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The 100 S3 |OT| Adventures In Character Assassination - Thursdays 9/8c


If all DLC came tied to $13 figurines, I'd consider all DLC to be free
Kane? Assuming he doesn't kick the bucket in the next few episodes. Clarke is likely going to come back to Arkadia eventually too, there's nothing left for her at Polis.

Kane is part of the old guard - meaning he will have his consultant role but the last arcs have presented Bellamy as the person who will likely lead them once all the fuckery is over. He is the only one who can unite both section of skycrews...which is why Kane AND Pike were trying to win him over, knew how important he is to whatever they are planning.

Man i miss that side of Clarke..hope she comes back soon...i need Badass Clarke in my life.

Clarke will rule Skaikru and the Grounders as Commander :p
I dont see Clarke in that position lol...i could see her lead one crew - but not all and not as Commander. But who knows....

Nobody else lol. Why would anybody follow him after what he's done?

What has he done ? They are at war and he did what he thought was necessary to keep his people safe.
Pike wouldnt be running shit right now if most of Skycrew right now wouldnt feel the same. So yeah they killed some Grounders...it happens, how man Skycrew people were killed by Grounders in the last 2 seasons ? Bellamy is far from irredeemable considering the stuff other people in the show have pulled of for less noble reasons.


Caught up, shame about Lexa, way too sudden even though it was coming. Really liked that character.

So glad that there is a glimpse of Raven still having control. I noticed Jaha had a blip momentarily. Where was the doctor this episode, hope she has been digging into that chip.

Bellamy. yeah don't see him getting out of this one and staying with his people. Banishment but looks for redemption and is tasked with finding Polaris.

Monty and his mum, make it stop /o

The chip in Lexa, how does it actually work then, they co-exist, no control but are they aware of each other?
The chip in Lexa, how does it actually work then, they co-exist, no control but are they aware of each other?

It's an AI that focuses on human needs, and calculates all of the possible courses of action and then transmits them to the user based on those needs. Both the AI and its host essentially work together to further society.

All of the memories of each previous host is in the AI, and is transferred to the new host upon their death. In Grounder culture, this is the "spirit of the Commander".

At the end of the day, the host is still their own person, they just have...an extra helping hand, so to speak.
Was I the only one who got the impression the chip inside Lexa was basically the AI consciousness of the woman who created it? So it also carries the memories etc of everyone who has lived and died as it's host? I've not read any of the spoilers posted.

Also TIL there has been an uproar about her death. I guess I didn't really think about her sexuality when she bought it but I see some of the points being made. My reaction was "wow her advisor must feel like an idiot, I bet he will learn not to go off the handle so much. I guess the actress can concentrate on FTWD now"

Edit - ha, just as I write that, people bring the memories thing up


Started bad, became good and is now bad again. He was definitely a "good" guy in season 2.
Still counting him in the grey-grey column.

Was I the only one who got the impression the chip inside Lexa was basically the AI consciousness of the woman who created it? So it also carries the memories etc of everyone who has lived and died as it's host? I've not read any of the spoilers posted.

It depends on how much BEcca differs from the AI v2.
Ok I'm putting this all in spoilers because it has season finale mentions, but it's regarding the above discussion.

The fact Jason, the show runner, invited fans to come watch them film the finale which had Clarke and Lexa together on set. They were hugging, fighting together, etc. which in turn leads you to believe that they will make it to the end. Showing Lexa and Clarke get together and then ripping that away within a commercial break is some major queerbaiting I'm sorry.

Sure not everyone knew about this, but the LGBTQ fans took this as a sign that things would be different. Obviously if Jason would not have invited the fans to come to the set and watch this there wouldn't have been as many expectations that they'd make it.

Just an example.

This was a scene shot in downtown Vancouver which is impossible to keep secret. Since this was filmed in a modern, not post apocalyptic city it was obviously not a real thing happening in the world the show is set in but in the virtual reality of the City of Light or as a dream. And as the show had already shown that a dead person still exists in the COL it was quite clear that Lexa was dead in this scene and Clarke sees her in the COL. If it is in fact Lexa's mind still existing or some trick being played on Clarke remains to be seen but it could hardly have been less suggestive of Clarke and Lexa surviving together.


Post Count: 9999
Even if she wasn't on another show, Lexa was done for. Between the hostile Arkers and the frustrated clans, someone was going to kill her. Plus now that she's dead we get to see the ascension ceremony and the commander's spirit tying together the whole history of Grounders and Arkers. Lexa dying is 100% the rational move for the show, IMO. Too much of the plot was being held back by her being alive. She continuously blocked potential climaxes and revelations. It's pretty clear now that her death is going to be the catalyst to the next few weeks of chaos and some much needed action.
Not only that ... Lexa's death was essential for the overall AI plot. They foreshadowed this happening when she discussed reincarnation, we just didn't understand what it meant.

Once the writers decided they were going to show the second AI, Lexa had to be killed. How else would there be a way to reveal its location, explain grounder reincarnation, and tie the grounders back story to everything? The revelation and tying the stories together was literally contingent on her death.

While her commitment to FTWD may have impacted the timing of how this played out, I'm pretty sure the character was always envisioned to die.


Not only that ... Lexa's death was essential for the overall AI plot. They foreshadowed this happening when she discussed reincarnation, we just didn't understand what it meant.

Once the writers decided they were going to show the second AI, Lexa had to be killed. How else would there be a way to reveal its location, explain grounder reincarnation, and tie the grounders back story to everything? The revelation and tying the stories together was literally contingent on her death.

While her commitment to FTWD may have impacted the timing of how this played out, I'm pretty sure the character was always envisioned to die.

Most people knew she would die, there was a slight glimmer of hope that she wouldn't, but again it's HOW and WHEN she died is the biggest issue.

There's plenty of ways they could have taken the story though so honestly there's no answer to what would have happened if she signed on full time which Jason wanted but wanted it too late.


Unconfirmed Member
I can. The way I view the show atm is Bellamy and Clarke are the main leads and this is their story.

Ya the only two characters with death proof armor are Bellamy and Clarke IMO. I just don't see Bellamy immediately being forgiven by everyone and being back in everyone's graces. He's going to be "redeemed" for some sure, but that doesn't change his outlook on the Grounders or how the Grounders will look at him. He just doesn't like how Pike is running things, there's a difference.

I still consider Murphy a 3rd main character. He should have died more than double digit amounts at this point and he is not even a character with much fandom behind him. There's been so many 'almosts' and 'just misses' with him that he is pretty much Nathan Drake at this point. Maybe that's the secret because characters who have many fans seem to die before he even comes close.

On a side note: It seems like Bellamy is being setup to get killed in the future but I don't think they'll pull the trigger just yet. Maybe he will become gravely injured or something.


Post Count: 9999




She didn't die through any actions of that "savage" tribal culture. She died because Titus wasn't happy with Clarke "distracting her" and ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. If that isn't the most cliche thing I don't know what is.

We were led to believe that Clexa was endgame. Literally every Clarke / Lexa scene this season has had some kind of romantic undertone. Their relationship grew and developed, and both characters changed. And it's not even about Clexa as just a ship. It's about the fact that you have another tragic gay love story, even though we were made to believe that this wasn't going to end the same way the other gay ships usually do. We were wrong.

And for the record, I've both read all the books and watched the show. And those deaths are different. Each one is the result of some kind of consequence. Robb? He betrayed his bannerman and paid the price. Tywin? He fucked over Tyrion too many times. Ned? He was too trusting. Each one had a point. They were sad, yes, but there was REASONING behind them.
While how she died was arguably lame, what relationships (gay or straight) haven't ended in tragedy on this show? Basically every major character that's had a SO has seen them die. It's been a plot / motivation prime mover throughout the series.
While how she died was arguably lame, what relationships (gay or straight) haven't ended in tragedy on this show? Basically every major character that's had a SO has seen them die. It's been a plot / motivation prime mover throughout the series.

It's been mentioned a lot, but it's more about the how and the when that's the issue, not about her dying.


While how she died was arguably lame, what relationships (gay or straight) haven't ended in tragedy on this show? Basically every major character that's had a SO has seen them die. It's been a plot / motivation prime mover throughout the series.

Well, there is Nathan and his boyfriend. That is it.


- THR: 'Xena' Writer Opens Up About Reboot's Approach to Sexuality Amid 'The 100' Backlash.
Grillo-Marxauch has since engaged with fans on his own blog, reposting upset outbursts without comment, and directly responding to others who have expressed their sorrow, rage, frustration and confusion. The writer, who does not plan to return to The 100 for the show's recently renewed fourth season ("It's time for me to go develop a show I can run, beginning with Xena," he writes), has offered insight into how he views the Lexa death, believing that "she dies a hero because she believed in peace and was steering her people on an unpopular, but necessary course to evolve their society." He concedes that while this was his intention, "the message has not necessarily been clear."


The death being a carbon copy of Tara from Buffy is a big, real issue - that specific context is unexcusably dumb because everyone in that writing staff knew the issue and they went and did it anyway.

There are plenty of ways you can get to the endpoint (death by advisor using a weapon he's not trained to handle) that aren't going to be flashbacks to bait/switch of "LOOK SHES IN THE CREDITS/oops she dead now LOL"
The death being a carbon copy of Tara from Buffy is a big, real issue - that specific context is unexcusably dumb because everyone in that writing staff knew the issue and they went and did it anyway.

There are plenty of ways you can get to the endpoint (death by advisor using a weapon he's not trained to handle) that aren't going to be flashbacks to bait/switch of "LOOK SHES IN THE CREDITS/oops she dead now LOL"

The fact that it's a copy of Tara is just scratching the surface of what makes it a problem. But...I've already discussed it.

For now I'll just say "I fucking agree with you 100%."


It's an AI that focuses on human needs, and calculates all of the possible courses of action and then transmits them to the user based on those needs. Both the AI and its host essentially work together to further society.

All of the memories of each previous host is in the AI, and is transferred to the new host upon their death. In Grounder culture, this is the "spirit of the Commander".

At the end of the day, the host is still their own person, they just have...an extra helping hand, so to speak.

Thanks. Hmm, so they have memories but mainly just better learning, not oh the first commander came from space because she would have brought that up right ?
Please use spoiler tags if you're going to discuss events from future episodes and information divulged in previews, interviews, set photos, and the like. I don't have time to go through and individually clean up every post, so I just went Alie-style and deleted them. Thanks.


Spoilers are the worst but I don't think any thing was spoiled because it can all be conjectured from the episodes we have watched so far.

I mean it all relates to this post:-
Ok I'm putting this all in spoilers because it has season finale mentions, but it's regarding the above discussion.

The fact Jason, the show runner, invited fans to come watch them film the finale which had Clarke and Lexa together on set. They were hugging, fighting together, etc. which in turn leads you to believe that they will make it to the end. Showing Lexa and Clarke get together

We know dead people show up in CoL.
We know Lexa is dead and had the chip in her.

I'm going to spoiler tag this just incase but is this what that person was upset with?
This all = Lexa showing up in CoL with Clarke the protagonist of 100.

Is this subject area a no go area? not being able to talk about that is pretty crazy. Even If i did not read what Somnia posted in spoiler tags, it was still my initial fandom theory, in fact its what I thought last week and I only saw Somnia spoiler tag post today and posted in response today about it relating to another issues.

Its so basic, its why I never spoiler tagged anything I mentioned because any one with a brain can come to that conclusion. I'm actually lost for words but fine, it shall remain spoiler tagged.


What? You see this post between Somnia and MisterFalcon its spoiler tagged does not seem like its from what your now referring to "leaked shit from an unaired episode"

Are you imagining this leaked unaired episode? or is that for real.

I have to ask bluntly because people are acting not like people or what we've got here is failure to communicate.

k I'm putting this all in spoilers because it has season finale mentions

From that post, I mentioned what I was talking about is from the season finale.


@Sanjay: Just as another example. I was near-positive Lexa would die this season. That was my theory. It seemed like common sense to me. That doesn't mean I want to know where or when she would die. So say I knew she was going to die before it happened. Could I just mention it in here before it happened. I mean I had plenty of reason to speculate it would happen? By your logic, why not?

And just because what you spoiled seems like common sense, doesn't mean it will happen. And I had no guarantee that
the actress portraying Lexa would be back on the show given her other commitments.
So yeah that feels like a spoiler to me. No it isn't a huge deal, but these are the rules. If you are basing something off future episode stuff which people were, you have to spoiler tag it.

And stop acting like you were just speculating. You straight up told me it was from a leaked thing and told me what episode it was happening. Then you doubled down and started mentioning characters that died on other shows this year which was just pointless. So yeah, you messed up. Not sure why you are still on about this. Just own up to your mistake and move on.


Please use spoiler tags if you're going to discuss events from future episodes and information divulged in previews, interviews, set photos, and the like. I don't have time to go through and individually clean up every post, so I just went Alie-style and deleted them. Thanks.
Should have been a ModBot post.


@Sanjay: Just as another example. I was near-positive Lexa would die this season. That was my theory. It seemed like common sense to me. That doesn't mean I want to know where or when she would die. So say I knew she was going to die before it happened. Could I just mention it in here before it happened. I mean I had plenty of reason to speculate it would happen? By your logic, why not?

Of course your within your right to have theorized Lexas death here, why not? its a theory that might end up being right or wrong.

to give you an example, I think
Marcus Kane will not die
, its what I believe, reasons because it will be the breaking point for
Bellamy Blake
to come back away from the
dark side

Another example is
Bellamy Blake
will give his life to save something important, because the stuff done theirs no coming back from.

Only one of these things can happen I think, I don't see both happening and if they did, DAMN.

I spoiler tagged this in case, but I don't even know why but I did for your safety.

And just because what you spoiled seems like common sense, doesn't mean it will happen.

I totally agree with you, we still don''t know what will happen as it is still all conjecture.

And I had no guarantee that
the actress portraying Lexa would be back on the show given her other commitments.
So yeah that feels like a spoiler to me.

Is that above really a spoiler?

Then you doubled down and started mentioning characters that died on other shows this year which was just pointless.

Doubled down to a conversation I was not having with you? I mentioned character relationships that were LGBTQ that have NOT DIED. And that was a conversation I was having with Somnia in response to him not being able to make a big enough list. I even just named shows and not characters names for important reveals too for that list.

But from this I will just not read other peoples spoiler tags, that way everything I type is of pure heart and cant mix shit up by mistake no matter how simple things seem to be.


Of course your within your right to have theorized Lexas death here, why not? its a theory that might end up being right or wrong.

to give you an example, I think
Marcus Kane will not die
, its what I believe, reasons because it will be the breaking point for
Bellamy Blake
to come back away from the
dark side

Another example is
Bellamy Blake
will give his life to save something important, because the stuff done theirs no coming back from.

Only one of these things can happen I think, I don't see both happening and if they did, DAMN.

I spoiler tagged this in case, but I don't even know why but I did for your safety.

I totally agree with you, we still don''t know what will happen as it is still all conjecture.

Is that above really a spoiler?

Doubled down to a conversation I was not having with you? I mentioned character relationships that were LGBTQ that have NOT DIED. And that was a conversation I was having with Somnia in response to him not being able to make a big enough list. I even just named shows and not characters names for important reveals too for that list.

But from this I will just not read other peoples spoiler tags, that way everything I type is of pure heart and cant mix shit up by mistake no matter how simple things seem to be.

Ugh. Come on man. You knew what I meant. To clarify I meant hypothetically if I knew Lexa was going to die from leaked info. And I said I knew because of the leak before it happened, people would be upset I spoiled something. It wouldn't matter if I had theorized it beforehand. I don't understand how you can't see the difference between that and just speculation. And you admitted you knew about the leak for this. Even if I expected it to happen, you confirmed it and then told me when it would happen. These are spoilers. Honestly I didn't look into it any further because I don't want to know about it. I just saw people discussing a scene that didn't happen in the show yet. Then you said it was from the finale. That is the kind of thing you put behind spoiler tags. Is it that hard?

I'm aware of the conversation you were having, but you mentioned characters that died on two 2016 shows in response to a link or something. It was separate from your other list. It just seemed like a weird thing to do in a different show's thread to me.

It is not like I am super mad about the spoiler thing. It happens. I don't like it, but it happens. But I spoke up because I thought that stuff should be spoiler tagged. Because that is how it works in every TV-GAF thread as far as I know. And I think that is how it worked in here for this whole thread so far. I'm mad now because you decided to be a jerk about the whole thing and continue to be.


Can we move on from the spoiler talk please? Cornballer took care of the problem that we created and most of us have admitted to messing up, it's time to move on and get this thread back on track.

I just listened to this weeks The Dropship podcast and they discussed how episode 3.07 and 3.08 felt like they should have been edited together to form a 2 parter and I agree. If they would have had the blockade announcement in episode 1, stuff going on at the Ark with Kane, ended the episode with the love scene and then Sinclair telling Lincoln "it's a go" in the jail that would have been good for 3.07.

3.08 would still have been more Ark focused, but they could have had the Octavia/Indra stuff in that one, the post discussion in bed with Clarke/Lexa and then ended it with Kane's speech to Pike and then the death scene + reveal of the AI. They could have mixed the flash back scenes with Becca between both episodes.

I just think this would have been overall better storytelling and would have separated the love scene from the death scene by an entire episode. There would still have been anger, but not nearly what it has been. It also would have brought the Ark story plus Polis's story together better, there's a lot of parallels happening with the story and it felt too separated with how it was done being separate episodes.

The issue here and they discuss it, is probably contract's. Alycia most likely got a 7 episode contract for the show from AMC's negotiations and they couldn't have done this as it would have put her in 8 episodes. Potentially the same with Pike, Harper, etc. those who are not "full time" cast members. Contracts in TV land suck sometimes :(


I wonder if they knew they had a break after 8, or if it was either after 7 or 8. Both episodes are really written as 'break' episodes that leave you wondering for a couple of weeks.


It won't last, the premiere rating was very inflated compared to typical weeks.

This is including DVR, which is typically giving The 100 a .4 to .5 gain in ratings every week just as an FYI. Yes its premier was inflated, but it's still pulling in between a .9 and 1.0 with DVR ratings which is an increase over last season, which is what this chart is stating.

This chart does not include online viewing like Hulu, etc.
Listen as long as it ends with Clarke living a long and happy life and then peacefully dying and then meeting Lexa again I don't give a fuck about how many seasons they do.
shut up that's not true she's gonna be Heda :(

I wish! Spoilers from the writers:
It seems unlikely though since they confirmed the black shit in their blood is done over generations, and can't be injected and used instantly.

But yeah, I can't see how anyone could really trust Bellamy to lead now. But hey, this is the group of morons who voted Pike in.


I wish! Spoilers from the writers:
It seems unlikely though since they confirmed the black shit in their blood is done over generations, and can't be injected and used instantly.

But yeah, I can't see how anyone could really trust Bellamy to lead now. But hey, this is the group of morons who voted Pike in.

Or... (all speculation on my part, but putting in spoilers)

All of the current nightbloods are killed off, by the end of the season Allie and the 2nd AI become merged and then destroyed and Wanheda becames the first Heda of the Grounders w/o the Spirit with Titus helping her ascend to the position.

Bellamy's gonna pull a Clarke and vanish into the woods

Hopefully that gorilla gets to him

Maybe the gorilla will get Bellamy and Pike when they are running from Clarke, Octavia and the Grounders lol


This is including DVR, which is typically giving The 100 a .4 to .5 gain in ratings every week just as an FYI. Yes its premier was inflated, but it's still pulling in between a .9 and 1.0 with DVR ratings which is an increase over last season, which is what this chart is stating.
That is more difficult to identify year on year, but let's say I'd like to see that chart revisited when the first episode effect is lesser. There are quite a couple of L+7 rating notices where it doesn't grow the 65% required to chart in the top 25.


That is more difficult to identify year on year, but let's say I'd like to see that chart revisited when the first episode effect is lesser. There are quite a couple of L+7 rating notices where it doesn't grow the 65% required to chart in the top 25.

I'm not disputing that the first episode's jump didn't help it, but let's not downplay that RIGHT NOW it's actually UP over last year unlike the vast majority of shows on television. That's a good thing, if it'll hold who knows, but as of right now it is.


Sweeps is the reason.
I know, just seems so outdated, especially when there are shows like iZombie that will certainly end before May Sweeps and shows like Reign that they won't air then anyway, so they should air them now to fill the gap.
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