Well I got to the part where the Grounders show up at the gate and Bellamy was just being annoying so I said fuck it and closed the tab
I like Abby, Kane, Harper, Miller and Lincoln who are there as of right now.
I just don't see myself ever really liking Bellamy again no matter how they try to redeem him. I hope they understand this, they can have him redeem himself, but still not be trusted again. Because he clearly wants to get redeemed to save the people as he feels Pike is wrong, but he clearly still dislikes/hates the Grounders.
Honestly I got five minutes in when Pike was at the watchtower and he said something like "Something has changed..." and I thought about last episode and I was like oh no don't talk about Lexa
This episode showed that Clarke can die and the show can still carry on
This episode showed that Clarke can die and the show can still carry on
Can't believe Bellamy killed the messengers, that's just shit you don't do. I got more respect for Pike than Bellamy after that shit.
I'm expecting them to have Clarke forced to destroy the city of light, with a final teary farewell between the two before it happens.Yup. Plus they can do the happy ending for Clark-Lexa through City Of Light happily ever after to appease the shippers.
Me waiting for Octavia to beat the shit out of Bellamy like
Kane finally got a bit of credit from me this episode. He is back to sneaking and smart planning. Unlike Abby who still hasn't achieved anything in this show.Abby and Kane suck. All the Arkcadia adults suck (except Pike who is cool because he's stirring shit up). The show is better when it's just the young people fending for themselves.
(Okbjgm is Javi, one of the writers)
Did they actually record all the variations though? I just assumed these were rewrites.
Regardless, the timing is still the worst offender in my mind. But anything but a stray bullet would have still been marginally better.
Did they actually record all the variations though? I just assumed these were rewrites.
Regardless, the timing is still the worst offender in my mind. But anything but a stray bullet would have still been marginally better.
The timing and the fucking stray bullet combined are the worse, honestly they are both bad even solo. The timing is still what gets me the most though.
Jumping in front of a bullet to save Clarke would have been much better, fighting a group of assassin's or something also would have worked better.
If he kills her, she can't be used by Lexa's enemies.Anything but Titus turning into a complete lunatic as well. He tells Lexa to make Clarke leave so she doesn't end up like Costia, so when she's literally about to leave he tries to fucking kill her. What?
If he kills her, she can't be used by Lexa's enemies.
Right, but that didn't seem to be his thought process. Why would he tell Lexa to make her leave if killing her was his goal?
He thought that she would still be a distraction to Lexa, because obviously she'd still worry about Clarke being in that dangerous Arkadia situation and not safe in Polis.
Also if Clarke died at the hands of Skaikru (as was the plan), Lexa would be furious and would probs kill them all.
...wait a hot minute
so next episode is titledStealing Fire
If the AI is the "flame"...is someone gonna steal it?
I assume it means Ontari possibly
Quite possibly, don't read my spoiler if you don't want to see my guess what will happen.
You think she'll just up and steal it instead of fighting to the death to be commander?
I don't think Titus would be bothered about Lexa killing Skaikru though. I'm sure he would have preferred that than her trying to make peace.
Anyway, fuck Titus.
Well from the trailer we can assume that she, but that's too straightforward. I don't think she'll actually get the spirit in the end.wins the Conclave cause we see her covered in nightblood and on Lexa's throne
That's what he wanted though, a war with Skaikru. But she would never do it with Clarke still alive promoting the concept of peace. In her rage and grief, Lexa would probably slaughter the people who opposed her, which means Skaikru.
Huh. Maybesteals it.Clarke (or Murphy)
I guess I just didn't get that from what was shown. Seemed so OOC to me. God I hate him so much. I hope he isn't in too much of the next episode.
I want Clarke to get her revenge
Kane finally got a bit of credit from me this episode. He is back to sneaking and smart planning. Unlike Abby who still hasn't achieved anything in this show.
I guarantee you he will be in it quite a lot. I assume they will hold some form of a funeral for Lexa and he will host over it.
I foresee her and Titus being allies and/or helping each other going forward with that swear he made.
I foresee her and Titus being allies and/or helping each other going forward with that swear he made.
Going back to the episode title and thoughts...
What if Ontari isn't even invited to the conclave, so she shows up and slaughters all of the nightbloods, hence her stealing the flame because there's no other choice but her.
She will be lol, everyone knows she's a nightblood now
also she's at Lexa's funeral so
Time to reflect a bit on the events of Episode 308 of The 100, before the show takes a two-week break. AJ and Jo talk all about Arkadia and the battle lines being drawn there, as well as new partners-in-crime Raven and Jasper. Plus, a week removed from 307, thoughts on the fan fallout from the end of "Thirteen," what the show got right and what it got wrong.
True. He is very actively trying to accomplish something,. Abby, on the other hand, honestly should have been killed off a season or two ago.but it just so happens that his goals, if achieved, would make for a boring show so I want him to fail
All caught up.
I feel like people in this thread have already talked everything that needed to be talked, so I'll just say that I don't quite fear the possibily of Bellarke becoming a thing. Mostly because after the latest episode I can't envision an scenario in which Bellamy makes it to the next season, just like Monty's mom and probably even Pike (although I would't mind Pike going rogue with a bunch of Arkardians and running their own place as a new background threat for future seasons).
I don't think Bellamy's sins can be attoned.
The new The Dropship podcast is out.
Really enjoy their podcast, they have some good theories also. Tomorrow I believe they have an interview podcast going up with Chelsey Reist aka Harper.
All caught up.
I feel like people in this thread have already talked everything that needed to be talked, so I'll just say that I don't quite fear the possibility of Bellarke becoming a thing. Mostly because after the latest episode I can't envision an scenario in which Bellamy makes it to the next season, just like Monty's mom and probably even Pike (although I would't mind Pike going rogue with a bunch of Arkardians and running their own place as a new background threat for future seasons).
I don't think Bellamy's sins can be attoned.
All caught up.
I feel like people in this thread have already talked everything that needed to be talked, so I'll just say that I don't quite fear the possibility of Bellarke becoming a thing. Mostly because after the latest episode I can't envision an scenario in which Bellamy makes it to the next season, just like Monty's mom and probably even Pike (although I would't mind Pike going rogue with a bunch of Arkardians and running their own place as a new background threat for future seasons).
I don't think Bellamy's sins can be attoned.
All caught up.
I feel like people in this thread have already talked everything that needed to be talked, so I'll just say that I don't quite fear the possibility of Bellarke becoming a thing. Mostly because after the latest episode I can't envision an scenario in which Bellamy makes it to the next season, just like Monty's mom and probably even Pike (although I would't mind Pike going rogue with a bunch of Arkardians and running their own place as a new background threat for future seasons).
I don't think Bellamy's sins can be attoned.
Bellamy will be fine. He will turn and start helping the good guys. I bet he will even end up killing pike. He will thrn get with Clarke.
You are underestimating the power of love-
Bellamy will be fine. He will turn and start helping the good guys and help them take back Arkardia. I bet he will even end up killing Pike. He will then get with Clarke before being killed.
Bellamy will be fine. He will turn and start helping the good guys and help them take back Arkardia. I bet he will even end up killing Pike. He will then get with Clarke before being killed.