Niylah is played by Det. Bozzio from iZombie. It dawned on me halfway through the last episode. As soon as I realized that I was hoping they would take her along with them.
Oh wow, they look very different. I hadn't noticed.
Niylah is played by Det. Bozzio from iZombie. It dawned on me halfway through the last episode. As soon as I realized that I was hoping they would take her along with them.
There are strong female characters. Must be feminist! I think some people think like that.
I don't get the chance to participate in this thread often but can I just say, Murphy's been treated like shit all season and deserves better. I hated the guy back in Season 1 but he has grown on me since then. He's probably my favorite.
Yeah Murphy was a dick in the first season. Then the next two seasons gets beat over and over again. Yet Bellamy does even worse shit but gets forgiven over and over again.
He hasn't been especially shit on this season. He seems to have some wins this year. He has seen one of his friends, he got to have sex with two nice girls, ... And I mean messing up with Murphy is a running gag.
Being trapped in a lighthouse for months in-between seasons. Continued to be dragged by Jaha for a bit before just barely escaping the city of light shit, getting captured and tortured by the flamekeeper, getting left behind by Clark with not so much as a warning after not leaving her when he wanted to several times, being forced to be the new flamekeeper to a woman whom just murdered a bunch a children, and being pretty much raped by said woman (No one can convince me that scene wasn't rapey). just sayin', Murphy deserves better.
Regarding the last part, sure it might have been rapey, but you could tell Murphy didn't really care (not that he had a choice, but the entire line of "what I do to survive" was meant as a laugh cause he didn't mind banging her).
So is "The 100" really about how many times Clarke has to apologize for her genocidal tendencies every season?
Lol. Okay. Rape is rape. He said no. She threatens him, he complies. Hell I wouldn't be surprised if he was a submissive. I really wouldn't. Doesn't make a difference and isn't my point. I just didn't appreciate the scene. I'm okay with Rape on tv but it always depends on a lot of things. If it's trivialized, it's not something I am okay with and this was very trivialized. Just because Murphy's a guy. I know being shitted on is his running gag, but it didn't have to progress that far. I was laughing up til then and was even rooting on Murphy and Ontari to get some.
Portraying it as part of him enjoying it, does make it a stronger amibigious scene. Because that is very much the reality where rape is dismissed as not being rape because 'she enjoyed it'. Going for that could work depending on their follow-up to it. At the same time, it might be a Game of Thrones like situation where they simply failed to communicate how the scene should have gone.
Clark's emotional state can be summarised as ¯\_(ツSo is "The 100" really about how many times Clarke has to apologize for her genocidal tendencies every season?
Wrongfully or rightfully dismissed? I'm not sure I understand what you're trying to say exactly. Perhaps it could be ambiguous and a follow-up could be done to make it clearer. For now, I feel justified in feeling the way I do, but I'll agree with you that the follow up could make a huge difference. As of now, I'm still highly not a fan and surprised there's not more of a response from viewers. I'm not trying to be 'outraged' either. I'm not. Just didn't feel it.
The only thing that bothered me about the latest episode (which, dare I say, could be the best of the season thanks to Lindsey Morgan's terrific acting) is that Monty couldn't stop his mom despite shooting her in the shoulder, which would have incapacitated her arm right there and then. TV gotta TV, I guess.
He was basically in prison for the season and then was taken out and shot. As a main character he was pretty quickly sidelined and then removed.Ricky's issue wasn't with how he died. His issue was storylines for his character were getting cut and he was being used less and less.
It's a bullet wound. It literally tears muscle and bone. Even with proper medical care, her arm would be useless for weeks and barely usable after that. It's less about pain and more about tissue damage.Think its due to AI powers, there was that tanky man servant that Emori and Murphy had to kill earlier that was also a pain to stop.
But yeah great episode, cept for the all the main pain Clarke had to apologise for and the instant Bellamy forgiveness.
Loved the two Lexa reactions from Clarke, especially the second, hopefully points to more grieving from her on this.
Meh, Lincoln was never interesting and didn't really do anything of note in season two when he should've died.
- Promo for this week's episode.Season 3: episode 12 "Demons"
Jaha returns to Polis, and Murphy has a surprise encounter. Meanwhile, Octavia uncovers a clue.
I've been waiting for this moment forever hahahah.Clarke's hair is clean. The angels are singing.
This episode is kinda dumb
Yeah, I'm liking this episode too. There's just a lot going on at the same time.
Edit: Gotdamn. Brutal way to go.
"I was shocked," Larkin said of the first time he read episode 16. "I was tipped off to certain things that would happen in the finale before reading it, so I was a little prepped, [but] they were devastating. They were devastating, and not just for my character, just all around."
"I remember I was about to go to diner and I got a couple of phone calls and felt sick to my stomach and couldn't eat dinner," Larkin recounted. "So that's what's coming up. That's the most elusive way I can answer that question."
So still not worth coming back toThis episode so far:
-Octavia sucking it up because....reasons, I guess?
-Emerson is back because none of this makes sense anymore
-Raven loses her father figure because SHE MUST SUFFER
-Clarke pining after Lexa, meanwhile I'm sitting here eating fries and crying
-Bellamy is useless
-Bellarke had a moment for like .02 seconds, supporters are probably off drooling somewhere
-Murphy is an idiot
-Clarke continues to blame herself, Bellamy basically goes "shit u right wanna bang tho"
So still not worth coming back to
How did Emerson conveniently know where the secret cave was?