There is absolutely no scenario where Clarke falling in love with Bellamy makes any sense at this point. Even killing Pike isn't gonna redeem him.
I agree with everything except the last part. They are going to "redeem" him, but he isn't going to walk away clean that's for sure.
I just don't see them pairing Clarke and Bellamy now, pre-Pike maybe eventually, but not now after everything.
There is absolutely no scenario where Clarke falling in love with Bellamy makes any sense at this point. Even killing Pike isn't gonna redeem him.
Last part was more long term. He will redeem himself and be a good guy for half a season or more. He will die saving Clarke either from the City of Light or on the battle field. Clarke will fall for him as he is dying in her arms.
Clarke knows how it feels to do stupid stuff because you wanna protect your own people...they will bond and have hot sex because she will be the only one that understands him. lol
Clarke knows how it feels to do stupid stuff because you wanna protect your own people...they will bond and have hot sex because she will be the only one that understands him. lol
Would Octarave distract you from it though?
Is Octarave a thing? If not it should be!
I could see him sacrificing himself to save her, but beyond that I don't see them every being together. They will always have some form of a bond, but I think a romantic relationship is off the table now
I'm pretty sure it is, but I think Bellamy and Raven have more shippers.
I googled it and the only relevant result was actually my post in this thread haha.
We'll make it a thing. Who's with me?!
I googled it and the only relevant result was actually my post in this thread haha.
We'll make it a thing. Who's with me?!
I'd be completely down for Raven and Octavia lol
That isn't how the city of light works...
I'm pretty sure it is, but I think Bellamy and Raven have more shippers.
Bellamy is unfortunately going down the same path as Finn, somehow becoming a different character during the break between seasons. It was forgivable once.
Perhaps they did it again to show there can be redemption. Killing 300 is far harder to come back from than 18 though
But they were soldiers not innocent women and children! (which is what Bellamy shippers will say)
God watching him get the crap beat out of him by Octavia is going to be so good.
But they were soldiers not innocent women and children! (which is what Bellamy shippers will say)
God watching him get the crap beat out of him by Octavia is going to be so good.
You think that will happen?
Ergh... Imagine if him getting beat by Octavia is what makes him and Clarke close. She starts feeling sorry for him and stops the beating. Think I will be sick.
I don't think that'll be the outcome, it'll be the moment he realizes how much he screwed up and he will try to redeem himself in anyway possible.
The one constant in his life has been Octavia and losing her will be what pushes him over the edge.
I can just see the show turning it into some sort of love thing. Instead of him getting what he deserves.
I also wonder who is next to fall for the City of Light crap?
Just let me say that I'm pleasantly surprised by how well they handled the whole City of Light thing after its lame start. It looked like it was going to be one stinker of a sideplot, but it turned out fairly interesting.
Ergh... Imagine if him getting beat by Octavia is what makes him and Clarke close. She starts feeling sorry for him and stops the beating. Think I will be sick.
Well, we don't even know if Clarke's gonna be there when the beating happens. I also hope they wouldn't make her get over Lexa that quickly. If anything were to happen between her and Bellamy (blegh), it'd have to be next season.
Just let me say that I'm pleasantly surprised by how well they handled the whole City of Light thing after its lame start. It looked like it was going to be one stinker of a sideplot, but it turned out fairly interesting.
In a weird coincidence since Octavia/Raven was mentioned earlier, Layne Morgan (PA on the show) reblogged this not that long ago. Although she calls it roctavia. It's a thing haha. Of course it is.
Well, we don't even know if Clarke's gonna be there when the beating happens. I also hope they wouldn't make her get over Lexa that quickly. If anything were to happen between her and Bellamy (blegh), it'd have to be next season.
The actors wouldn't like it either, so they might listen to them.
There are 'fans' who want the show canceled? why?
Because they didnt get that this show might kill someone important.There are 'fans' who want the show canceled? why?
Because Jason is a piece of shit who queerbaits his fans for ratings and then treats them like absolute shit and claims he's being bullied when he gets called out on his garbage and also does shitty things to the cast like locking Lincoln up for a whole season so Ricky wouldn't get screentime.
That really sucks for Ricky.
I don't know, as much as I can hate some of the decisions and some of the things that have happened. I would hate it even more if the show was canceled, I hate stories without some kind of closure.
- Mo Ryan for Variety: What TV Can Learn From The 100 Mess
- Mo Ryan for Variety: What TV Can Learn From The 100 Mess
Wheres the thinkpiece on how the show treats its actors and fans who are POC?
Yeah, but it seemed like most of the writers working on season 7 disliked Kennedy's themselves. I think I remember reading somewhere that the writers were basically writing Kennedy into a bunch of terrible situations but not killing her off because Joss apparently loved the character.Does anyone remember that the exact same backlash happened with Buffy whendied? And you wanna know how they responded to the backlash? Kennedy. Fucking Kennedy.Tara
It's because of that, that I think writers should just be allowed to tell their stories.
We know nothing for sure about what happened to him though.That really sucks for Ricky.
From the comment on that article....
What does POC stand for in this context ?