you could avoid dictatorial behaviour by individuals like Pike or Kane (yes, Kane).
k what are you talking about? the whole idea of elections/democracy not leading to dicatorial behaviour [i think this is the wrong word , but crazy society selfish behaviour] like pike or kane is moot because pike was elected. by the people of arkadia. hence that point actually kind of supports that elections and demoncracy can lead to dictatorial behaviour.
with regards to their early history . i see it more in the lines of native behaviour vs anglo saxon colonial behaviour. the natives in this case grounders trikru defending their territory from invaders [the 100]. i see it as an inevitable conflict brought about by the sudden arrival of a new variable in an environment
ultimately thought the reason i pick grounders over arkadians is because i want to look at the bigger picture. i see the arkadian culture as selfish, representetive and similar to the culture that lead the world to destruction while the grounder culture although barbaric in nature , seems to seek a balance between their people and the environment around them.
i think as humans no matter how hard you try to control that barbarism , the outlet for it is inevitable. like water in a bottle. the arkadians actively try to control that water leaving the bottle, they dont see it as a part of them (ignorantly) hence when it comes out, it cause larger bouts of change in the environment . the loss of the mountain men. etc
while the grounders see the barbaric nature as part of them. its just a part of their existence. the need to kill invaders for the sake of peace. they don't need to believe that human society or community needs to establish priority or superiority over other things like nature etc. maybe embrace is the word.
i am not quite sure i communicated the last point correctly.